Sky War God

Chapter 3078: Go first


   It's just that this idea was quickly dispelled by everyone present. Ye Feng is just a junior. Even if he has strong strength, how could he be the opponent of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse?

   The reason why he was able to intercept the opponent's attack must be with the help of some unknown force.

   The gaze of the Heavenly Emperor Realm expert also narrowed slightly, and he also didn't expect Ye Feng to be able to do this.

He looked at Ye Feng and said: "I really didn't expect you to be able to intercept an attack from this seat, but all of this is of little use to this seat. As long as this seat makes a move, you will definitely not be able to This seat contends, the next is your death date!"

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse feels very shameless, under normal circumstances. One of his feats can solve Ye Feng.

   Therefore, in the next attack, he can no longer make any mistakes. Ye Feng must be killed for this, to save his face.

   After all, there are so many people watching here.

   An astonishing terrorist attack was once again condensed. In order to solve Ye Feng for such an attack, this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse no longer releases virtual attacks.

   Instead, he condensed his palm prints, and at least three attribute powers were wrapped around his palm.

   The power of every attribute power is beyond imagination. If this attack falls on Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng's ending can be imagined.

   "This Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse seems to be serious. I want to see how this young man can contend with each other?"

   Someone spoke sarcastically for the first time, and looked at Ye Feng with a sneer.

   The rest is the same. In their opinion, Ye Feng's daring to contend with this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse is his biggest mistake in his life, which will lead to the end of his life.

   The opponent's attack soon came in front of Ye Feng's body, and the power contained in this attack was beyond imagination.

   However, Ye Feng flashed his figure at this moment. He released the space attribute power he had comprehended with the wind attribute power.

   made his figure speed become extremely swift, and immediately dodged towards one side.

   Although the opponent's attack speed is very fast, it still can't keep up with Ye Feng's body.

   At this moment, Ye Feng's body has appeared in other directions. This made this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse look stunned.

   It seems that he didn't expect Ye Feng's figure speed to be so fast, but he wouldn't let Ye Feng escape like this.

   At the first time, he tried to launch another terrible attack on Ye Feng, but his attack has not been released yet.

   Ye Feng's palm print has already been condensed, and he patted his body at an extremely fast speed.

   This palm print enveloped a space and came, and the power it carried was terrifying, and the space in front of this Heavenly Emperor realm powerhouse was completely enveloped in it for the first time.

   made this heavenly emperor realm powerhouse feel the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

   A bit of shock appeared on his face, as if he had found a familiar feeling in this attack from Ye Feng.

   "Is it possible? Is this young man a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm?"

   This kind of thought suddenly appeared in the heart of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse. When Ye Feng released the attack, he deliberately shielded his cultivation realm.

   Therefore, the other party was just guessing. As for Ye Feng's true strength, he still could not really probe.

   And Ye Feng's attack speed was indeed too fast, and he reached his body in the blink of an eye.

   This made this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse have to release his own attacks to contend with Ye Feng.

   With this attack, he almost mobilized all the strongest power in himself, not giving Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

   tried to use such an attack to suppress Ye Feng.

   However, due to his lack of preparation in time, his attacking power did not release his strongest ability.

   Within a short period of time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion all over the world, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

   The attacks of the two collided instantly, but the ending was different from what everyone had imagined.

   Although the strength of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse is indeed terrifying enough, compared to Ye Feng, he is still a bit worse.

   Especially when he was not prepared in time, the attack he released was suppressed by Ye Feng, and his whole body trembled crazily, and his steps were shaken back one after another at this moment.

   The blood on the chest rolled over, as if it might spurt out like this at any time.

   There was a somewhat unbelievable expression on the face of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, what kind of identity he was, in his opinion, the feat he released should not be something Ye Feng could resist.

   But at this moment, when he collided with Ye Feng's attack, he felt an irresistible force.

   This makes his eyes extremely ugly.

   Many people at the scene also noticed this, with the same look of surprise. In their eyes, Ye Feng is just an arrogant young junior.

   Compared with this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, there is a big gap, but I never thought that something like this would happen.

   "Just your strength, also worthy of my arrogance?"

   Ye Feng spoke to the strong man of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, with irony in his words.

   The Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse was furious, and was so ironic by Ye Feng in front of everyone present, he naturally couldn't bear it any longer.

   There was a strong coldness in his eyes, he looked at Ye Feng, and said: "I underestimated your strength before, but it doesn't mean that you will be your opponent. Next, your death date!"

   After speaking, this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse released his strongest power.

