Sky War God

Chapter 2697: The past has become a cloud of smoke

There was a cold light in Tianchaming's eyes, these people were so ignorant of current affairs, he was not prepared to give the other person a chance.

A breath burst out again on his body, making his body seem to have detached from the distance of this space.

Stepping forward at will, his body can be isolated from this space, and the attacks of the three powerhouses cannot really get close to Tian Chaming's body.

Tian Chaming's body is as virtual as it is real, like a dream and illusion.

It was as if they had disappeared in the same place, which caused their attacks to explode continuously in the space, but they could not touch Tian Chaming's body.

Heaven Punishment Ming had already appeared on the other side at this moment, and the terrifying big palm print was shot at this moment, and the terrifying power contained in the palm print was even stronger than before.

In a short time, his palm print directly enveloped the body of the mother of Lord Lu Xiao, the emperor of the devil.

The two brothers instantly felt the sense of crisis coming from one side of their body.

They naturally didn't dare to neglect this, and wanted to release their strongest physical skills and martial arts to dodge this opponent's attack.

However, the opponent's attack is not only extremely fast, but also powerful beyond imagination.

It fell on the bodies of these two people in a short time, causing the two people to make a muffled sound. Under the powerful micro-energy of the palm print, their bodies could no longer hold on, and they were directly affected. Zhenfei went out and vomited blood when he landed.

After seeing this scene, the Patriarch of the Lu family looked very ugly. He thought that by gathering the power of the three of them, he could definitely suppress Tian Chaming, but he never thought that Tian Chaming was so powerful.

Unleashing an attack at will is not something that the Heavenly Demon Emperor and his wife can resist, but the shock is also very short-lived.

Soon, the head of the Lu family suppressed this shock. At the same time, his footsteps were quickly taken out, and his figure speed was also incredible.

In a short time, he tried to launch an unexpected attack on Tian Fuming. His attack power was strong enough and the speed was beyond imagination.

But Tian Chaming's reaction speed was not what he could imagine, and a terrifying force gathered on his fist in a short time.

This made this fist flashed with an astonishing power of destruction, and at this moment, it directly vacated a terrifying fist towards the Lu Family Patriarch.

His punch was still simple and unpretentious, and it seemed as if it was not very powerful, but the punch came in front of the body of the Lu Family Patriarch, and immediately made the other party feel an irresistible pressure.

In the next moment, the fists of the two collided together, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The Patriarch of the Lu Family was not Tian Chaming's opponent at all. When the two attacked and collided, the Patriarch of the Lu Family had personally felt this.

His body was trembling constantly, and at the same time as the whole body retreated, a mouthful of blood was spit out, his complexion became extremely pale.

Almost at the same time, Tian Chaming took your steps forward, and a big hand directly grabbed the Lu Family Patriarch's throat.

After having just endured that irresistible attack, the Lu Family Patriarch was naturally unable to attack and resist immediately.

He could only let the opponent's big hand clasp his throat fiercely. Many people saw this scene with a dull look, and no one thought that the three powerhouses would fight against Tian Fuming, and they would still suffer such an ending.

That terrifying big hand was too powerful, directly speaking that Patriarch Lu’s throat was clasped, leaving Patriarch Lu having no resistance at all, and only felt that his breathing had become extremely difficult at this moment.

"You, what are you going to do? Just let me go soon?"

The Lu Family Patriarch still didn't seem to realize his situation, and couldn't help but roar at Tian Chiming.

Tian Chaming looked at the Lu Family Patriarch with no expression on his face, as if he was looking at the ants. This made the Lu Family Patriarch only feel a chill in his heart.

"Kneel down!"

Next, under the shocking gaze of the crowd, Tian Chaming couldn't help but make an extremely cold voice.

After the voice fell, Patriarch Lu felt an invisible force coming, directly oppressing his body. This force was too strong, causing Patriarch Lu’s body to tremble fiercely, and his whole body. As if being oppressed by the mountains.

Under the action of that powerful pressure, the Patriarch Lu only felt that the bones inside his body seemed to be dislocated for a while, as if it might shatter at any time.

Many people couldn't help but trembled after seeing this scene. You must know that it is the Patriarch of their Lu family who is now forced to kneel by Tian Fuming's throat.

The super existence that truly governs a whole world, the strength that he can show is unimaginable by others.

However, at this moment, there is such a person, there is no strength like you in the emptiness at all on Sunday, and the oppressive body is bent downward.

The whole body can no longer hold on.

