Sky War God

Chapter 2720: The power of the magic spear

In the next moment, when the people of Changzhou only listened to the rumbling sound of the horrible concussion, Ye Feng's fist fell on the body of the strong man in the city without any barriers.

While making the look on the opponent's face shocked, his body was directly shattered at this moment. His body hit the wall not far away like a cannonball, vomiting blood in his mouth.

The bones in front of him were shattered, and the whole person's chest was deeply sunken, completely allowing his orders to be here.

This scene shocked the rest of the powerhouses who were preparing to attack Ye Feng, and their bodies were completely petrified in place involuntarily.

They also thought that Ye Feng had always been sheltered by this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain, but in fact he had no abilities at all.

This can be seen from his cultivation realm.

Therefore, these people wanted to take the lead in slaying Ye Feng when the young powerhouse in the Holy Demon Mountain had no time to consider Ye Feng's situation.

But never thought that Ye Feng just randomly blasted a fist, and easily killed a strong in their team, which made their bodies involuntarily freeze in place.

I dared not go any further.

Many of the onlookers around also had their expressions frozen for a while, they also did not expect such a thing to happen.

The strength of this young man who seemed to have only the first Martial Emperor Peak Realm was so terrifying.

However, although these people didn't dare to attack Ye Feng anymore, Ye Feng didn't want to let them go. He wanted to make a quick battle quickly and go to catch up with the people of the Mu family and solve his doubts.

Therefore, even if these people no longer dared to attack him, his body did not stay in place, but released the spatial attribute power he had comprehended.

The power of the space attributes surrounds the body, stepping out, the body seems to be beyond the distance of this space.

In a short period of time, he came to the body of a Tianducheng strong man, making the Tianducheng strong look startled. It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng's figure to be so fast.

However, before he could make any moves, another fist of Ye Feng had already blasted towards his body.

The speed of this punch seems to be faster than before, and its power is also much stronger, making this powerful person unable to react at all. This punch has already come to his body.

He couldn't help but cried out in his heart, and he had to release an attack and resistance, but the attack micro-energy he released in a hurry could not reach the point where it could compete with Ye Feng.

Within a short period of time, the crowd heard the sound of concussion again, followed by the astonishing screams from the strong man in Tianducheng.

Under the influence of this terrifying fist of Ye Feng, his body was directly shaken out, and he died immediately.

And all this seems to be far from over. Then the crowd saw Ye Feng's footsteps continue to step out, his figure speed is extremely fast, in order to come to the body of a Tianducheng powerhouse, he can release An astonishing terrorist attack.

His attacks made it difficult for these Tiandu City powerhouses to resist, and every time an attack fell, there was an astonishing scream from the Tiandu City powerhouse.

The body was directly shaken by Ye Feng's attack, and the power of destruction contained in Ye Feng's attack could destroy their bodies.

It made these warlords at the realm above Emperor Wu in the capital city as fragile as cutting melons and vegetables in front of Ye Feng.

Every attack and release is the end of the characters of these Tianducheng warlords, which makes these Tianducheng warlords look shocked, and at the same time they can't accept all this.

The same is true for the young strong man on the Holy Demon Mountain, the great long seal released by the magic way is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

The palm prints were released, and the space that enveloped a party fell within a short period of time, turning this space into a terrifying magic way to destroy the world.

Many people uttered astonishing screams, and under the influence of the opponent's palmprint, they did not have any counterattack capabilities at all, only to be killed.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of the two young masters of Tianducheng who were in a direct battle not far away. The two of them also did not expect that Ye Feng and the young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain would have such strength.

I saw the eldest son Tiandujiang gritted his teeth and said: "Two **** guys, dare to kill me, the hero of Tianducheng. They are just looking for death. Let's see how this son takes the lives of you two!"

While they were speaking, the crowd saw Tiandujiang's footsteps looking forward, his figure speed was incredible.

As the eldest son of Tianducheng, his strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary warlords in Tianducheng.

The body turned into afterimages, and it descended in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time, perhaps from Tiandujiang's point of view.

A cultivation level like Ye Feng's level is still a bit worse than that of a young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain.

Therefore, he wanted to take the lead to end Ye Feng's life, leaving only the young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain, the two brothers of them were enough to deal with.

