Sky War God

Chapter 3096: The strength of Qiankunnan

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For the first time, Qiankunnan descended into Yan Mozong, and he arrived with a strong posture, which made Yan Mozong's many powerhouses a somewhat unbelievable expression.

No one thought that Qian Kun Nan was so arrogant that he dared to come to them to provoke Yan Mozong.

Yan Mochao, as the first arrogant figure of Yan Mozong, was once a young figure at the same level as Qian Kun Nan. The strength of the two is almost equal.

Seeing Qiankun man so arrogant and arrogant, Yan Mo supernaturally felt resentful.

The first one flew up and tried to start a battle with Qian Kun Nan. Qiankun Man is very disdainful of Yan Mochao.

The other party provokes him so arrogantly, he will naturally make the other party pay the price.

The battle between the two began, and Yan Mochao also broke through to the Heavenly Emperor Realm in the recent period.

This also makes many people think that such a battle will be a peak showdown.

Unexpectedly, when the battle had just begun, Qiankun Man used his great magical powers, and a terrifying evil aura exploded on his body.

The power of this breath is super powerful, and the terrifying palm prints released can destroy all existence.

With Yan Mochao's body directly like this, an unbelievable look appeared on Yan Mochao's face.

He would never have imagined that after he advanced to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he would still be so vulnerable to the Universe Man.

Qiankun Nan was very disdainful, using a palm print to directly abolish Yan Mochao's cultivation base, making Yan Mochao completely a waste.

Yan Mozong's many powerful men were resentful, and many top figures flew forward to fight Qian Kun Nan.

However, the ending of the battle is very similar. Facing the powerful strength of Qiankun Male, Yan Mozong's powerhouses can hardly compete with him.

One by one was killed by Qiankun Nan's powerful punishment, blood swayed in the void, no one was Qiankun Nan's opponent!

This scene shocked everyone, and an unbelievable look appeared on their faces.

The Sect Master Yan Mozong naturally did not expect such a thing to happen. As the Sect Master, he would naturally not let Qiankun Nan come to his Yan Mozong arrogant.

His body flew up, and the first time he fought with Qiankun Nan, the cultivation base of Sect Master Yan Mozong reached the middle stage of the Emperor of Heaven.

In the entire central empire, they belonged to very powerful top and powerful experts, and the strength he could display was naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

The terrifying magical power burst out, Norway swept the world, the big palm prints of the magical road covered everything, and he patted the body of Qiankun madly.

And Qiankun Man, he didn't care at all, how powerful the attack power released by Sect Master Yan Mozong was.

In front of Qian Kun Nan, it was still not worth mentioning, and he easily dodged the attack of Sect Master Yan Mozong.

His body was wrapped in a burst of evil, as if nothing in the space could harm him.

This made Sect Master Yan Mo's face a somewhat unexpected expression. His attack speed is very fast and his power is terrifying.

It is difficult for people of the same realm to dodge his attack, not to mention juniors like Qian Kun Nan.

However, at this moment, Qian Kunnan easily dodged his attack, causing Yan Mozong's expression to reveal a strong surprise.

Almost at the same time, Qiankunnan condensed a large-scale destruction palm print, this large-scale destruction palm print obscures the sky, and comes with the power to destroy everything.

Sect Master Yan Mozong showed a bit of astonishment on his face, and he immediately felt the power of this palm print.

He desperately released his attack and resistance, and even mobilized all the potential in his body.

Attempt to stop this attack. It's just that the moment the two attacks really collided.

Sect Master Yan Mozong felt an irresistible force. This force was so powerful that his body trembled crazily, and the evil aura enveloped his body.

It made his footsteps retreat one after another at this moment, and his complexion became a little pale.

Sect Master Yan Mozong, as the top mighty power of the Central Empire, was easily shaken back by a junior of Qian Kun Nan, and he was naturally unwilling in his heart.

Desperately trying to suppress Qiankun Nan. The attack power he released became more and more violent.

It's just that none of this is of any use anymore, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Qiankun's mouth.

He madly released his terrifying attack, his attack obscured the sky, and did not give Sect Master Yan Mo a chance to evade.

Sect Master Yan Mozong was forced to retreat one after another by Qian Kun Nan's attack, and his breath was very floating.

And all this was just the beginning, and then, the attacking power displayed by Qiankun Nan became more and more violent.

Every attack can put the strongest pressure on Sect Master Yan Mo, making the opponent unbearable.

Before long, under the powerful offensive of Qian Kun Nan, Sect Master Yan Mozong's body was shaken back for a while, blood rolled on his chest, blood spit out in his mouth, his face pale as paper.

