Sky War God

Chapter 3073: Advent to the Nebula Palace

However, at this moment, the Great Elder Xianzong felt an irresistible force in Ye Feng's attack.

This power came from the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and his heart began to be extremely surprised. In just a few months, did this young man break through his cultivation realm?

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, his smile was so ironic, he didn't say a word, and he stepped forward.

His figure was very fast, and he came to the body of the Great Elder Xianzong for the first time, and the eyes of the Great Elder Xianzong flashed a little bit.

Feeling the breath released from Ye Feng's body, he was a little scared, and what greeted him was a terrifying fist of Ye Feng.

This punch can be described as descending through heaven and earth, and the power released is beyond the imagination of the Great Elder Xianzong.

As a powerful early peak powerhouse in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he didn't want to lose to a junior in terms of momentum.

Facing Ye Feng's attack, he also exploded the evil aura from his body. Xianzong was good at collecting yin and replenishing yang.

Perfect oneself, yin and yang, release the strongest power.

At this moment, he mobilized Xianzong's strongest technique to kill and destroy Ye Feng's body.

The palm print he released also penetrated the arrival of the Emperor, and in the blink of an eye, it collided with Ye Feng's attack.


The sound of terrifying concussion blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The Great Elder Xianzong madly released his breath, but Ye Feng's attack seemed to exceed his imagination.

Especially the terrifying coercion, it made his heart tremble.

The power of the rhythmic shock became more and more terrifying, and it quickly poured into his body, destroying his body.

His body was trembling constantly, his steps retreated one after another at this moment, and his complexion didn't look good.

It is difficult for him to imagine why Ye Feng, a young figure, even if his cultivation level has advanced to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, there is a big gap between his cultivation level and him.

Under normal circumstances, the attack he released should not be something Ye Feng could resist, but at this moment, the attack Ye Feng released had exceeded his imagination.

He suffered a lot from the two collisions, and the force of the rhythmic shock was in his body and could not be removed.

Constantly destroying the tissue cells inside his body.

However, Ye Feng's attack was still fierce, and he quickly stepped forward, and counted as the fists burst out. The power contained in each fist was even more terrifying than before.

The body of the elder Xianzong who fought was retreating steadily, and the body's breath became more and more powerful.

There was blood about to ooze out of the chest, and he swallowed it back abruptly, his complexion pale.

Ye Feng continued to step forward, the power of good fortune and the power of Nirvana burst out together, making this space suppressed.

The two forces merged to form an even more terrifying offensive force, which rushed towards the body of the Great Elder Xianzong with an extremely fast speed.

The Great Elder Xianzong was a little too incomprehensible, and facing Ye Feng's attack, he did not dare to contend with the opponent.

The body quickly dodges to one side at this moment, but Ye Feng's attack speed is faster than he thought.

Before he could really dodge, the attack had already landed on the other side of his body, causing his body to tremble, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

In this battle, Ye Feng's performance seemed to be even more violent, making it impossible for the Great Elder Xianzong to compete with him.

Those Xianzong powerhouses were frightened and frightened. They thought that as long as the Great Elder Xianzong made the move, Ye Feng would definitely not be able to compete with each other.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning of the battle to the present, the Great Elder Xianzong has been suppressed by Ye Feng.

The strength that Ye Feng released was not something that the Great Elder Xianzong could resist.

The Great Elder Xianzong looked shocked. At this moment, he was completely in a passive state.

The attacks released by Ye Feng were extremely threatening to him. His body trembled crazily, looking very embarrassed.

At this moment, the body quickly retreated, his face extremely pale.


Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw Ye Feng stepping out again, and a more terrifying fist burst out.

This punch is not only extremely powerful, but the speed is beyond everyone's imagination.

Although the realm of cultivation is similar, the strength of the Great Elder of Xianzong is not as good as that of General Shura. The opponent fought on the battlefield and accumulated countless combat experience.

It is not comparable to the Great Elder of Xianzong.

At this moment, the Great Elder of Xianzong couldn't contend with Ye Feng at all, and his body retreated backwards in embarrassment.

"What are you guys doing in a daze, don't hurry up and kill this person together!"