Therefore, Tianmojiang released a terrifying fist to Yefeng in a short time. He had no reservations about this fist and had already mobilized the strongest power on his body.

A punch came out, and the entire space was distorted, as if it had turned into a doomsday scene, where all living forces would be killed.

There was a cold light in Ye Feng's eyes, they didn't want to kill here, but these people were aggressive.

Ye Feng naturally didn't want to bear it anymore. Facing this terrorist attack from Tiandujiang, Ye Feng also mobilized his own power.

He even incorporated the holy magic spear technique he had previously understood into his fist, making his fist seem to contain an astonishing sharpness.

Released in a short period of time, the sharp energy splits a space extremely strongly. It directly collided with Tiandujiang's fist.

The crowd heard the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks all over the world, and under this collision, Tiandujiang thought he could easily crush Ye Feng.

It's just that the two men's fists hadn't really collided, and he felt the terrifying and sharp aura contained in Ye Feng's boxing champion.

These sharp auras are really too terrifying, splitting the space, causing Tiandujiang's fists to be strangled and shattered in a short time.

And that terrifying sharp aura penetrated his flesh, causing a strong tingling sensation from the flesh of his arm.

Tiandujiang screamed in his heart not well, and immediately wanted to withdraw his fist, but his speed was much slower.

Ye Feng's fist contained a powerful spear's attribute power, and his sharp aura was extremely powerful.

In the blink of an eye, this arm of Tiandujiang was strangled and shattered, causing the mouth of Tiandujiang to make amazing screams.

The body retreated madly at this moment, the expression on his face was incomparably shocked, and the gaze towards Ye Feng was filled with endless indifference.

He also did not expect that Ye Feng had such terrible strangling power in this punch.

This made him think that Ye Feng had used some kind of hidden weapon to achieve this effect.

Tiandujiang looked at Ye Feng with a look of resentment, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth at Ye Feng and said: "Thief, you dare to use a hidden weapon to hurt me, it's too despicable!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes flashed, only to realize that one of Tiandujiang's arms was gone.

So they also think that what Tiandujiang said is very true. Not far away, Tian Duhai looked gloomy, and his elder brother's arm was strangled and shattered.

Naturally, he would not just sit and wait for death. He only saw the horror aura released from him, and his eyes fell on Ye Feng and said coldly: "Such a despicable person deserves a thousand swords!"

As he spoke, the breath of Tianduhai roared crazily, and the water attribute power was released, as if a huge ocean appeared behind him.

There is a powerful killing attribute power in this vast ocean, and the roaring sound shook the sky.

Along with Tianduhai's footsteps, the vast ocean covered the sky and the sun, and together with the long seal of Tianduhai, it swallowed towards Ye Feng's body.

The power can be said to be quite terrifying, as if to completely bury Ye Feng's body in a short time.

Ye Feng raised his brows slightly, and the two brothers actually borrowed some points to come and die, so he was no more polite.

Taking out the gentian bright silver spear, he did not want to deliberately release his holy magic spear.

The sacred demon's power is extremely terrifying on the gentian silver spear, and the power of the sacred demon is horrendous.

Directly released with a single shot, the terrifying spear light destroys all existence, and there seems to be endless sharp attribute forces converging in the void.

Strangulation Void descended, constantly colliding with these water attribute forces released by Tianduhai, and there was a sound of terrifying shock constantly.

Although the water system attribute power released by Tianduhai was strong, it seemed vulnerable under Ye Feng's spear light.

They were strangled and shattered one after another, especially the spear light pierced by Ye Feng's Long Dan Liang Silver Spear using the Holy Demon Spear Method, which was able to penetrate everything.

In a short time, the palm prints that facilitated Tianduhai collided together, and Tianduhai's expression was slightly amazed.

The moment the two attacks collided, he immediately felt the power contained in Ye Feng's spear light.

This made him scream badly in his heart, wanting to use his body and martial arts to dodge the first time.

But the power of Ye Feng's shot was too strong, and he could not resist it at all.

At the next moment, the crowd only heard a muffled sound, and the night wind's shot penetrated everything and descended.

He even directly pierced Tianduhai's chest hole!

Tianduhai's expression was completely frozen there, his body trembled like an electric shock, and he looked at all this with an incredulous expression, as if he could not react.

But the blood hole that appeared on his chest could no longer be erased, and the major organs in his body were extremely severely destroyed.