Those strong Lu family faces were grieved and angry, and their families were forced to kneel down in this way. The anger in their hearts as Lu family members is naturally conceivable.


Almost at the same time, the crowd only heard a muffled noise. Under the pressure of that powerful force, Patriarch Lu’s body finally failed to hold on, and his body knelt directly in front of Ye Feng and the others at this moment. .

Kneeling side by side with his son Lu Xiao, the father and son looked like this person, giving people a strong sense of visual impact.

" guys, I make you hard to die!"

After seeing this scene, Master Lu Xiao couldn't help but speak coldly to Tian Fuming and others, gritted his teeth while speaking.


However, almost at the same time, everyone on the scene heard a clear and moving sound, and a big handprint of a young strong Saint Demon Mountain slapped Master Lu Xiao on half of his face.

As a result, Master Lu Xiao made a scream of concealment, and the other half of his intact face was drawn high and swollen, and five finger prints flashed, looking quite embarrassed.

"Is there any place for you to talk here? If you are nosy, I will cut off your head!"

That strong young man from the Holy Demon Mountain coldly shouted at Young Master Lu Xiao, this sentence was extremely cold, and Young Master Lu Xiao's body trembled involuntarily.

As if everything the other party said was true, if he continued to talk nonsense, the other party might really kill him.

"You ran into Master Demon Ancestor, you are guilty of a thousand deaths, so please kowtow to Master Demon Ancestor!"

Almost at the same time, everyone heard the majestic voice of Tian Chaming, and the most accurate was the Lu Family Patriarch who was kneeling in front of Ye Feng at this moment.

After this sentence was said, the expressions of all the people present became solidified. At this moment, some of them did not even hear the meaning of the other party's words clearly.

Lord Mozu, Tiancaiming asked the Patriarch of the Lu Family to ask Lord Mozu for sin, then the question is, where is Lord Mozu?

Why didn't they see it, is it possible that Xing Ming is talking nonsense this day? Or is there some of them pretending to be Lord Demon Ancestor?

A series of questions kept thinking of the host present, but there was no answer.

At this moment, including the Lu Family Patriarch, Heavenly Demon Emperor, Lu Xiao’s mother, Lu Xiao, Miss Meng Qi, and the great powers of the Demon Emperor City, a bit of suspicion was born in their hearts.

But at this time, they heard Tian Chaming's voice coming over again: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and kowtow to Lord Demon Ancestor, do you want to die?"

After this sentence fell, the Lu Family Patriarch also reflected the shock. With a somewhat dazed expression on his face, he couldn't help but ask Tian Chaming, "Dare to ask your excellency, what you say Where is the demon ancestor and why I don’t know."

The rest of the people present also had similar thoughts in their hearts, and they were also very curious about Lord Demon Ancestor.

"Don't you know what the Holy Demon Mountain announced to the world? Lord Demon Ancestor is right in front of you, and his name is Ye Feng!"

Tian Chaming has some helplessness. These guys really don't know Mount Tai. The Master Demon Ancestor is right in front of them, and they can't see it.

However, after Tian Chaming's words fell, everyone present was stunned.

As if hearing the most incredible things in the world, even many people think that they have misheard them, and it turns out that there is a problem with their own ears that they have misheard what the other person said.

At this moment, Emperor Tianmao, Miss Mengqi, Patriarch of the Lu Family, Young Master Lu Xiao, and all the powerhouses of the Demon Emperor City all looked at Tian Xingming with a dull expression, with strong doubts in their eyes.

"Your Excellency is saying that the new Demon Ancestor... is it him?"

After a long time, the Patriarch of the Lu family tried to ask. At the same time he asked these words, his body was trembling constantly, only feeling that he had said the most absurd thing in the world.

How can it be? How could this be possible, the guy in front of him was just an unknown person.

He used to never put this nameless **** in his eyes at all. The opponent was not even an ant in front of him. He wanted to punish the opponent, but he could only do things with a wave of his hand.

Even the so-called credit of the other party can be snatched over in one sentence and placed on his son's head.

This is a world of the strong, and the weak can only be bullied.

Except for the Lu Family Patriarch, everyone else present was the same, just feeling that they were dreaming.

Some people even shook their heads desperately, wanting to wake up from their dreams, Ye Feng, the fifth protector of the former emperor's residence.

Even if he is talented, he is invincible among people standing in the same realm. But with his energy, in front of those truly powerful and powerful, it is still so small.