The Great Elder Xianzong couldn't compete with Ye Feng, and frantically spoke to the strong Xianzong behind him.

The eyes of those Xianzong experts flickered, and there was still some fear in their hearts.

However, since the Great Elder has spoken, how can they refuse?

Each body flashed, and they were encircled in the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed. The attacks released by everyone were beyond imagination.

To envelop Ye Feng's body.

But Ye Feng didn't care about these people. He stretched out his hand and Xinghe Longyuan summoned it again.

The world of stars emerged, facing the attack of these opponents, his long sword slashed out frantically.

The sword light shining all over, swallowed towards the bodies of these people in a short time.

Facing Ye Feng's sword light, these Xianzong powerhouses couldn't compete with him.

There is an insurmountable gap between the Saint Emperor Realm and the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses. How could they be Ye Feng's opponent.

In the next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the destructive power spread in all directions.

Ye Feng's sword light can swallow all existence, and immediately swallowed the attacks of those Immortal Sect masters.

But the power of his sword light is still extremely fierce. Seeing this sword light is about to come, the faces of those Xianzong powerhouses have a bit of desperation.

Each body retreated towards the back at this moment, trying to escape Ye Feng's attack.

However, Ye Feng's attacking power is so terrifying, it is not at all that these people can easily escape.

A sword light descended, directly engulfing the bodies of these people, causing the bodies of these people to explode completely, turning into residues and smashing into the ground!

The **** air in the void was constantly drifting, causing everyone present to tremble.

The Great Elder Xianzong was also very scared, but after all, he was a top-notch powerhouse with very powerful combat experience.

These people won him the opportunity to release the attack, and he would naturally not take this opportunity to take measures.

The terrifying destruction attack burst out, and immediately released an astonishing large palm print of destruction toward Ye Feng's body.

The power of this destruction of the big palm print is indeed strong, if it falls on Ye Feng's body, it will also bring fatal damage to Ye Feng.

However, what kind of person Ye Feng is, he had been prepared for the opponent's attack.

Without hesitation, he mobilized the strongest power in his body, and immediately blasted a terrifying fist at the opponent.

This horror fist light almost instilled all the energy inside Ye Feng's body, making the power of this attack suddenly increased by several levels.

It collided with the opponent's attack for the first time, and the astonishing sound of concussion broke through, and the extremely terrifying destructive force spread in all directions.

Under this collision, the Great Elder Xianzong thought he could intercept Ye Feng's fist with such an attack.

But he overestimated his own strength.

Under Ye Feng's attack, his attack was not worth mentioning, and was destroyed by the collapse of the earthquake in a short time.

However, Ye Feng's attack crazily poured into his body at an extremely fast speed.

It made his whole body tremble desperately, and a screaming scream was made in his mouth. At this moment, his body was directly shaken out. His body was like a cannonball, and it slammed into the wall not far away. Above.

As a result, that wall collapsed and destroyed, and the body of the Great Elder Xianzong spit out blood on the ground.

His complexion was extremely pale, and that amazing destructive power still spread on his body, causing all the bone tissue cells in his body to burst.

I have to say that Ye Feng's punch is too powerful, so powerful that it is difficult for him to resist.

At this moment, he completely became a waste, and his cultivation was abolished by Ye Feng's attack!

The entire battle lasted for less than a stick of incense, the cultivation base of the Great Elder of Xianzong was abolished, and the other strong people of Xianzong were all brutally killed!

This is what Ye Feng has done, even those who have seen Ye Feng's strength before are still shocked by all this.

This level of strength broke their cognition of Ye Feng again.

The body of the Great Elder Xianzong fell to the ground, his eyes were hollow. Before that, he had always thought that he had come to the Huhou mansion to ask the teacher.

Ye Feng must not dare to provoke him easily, if the other party can't give him a correct explanation, he can kill Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, he didn't do what he wanted to do, but was abolished by Ye Feng.

He has cultivated to this level and has gone through untold hardships, and it took him endless years to truly achieve this. Needless to say, there are hardships.

But at this moment, his cultivation was completely abolished, which also made him only a useless person for the rest of his life.