It became a puddle of fleshy mud, spouting from his mouth together with his blood, at this moment Tian Duhai was full of regret.

In any case, I didn't dare to imagine that I was actually in Ye Feng's hands like this. He had just shot, and even Ye Feng's attack could not be resisted.

If he knew that there would be such a result, he would not dare to provoke Ye Feng anyway.

It's just that it's useless to say that these are no more. His life is fast passing by, and his eyes are black, just feeling that he no longer belongs to this world.

The body fell straight down at this moment, becoming a dead body!

"Second brother!"

This sudden scene made Tian Dujiang a little bit afraid to accept all this and roared desperately, but his second brother could no longer hear him.

An extremely cold expression appeared on Tiandujiang's face, his body suddenly violent, and he ignored the pain of his arm wound.

At this moment, the body flew desperately toward the direction of Ye Feng's body, and directly released the most terrifying attack against Ye Feng.

This attack can be said to have exploded all the potential in his body. It was the strongest fatal blow and wanted to avenge his second brother!

However, at this moment, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with an extremely cold luster, facing this attack from Tiandujiang.

He also didn't hesitate.

"Sweep the army!"

With such a roar in his mouth, Ye Feng's sacred demon spear spearmanship appeared in his mind. This sweeping the army was his last move to cultivate the first level of the holy demon spear.

The power of this trick is naturally the strongest in the first layer of the holy magic spear method. The gentian bright silver spear buzzes endlessly, and an amazing holy magic power is immediately instilled in it.

Immediately, the terrorist guns swept out horizontally, and the various powers merged together, and the terrifying power shown to be released was beyond imagination!

At the next moment, the crowd saw that Ye Feng's shot directly collided with this desperate blow from Tiandujiang, and a terrifying shock sounded.

Accompanied by a muffled sound of body tearing, Tiandujiang's body was directly torn apart by this gun under the action of Ye Feng's spear light.

His attack was under the action of the spear light of the night wind, and there was no resistance at all, and it was completely destroyed in a short time!

"Eldest son, second son..."

The rest of the Tiandu City powerhouses were also stunned by what happened before them. They had come in mighty force before, led by the two sons and the eldest son.

It has assembled a number of generals, and the lineup is quite terrifying. They think that such a lineup is already overkill for two unknown people.

But never thought that after their arrival, this amazing discovery, the strength of these two unknown people was so powerful that they were unimaginable.

Everyone kills them and these people are as easy as cutting melons and vegetables. Not long after this stop has just started, many warlords have fallen here.

Both the eldest son and the second son were all killed by Ye Feng, and they were all shots with a single shot. It is enough to imagine the strength gap between the two.

"Quickly, go find Lord City Lord!"

A warlord roared that both the eldest son and the second son had died here, and they didn't know how to explain to the lord of the city.

Now, the Lord City Lord must be allowed to come to be able to completely punish these two rebels.

Many people's hearts trembled, and what happened in Tiandu City today simply subverted their cognition.

You know, even though dragons and snakes are mixed in the Heavenly Capital City, there are often powerful people from all over the Nine Heavens.

But when everyone comes to Tiandu City, they will automatically abide by the rules of this city, and few people deliberately destroy it.

And the City Lord's Mansion of Tiandu City is the absolute ruler of this piece of honesty, and no one violates their interests.

No one dared to provoke the majesty of the City Lord's Mansion in Tiandu City.

And the two young people in front of them not only slayed a kind of powerhouse in Tiandu City one after another, but even the two young men of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion died in their hands.

This is simply crazy, not to mention that their strength is terribly powerful, even this kind of courage is also unattainable by ordinary people.

You know, the city lord of Tiandu City is a powerhouse of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, and the existence of this level has already stood at the top of the entire Nine Heavens.

No one dared to provoke casually, if he angered the city lord of Tiandu City, the outcome of this person was almost doomed.

"Om, hum..."

Just as everyone present was in a state of shock, in the emptiness, there were such voices of secret agents.

In the next moment, many people felt that there was a terrifying coercion in the void, which made their hearts tremble involuntarily.

They couldn't help but raised their heads and stared at the sky, and they saw that there was a figure whistling leaping forward in that sky.

The coercion on this figure is simply terrifying to the extreme, and there is a flame of anger on the body.