Many people's hearts trembled, and no one thought that the Qiankun man today had grown to this point. This is absolutely an incredible thing for them.

Although Qiankun Nan is a top talented person with extraordinary talent and extraordinary combat power, he is only in the same realm.

Compared with the real top talent, it is still a lot worse. Under normal circumstances, Sect Master Yan Mo should be able to easily suppress Qiankun Nan.

However, at this moment, the situation on the scene is developing in the opposite direction. Qian Kun Nan is no longer the top arrogant figure, but has completed the transformation in a short period of time, just in the rise and the Central Empire.

Even Sect Master Yan Mozong is not his opponent.

"I, I am willing to surrender to you!"

Facing the more and more violent attacks from Qiankun Nan, Sect Master Yan Mo could no longer hold on. In this case, he could only choose to surrender to Qiankun Nan.

However, just after his words fell, he heard a sneer from the corner of Qiankun’s mouth, his eyes were so contemptuous, and he said directly to Sect Master Yan Mo: "I have given you this opportunity before, but you I don’t know how to cherish. Now, even if you die in my hands, you can only blame yourself for taking the blame!"

After saying these words, Qian Kunnan condensed a more terrifying destruction attack, this destruction attack was as powerful as the earth and earth.

It was able to destroy all existence in a short time and descended in front of the body of Sect Master Yan Mo at an extremely fast speed.

Sect Master Yan Mozong looked shocked, and he didn't seem to expect that Qian Kun Nan would not give him a chance to release his attack and resistance desperately.

But he was already at the end of the crossbow, facing the attack of Qian Kun Nan, he could no longer compete with the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion and wanted to withdraw, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Sect Master Yan Mozong made a screaming scream, his body was wrapped in that destructive force, and he could no longer hold on, his body was blown out like a cannonball, and it slammed into someone not far away. Above the palace.

The palace collapsed and destroyed immediately, turning into boulders and rubble scattered on the ground.

Sect Master Yan Mo's body shook wildly, his body was wrapped in destructive power, and the destructive power penetrated deep into his bone marrow and invaded his major organs.

As a result, those viscera collapsed and destroyed immediately, turning into scum and pieces of meat, and the expression of the Yan Mozong lord revealed despair.

Before that, he would never have dreamed that one day, his life would be ended in this way.

Ended by a young figure he never looked down upon!

Not only him, but also the people who were onlookers, who were completely stunned by what happened before them.

Each body was petrified in place, with an unbelievable face.

"This is the end of the arrogant man with me!"

Qiankun Man stood with his hand holding his hand, and said as he watched the Sect Master Yan Mo who slowly fell.

This sentence was filled with endless indifference, making everyone present feel a bit of ice, and their bodies trembled.

At this moment, the powerhouses in the entire space did not even dare to breathe for a moment, and they all felt the horror from Qian Kun.

The opponent is no longer the youth junior, but has grown into a terrifying figure who can easily kill the powerful and powerful person of Yan Mozong's level.

Although they didn't know how the other party did all this in a short period of time, everything that happened in front of them really appeared in front of them.

"The strong rise of Qiankun Nan, is it possible that he wants to occupy the entire central area of ​​the central imperial capital?"

In the presence, a strong man suddenly said so, and this sentence made the expressions of everyone present stunned.

My heart trembled fiercely.

Occupying the entire central area of ​​the central imperial capital is something they dare not even think about. Is it really impossible for them to do it?

And all this is really as they imagined, Qian Kun male disdain to take action against the others of Yan Mozong, but flew directly away from here.

Next, he once again announced to the entire central imperial capital's central area that all the helms of all forces would come to meet with him by their Qiankun Shengjiao.

Show him absolute loyalty, if not, you will have to face the same ending as the Sect Master Yan Mo.

This news immediately spread throughout the central area of ​​the central imperial capital, which shocked many people.

Especially the people at the helm of the forces in the central area of ​​the central imperial capital, their faces are extremely ugly.

They have spent endless years in the central imperial capital, controlling the top power of a party, no one dares to provoke them like this.

Therefore, after Qian Kun Nan released this news, someone immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

I don't want to let a junior at the mercy of this, including the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect and the Master of Yin Yang Gate.

Later, Palace Master Nebula also joined the two people. After all, in terms of strength, Nebula Palace should be the most powerful sect power in the entire Central Empire.

How can they just surrender to a junior like Qian Kun Nan.

The helms of the three top powers gathered together for the first time to discuss countermeasures.

"I heard that Qiankunnan's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds and has already killed many people. Sect Master Yan Mo was not spared. I don't know what kind of opportunity he got. Why did he improve in a short time?"