The great elder Xianzong looked at Ye Feng indifferently, and said indifferently, "You dare to abolish my cultivation base, aren't you afraid that my Xianzong will ask you to ask you a question?"

After the words of the Great Elder Xianzong fell, many people at the scene showed some doubts in the eyes of Ye Feng.

They also had this idea in their hearts, after all, the great elder of Xianzong held a very high position in Xianzong.

Sect Master Xianzong would definitely not give up if he learned about this, but they didn't expect that Sect Master Xianzong was no longer in this world.

Ye Feng looked at the elder Xianzong with a sneer, and said to him, "I'll be waiting here, and I'm waiting for your people from the Xianzong to come here to ask questions, you can go away!"

After saying this sentence, the expressions of all the people present were stunned, especially the Great Elder Xianzong, whose body became weak.

Before, he still had a glimmer of hope that Lord Sect Master was still alive, but when he saw Ye Feng's confident eyes, he was already certain that his glimmer of hope was shattered.

If Sect Master Xianzong is still alive, Ye Feng will definitely take care of it. How can he be as calm as he is now?

Climbing up from the ground with difficulty, the Great Elder Xianzong faltered and left here.

Seeing his leaving back, many people present couldn't help but sigh. As the elder of Xianzong, this person's status is in Xianzong, second only to the master of Xianzong.

It is also a very powerful existence, even in the entire central empire, has a very high status.

But now, the former king ended like this, just because he offended people who shouldn't offend.

The newly appointed Huhou Master Ye Feng, after setting foot in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, defeated the two great Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses in the central capital.

Strongly announce his rise!

All this shocked everyone, and their body was shaking involuntarily.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, those present would have been unable to believe that all this would be true.

The strong men of the Huhou Mansion were all excited. Their Lord Huhou rose in a short period of time, allowing them to see the hope of the second spring in the Huhou Mansion.

After Ye Feng abolished the cultivation base of the Great Elder of Xianzong, his body descended in Meditation, in front of the two young girls Lingshuizi.

He smiled and nodded at the two girls, and then stepped to Luo Yingjun's place. Looking at Luo Yingjun, who was seriously injured at this moment, his brows could not help but frowned, and he greeted him, "How is the injury?"

Luo Yingjun squeezed out a smile and said, "Thank you, Master Huhou, for your concern, I'm fine."

Seeing Luo Yingjun say this, Ye Feng relaxed. After his spiritual exploration, he found that although Luo Yingjun was seriously injured, he did not hurt the vitals.

It's just that it will take some time for this kind of injury to fully recover.

The first time he took out several healing pills from his storage medium, placed them in Luo Yingjun's palm, and said to him, "Heal your injuries well."

After saying this, Ye Feng's body actually rose into the air at this moment, leaping towards the distant sky.

This scene made the eyes of everyone present slightly condensed, and they were somewhat surprised by Ye Feng's move.

"Master Huhou has gone to support General Hu Ben and them."

Lu Boning's vicissitudes of eyes flickered, and said to everyone present.

Many people's eyes condensed, General Hu Ben has not returned to the Huhou mansion for a long time, is it possible that the other party has also suffered a crisis?

When Ye Feng was fighting with the Great Elder of Xianzong, he waited to receive a transmission from General Hu Ben.

General Hu Ben didn't know about Ye Feng's advancement to the Celestial Emperor Realm. He only told Ye Feng not to return to the Huhou Mansion in a short time.

Palace Master Xingyun, Master Qiankun Shengjiao, General Qinglong, and General Chi Yan wanted to deal with Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng heard this news, he learned that General Hu Ben and the others had walked out of the tomb of the gods.

Inferring from the previous form, the palace lord of the Xingyun Palace, the hierarch of Qiankun Shengjiao and others are bound to take action against General Hu Ben and the lord of the ancient tomb Shenzong at the first time.

Even at the moment of crisis, General Hu Ben thought of Ye Feng's safety for the first time. He didn't know that Ye Feng's cultivation realm was broken.

Informed Ye Feng that he did not want Ye Feng to suffer a crisis in the Huhou mansion, and the two of them could not hold on with the cold power of no effort.