After seeing this figure, the hearts of everyone present couldn't help but beating, only one person opened his mouth and said: "It's the city lord of the heavenly city, the city lord of the heavenly city is here!"

After saying this sentence, the faces of the people present became especially wonderful, they were still thinking about it just now. If the city lord of Tiandu City knew that his two sons had died here, how would he feel?

But never thought, they just had a similar idea in their hearts, and the city lord of Tiandu City had already arrived!

"It's over, these two young men are over. They killed the two sons of the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City. The City Lord of the Heavenly Capital City will not let them go, and will break them into pieces!"

Someone said such words for the first time, even if Ye Feng and this Holy Demon Mountain young powerhouse were so powerful.

In the eyes of everyone, they will still not be the opponents of the City Lord of the Heavenly Capital City, the powerhouse of the Supreme Martial Emperor level, not everyone can match.

Just like the two young people Ye Feng, they are not worth mentioning in front of each other.

"You two, why are you killing my heirs!"

The City Lord of Tiandu City was fierce and evil, and his breath was extremely violent. He knew this for the first time when his two sons were killed.

Putting down the things in his hands, he flew toward this side desperately, his son was already dead, he was bound to fight the other side desperately.

The voice of the City Lord of Tiandu City instantly spread from all directions, so that the entire Tiandu City could hear clearly.

At this moment, the entire Tiandu City trembled, and everyone involuntarily walked out of their previous position, looking up at the sky.

When they saw the familiar and majestic figure, their hearts trembled involuntarily.

I only heard one person say: "Which one is not long-eyed, killed the two sons? If this is the case, the city lord of Tiandu City will definitely not let them go!"

His words represent the thoughts in the hearts of everyone in Tiandu City. In their hearts, Lord City Lord is like a **** who can determine the life and death of everyone in Tiandu City.

At this moment, most people in Tianducheng walked into the open space, looking up at all this.

Including the Holy Medicine Hall where Ye Feng bought the Devil Soul Fragments before, the shopkeeper, Xiaodie, and the girl who had received Ye Feng before also walked out of the Holy Medicine Hall.

Just listen to the shopkeeper opening his mouth and say: "The two princes of Tiandu City are dead. I really don’t know who did it. He even dared to provoke the majesty of Tiandu City City Lord’s Mansion. This person will definitely die miserably!

The girl who had received Ye Feng involuntarily nodded her head, and no one could replace the status of the City Lord's Mansion in their hearts.

After the city lord of Tiandu City arrived, he immediately turned his eyes on Ye Feng, just because he could feel the breath of his two sons.

In other words, his two sons died at the hands of Ye Feng.

The young powerhouse of the Saint Demon Mountain wanted to vacate, but was called down by Ye Feng. Although the opponent's strength was strong, the city lord of the Heavenly Capital City was also an existence of the Supreme Martial Emperor.

The strength is naturally not trivial. If this young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain fights him alone, he will inevitably take a certain risk.

Therefore, Ye Feng decided to do it himself.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Ye Feng's body also rose directly into the sky at this moment, his white robe danced with the wind, he held the gentian and bright silver, and the whole person looked unrestrained!

In the Tiandu City, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Feng. They were very strange to the young man in front of them. When they saw Ye Feng's cultivation level clearly, their expressions could not help but freeze. In the eyes.

At the peak of Emperor Wudi, can this kind of cultivation really defeat the two sons of the first son?

"That, that, isn't that the young man who just bought the Devil Soul Fragment in our Holy Medicine Hall? How could it be, how could it be him..."

The treasurer of the Saint Medicine Hall also saw Ye Feng for the first time, and an unbelievable look immediately appeared on his face, and his body trembled and said.

Even rubbing his eyes with both for fear of hallucinations.

Not only him, Xiaodie, and the girl who had received Ye Feng before also saw this scene.

The pretty faces of the two girls also showed shocking expressions, and their bodies were completely petrified.

Before, Ye Feng had done a lot in the Holy Medicine Hall, and he had already shocked everyone in the Holy Medicine Hall.

But they didn't think that the young people who had been despised by them before were now confronted with the power of the sky above the city.

This is simply too crazy, the City Lord of Tiandu City is more noble than gods to them.

It is unimaginable that young people like Ye Feng are confronting their gods!


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