Sky War God

Chapter 2675: Wanhua Ancient Demon

This horrible big hand covered the sky and the sun, and did not give Ye Feng any chance at all, and directly descended in front of Ye Feng's body.

Many people's eyes flickered, and they seemed to have seen Ye Feng's body being suppressed by Changyin.

However, at this moment, there was a burst of light in the emptiness. This burst of light was full of brilliance, as if it had come across the space, and arrived in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand, and a force was directly released in his palm. That force was quite vast. When it was released, everything in the space seemed to be ended.

Within a short period of time, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling horrible shocks, and immediately, everything in the space seemed to be terminated.

Including the big handprint released by this strong man, it was also directly solidified in this space at this moment, making the opponent's big handprint unable to move halfway.

This scene flashed the eyes of many people present, and an unbelievable look appeared on their faces involuntarily.

They all know that this elder in the Shadow Palace is super terrifying, and an ordinary person will never be his opponent.

Not to mention that your posture intercepted the opponent's attack, and there is no possibility of anything.

Therefore, many people's gazes can't help but forget the direction of the figure that has arrived at this moment.

I saw that this person was wearing a gorgeous black demon robe, his body was stalwart, but not bloated, and the whole person was a bit luxurious, standing there casually, and he could give people a very profound feeling.

Seeing this strong man appeared, everyone's eyes froze for a while, and a somewhat unexpected color appeared on their faces involuntarily.

Only one person’s voice tremblingly said: “It turned out to be the Great Elder of the Heaven Punishment Hall, and the Great Elder of the Heaven Punishment Hall actually appeared here at this time. It’s just that, what is the relationship between this young man and the Great Elder of the Heaven Punishment Hall? Appear at this time, and rescue this young figure?"

After this sentence was said, the expressions of all the people present advanced and solidified, and their hearts were also very shocked.

The elders of the Heaven Punishment Hall were naturally very familiar with this person.

As the No. 2 person in the entire Tian Punishment Hall, and the most authoritative law enforcer, the ability that the Great Elder of the Tian Punishment Hall can display is naturally beyond the imagination of the people present.

The Heavenly Punishment Hall is also one of the six ancient temples of the Holy Demon Mountain, which controls the endless authority and holds all the power of punishment, life and death in the entire Holy Demon Mountain.

More importantly, the Temple of Heaven Punishment is the oldest ancient temple on the Saint Demon Mountain. Since the birth of the Saint Demon Mountain, the Temple of Heaven Punishment has existed.

As the great elder of the Temple of Heaven Punishment, Guchun of Heaven Punishment is naturally a man on the entire Sacred Demon Mountain. The power he can control has surpassed his own cultivation level and position.

And he, as a powerful and powerful person on the Saint Demon Mountain, naturally rarely appears in the sight of everyone. Ordinary knowledge, such as people like Tianchao Guchun, or travel in other areas, and then It is to retreat and improve the realm of cultivation.

Now, Ye Feng is stirring the situation on the Saint Demon Mountain, making such a big noise, Tiancai Guchun unexpectedly appeared in the sight of the people present when the elder of the Shadow Palace was about to take action against Ye Feng, and put Ye Feng It was rescued.

Such a thing is absolutely shocking to the host present. The old man of the Shadow Palace looked ugly.

Even though the power released by Tiancai Gu Chun just now didn't have much offensiveness, it still made him tremble, unable to compete with the opponent's attack.

Under the action of the opponent's strength, the old man of the Shadow Palace only felt his body trembled crazily, and everything seemed to be stripped away by the opponent.

"What does Elder Gu Chun mean to stop me?"

But even so, the elder of the Shadow Palace still asked Tiancai Gu Chun coldly.

Although they belonged to the forces on the Holy Demon Mountain, they also wiped out the ancestor of ten thousand demons, and they also jointly guarded the Holy Demon Hall.

But among the major ancient temples, they are not as harmonious as everyone imagined.

The major ancient temples have been fighting secretly for many years, and there have been many disputes between interests.

Although the Temple of Heaven Punishment is in charge of the power of life and death on the Saint Demon Mountain, other ancient temple powers still do not obey the Temple of Heaven Punishment.

Especially the strong man at the level of the elderly person in front of him has a certain degree of confidence.

Although his Shadow Palace was built in less time than the Heaven Punishment Palace, his overall strength was equally terrifying.

Especially in the last few years, many powerful and powerful people have emerged in the Shadow Palace, and some Tianjiao figures have risen.