The other party wanted to kill him, it was only something that could be accomplished with a wave of his hand. With such an existence, even if he struggled for thousands of years, how could he become the supreme Demon Ancestor?

That was the real Lord of the Demon Territory, a person of average level of the gods on the Holy Demon Mountain, even the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Lu Family Patriarch, who were not even qualified to carry shoes in front of the opponent.

It can be said that a power like Demon Emperor City, Master Demon Ancestor can destroy this power instantly, and the other party will not have any resistance at all.

Lord Demon Ancestor controls the life and death of people in the entire Demon Realm, and everyone's fate is under his control. No matter how strong you are, Lord Demon Ancestor can easily decide your life and death.

How could such a detached and godlike existence be the person in front of him? This was the fifth protector of their Devil City.

The traitor who was expelled from their Demon Emperor City, now, this person has changed and became the master of the entire Demon Realm.

This kind of shock, if you don't experience it yourself, you can't experience it at all.

Therefore, after Tian Chaming’s words fell, for a long time, everyone in the room could not react, and they still stood in place with a dull look.

After some more time, a powerful Demon Emperor City suddenly walked out of his previous stupefaction. He couldn't help but said with a surprised look: "Didn't I say before, the new leader of the leader has cultivated into the realm of Emperor Wu. , His name is also Ye Feng!"

After saying this sentence, many people present at the stage suddenly realized that, indeed, this powerful expert in Devil Emperor City did say similar things before.

At that time, when they heard these words from the other party, they still looked jealous and contemptuous, and even many people couldn't help but say some slander and mockery to this person.

The face of this powerful and powerful Demon Emperor City was lost, and there was no opportunity to even explain.

Thinking about it now, they suddenly realized that the name of the new module was Ye Feng, which is an indisputable fact, and at this moment, Ye Feng happened to appear in front of them.

The strengths of the powerhouses he followed were not what they could imagine, especially Tiancaiming, who fought alone against the Patriarch of the Lu family, Emperor Tianmo, and the mother of Lu Xiao, the three powerhouses still easily beat each other. Three people crushed.

Moreover, this kind of crushing is simply a one-sided situation, and the other three have no counterattack capabilities at all.

The gap is obvious!

Under this circumstance, everyone present can already guess that the identity of Tianchaming is not simple, and it is definitely not what they can imagine.

However, it is such a top and powerful person who claims that Ye Feng is the Lord Demon Ancestor, and he shows absolute respect in front of Ye Feng, which can already indicate the identity of Ye Feng now!

It's just that those people who once had enmity with Ye Feng were unwilling to believe all this. They were so proud when Ye Feng was driven out of the Emperor's Mansion in Devil Emperor City.

Thinking that they are the masters of Devil Emperor City, foreigners like Ye Feng are destined to be crushed by them.

However, after a long time, the young man who was driven out of the Emperor's Mansion returned, and he returned with another identity.

But it is already the existence that the entire Demon Realm looks up to, the real master of the Demon Realm, Lord Mozu, the ruler of the Holy Demon Mountain!

"Master Demon Lord, have you really become Lord Demon Lord now?"

The Lu Family Patriarch still seemed to be a little bit unable to believe all this, and couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

Ye Feng just watched the Lu Family Patriarch not speak so calmly, he didn't need to answer these things anymore.

"Where do you come from so much nonsense? If someone like you is placed on the Saint Demon Mountain, they have committed the great crime of the Nine Clan of Killing People, and your city will be punished by the massacre!"

Tian Chaming seemed to be a little impatient. For Patriarch Lu's long-windedness, he even wanted to take the action to rectify this guy on the spot right now. Perhaps only in this way could he eliminate the hatred in his heart.

Hearing what I said, everyone present had to believe all this, and the shock in their hearts was also extremely obvious.

"Subordinates and others, see Lord Demon Ancestor, Lord Demon Ancestor, for generations to come, longevity is the same as Heaven!"

Almost at the same time, the people present heard such a voice. A strong man fell on his knees first and said such respectful words to Ye Feng, which made the lady present's eyes constricted.

Involuntarily moving toward the location of the speaker and forgetting to go, he saw that Liang Sheng took the lead to kneel to the ground toward the location of Ye Feng, and said with a look of pilgrimage.

Seeing this, Qingtian Protector and Sun Ke were also the same. Although the three of them were equally shocked, Ye Feng was able to become the new Demon Ancestor and rule the entire Demon Realm. They were naturally extremely happy and felt for Ye Feng. happy.

At the same time, the people living in the market failed to react.