   A wave of coercion broke out, terrible pressure swept across the world, and the three attribute forces were released together.

  Gold, wood, and water, the three attribute powers have reached a strong state, and they can burst out at will to make this space all*.

   Then he saw a palm print burst out. The power contained in the palm print could destroy all existence.

   In the blink of an eye, he blasted towards Ye Feng's body frantically. This attack was a combination of three attribute powers, and the power on the left was naturally beyond everyone's imagination.

   It's just that Ye Feng doesn't seem to care about all this.

   took a step forward for the first time, and his body also burst out of various attribute powers.

   made his body also become extremely violent, and the attribute power level he comprehended was obviously much stronger than the powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm in front of him.

   A bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, but he would not give up, and would completely suppress Ye Feng.

   once again instilled a destructive force into his own attack.


   Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a terrifying concussion sound through, and the destructive power was madly released.

   The body of the strong celestial emperor was trembling crazily, with a strong madness on his face, trying to use his achievements to crush Ye Feng.

   It's just that the moment the two attacked really collided together. The expression of this Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse was completely frozen in place.

   His face became ugly little by little, and his eyes sparkled with incredible sheen.

   He only felt an astonishing force pouring into his body madly. It made his body tremble involuntarily.

   That destructive force is constantly surging crazily towards the inside of his body, even his attacks can't compete with Ye Feng's destructive power.

   This caused the bone tissue cells inside his body to be extremely severely hit.

   His eyes looked at Ye Feng, and he asked with an unbelievable look: "How is it possible, how can you be so strong?"

   Until this moment, he couldn't believe all of this. In his opinion, as long as he released an attack, Ye Feng would not be able to compete with him.

   But unexpectedly, Ye Feng can show the strength. It was not what he could imagine.

   At this moment, he felt an irresistible force.

   The whole body trembled desperately, and his face became ugly.

   "The blame can only be blamed on the frog at the bottom of your well, but you can't blame others!"

   Ye Feng said with a sneer. After saying this, everyone present saw the destructive power released by Ye Feng burst to the extreme.

   shows an astonishing power of destruction, which can cover everything.

   immediately wrapped the body of this mighty power in the emperor realm, and the body of this mighty power in the celestial emperor shook wildly.

   The whole person's body couldn't hold on anymore, and was directly shocked by Ye Feng's attack.

   When he fell to the ground, blood was spit out from his mouth, his face was extremely pale.

   He thought he had comprehended the three attribute powers, and the three attribute powers burst out together, and Ye Feng would definitely be unable to compete with them.

   But never thought that the attribute power that Ye Feng understood was not what he could imagine.

   Not only the quantity crushes him, but the level of attribute power is not comparable to him.

   Under Ye Feng's attack, he felt an irresistible force. Under this force, he couldn't even count as an ant.

   can even destroy his body easily.

   It was terrible, it was terrible. After the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse fell to the ground, his body was still trembling crazily.

   At this moment, he looked at Ye Feng with a strong astonishment. He was scared, and the sense of fear from the soul made his body shake desperately.

   At this moment, the expressions of many people present became extremely exciting, especially those few Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses.

   didn't even expect that the young man in front of him would have such strength.

   Ye Feng didn't even look at the people present, his body returned to the position where he stood before, and then he continued to look at the position where the immortal stone was.

  'S 12th grade life and death sutra was released, and the endless new word attribute power was lingering around his body, a little bit of the undead air that was free in the space was integrated into his body.

   Even though he was interrupted by the previous battle, Ye Feng still quickly entered the state of cultivation.

   And this time, the undead light on his body has become brighter and brighter in a short time.

   The body of the whole person is very bright, and the immortality in the void is constantly blending into Ye Feng's body.

   Yes, the immortality inside his body gradually reached a level that was previously unattainable.

   Many people in the audience were shocked when they saw this scene, even if Ye Feng understood the life attribute power.

   In their opinion, there shouldn't be such a strong image of heaven and earth.

   The air of immortality continued to merge into Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng's body very full.

   The blood vessels all over his body began to surging, and there was a burst of rattling noises.

   After the modern attribute power was released, the light on Ye Feng's body had the previous golden color, gradually transforming into a crimson color.

   The blood-red light became more radiant and boundless, and the undead air wafting in the emptiness also poured into Ye Feng's body more quickly at this moment.

   Many people trembled, and as Ye Feng's undead spirit became more violent, the scenes presented in the space became more unbearable.