This has also greatly supplemented the overall strength of the Shadow Palace, and the people of the Shadow Palace have also become more arrogant and domineering.

"This son may be related to my holy demon mountain. Therefore, you can't hurt him, so you should go back."

Facing the question of the old man of the Shadow Palace, Tianchao Gu Chun looked calm and calm, and said directly to the other party like this, with a little bit of doubt in his words.

After hearing the words of Tianchao Gu Chun, the rest of the people couldn't help but solidify slightly, and they seemed to be a little surprised.

Even more do not understand, the meaning of Tianchao Guchun's words.

The young man in front of him was obviously just an ordinary martial artist, even if he had some talent and strength, how could he have a relationship with them on the holy demon mountain car.

"Is Elder Gu Chun made a mistake? He is an ordinary martial artist, so does he have the right to be involved with my Holy Demon Temple?"

The old man of the Shadow Palace said to Tianchao Gu Chun with some surprise, and looked between Ye Feng inadvertently, with a cold expression on his face.

Before that, Ye Feng had killed a young talent in their Shadow Hall. As one of the six ancient halls of the Holy Demon Mountain, how could the Shadow Hall tolerate someone so provoking the majesty of their Shadow Shop?

"There is nothing wrong with what I said. If you resolutely act on this child, it is likely to cause extremely huge losses to my Holy Demon Mountain. By then, who can afford this responsibility?"

Tianchao Gu Chun insisted that he knew that these guys in front of him would not obey what he said so easily.

"He killed a strong man in my Shadow Hall, and he repeatedly injured my holy demon mountain people before. It is simply unforgivable. Elder Gu Chun, as the law enforcement elder of the Heavenly Punishment Hall, should execute my holy demon mountain Criminal law, is it right to impose severe punishment on this person?"

The old man of the Shadow Palace couldn't help but continue to speak, as if he didn't want to give up on Ye Feng's intention.

Hearing what he said, many people in the room couldn't help but nod their heads, especially the rest of the Shadow Palace powerhouses, all vocalizing collectively, trying to attack Ye Feng.

After all, Ye Feng killed one of them before, for their Shadow Palace, it was quite a shameful thing.

They are bound to kill Ye Feng and take revenge!

"Yes, my Holy Demon Mountain has stood here for endless years. When anyone dares to provoke me the majesty of the Holy Demon Mountain like this, I absolutely cannot let him escape the criminal law of my Holy Demon Mountain like this!"

At this moment, not far from the prescription, a voice came out, a bit of resentment mixed in the voice.

With a strong aura of majesty, everyone's eardrums were really numb.

This made everyone present involuntarily look towards the prescription position, and saw that there are two strong figures stepping towards this side.

The speaker was a middle-aged strong man wearing a blood-red robe, and this middle-aged strong man carried an amazing aura.

But this breath seemed ethereal and void, as if it could be touched by a hand, but it was not real.

This middle-aged strong man stepped forward at will, giving people an indescribable sense of illusion, just like this person has no specific form and does not belong to this space.

Ye Feng also felt this, which made him very surprised and shocked. The aura on the opponent's body was too strange.

Many people were shocked, and another top powerful expert appeared on the Saint Demon Mountain.

This person is surprisingly the powerful figure in the Blood Demon Palace, the "Wanhua Ancient Demon. Wanhua Ancient Demon, the position in the Blood Demon Palace is equivalent to the position of the Great Elder in Tianhua Store in Tianhua Guchun.

The power status is second only to the existence of the temple master level, and above the entire Holy Demon Mountain, it also has an extremely powerful authority, and ordinary people must respect him when they see him.

More importantly, this Wanhua Ancient Demon is indeed extremely powerful. He not only comprehended the terrifying magic way and martial arts.

Moreover, there is still a kaleidoscope of abilities, Wanhua Ancient Demon has thousands of incarnations in this world.

Each avatar possesses the meaning and consciousness he left behind, can inherit what he thinks in his heart, and possess powerful power.

His body has no specific form, and no one knows the true appearance of Wanhua Ancient Demon.

Many times, when Wanhua ancient demons appeared in the sight of everyone, they would take on different forms, sometimes young and old, male and female, ugly and beautiful.

This is also the terrifying aspect of Wanhua Ancient Demon. In the entire Demon Realm, he alone possesses such a unique ability. Even the Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Palace cannot do this.

Even in the hearts of the people of Saint Demon Mountain, the influence of Wanhua Ancient Demon is even stronger than that of the Lord of the Blood Demon Palace.