The three of them took the lead in giving this big gift to Ye Feng.

After seeing this scene, many people in the audience dared to hesitate, one by one kneeling to the ground where Ye Feng was, and saying such respectful words in their mouths.

The young man in front of him is no longer the one who was slaughtered by others, turned black and white, and expelled from the Devil Emperor City.

Today, he has become the lord of the entire Demon Realm, he returns with glory, and everyone worships.

The powerhouses around him are powerful, even if they are beyond the demon emperor realm like the Lu Family Patriarch, the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon, and the mother of Lu Xiao, they are not their opponents.

At this moment, then you dare to have the slightest doubt. All bowed and bowed to Ye Feng, including the magic dragon protector, the lone wolf protector, the red devil protector, the Luo Kui protector, the swallowing heaven protector, the wolf soul protector, the purple demon and others.

I didn't dare to be negligent, Yiye Feng's current strength, if he wanted to deal with them, it would be like nothing.

People like them are not even considered ants in front of Ye Feng. Ye Feng wants to kill them, and they won't have any resistance at all.

In this case, I want to save my life. The only way is to surrender. Nothing can save them!

Ye Feng glanced at these people, the expression on his face was so calm, he didn't have any surprises about what the other people were doing.

Seeing him stepping forward, under the gaze of the renter on the battlefield, he came to the front of Qingtian Protector, Sun Ke, and Liang Sheng.

Immediately Yiyi lifted the opponent's body from the ground. At this time, Ye Feng seemed to have restored the peace of the past, without any shelf, so he lifted his three friends from the ground.

Such an action is simply impossible for everyone present.

This is the Lord of the entire Demon Territory, Lord Demon Ancestor, who really exists like a god, and actually bowed to support the three of them.

Even the Patriarch of the Lu Family, Emperor Tianmo, such as Xiao Gongzi's mother did not receive such treatment, but the three Qingtian Guardians were personally supported by Ye Feng.

"Master Mozu..."

Seeing that Ye Feng took the initiative to help the three of them, and still behaved as easy-going as before, without the slightest pretension.

Qingtian Guardian's face was excited, and his eyes toward Ye Feng were full of touch.

"Don't say anything more, we are all friends."

Ye Feng couldn't help but speak to the three Qingtian guardians.

The touch in the heart of Qingtian Protector cannot be described in words.

The rest of the strong on the scene froze for a while, and while being shocked by Ye Feng's performance at the moment, they couldn't help but feel extremely envious of Qingtian's guardian.

The three of them were able to be so valued by Lord Demon Ancestor, but these people did not enjoy such treatment at all.

Especially those who once had enemies with Ye Feng were full of regrets. If they hadn't embarrassed Ye Feng at the beginning and had normal relationship with Ye Feng, they would not be able to face this situation.

It is even very possible to get the same treatment as the Qingtian guardian three. Being able to build a good relationship with Master Demon Ancestor also has inestimable benefits for their future.

The three of Qingtian Guardians were so touched that they couldn't speak, and each and every one of them looked at Ye Feng's eyes flashing with Yingying light.

They were not mistaken, this sentimental and righteous young man, even though he is now a demon ancestor, still remembers the people they once were.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng stepped forward again, step by step toward that beautiful shadow.

Many people not only involuntarily looked towards Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was walking towards Miss Mengqi's direction.

They immediately thought of some past events in their hearts.

Miss Mengqi, the proud girl of the entire Devil Emperor City, was about to complete the marriage with Young Master Lu Xiao, and this marriage was almost terminated because of the appearance of Ye Feng.

Many people know that Miss Mengqi and Ye Feng are interested, but Ye Feng at that time was just a junior with no How can I be compared with the noble son Lu Xiao?

Even if Miss Mengqi is interested in Ye Feng, this marriage is destined to carry forward.

But at this moment, Ye Feng returned strongly as the Master Demon Ancestor, and the previous unpopular relationship was remembered again.

It's just that the once worthless young man has become an ancestor of Mozu. Now think about it, is their noble daughter Mengqi still on the same level as Ye Feng?

Obviously, they no longer belong to a world. Their so-called Proud Girl of Heaven is nothing in front of Ye Feng.

Seeing all this, the Emperor Tianmo not far away suddenly regretted it. If he hadn't obeyed the people of the Lu family, and had maintained a good relationship with Ye Feng, what would it be like?

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: The number of flowers is about to exceed 700. Brothers who have flowers will continue to support this book. I will continue to add more 700 flowers.


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