Sky War God

Chapter 2712: Long Aoshuang's despair

Taking advantage of these two young Tianjiao figures uttering such ironic words, the rest of them couldn't help showing mocking expressions, and they even got together to discuss.

"If you have a kind, come out and fight me on your own. If you can defeat me, then you can count on you!"

Huang Quan Youming satirically said to Ye Feng, the words were full of provocative meaning. Many people at the scene all focused on Ye Feng's body, and wondered if Ye Feng would dare to fight against Huang Quan Nether's provocation?

"I just want to say that you used to be my defeated man and will always be, so I don't think this battle is necessary at all."

Hearing Huang Quan's provocation, Ye Feng's expression was calm and he spoke directly to the other party.

After his words were said, the expressions of the people were taken aback, and then a bit of sarcasm quickly appeared on their faces.

In their opinion, Ye Feng is definitely evading the battle, and what he said is that he is afraid of bringing Huangquan Youming, so he finds a reason for himself.

"This guy is really glib, he must be afraid of losing and dare not fight!"

Someone spoke like this immediately, and many people nodded in agreement, if Ye Feng really had the ability, why would he be afraid of a fight.

"Haha, there are so many reasons for you. If you dare not fight with me, you can surrender directly. Why look for these far-fetched reasons?"

Huang Quan Youming sarcastically smiled at Ye Feng. Hearing Ye Feng's words, his thoughts were the same as those of everyone present.

"Since you said that, you can try it on me."

Ye Feng's eyes froze slightly. He didn't expect this Huang Quan Youming to be so confident in his own strength. Since this is the case, then he must fulfill the opponent.

Seeing Ye Feng actually agreed, many people sneered at the corners of their mouths, and wanted to see the scene where Ye Feng was crushed by Huangquan Nether.

"Ye Feng, you have to be more careful."

Xuanyuan Mingyue sent a reminding voice to Ye Feng. When she said this, the pretty face of this woman was full of worry.

After all, above the Nine Heavens, Xuanyuan Mingyue would often hear some news about Huangquan Youming, knowing that the strength of the opponent was no longer what it used to be.

What's more, his cultivation level has always been much higher than Ye Feng.

"Don't worry."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded at Xuanyuan Mingyue.

"Om, hum..."

Almost at the same time, an astonishing breath erupted from the crowd, and endless ghost auras hovered around him.

The power of destruction is extremely powerful, and when it is released, this space has turned into a yellow spring hell, and many people's bodies have felt this irresistible pressure.

They were all shocked by Huang Quan Youming's strength.

Almost at the same time, Huang Quan Nether's footsteps swiftly stepped forward, his figure speed was extremely fast, and it turned into a magical stream of light in a short time.

It quickly descended in front of Ye Feng's body. At this moment, he had already mobilized all the strongest attributes in his body and gathered them in his palm.

The palm of his hand became extremely violent. He looked at Ye Feng ironically, and said coldly: "Hiding behind others is not your true strength. Now, I will fight you back. Prototype!"

After saying this, the crowd heard a terrifying voice from Huangquan Youming’s mouth again: "Huangquan kills the palm of God!"

When this voice fell, the terrifying and destructive power passed from the emptiness seemed to become more violent, and there was a burst of terrifying ghost crying and wolf howling sounds.

It kept shining in the void, and in a short period of time, he madly shot a large destruction palm print against Ye Feng's body.

The power contained in this destructive palmprint is beyond imagination, covering all generals in a short time.

The terrible destruction power shrouded Ye Feng's body frantically, completely destroying Ye Feng's body.

Many people were involuntarily stunned when they saw this scene. They only heard a strong man opening his mouth in some surprises: "I heard that Huangquan Youming's strength is no longer what it used to be. When I see it now, it is indeed as rumored. In general, this Huangquan Youming is really much stronger than Shura Youming. In my opinion, under the influence of the other's palmprint, Ye Feng can't hold on to it!"

After his words came out, they immediately attracted the recognition of many people present.

Huangquan Deshen Palm is a powerful attacking martial art practiced by Emperor Netherworld. According to legend, this weapon was taught to Huangquan Youming by the master of the Nether Ghost Mansion, and its power is naturally super terrifying.

After Huang Quan Youming released this palm print, the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed strong irony, and couldn't help but say: "My Huangquan Destroying God Palm is for you. Now you are back to Jiuzhongtian. Above, my palm prints will not have been cultivated in vain, and it will just send you to hell!"