   Some people with a low level of cultivation, because they couldn't bear the frantic air currents in the space, their bodies were blown to the ground, and their complexions became extremely pale.

   Those who are strong in the Heavenly Emperor Realm can rely on their own cultivation realm. Reluctantly exclude the airflow from the body.

   But their faces are not very good-looking, and their bodies are swayed by the vision of the world caused by Ye Feng at the moment.

   "What's the matter? Why did this young man have such a powerful vision of the Emperor of Heaven when he was practicing?"

   A Heavenly Emperor Realm expert said with an unbelievable look, and his gaze at Ye Feng revealed a strong shock.

  The other people are the same, but Ye Feng doesn't care about the thoughts of other people.

   I threw myself into the state of sentiment.

   Along with the increase in the extent of his inhaling the undead, the life and death attribute power he possessed inside his body also became more violent.

   Rank 12 Life and Death Sutra increases in this moment. After fusing the power in the Immortal Stone, the power that the 12th Grade Life and Death Sutra can show becomes stronger.

   Ye Feng's body became brighter and brighter, as if it had completely enveloped this celestial sphere, and the sun, moon and stars above the sky had lost their due brilliance.

   was completely covered by the light released by Ye Feng.

  Gradually, Ye Feng seemed to be able to communicate with this immortal stone. Every energy rhythm released in the immortal stone was controlled by Ye Feng.

   This made Ye Feng feel very miraculous, and he began to continuously use the power that wafted from the nihility with the little bit of the life and death sutra he had understood.

   The undead attribute power is integrated into his body, refining it a little bit, and finally becomes a part of his body completely.

   Gradually, Ye Feng knew everything in the Immortal Stone, as if the Immortal Stone had become one with him.

  Even, one of his thoughts, Immortal Stone, would respond immediately.

   This surprised Ye Feng very much. He didn't know how he did it.

   But he really feels the difference he is now, and his ability to perceive undead reality is so real.

   This made Ye Feng suddenly have a bold idea, and he secretly said in his heart: "Be smaller, smaller..."

   And just as he was reading silently, an amazing change happened!

   Everyone on the scene saw that the immortal stone was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye from the height of several hundred feet before.

  In just a few breaths, it changed into a palm-sized stone, just like a fairy stone used in ordinary cultivation.

   This made many people present some unbelievable expressions on their faces, and their eyes widened. Some even repeatedly confirmed whether they had hallucinations.

   "Here, what's going on?"

   Someone said so for the first time, with a dull look on his face.

   The other people are the same, stunned by the scene before them.

   The huge immortal stone before, actually shrunk a palm-sized stone, and many people thought that they were wrong.

   This is a bit too magical, but after repeated confirmations. Only to discover that everything they saw was real.

   The immortal stone at this moment has become smaller in size, but the bursts of aura released within it are still strong.

   The oppressive force is extremely strong, and the bursts of immortality are also terrifying, releasing an extremely bright luster.

   Ye Feng was shocked when he saw this scene. Unexpectedly, the immortal stone would change with his mind.

   Does this mean that this stone is now his own?

   Thinking of this, Ye Feng stretched out his hand, an invisible force bloomed in his palm, and immediately wrapped the immortal stone.

   Immortal Immortal Stone trembled, and the feeling that Ye Feng gave Ye Feng was very excited, as if he had found his master?

   Many people seem to have noticed all of this, including a powerful expert in the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse had extremely active thinking, after seeing the undead stone shrink in size and a series of reactions.

   He is also thinking in his heart, if he can control this piece of reality, he is slowly studying whether he can integrate the power of the undead reality into his body.

   After having this idea, his eyes flickered, and he didn't stop, and quickly ran towards the direction where the Immortal Stone was.

  While moving forward, this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse grabbed one of his hands, his speed was extremely fast.

The big mudra released by    reached the immortal stone in a very short time.

   tried to control that piece of fairy stone.

   Seeing this scene, many people's faces became a little ugly, but they didn't expect this person to react so quickly.

  Neither of them thought of putting the immortal stone as their own.

   However, it is obviously too late to block it now.

   "Om, hum..."

   However, just when the big hand of this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse was about to approach the Immortal Stone.

   A strange sound was heard on the Immortal Immortal Stone, and immediately, an astonishing force burst out on the Immortal Immortal Stone.

   This power carries an indescribable astonishing power, and quickly wraps the body of this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   The eyes of the mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm flickered, and his face immediately became ugly.

   only felt that his body seemed to be attacked by that force, causing his whole body to tremble wildly involuntarily.