It won’t be long before the lord of the Nebula Palace and the others will go to Huhou’s residence to encircle Ye Feng. If Ye Feng is still in Huhou’s residence, he will inevitably suffer a life crisis.

After Ye Feng learned this news, it was naturally impossible to take care of himself and gain an advantage in number. He was a person who had just advanced to the Heavenly Emperor realm, even if he joined the battle, he might not help the battle.

Therefore, while Ye Feng's body was flying, he quickly thought about how to resolve this crisis in his mind.

It is obviously unwise to head head-to-head with each other.

A cold light flashed faintly in Ye Feng's eyes, his body originally leaped towards the direction where the ancient tomb Shenzong was.

But at this moment, he reversed his direction within a short time and went straight to the place where the Nebula Palace was.

The Nebula Palace, vast and immense, is located at the core of the central imperial capital. It is truly the largest sect force.

Except for the Central Empire, the Nebula Palace is definitely the strongest force, not one of them.

This can be judged from the scale of the sect and the strength of the strong inside the sect.

In the Nebula Palace, in addition to the Nebula Palace Lord, there are also several Heavenly Emperor Realms, and everyone's strength is super terrifying.

The strength of the young disciples of the Nebula Palace is also among the top in the Central Empire, and they are all outstanding in terms of Sky Axe and combat effectiveness.

There have emerged many outstanding young talents in the Central Empire, such as Xingyun Chunqiu, before that was the second best talent in the Central Empire.

Even though the performance of Dabi Nebula Chunqiu at the end of the year is not satisfactory, he is still a rare top figure.

In the future, he will inevitably become a giant.

The Nebula Palace is as quiet as before, and many powerful people in the sect are busy with their own affairs.

Those disciples are diligent in cultivation, and strive to become top figures like Xingyun Chunqiu as soon as possible.

Some of the top and powerful experts are practicing in the nebula mountain behind the Nebula Palace, where endless star attribute power emerges.

Above the sky, the galaxy evolves, and endless stars are falling down, as if it is above the nine heavens.

Among the entire central empire, only the Nebula Palace had such a peculiar scene.

At this moment, a figure of a young man in white suddenly appeared in the sky above the Nebula Palace, and his body was suspended there like a ghost.

"Who dare to go to bed in my Nebula Palace?"

In the Nebula Palace, such a cold voice came over immediately.

Many experts in the Nebula Palace have discovered the arrival of this young man, and their words are somewhat cold.

Their Nebula Palace, as the veritable largest sect of the Central Empire, did not allow outsiders to enter.

At this moment, this young man is floating in the sky above the Nebula Palace, which is simply a kind of contempt for their Nebula Palace.

"Those who want your lives!"

The figure of the white-clothed youth uttered a cold voice, which was extremely flat.

However, the expressions of those in the Nebula Palace could not help but freeze for a while.

In the entire Central Empire, I have never heard of anyone who dares to be so arrogant.

He directly said that he wanted the lives of people in their Nebula Palace, and it was said in the sky above their Nebula Palace sect.

This is simply too arrogant!

Almost at the same time, before the strong Nebula Palace continued to speak, they saw that the young strong man waved his arm, and in the palm of his palm there was an incomparably terrifying destructive power condensed.

The power contained in this destructive force is super powerful, and in the blink of an eye, an astonishing large palm print of destruction blooms in front of this young man.

Destroying the big palm print enveloped the sky, and came with the power to destroy everything.

Wherever he went, the entire space shook wildly, and everything seemed to be destroyed.

The look of those Nebula Palace powerhouses showed a bit of sharp light, and it seemed that this young man would dare to attack them with this attitude.

Naturally, they would not just sit there waiting to die, one after another they mobilized the aura from their body, and released a terrible attack towards that large destruction palm print in the void.

Their attacking power was extremely powerful, and immediately collided with the large palm print of destruction, and the entire space was enveloped by the power of destruction.

However, even if the attacking power they released was so powerful, under the palm of that young strong man, it was still not worth mentioning.

The palm prints of young strong men possess extremely terrifying destructive power, making it difficult for them to resist when it comes.