The master of Yin Yang Gate said with a gloomy look.

"It has changed, everything has changed. Today's Central Empire seems to be different, but no matter what opportunity he gets, it is impossible for us to make top forces surrender to him."

The explosive muscles on the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect were still strong, and he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"The three of me are combined together, no matter how strong his strength is, how could he be the opponent of the three of us, as long as he dares to come, the three of me can kill it!"

Palace Master Xingyun said with gleaming eyes, before, he also entered the underground palace together.

However, they entered at the entrance of the Nebula Palace, and did not reach the terrifying palace where His Majesty the Emperor was.

After searching for Ye Feng in the underground palace area to no avail, Palace Master Nebula led the strong among his sects out of the underground palace.

It's just that they had just walked out of the underground palace and heard the news of Qian Kun Nan's strong rise in the central area of ​​the central imperial capital.

After hearing this series of news, Palace Master Nebula couldn't believe it, but after repeated verifications, he had to believe this.

He was also extremely surprised and shocked by Qian Kun Nan's growth. Before that, when they were chasing and killing Ye Feng.

Qian Kun Nan didn't feel anything unusual. He only went to the underground palace once, and his convenience changed.

This had to make Palace Master Xingyun wonder whether Qiankun Nan was able to grow up quickly after getting some chance in the underground palace.

"Palace Master Nebula is right, no matter how strong Qiankun Man is, it is still not worth mentioning in front of the three of us."

The sect master of Yin Yang Gate said with a confident expression on his face.

The three of them are all top mid-level experts, so how can they care about a junior in Qiankun Man?

"You guys, what are you talking about here?"

However, just as these three top powerhouses gathered to discuss countermeasures, they heard a voice in the emptiness.

Immediately attracted their gazes, they saw that there was a space door open in that prescription position.

In the door of space, a figure walked out, and this figure was surrounded by a tyrannical aura, giving people an indescribable sense of depression.

This person was indeed the Qiankun man they had been talking about before.

Qiankun Nan appeared in front of the three of them silently, which made them all very surprised. In any case, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, I didn't expect you to come to die in such a hurry!"

Savage Saint Sect Sect Master spoke coldly to Qian Kun Nan.

Today they have twisted into a rope, facing foreign enemies together.


It's just that the words of the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect had just fallen, but he heard such a sneer sound from Qiankun's south mouth, which sounded a bit gloomy and made people feel creepy.

Those pupils filled with evil aura couldn't help but looked towards the direction where the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect was, and said: "The one who can send me to death has not been born in this world, because the three have no such ability. Take it to death!"

After saying this, he saw Qian Kun Nan's arm wave, and strange power rose from his palm.

That wave of power was filled with extremely terrifying power, gathered in his palm, making his leader even more violent.

For the first time, he madly patted the direction of the body of the wild saint sect master.

The aura contained in this palm print made the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect clearly feel the difference.

There seemed to be an irresistible force surging in it.

However, as the top powerhouse, the Sect Master of the Wild Saint has his own majesty.

How powerful he is, facing an attack from a former junior, he will naturally not just sit back and wait for death.

The breath of his body was condensed for the first time, and the wild power enveloped a space, making his breath become more and more violent.

Then the crazy attack on Qiankun Nan also released a destructive fist.

The power contained in this destructive fist is simply beyond imagination, and one punch can destroy all existence.

In the blink of an eye, the fists of the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect collided with the destruction attack released by the Universe Gentleman.

The astonishing sound of shock blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

A touch of firmness appeared on the face of the Savage Saint Sect Sect Master, desperately blooming with the destructive power belonging to his body.

The destructive power he released was indeed strong enough, but the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect still underestimated the strength of Qian Kun Nan.

The evil aura contained in Qian Kun Nan's attack could swallow all existence.

It made his whole body tremble crazily, and the evil aura continuously poured into his body, causing his body to tremble, and his footsteps also retreated at this moment.

The eyes of the yin and yang gate master and the palace master of the palace nebula shone sharply.

At the same time, he began to release his breath, trying to attack Qiankun Nan.

As the top and powerful, they have quite rich combat experience. They release their breath together, launching attacks on Qiankunnan from the left and right.

The power of the stars on the palace lord of the Nebula Palace shone, and the light of the stars enveloped everything. In a short period of time, the formation of the attribute power gathered into the strongest killing power, and madly swallowed towards the body of Qian Kun Nan.

The master of the yin and yang gate bursts out the breath of his body, and the yin and yang breath is strong to the extreme.

There seemed to be endless resentful spirits emerging from the void, and every resentful spirit contained extremely terrifying killing power.