   He didn't know why this happened. It looks like a small stone. It was able to burst out such a powerful force.

   Under the effect of this might, the body of this mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm seemed to be eaten away.

   Everyone at the scene naturally saw this scene, and their expressions became unpleasant.

   heard only one person say: "How can this be? Is it possible that this immortal stone still possesses such terrible energy?"

After    said these words, the eyes of many people at the scene flickered, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

   The powerful person of the Heavenly Emperor Realm struggled desperately to mobilize the strongest power in his body.

   just broke free under that force. At this moment, his body receded one after another, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale.

   His eyes became extremely ugly, staring at the Immortal Stone with a bit of fear in his eyes.

   Ye Feng naturally noticed this scene, but he didn't care much, the power in his palm print still communicated with the immortal stone.

   made the Immortal Immortal Stone completely obey his instructions, and leap into his palm for the first time.

   In the blink of an eye, the Immortal Stone entered into his palm, the light flickered, and it fell into Ye Feng's palm.

   This made Ye Feng feel that an object entered his body at this moment, and it started to flow in his body along his bloodline.

   This made Ye Feng a look of fear on his face, the immortal stone flowing in his body, and every prescription that moved made him feel a sense of pain.

   He even tried to stop it, but failed to do so.

   Immortality first flowed faster and faster, after he made a big circle around him, he even entered Ye Feng's Dantian Qihai Land.

   immediately hovered above the Dantian Qi Sea, juxtaposed with his holy soul!

   Undead immortal stone can release a powerful undead power.

   Ye Feng felt as if he could mobilize those undead powers, blend into the attack, and at the same time exert a powerful effect on himself.

   The power of immortality can evolve life attribute power, which has a very powerful healing effect on the injuries suffered by itself.

   This caused Ye Feng's heart to feel a sudden burst of joy. He never dreamed that after some insights from him, he would actually belong to him here when he didn't give up.

   Moreover, at this moment, it is not that reality has been completely integrated into his body and has become a part of his body.

   One of his thoughts can easily mobilize this object and let the object exert the most powerful effect in his concrete.

   Moreover, it has reached the point where it can be retracted and unfolded freely, which shocked Ye Feng extremely, and a few smiles appeared on his face.

   For him, this is an unexpected joy, he can feel the level of this immortal stone.

   With the blessing of this immortal stone, when Ye Feng released the 12th grade of life and death sutra, a steady flow of undead energy poured into his body.

   integrates with all the forces inside his body to release the most powerful power. Before, he had used the immortal stone to raise his level 12 life and death sutra.

   In general, the Immortal Stone is like a source of undead power, Ye Feng can easily control this stone to release power with his own mind.

  Using this power to achieve the effect of attack and healing, it is really terrifying.

   After feeling all this, Ye Feng was even more happy, his luck was really good.

   Unexpectedly, just entering this underground palace, he would be able to encounter such a powerful treasure as the Immortal Stone.

  From the mouths of everyone before, it can be heard that this immortal stone does not always exist in this prescription position.

   But at a certain moment before his arrival, he suddenly dropped from the sky, so that the people present could discover it, and felt the difference, and then realized it here.

   And most of them have been here for more than a few months, but none of them can truly feel their own power in the undead reality.

   And Ye Feng, just when it was time to talk about an hour, he fully understood the power in the immortal stone.

   even completely included in the bag, it was shocking enough.

   "This guy actually got the immortal stone, and the immortal stone is integrated into his body, how is this possible!"

   Someone said so for the first time, and there was a bit of coldness in the eyes looking at Ye Feng.

   They have been in this place for more than a few months, but they have found nothing. At this moment, they were caught by someone who had just arrived.

  The taste in my heart is naturally conceivable.

   Lines of icy eyes looked towards the direction where Ye Feng was, including those in the Heavenly Emperor realm.

At this moment, they all had their bodies released with coldness, and they cast extremely cold eyes on Ye Feng. They only heard a Heavenly Emperor realm expert gritted his teeth and said: "I waited here for months to realize that I was actually done by this person. With the wedding dress, who can be willing?"

After    said this sentence, many people have expressions of resentment on their faces. The cooked duck flies like this, which is naturally not a good feeling.

I saw a strong man in the Celestial Divine Realm stepping out first, looking at Ye Feng with a strong coldness, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "What a treasure is the immortal stone? People like you are not worthy of possession at all, or hurry up. Call it out!"

   This sentence was immediately recognized by everyone present. They had seen the power contained in the Immortal Stone before.