At this moment, the Wanhua Ancient Demon actually appeared here, and the appearance he now presents in front of everyone is not his deity.

No one knows what he really was born into, or how many avatars he has in total.

Many people were shocked. When Tianchao Guchun appeared, they were already excited enough. Such a powerful man like Tianchao Guchun is usually rare in a century.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the ancient spring of Heaven's Punishment, the ancient demon of Wanhua also appeared here, which made everyone present extremely excited.

It is very rare for a person at the level of these two powerful men to appear. At this moment, they appear together here.

Ye Feng's gaze couldn't help watching Wanhua Ancient Demon's body, and seeing the bursts of illusory aura emerging from the opponent's body, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely shocked.

A powerful person at this level is not comparable to the Emperor of the Heavenly Devil and the Patriarch of the Lu Family, and it is simply not a level of existence.

It seemed that after feeling Ye Feng's gaze, Wanhua Ancient Demon couldn't help but looked towards Ye Feng.

A sharper luster flashed through those sharp pupils. Recently, he suddenly asked Ye Feng, "You, from the Nineth Heaven?"

Although this sentence sounds extremely plain, it fell in Ye Feng's ears, but it involuntarily made Ye Feng's expression slightly solidified, and his heart was very shocked.

He didn't understand how this super terrifying existence in front of him could see his specific identity.

He confirmed that he had not told anyone else about his origin here, but why would the other person see his origin at a glance.

This made him very surprised and shocked. Is it possible that this Wanhua Ancient Demon possesses a powerful mind-reading technique?

Can read what he is thinking?

And Ye Feng didn't want to lie to others, not to mention that the other party was such a powerful being. If he lied on this, maybe the other party would immediately notice the clue.

Therefore, when the words of Wanhua Ancient Demon fell, Ye Feng nodded directly at the other party.

The eyes of all the people present were condensed, and they almost didn't know the Nine Heavens in the mouth of Wanhua Ancient Demon. They wanted to know what kind of world the area that the other party said was like.

And does the youth in front of him come from that unknown world?

"Nine Heavens, how can you come here? I am really curious about how you did it!"

Seeing Ye Feng nodding, Wanhua Ancient Demon's eyes were slightly frozen, and he asked curiously.

"It's just an accidental hit. Only because I couldn't find the way back, I didn't come to the Sacred Demon Mountain far away, and I hope you can help from the seniors."

Ye Feng said with a wry smile, this time, he was chased by the sister of the patriarch of the Peacock clan and entered the terrible whirlpool before being transported to the Demon Realm.

In a blink of an eye, several years passed, which made Ye Feng quite helpless.

After this sentence was said, the eyes of Heaven Punishment Gu Chun, Wanhua Ancient Demon and other strong people present all solidified.

Others didn't know that Tiancai Gu Chun, as the top mighty existence on the holy demon mountain, naturally knew the existence of Jiuzhongtian.

However, he didn't expect that Ye Feng would come from that extremely remote world.

"You have come to the wrong place. My Holy Demon Mountain is in the Demon Realm. It is in an endless void from Jiuzhongtian. The two worlds are not on the same plane. Therefore, there is no way to the Jiuzhong Heaven. You, forcibly broke into the top of my holy demon mountain, and doing evil here is simply unforgivable!"

Wanhua Ancient Demon's expression immediately became cold, and the words spoken with strong majesty.

Many people's eyes flashed, and they didn't expect Wanhua Ancient Demon to have such an attitude towards Ye Feng. It seems that Ye Feng is bound to die today.

After the words of Wanhua Ancient Demon fell, everyone present saw that on the side beside Wanhua Ancient Demon, a figure of a strong man flickered, and it came to Ye Feng's body in a short time. .

This strong man is wearing a black robe, a hat on his head, and a black gauze covering his face. The black gauze contains a shielding attribute power that can shield the divine consciousness.

Therefore, it is difficult for outsiders to detect the true face of this person.

The aura on his body is extremely powerful, giving people an indescribable sense of depression, making everyone present flash their eyes. As experts in the Holy Demon Mountain, they have never really seen this person before, and for this person I don’t know his identity.

Therefore, after this person appeared, many people could not help but guess the identity of this person.

After this person appeared, he immediately released an extremely terrifying large palm print of destruction to Ye Feng.

The power contained in this large destruction palm print could no longer be described in words, and he reached Ye Feng's body in a short time.

This made Ye Feng's eyes slightly solidified, as if he didn't expect this person to attack him without saying a word.