Huang Quan Youming seemed to be very confident in his palm print, thinking that he could easily kill Ye Fengzhu with this palm print.

However, he did not realize that at this moment, Ye Feng had been looking at him sarcastically, as if he was looking at the little hand of the jumping beam.


Ye Feng asked faintly, and then, under everyone's gaze, Ye Feng had a breath aroused.

The power of destruction contained in this breath is also detached from the imagination of everyone present, and there are multiple attributes and forces within it.

It was gathered in Ye Feng's palm in a short time. Randomly, Ye Feng's arm was raised high, and a terror fist shot out in front of him at this moment.

Wherever the fist light went, there were bursts of tyrannical roars, and the resulting power was beyond imagination.

This punch not only possesses a certain amount of Dao power, but also the power of good fortune, and the power of heaven and earth is also super terrifying.

It made Huang Quan's gaze freeze slightly, and it seemed that Ye Feng would dare to contend with him when Ye Feng faced such a terrifying attack.

Next, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks all over the world, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided together under the shocking gaze of everyone, and the amazing power of destruction flashed out, as if to completely destroy this space.

Huang Quan Youming looked confident before, thinking that Ye Feng could not contend with such an attack of his own, but when the two attacks just collided, Huang Quan Youming's face changed.

He only felt an astonishing destructive force descending on his body, and his Huangquan Destroying Palm was indeed powerful enough.

But at this moment, the destructive power contained in Ye Feng's fist was irresistible.

The destructive power in Huangquan Miyoshi's palm was instantly smashed and destroyed, and the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's fist also came to Huangquan Nether's body again at this moment.

This made Huang Quan's face unbelievable. His body was trembling crazily, and his body was shocked. He couldn't help but ask Ye Feng with an incredulous expression: "How is it possible, how can your current strength be so Stronger?"

Huang Quan Youming couldn't believe that all this would be true until this moment, but his body was already wrapped in destructive power.

An irresistible counter-shock force descended on his body, causing Huang Quan Youming to make a scream. He could no longer hold on, and his body was directly shocked and flew out at this moment.

When the body was still in the void, blood was spit out, this scene fell in the eyes of the people present, and suddenly all their expressions were stunned there.

No one thought that this happened just after the two attacks collided.

Huang Quan Youming is so powerful, his cultivation has reached the peak of the upper ghost emperor, and other martial arts and martial arts are much stronger than this, it can be said that the whole person has undergone a perfect transformation.

But when he collided with Ye Feng, he was shaken off by Ye Feng's fist very easily. For everyone present, it was simply unimaginable.

At this moment, Huang Quan Nether was also held by the two Nether Ghost Mansion experts, his body was still trembling, and blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth.

Under the collision just now, his body suffered an extremely severe blow.

Even if he released the palm of Huangquan Destroying God, but under Ye Feng's fist, you seemed so fragile, and his palm print was easily shattered by Ye Feng's fist.

The irresistible destructive force descended on his body without any barriers, almost confiscating his life.

Many people were still immersed in the shock, including Xuanyuan Mingyue, Xuanyuan Patriarch, Xuanyuan Hongjian, as well as the Nether Ghost Mansion, a kind of strong figure in the Hidden Dragon Valley, all of them were completely shocked by Ye Feng's strength.

Ye Feng looked at Huangquan Youming, whose body was shaken off at the moment, and said with a sneer: "I told you before, don’t fight with me easily, but you just don’t believe it. Now, you are suffering from such an outcome, and You can only blame yourself."

After saying this sentence, Huang Quan Youming's complexion became even more livid. He never dreamed that Ye Feng was so terrible now.

He couldn't even catch the opponent's punch, which made the words he said to Ye Feng before, more like he was hitting himself in the face.

"Impossible, you can't have this kind of strength. In my opinion, you actually used some unknown strength to say, what kind of despicable means did you use to make your strength short for a short time. Promoted within!"

Huang Quan Youming didn't want to believe all this anyway, so he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't want to pay attention to the other party, as such a person who could not afford to lose was really not worth his attention.

Immediately, his gaze turned to the direction where the hidden dragon valley was, which surprised everyone present, and couldn't see why Ye Feng acted like this.

It didn't take long for everyone to realize that Long Aoshuang's face in the Hidden Dragon Valley camp became ugly.