   Even if they haven't fully understood this power, they can still understand what kind of treasure the immortal stone is.

   If they can understand it thoroughly, they will surely be able to achieve extraordinary results.

   Thinking of these, the jealousy of everyone present towards Ye Feng became even stronger.

Ye Feng looked at the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, sneered, and said to him: "You have been here for more than a few months, but I have never had any understanding of this immortal stone. Now, I am aware of this immortal stone. Don’t you feel blushing when you say such shameless words again?”

   The face of the powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm flushed red, and Ye Feng's words had a very obvious meaning, which was mocking him.

  What an identity he is, a strong man whose cultivation realm is about to reach the peak of the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, has cultivated endless years in this underground palace.

   was so humiliated by Ye Feng, he was naturally unwilling.

   "Boy, you better stop talking nonsense, saying such words has no meaning, I ask you to call out the immortal stone, and you can immediately follow it. If not, your ending can be imagined!"

   This Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse threatened Ye Feng coldly, the breath on his body was released, and a wave of atmosphere attribute power erupted.

   It's just that the analysis attribute power he comprehends is biased towards the attack type, unlike Ye Feng's application of analysis attribute power to his body, which makes his body shape faster.

   At this moment, the mighty power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the atmosphere attribute power released from the surface of the body contains extremely powerful killing power, which stirs in the space.

   Flying sand and rocks on the ground, when many boulders rotate among them, they are instantly strangled and shattered by that terrifying force of destruction!

  Although Ye Feng defeated a strong Celestial Emperor before, there were at least 6 strong Celestial Emperors present.

   Moreover, everyone is much stronger than the previous one. Under this circumstance, they are confident enough to kill Ye Feng.

   If Ye Feng didn't hand over the Immortal Stone, they would not hesitate to kill and win the treasure.

   Ye Feng looked at these fast-paced Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses, his expression still a little calm. As if not caring about these people at all.

   then directly addressed these people and said, "Are you waiting to shoot me?"

The eyes of those in the Heavenly Emperor Realm were even more indifferent, and only listened to the powerful power of the Heavenly Emperor who released the wind attribute power and gritted his teeth to Ye Feng and said: "I have already said very clearly. If you want to save your life If you do, then hand over the Immortal Stone, and this seat may wish to let you die if you have a better attitude toward admitting your mistakes!"

"Ha ha."

Hearing the other party’s words, Ye Feng’s mouth immediately sketched a sneer, and said: “Those who want the immortal stone can pick it up by themselves at any time, but before you wait for it, I want to remind you that you want to shoot me People, be prepared to be killed by me!"

The expressions of those in the Heavenly Emperor Realm were stunned, and then many people gave out a mocking smile. They only heard one person say: "Is your brain broken? Don't think that you can compete with me by defeating one person before. It is the weakest one among us, and now we have 6 people present, even if you have three heads and six arms, how can you be my opponent!"

   "Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him as soon as possible, if anyone comes again, then we will have another competitor!"

   Another Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse can’t wait to say that in order to get the Immortal Stone, they have to temporarily form a fighting group.

   After Ye Feng was killed again, the ownership of the Immortal Stone was still unknown.

   The words of the strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm made the rest of the world nodded in succession, and then they burst out their breath.

   All the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses released their breath together, and this space became extremely violent.

   Endless attribute power blooms in the void, turning into a series of amazing destruction and killing power.

   I saw the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse who understood the power of the wind element first stepped out, his figure was extremely fast, and he immediately descended in front of Ye Feng's body.

   The analytical attribute power burst to the extreme, and the terrifying analytical attributes surged in his palm and turned into the strongest destructive force.

   madly released a big palm print of analysis attribute power towards Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

   This big palm print is not only extremely powerful, but also the destruction of the analytical power contained within it is equally terrifying.

Wherever    went, the entire space trembled crazily, and the destructive power contained in it was beyond words.

   came in front of Ye Feng's body for the first time, and wanted to destroy Ye Feng's body.

   Ye Feng naturally felt the power contained in the palm of the other party, his mind directly communicated with the immortal stone, and a powerful undead force burst out of the immortal stone.

   then quickly flowed into his blood, and the 12th grade life and death sutra was released, fusing with those undead powers.

   Under the blessing of the undead power, the 12th Grade Life and Death Sutra immediately became even more violent.

   Void and ethereal, the explosion of life and death attributes makes Ye Feng's whole body look like a **** of death.