Next, under the desperate gaze of those strong in the Nebula Palace, the palm prints released by the young man in white came.

Just listening to the horrible shock of the booming sound was so cheerful, that terrible palm print covered a wide area, and directly destroyed several palaces in the Nebula Palace camp.

I don't know how many people in the Nebula Palace died for it. Some people may not even know how they died, and their body was bombarded and shattered by this palm print.

This scene naturally attracted the idea of ​​many powerful people outside the Nebula Palace camp for the first time, and a bit of shock appeared on their faces.

How powerful is the Nebula Palace? For thousands of years, no one seems to have dared to attack the Nebula Palace in this way.

The young man in front of him, who is he, dares to release a terrible attack on the Nebula Palace so madly.

The actions of the white-clothed youth naturally quickly attracted the attention of countless people. Outside the Nebula Palace camp, many powerful people gathered here.

I really want to know what happened in the Nebula Palace.

In the Nebula Palace camp, because of this palm print, it began to mess around, and the sound of screaming and shouting was endless.

Because all this happened so suddenly, many people didn't know what was going on, and some powerful and powerful people in the Nebula Palace gathered here.

Looking at the figure of the white-clothed youth standing proudly above the sky, their eyes became especially sharp.

I only heard a powerful expert in the Nebula Palace saying with a cold face, "You are the Tiger Yefeng!"

After saying this sentence, many people trembled, and they were puzzled by the identity of this young man before.

After hearing the words of this powerful and powerful man in the Nebula Palace, they reacted. They did not expect that the young man in front of them was the new Huhou Master Ye Feng!

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp and he didn't say a word. He came here for only one purpose, and that was to force Palace Master Nebula to stop.

Since the other party wanted to take a shot at his Huhou Mansion, then he took the initiative!

The endless flame attribute power burst out from the body, and the flame power that entered the middle of the **** realm was released.

As a result, the flame attribute power he released suddenly climbed to another level. Almost at the same time, everyone present saw Ye Feng's big hand wave.

In the palm of his palm, there was an incomparably terrifying flame attribute power bursting out, and a sea of ​​flames poured down.

How much flame attribute power is in the space, the first time it descends towards the Nebula Palace camp.

As a result, the land of the Nebula Palace was immediately occupied by flames, and many buildings were completely burnt. The power of that flame attribute force was too strong.

Many strong bodies were wrapped in flames, their mouths screamed astonishingly, and their bodies trembled frantically, trying to get out.

But Ye Feng's flame attribute power level is too high, especially after his cultivation base has advanced to the realm of the emperor, the various attribute powers have climbed to another level.

The arrival of the flame attribute power immediately turned the Nebula Palace into a sea of ​​fire, and countless people struggled in it, but as long as their bodies were wrapped in flames, they would be melted into ashes in a short time.

This scene made many people mindful, looking at Ye Feng with an unbelievable expression.

Their impression of Ye Feng remained in those wonderful battle scenes above the year-end competition.

But he didn't expect that this young man would be so decisive in his action, and silently saw him descend over the Nebula Palace and attack the people in the Nebula Palace.

"Ye Feng, my Nebula Palace has no grievances with you, why are you so arrogant?"

A powerful person in the Nebula Palace spoke coldly to the night wind, his face extremely ugly.

"You have to ask your palace lord, I just give you all the things he wants to do to me!"

Ye Feng sneered in his mouth, his arms waved again, and endless flame attribute power descended from the sky.

Enveloping all the houses of the other prescription of the Nebula Palace, the fire spread and melted everything.

Atmosphere attribute power burst out, violent wind raged, and the fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind helped the fire. Those terrible flames burned even more violently.

Like a behemoth of flames, devouring everything madly.

The look of the strong in the Nebula Palace is so ugly that he would never dream that the Nebula Palace, which has been calm, would suffer such disasters.

Ye Feng's body was suspended in the void at this moment, and his eyes showed a strong indifference. Since he came to the Central Empire, he has suffered a lot of injustice and bullying.

He has been holding back and doing things extremely carefully, but it doesn't mean that he is afraid of things. As he grows older, Ye Feng gradually tends to be calm.

It's not as frivolous as he was when he was young, but it doesn't mean that anyone can ride on him and do things.