Crazyly swallowing the body of Qiankun Nan, the two powerful men released their attacks together, capable of crushing all existence.

That wave of destructive force tried to completely cover the body of Qiankun Nan.

However, Qiankun Nan didn't care much, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The footsteps stepped out to one side for the first time, and his body was enveloped by the evil aura, making his body seem to be beyond the distance of this space.

No matter how powerful the opponent's attack is, you can't hurt his body.

But the attack he released has exceeded the imagination of Palace Master Nebula, the master of Yin Yang Gate.

A large palm print of destroying evil madly blasted towards the body of the master of the Yin Yang gate, the master of the Yin Yang gate looked ugly.

Feeling the power contained in this palm print, I desperately released the power of Yin and Yang that I had comprehended.

Endless resentful spirits emerged from the void, swallowing everything in a short time.

However, his attack appeared extremely fragile under the palm of Qian Kun Nan.

I was suppressed in a short time, I only felt my body trembled crazily, my steps were shaken back one after another at this moment, and my body breathed crazily.

His chest stood upright and a mouthful of blood almost vomited out, his face was extremely pale.

Almost at the same time, the male Qiankun stepped forward again, and a stronger breath burst out.

His evil aura made his whole body shake.

The footsteps continue to move forward, and the destructive power contained in the palm prints is tyrannical to the extreme, once again blasting towards the opponent's body.

This made the sect master of Yin Yang Gate look very ugly, I don't know why Qian Kun Nan stared at him like this.

It was really unbearable for him.

On the other side, the palace lord of the Nebula Palace condensed a terrible big nebula palm print, and the light of the stars shined through all existence.

It can cover a space, and above the sky, the extremely terrifying light of stars blooms, the stars and celestial phenomena are constantly evolving, and the power of the stars destroys all existence.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an astonishing force of killing attributes, penetrating everything, and madly blasting towards Qian Kun Nan's body.

Qiankun Man was extremely disdainful, and mobilized the strongest power in his body.

The horrible breath formed a burst of light around him, and this burst of light seemed to be able to cover everything in the space, including his body, completely isolated.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of impact sounds, and every impact sound is extremely powerful, descending on the body of Qian Kun Nan, but the body of Qian Kun male did not even shake.

Still very calm!

And he is walking step by step towards the direction where the master of the Yin Yang Gate is.

This made the sect master of Yin and Yang gate look very ugly, unexpectedly Qian Kun Nan's physical defenses were so terrifying.

A terrifying big handprint madly blasted towards the main body of the Yin Yang gate.

The power contained in this big hand is super powerful and can cover everything. Let the body of the yin and yang gate master creak under pressure for the first time.

His footsteps kept retreating at this moment, his breath getting weaker and weaker, and his breath was oppressed by the opponent.

But he still didn't want to just sit and wait for death, and immediately released the attack and resistance.

It's just that his attack is under the horrible handprint of Qian Kun Nan, which is not worth mentioning.

Along with a shocking sound, the attack of the sect master of the Yin Yang Gate was brutally suppressed, and the destructive power contained in the Qian Kun Nan attack descended on his body.

He made a muffled humming sound in his mouth, his feet retreated one after another at this moment, wow a mouthful of blood came out, his complexion extremely pale.

Or all this is just the beginning, and then, the aura released from Qiankun Man's body is getting stronger and stronger.

Every attack can carry the failure to come and destroy everything, making the master of the Yin and Yang gate increasingly unable to contend with it.

I just felt my body trembling desperately, and that destructive force kept spreading toward his body.

It was really unbearable for him.

"What are you two still trying to do, don't come to save me!"

The master of the Yin and Yang gate roared at the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect and Palace Master of the Xingyun Palace.

The Sovereign Lord of the Wild Saint and Palace Master of the Palace Nebula looked ugly, and at this moment, they were powerless.

It is difficult for them to imagine how such a transformation could happen in such a short period of time as a junior in Qiankun.

The bursts of light shrouded in him seemed to be able to block everything in this space.

Even if it is their attack, you can't hurt the opponent's body.

This is simply a freak, a complete freak.

The two of them continued to release their attacks on Qian Kun Nan's body again, and the sound of shock kept resounding.

Qiankun Nan's body trembled only slightly, but he was not seriously injured, and he concentrated on releasing an attack on the master of Yin Yang Gate.

In this way, one by one, the yin and yang gate master became more and more passive, and it didn't take long for him to hear a horrible sound of shock.

A devastating attack from Qiankun Nan came on the body of the master of Yin Yang Gate without any barriers.