"Before I heard you yelling, it seemed very happy, do you want to fight with me, if that is the case, get out now!"

Next, everyone present heard such a voice spit out from Ye Feng's mouth, and immediately made them raise their brows slightly.

There was an accident on his face, and no one thought that Ye Feng had just defeated Huangquan Youming and directly challenged Long Aoshuang.

In fact, Ye Feng didn't want to fight at all. This Long Aoshuang had just said cold words in front of him. This was Ye Feng's most annoying move.

Therefore, he wanted to teach each other a lesson.

When Long Aoshuang heard Ye Feng's challenging words, the expression on his face immediately solidified. Before, Ye Feng fisted Huang Quanming's body to fly away.

He could see Long Aoshuang in his eyes, he and Huang Quan Youming had always been in a competitive relationship, and the strength of the two was almost equal.

Ye Feng was able to shake Huangquan Nether with one punch, and if he fought Ye Feng, it would naturally not be much better.

Therefore, after hearing Ye Feng's challenge, Long Aoshuang didn't even know how to choose in a short time.

He kept silent for a long time without speaking.

"Why? Are you afraid to fight? If you don't dare, you can give in in front of everyone!"

Ye Feng looked at Long Aoshuang ironically and said, this made Long Aoshuang's expression even more ugly.

If he agrees to fight with Ye Feng, he is likely to be crushed by Ye Feng's strength, and if he refuses to fight, he will be laughed at and cowardly by others.

Long Aoshuang was caught in a dilemma, and was gritted with anger.

"Aoshuang, go out and fight him, fight for me in the Hidden Dragon Valley!"

At this moment, in the Hidden Dragon Valley camp, an extremely old voice came out, and the person who spoke it was a powerful and powerful Hidden Dragon Valley.

This person is quite authoritative in the Hidden Dragon Valley, his words are equivalent to will, and Long Aoshuang's heart is 100 reluctant.

I can only try to explain: "Elder..."

However, his words have not been really spoken, but they were interrupted by the old man: "Don't shame me in Hidden Dragon Valley, go!"

This sentence made Long Aoshuang completely plunged into despair. He didn't expect that he would face Ye Feng's challenge like this.

Long Aoshuang stiffened his scalp and walked out of the camp, and many people could see the expression of fear in his eyes.

Most people can also understand that, after all, Huang Quan Youming was directly shocked by Ye Feng's fist just now. Long Aoshuang and Huang Quan Youming belonged to the young Tianjiao of the same period, and their strength should be extremely similar.

Therefore, Long Aoshuang was so afraid of Ye Feng.

"Go ahead, you have been provoking with me, I give you this opportunity."

Seeing Long Aoshuang walking step by step, Ye Feng smiled and said, but that smile seemed a bit cruel to everyone.

At this point, Long Aoshuang knew that he had to face all this, and if he gave up on this, he would definitely be laughed off by others.

Therefore, he only wanted to be able to surprise Ye Feng and give Ye Feng a strong blow to defeat Ye Feng.


Therefore, just as Ye Feng's words fell, the crowd saw Long Aoshuang's footsteps stepping out at this moment, and his figure was extremely fast.

The body was wrapped in a burst of dragon energy, and the terrifying dragon power swept the world, as if the sound of a dragon roaring from the void.

When Long Aoshuang reached Ye Feng's body, he directly patted a palm print on Ye Feng's body.

The power contained in this palm print is super terrifying, and the dragon energy contained in it is also surprisingly strong.

In a short time, he quickly enveloped Ye Feng's body, swallowing Ye Feng's body completely.

I have to say that Long Aoshuang's attack power is indeed terrifying.

But in front of Ye Feng, it was naturally not worth mentioning, and Ye Feng blasted out a punch.

This fist still seemed so casual, as if it had no power at all, but it was absolutely terrifying.

It seems that when this punch is released, this space will be destroyed by my collapse.

Almost at the same time, the attacks of the two collided together, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

However, Long Aoshuang naturally felt the power contained in Ye Feng's punch for the first time.

It made his body tremble wildly, but he naturally didn't mean to give up.

He desperately released his own physical skills and martial arts, and at the same time, some sharp-eyed people all saw that in Long Aoshuang's other hand, a cold light flashed out.

This cold light pierced people's eyes, and Feng Rui's aura was extremely strong, as his body was about to be retreated by Ye Feng's punch.