The people of the Xingyun Palace offended him repeatedly and wanted to kill him. At this moment, they besieged General Hu Ben and the lord of the ancient tomb Shenzong.

If Ye Feng doesn't teach them a lesson, they will definitely get worse, and even endanger the safety of those around Ye Feng.

The flame attribute power burned even more fiercely, countless Nebula Palace experts died in the sea of ​​fire, and many people struggled desperately, trying to escape.

But the flame attribute power level released by Ye Feng was stronger than they thought.

As long as it is contaminated with flame attribute power, it basically represents death.

"Who came to my Nebula Palace to make trouble?"

At this moment, there was such a voice in the void, a bit of anger mixed in the voice.

Then, in front of Ye Feng's body. A spot of light emerged, and this spot of light appeared out of thin air.

There was no sign before, the light spot gradually evolved, and a figure appeared.

This figure is wearing a star robe, the whole person looks very simple, standing there casually, it can give people a very high and deep feeling.

This person is an elder in the Nebula Palace, with a cultivation base in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, but he has not reached the peak realm.

It's just that after many years of deposition in this realm, the realm is quite stable and the breath is surging.

This person had been cultivating inside Xingyun Mountain before, and there was such a big movement in the Nebula Palace that it alarmed him.

Staring at Ye Feng, there was a bit of coldness in the eyes of the elder of the Nebula Palace. What a noble status is their Nebula Palace, and others are so provocative.

"Come to make trouble in my Nebula Palace, do you know what the ending is like?"

This elder of the Nebula Palace opened his mouth coldly to Ye Feng, and his body's attribute power was released, and the pressure was terrible.

Ye Feng stared at the other party with a bit of irony in his eyes, and said, "You must not see my ending!"

After saying this, everyone present saw Ye Feng stepping forward quickly, his body turned into an extremely quick afterimage.

At an unimaginable speed, he descended in front of the body of the Elder Nebula Palace, making this Elder Nebula Palace look slightly stunned.

He was not ready yet, Ye Feng's figure speed really shocked him.

Without wasting a bit of time, Ye Feng directly blasted the body of the elder of the Nebula Palace with a punch.

The destructive power contained in the fist light was beyond imagination, and immediately wrapped the body of this old man of the Nebula Palace.

The elder of the Nebula Palace was a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that the attacks released by juniors like Ye Feng would have such power.

However, he did not detect Ye Feng's cultivation realm at this moment. He was a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor realm, and naturally he would not care about Ye Feng.

Seeing Ye Feng release an attack on him, he no longer stayed anymore.

Also blasted a terrifying fist to Ye Feng's body.

The power contained in this terrifying fist light was equally terrifying, and it collided with Ye Feng's attack in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present only listened to the shocking sound of the explosion, and the terrifying destructive power bloomed.

This old man of the Nebula Palace is full of self-confidence, although his cultivation realm is only in the early days of the Emperor of Heaven.

But in his opinion, even at this level, Ye Feng can easily be crushed.

It's just that the moment the two attacks actually touched one piece, the elder Nebula Palace's look completely solidified in place.

I only felt his body trembled crazily, and that terrible destructive power came instantly, making his attack unable to compete with the opponent.

Hearing a click sound, his attack collapsed and destroyed at this moment, but the impact contained in Ye Feng's fist fell on his body without any barriers.

It made his body tremble crazily, his steps retreated one after another at this moment, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

This scene made the expressions of everyone present solidify for a while. Before that, when the elder of the Nebula Palace appeared, many of them believed that Ye Feng would pay for what he did.

This elder of the Nebula Palace is a mighty powerhouse in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, nowhere can Ye Feng resist it.

If the opponent shot Ye Feng, Ye Feng would definitely be killed by the opponent in a short time.

However, at this moment, after seeing the scene in front of him, everyone present found that they thought they were wrong, and Ye Feng's strength was no longer what it used to be.

After the first collision, the elder of the Nebula Palace shook back, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Such strength is simply terrifying, shocking everyone present.

"You, you turned out to be a Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, how is this possible?"