   More importantly, he comprehended the death war spirit, which enabled him to show even more terrifying power when he released the 12th grade of life and death sutra.

   A large palm print of the wind attribute power released by the opponent. Ye Feng didn't hesitate, as soon as the big palm print of life and death was photographed at this moment.

   The power contained in the big palm print of life and death is beyond everyone's imagination. In the blink of an eye, it collided with the other's palm print.

   Just listen to the rumbling sound of the terrifying shock, and the extremely terrifying destructive power blooms wildly, spreading towards the surrounding directions.

   Many people felt the power of this amazing counter-shock for the first time, and their bodies were all retreated.

   There was a crazy look on the face of that powerful Heavenly Emperor realm, as if to suppress Ye Feng's body under such an attack.

   It's just that, with his strength, he can't do this, although his analysis attribute power level is very high.

   But Ye Feng's 12th grade of life and death sutra level has been completely evolved.

   cooperated with the undead immortal stone to release an attack, and the power was no longer what it used to be. That terrible atmosphere attribute power tried to involve Ye Feng's body.

   But the powerful life and death attribute power contained in Ye Feng's palm print is even more violent, directly enveloping that wind attribute power.

  The wind attribute power bloomed with amazing power, trying to break free.

   But that life-and-death attribute power is too strong, possessing a powerful restraint force, firmly controlling the wind attribute power.

   and unleashing the mighty power of destruction, the next moment, just listen to the sound of rumbling horrible shocks, and under the envelope of the life and death attribute power, the analysis attribute power is little by little destroyed.

   released bursts of intense bursts of sound.

   And all this is far from over, after the wind attribute power is destroyed. Ye Feng's powerful life-and-death attribute force released at this moment also wrapped the body of that powerful man in the Emperor Realm.

   The face of the mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm was ugly, and for the first time he felt an irresistible force coming.

   Under the blessing of immortality, Ye Feng's palmprint power has reached a level that he can't even imagine.

   There was a strong light of astonishment on the face of the mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and he couldn't believe it anyway.

   His body trembled crazily, and his body was shaken back one after another. The breath of his body floated fiercely, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and his complexion became extremely pale.

   This scene shocked many people present. It seemed that they didn't expect that a palm print released by Ye Feng would have such power.

   However, they have an absolute advantage in number, so naturally they will not be afraid of Ye Feng.


   Almost at the same time, he heard a roar from another prescription, and a powerful force of destruction was released.

   A strong man who understood the amazing lightning attribute power released a terrible fist to Ye Feng.

   The thunder and lightning in the void are shining, which can destroy all existence in a short time, and the prestige of thunder and lightning will arrive in the blink of an eye.

   tried to destroy Ye Feng's body, and Ye Feng's body was enveloped by the might of thunder and lightning.

   It's just that his body is still straight, he doesn't seem to care about it at all.

   The rumbling sound of horror and concussion continued to sound, and the power of thunder and lightning would swallow Ye Feng's body.

   Ye Feng's eyes were extremely sharp, he turned his body for the first time, his eyes also became extremely cold.

   His footsteps stepped toward the prescription position, and against the opponent's lightning attribute power, he released an astonishing and devastating palm print on the opponent's body.

   The life and death attribute power contained in the big palm print has reached an extreme, and it seems that it has become more powerful than the previous palm print.

This made the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse who released the power of thunder and lightning look He did not expect that his attack had hit Ye Feng, and Ye Feng was still able to stand him. The attack moves forward.

   and released such a terrible attack power.

   Facing Ye Feng's palm print, this Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse would naturally not wait to die.

   The sound of clattering inside the body continued to be heard, and at the same time, the lightning attribute power was mobilized to an extreme, and the purple-black thunder on the sky continued to descend.

   The thunder and lightning the size of a bowl was released and entered the body of this powerful and powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, making his body even more violent.

   And his body seems to be integrated into the lightning attribute power at this moment, his eyes are extremely sharp, facing a palm print of Ye Feng, he punches again.

   After this punch merged with the lightning attribute power, the power immediately climbed to another level.

   In the blink of an eye, it collided with Ye Feng's palm print.

   An astonishing sound of concussion came through, and the destructive power spread in all directions, and the eardrums of everyone present in the presence of the concussion were numb.

   The expression of the mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm who understood the power of thunder and lightning showed madness, desperately instilling destructive power into his attack.

   Author Wan Muzheng said: I’m asking for flowers. The flowers this month are not too fierce. Don’t worry, you can vote for me. After the 16th annual meeting, I will be crazy. Thank you.

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