Long Aoshuang's other hand flicked out frantically, and Han Guang also pierced Ye Feng's body with lightning speed.

This is an extremely sharp dagger, which is made of extremely thick profound iron.

With extremely strong penetrability, if he really pierces Ye Feng's body, no matter how strong Ye Feng's strength is, he may die.

Many people naturally saw all this, and their hearts were slightly shocked, wondering whether Ye Feng could escape this disaster this time.

However, Ye Feng seemed to have discovered all this long ago. When the opponent's dagger quickly assassinated his body, the space attribute power on Ye Feng's body had already been released.

This made his body become illusory in a short time, as if isolated from this space, stepping forward at will, the body seemed to be able to penetrate this space and appeared in other directions in the blink of an eye.

Let the opponent's attack pass through from the side of his body, but failed to really hit Ye Feng's body.

This made Long Aoshuang's face ugly, and he already felt Ye Feng's body descend in front of him.

He naturally did not dare to face Ye Feng, his body desperately dodged towards one side at this moment. But Ye Feng also realized that he was given any chance to dodge.

Not to mention that Long Aoshuang almost killed Ye Feng in the Holy Land Academy, even the despicable methods just mentioned were not something Ye Feng could tolerate.

"Want to go? Can you still go?"

Ye Feng made such a sarcastic voice, and when he spoke, one of his big hands directly grabbed the opponent's body.

There is an extremely terrifying Dao Might in the big hand, and the other various attributes are equally powerful, completely blocking the opponent's body.

Long Aoshuang's face was pale, and he naturally felt the power contained in Ye Feng's big hand. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't do it at all.

Can only watch this big hand firmly buckle his body, many people are shocked after seeing this scene.

In any case, Long Aoshuang is also a top arrogant figure, and even the best talent among the young generations of their hidden dragon valley.

Now, Long Aoshuang seemed so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng, and he was easily controlled by the opponent like an ant.

"Let go of me!"

Long Aoshuang roared, his body struggled desperately, and he couldn't believe Ye Feng's strength.

He previously thought that he was using that palm print as a cover to slay Ye Feng with a dagger.

But never thought that Ye Feng's reaction speed was much faster than he thought, and the big hands released at this moment made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"You always wanted to kill me. Now, you are in control of me, so you want me to let you go. How can there be such beautiful things in the world?"

Ye Feng clasped Long Aoshuang's body with his arm, and couldn't help but said sarcastically.

Long Aoshuang's complexion became paler and paler, and he could feel Ye Feng's arms were constantly tightening.

As a result, his body was subjected to an extremely strong pressure, and the bones in his body made waves of dislocation noises.

"Then what do you want? If you dare to do something to me, Hidden Dragon Valley will not let you go!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Long Aoshuang's face became extremely ugly, and I asked Ye Feng coldly.

And tried to use what he said to push Ye Feng down.

But Ye Feng sneered, and said to Long Aoshuang: "Even if I don't kill you, the person who leads the dragon bones already sees me as a thorn in my eye. You said, should I keep you?"

This sentence immediately made Long Aoshuang's complexion even more ugly. Then, everyone present saw Ye Feng's big hand tightening the force that was super terrifying.

The pressure on Long Aoshuang's body became stronger and stronger. The creaking sound continued to be heard, and the bones in Long Aoshuang's body were crushed and screamed.

"Thief, dare you!"

A powerful Hidden Dragon Valley could not help but say angrily to Ye Feng. He could see the killing intent on Ye Feng and seemed to have tried to kill Long Aoshuang.

While speaking, this powerful Hidden Dragon Valley stepped forward for the first His figure was extremely fast, and he flew towards Ye Feng's position in a short time. .

At the same time, the astonishing palm prints blasted towards Ye Feng, trying to punish Ye Feng.

However, as soon as his attack was released, he saw the footsteps of a young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain stepping out at this moment.

Immediately came directly in front of Ye Feng's body, and a palm print was photographed. The power contained in this palm print was beyond imagination. It collided with the attack of this powerful Hidden Dragon Valley within a short time. Together.

Just listen to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks all over the world, and the power of destruction spreads in all directions.

The body of this powerful Hidden Dragon Valley was shattered.

Almost at the same time, the creaking sound came out again, accompanied by bursts of screams in Long Aoshuang's mouth.


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