This caused a scream from the master of the Yin Yang Gate, and that destructive force kept spreading on his body.

While making his whole body tremble crazily, he was also directly flew out by the shocking force.

Destructive forces have penetrated into his heart, causing him to explode now.

The entire human body was completely destroyed!

This scene completely surpassed the imagination of those who came to watch.

The three top powerhouses together besieged Qiankun Nan, and the situation should have taken a one-sided form.

But never thought that Qiankun Nan's strength has long been different from what it used to be, even in the face of the siege of the three top powerhouses, he is still calm.

The two top figures of the Palace Master Nebula and the Sect Master Savage Sect were attacked, desperately madly slaying the master of Yin Yang Gate.

All of this is so shocking, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, everyone on the scene would definitely not dare to believe that all of this would be true.

"Trash, vulnerable!"

The male Qiankun sneered in his mouth, his eyes became more and more evil, and then he killed the master of the Yin and Yang gate.

His goal turned to the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect, who was not as strong as Palace Master Xingyun, and was injured before.

It was easier for him to suppress the opponent, and waves of destruction attacks bloomed like stormy waves, rushing towards the body of the Sect Master of the Wild Sect.

Let the savage saint sect master unable to compete with the opponent.

Palace Master Xingyun desperately released the attack, trying to intercept Qiankun Nan.

After all, if the Savage Saint Sect Sect Master was being killed, he would fight alone, and he would definitely not be able to compete with Qian Kun Nan.

However, Palace Master Nebula failed to do this.

Today's Qiankun man has another person's soul power inside his body, and no one knows how strong this person is.

He can continuously provide abilities for Qiankun Nan, so that Qiankun's strength can be increased.

Even facing the attack of two top powerhouses, they can still easily suppress the other side.

The Savage Saint Sect Master is known for attacking violently, but in the face of Qiankun Male, his advantage cannot be revealed at all.

The strength that Qiankun Nan can display is not what the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect can imagine.

Before long, under the attack of Qiankunnan like a storm, the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect was vomiting blood.

His complexion was extremely pale.

Qiankun Nan didn't stop his attacks, each attack became more and more violent, and it was able to destroy all existence in a short time.

It didn't take long for the Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect to withstand the attack of Qian Kun Nan, and his body was completely suppressed to death at this moment.

The huge body exploded and turned into scraps of meat!

This scene shocked everyone present, with an unbelievable look on their faces. The strength that Qiankun Male could show has completely exceeded all of their imaginations.

Palace Master Nebula was the same, with an unbelievable face, and an amazing light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, he was already aware of his lack of strength, and Qian Kun Nan was able to punish the two powerful masters of Yin Yang Gate and Sect Master of the Wild Saint Sect respectively under the condition of the three of them working together.

How can he compete with each other?

Thinking of this, Palace Master Nebula's body quickly fled away, daring not to stay any longer.

The opponent's strength is really too strong, and if he continues to stay, he will inevitably be killed.

Qian Kun Nan's expression was shining sharply, and naturally he didn't want the new employee Palace Master to escape so easily, and his big print of destruction was photographed.

The power contained in the palm prints was beyond imagination and terrifying, Palace Master Nebula was very embarrassed and fled quickly.

But his body was still hit by this palm print of Qian Kun Nan, and while his body trembled crazily, blood was vomiting out of his mouth.

The crowd's hearts trembled, and no one thought that Qiankun Man's strength would have reached this point.

Palace Master Xingyun looked very ugly, and in a hurry, he quickly took out something from his storage ring.

It was a teleportation symbol record, and the teleportation symbol record was quickly activated, and a burst of spatial light flashed out.

The light of space enveloped a world, completely enveloping his body, making Palace Master Nebula's body illusory.

Then a little bit disappeared into the sight of everyone present!

Qiankun male looked a little unwilling, he wanted to kill all these people in one but never thought that the other party still had such a hand.

This kind of teleportation record is very rare, not only the transmission speed is very fast, but the transmission distance is quite long.

If it was an ordinary teleportation talisman, Qiankun Nan would surely be able to punish the palace lord of Nebula Palace in the air.

Palace Master Nebula has always kept such a life-saving method, and he will truly display it only at the most critical moment.

And this time, he did use this teleportation talisman, if not, his life would stay here.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and there was a strong light of fear in the eyes of Qian Kun Nan.

At this moment, Qiankunnan is really like a murderous god, simply unmatched.

Even if the three top powerhouses join forces, he still kills two people one after another. With this level of strength, how many people in the entire Central Empire can do?

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It’s the last day at the end of the month, rushing to the flower list, brothers have the support of flowers, thank you.

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