And Ye Feng, naturally, would not just sit and wait for death. He also released his aura, and immediately shot a terrifying big palm print to contend with the opponent.

The sound of rumbling horror shocks permeated the world, and the power of destruction spread in all directions, under this collision.

There was endless destruction just to wrap up this space, and the bodies of everyone who were really present trembled, and their footsteps involuntarily retreated towards the back.

Ye Feng's eyes flashed. The power in his attack was already strong enough, gathering the strongest attribute power on his body.

He knew that the opponent's strength was not easy to provoke, but even so, when Ye Feng's attack collided with the opponent's palmprint, Ye Feng's body still felt an irresistible force coming.

It made his body tremble crazily, and the endless power of destruction followed his arm and quickly invaded into his body.

While making Ye Feng's body tremble, his footsteps were also shaken back by the opponent at this moment, and the aura on his body became more and more fierce.

The crowd's eyes flashed. They were also very surprised by the result of this collision. They didn't seem to expect that this strong man wearing a hat should have such strength.

A random attack caused Ye Feng to suffer such a big loss.

However, all this seems to be far from over. After the opponent's attack took the upper hand, he did not stop his power, but stepped forward again.

Continuing to launch an astonishing large stamp of destruction at Ye Feng, the power contained in this palm print was beyond imagination, and it enveloped Ye Feng's body in a short time.

It made Ye Feng's body tremble involuntarily, as if he didn't expect the opponent's attack power to be so powerful.

More importantly, Ye Feng seemed to feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity during the opponent's attack, which made his mind involuntarily enter a kind of recollection.

He wanted to know why he felt this way.

However, after a period of thinking, Ye Feng still didn't find any answers. He didn't know why he had this feeling.

But the sense of familiarity is lingering.

The opponent's attack came in front of Ye Feng's body in a short time, and he felt the destructive power contained in the opponent's attack, and Ye Feng reflected from the previous shock.

By directly releasing an attack and resisting, the power he can comprehend is inferior to the opponent. At this moment, he has lost the opportunity. Therefore, when he contends with the opponent, his body is shaken back by the opponent's attack again, and the corners of his mouth overflow. The blood comes.

This made the expressions of the people present completely solidified, and some of the strong people who looked forward to Ye Feng's slaying had a sneer on their faces.

Looking forward to the other party's release of the attack, Ye Feng will be killed.

"The power of magic? How can this person have the power of magic? What is going on? Who is he?"

And under the collision just now, Ye Feng Zhongyu realized the kind of breath contained in the opponent's attack.

It should be the power of the magical demon that he also comprehend. Although Ye Feng dare not fully confirm it, he can already feel that the power of the other party's magical demon seems to have been purified through a special method and become even more. Is stronger.

Ye Feng was extremely surprised. In any case, he couldn't imagine that someone would comprehend the power of magical magic on the Saint Demon Mountain.

"Who, sir? Can you show the true face of Lushan and let you take another look?"

The attack power released by the other party is getting stronger and stronger, and it hardly gives Ye Feng any chance to breathe, but Ye Feng has no mind to know this.

Now he just wants to see through whether the face under the veil is the same as he imagined.

However, Ye Feng's words fell, but he didn't get any reply. The person in front of him didn't say a word from beginning to end.

As if in his eyes, there is only endless killing.

"Kill him for this seat!"

The Wanhua Ancient Demon not far away uttered a voice, with extreme indifference in his words.

And his voice was like the strongest will for this figure. Without a word, the other party mobilized the stronger aura from his body, and then an extremely terrifying magic power emerged.

A terrifying magic light shrouded the world and descended, madly releasing waves of amazing destructive power toward Ye Feng's body.

Every force released can give Ye Feng a strong pressure to prevent Ye Feng from having any breathing opportunities.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng to feel a little overwhelmed. The attack released by this person in front of him was really too terrifying, and almost every attack was beyond Ye Feng's ability to contend.


Moreover, when Ye Feng faced the opponent's attack, he was almost absent-minded. At this moment, the opponent's attack came directly on Ye Song's body, causing Ye Feng's body to be staggered back.

A mouthful of blood was spit out, and his complexion became extremely pale, but his eyes were still looking at the other person, especially the veil that covered the face of the opponent, Ye Feng was extremely eager to see through.

The attack released by this figure became stronger and stronger, and within a short time, the body once again descended in front of Ye Feng's body.

His palm was swayed frantically, and an amazing magic sword was gathered in a short time.

This magic long sword was terrifying to the extreme, and it slashed directly at Ye Feng's body!


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