The elder of the Nebula Palace said with an unbelievable look, in the midst of Ye Feng's attack, he had clearly felt the power that belonged to the power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Ye Feng sneered, not wanting to talk nonsense with the other party at all.

Stepping forward again, the body descended in front of the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed.

The fists that had been horrified one after another blasted toward the opponent's body like a violent storm.

Feeling the power contained in these fists, the elder of the Nebula Palace looked terribly surprised. He might not even dream of it. In just a few months, Ye Feng had raised his cultivation level to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, after the cultivation base realm advanced to the heavenly emperor realm, Ye Feng's strength obviously had a qualitative leap.

The attack power he released has been increased by several times. Although the cultivation levels of the two are equal, this old man from the Nebula Palace has felt the irresistible power in Ye Feng's attack.

Ye Feng's leapfrog challenge ability is so powerful, it is not everyone can imagine.

At this moment, Ye Feng, every fist light was extremely aggressive, and he did not give this old man of the Nebula Palace any chance.

The Elder Nebula Palace looked terribly surprised, facing these attacks released by Ye Feng, only parrying power could not fight back.

The corners of his mouth kept oozing blood, and the power contained in Ye Feng's fists was simply too powerful.

Especially the force of the rhythmic shock, after entering his body, completely enveloped the tissue cells of the major organs inside his body.

And it was destroyed at an extremely terrifying speed, causing his entire body to receive an extremely severe blow.

"You, if you dare to kill me, Palace Master Nebula will not let you go!"

The elder of the Nebula Palace felt a breath of death coming, and under Ye Feng's attack, he felt a deep sense of despair in his heart.

He knew that if the battle continued, only death awaited him.

However, after hearing the words of the elder of the Nebula Palace, Ye Feng's mouth showed a sarcasm.

He and the Nebula Palace have long been different from each other, even if he does not come to the Nebula Palace to make trouble at the moment, the Nebula Palace Lord will not let him go easily.

No hesitation, a more terrifying breath burst out.

A series of terrifying fists rushed towards the body of the elder of the Nebula Palace, making the despair on the face of the elder of the Nebula Palace more obvious.

It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng to be unmoved in the face of his threat.

The attack power released was even stronger than before.

Many powerful people in the Nebula Palace watched all of this with a strong light of astonishment in their eyes. They were not qualified to participate in this level of battle. They could only watch their new employee elders being crushed by Ye Feng.


Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard a terrifying concussion sound, and a fist of Ye Feng penetrated everything, and fell on the body of this old man of the Nebula Palace.

The body of the elder of the Nebula Palace was trembling crazily, and his body was wrapped in a burst of destruction light, and a powerful impact came.

It made his body fly upside down like a cannonball, and the destructive force was too strong, causing all the major organs of his body's internal bone tissue to burst.

His eyes were full of desperate light, blood spewed out from his mouth, and the debris of various organs spewed out together.

When the body fell on the ground, life was completely lost!

This scene made everyone tremble, but this was a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm of the Nebula Palace, who did not expect to die like this.

After being killed by Ye Feng's strong force, and the entire battle was less than a stick of incense, Ye Feng suppressed the opponent with a strong posture.

The sea of ​​fire below is still extremely fierce. Under the influence of the analysis of the attribute power, it quickly spread to other directions in the Nebula so that the screaming soulmates in the Nebula Palace are endless, and many people's faces appear desperate. Today, it is definitely the biggest catastrophe they have suffered since the establishment of the Nebula Palace.

"Let your palace master get back!"

Ye Feng stood proudly, the flame attribute power in his hand was still terrifying, descending crazily downward.

The power contained in every attack was beyond imagination, and his voice shook the world, causing many Nebula Palace experts to tremble.

"Quickly, let the palace master come back and kill this child!"

A Nebula Palace expert said with a shocked look, looking at Ye Feng who looked like a killer god, his heart was full of fear.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said that from the 1st to the 16th, there are 10,000 words a day, usually one chapter, and the crazy update starts on the 17th. Since the 6th to the 16th is the annual meeting of the waves, I was invited to participate. Special circumstances, I hope everyone can understanding. In addition, brothers with flowers continue to support this book, thank you!


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