Sky War God

Chapter 2563: Wolf Soul Guardian

Langya's gaze swept over everyone, and finally fixed on one person. This person was indeed Ye Feng, the sixth general of the Emperor's Mansion!

This scene made the expressions of all the people present solidify. No one thought that Langya would take the initiative to challenge others, and his gaze went over everyone and fell directly on Ye Feng.

This made the eyes of everyone present involuntarily flashed a few unexpected things, and then they all became excited.

"Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, the sixth protector of the Emperor's Mansion, I really want to know, how can you be able to take on this great responsibility!"

Sure enough, when everyone was still immersed in shock, they heard this sound from Langya's mouth.

There was a bit of disdain and arrogance in the voice.

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he was already prepared. After Luo Kui's guardian made a proposal for discussion, Ye Feng was bound to be challenged by others.

Immediately afterwards, Langya sneered, his expression still a bit contemptuous, and he couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "Come out to fight!"

As soon as this remark came out, although everyone present was prepared in their hearts, their hearts trembled involuntarily.

Langya officially challenged Ye Feng!

"Langya's cultivation base has reached the realm of the Devil Emperor. After years of battlefield baptism, his strength is not comparable to that of the ordinary Devil Emperor. This Ye Feng is only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Emperor. The sixth place to protect the law, this time, I want to see how he was crushed by the wolf!"

Seeing that Langya officially challenged Ye Feng, a strong man immediately said with a sarcasm, thinking that this time Langya's challenge could truly reveal the unbearable scene of Ye Feng!

Many people looked at Ye Feng with sarcasm and nodded involuntarily. In their opinion, Ye Feng's cultivation realm was really unworthy to serve as the sixth protector of the Emperor's Mansion.

Langya stepped forward to challenge, and the happiest person was Luo Kui's protector. He had lost to Ye Feng before, which was the greatest shame to him.

His real goal is to make Ye Feng the public enemy of the many powerful players present, regardless of whether Langya can defeat Ye Feng this time.

As long as this battle really begins, Ye Feng will become a target in the eyes of everyone present. This is the true purpose of Luo Kui's guardian.

When Spike challenged, Ye Feng would naturally not back down. Under the gaze of the crowd, Ye Feng's body stood up from his seat, step by step towards the direction where Spike was.

"Ye Feng, you have to be careful."

Behind her, Miss Mengqi's voice came with a bit of worry.

"rest assured."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded at Miss Mengqi, and moved on.

"This guy really dared to come forward to fight with Spikes, he is absolutely reckless!"

Someone saw Ye Feng walk out without hesitation, and couldn't help but speak so ironically. In their opinion, Ye Feng's move was undoubtedly seeking his own death.

"Tell me, what kind of despicable means did you use to get into the position of the sixth protector?"

Langya looked at Ye Feng arrogantly, and spoke indifferently, with a bit of preaching in his words.

It was as if he was a superior and powerful man trying to judge the ants.

Many people's eyes fell on Ye Feng, and they wanted to know the answer from Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng looked towards the direction where the wolf teeth were, and a smile appeared on his face. This smile looked extremely ordinary, as if it made people unable to see the reality.

"What kind of method did I use, you won't know if you try it?"

Ye Feng smiled while facing the wolf teeth, his expression still calm and calm, he was fully prepared, not afraid of anyone's provocation.

Langfang's eyes froze slightly, and Ye Feng's words were tantamount to provoking his majesty. He was a little angry and couldn't help but gritted his teeth at Ye Feng and said, "Since this is the case, then I will teach you your brilliant tricks!"

While speaking, the crowd saw the rolling demons exploding from Langya's body, and endless demonic energy lingered around him.

There is also a trace of wildness in this devilish energy, as if the whole person's body has become wild, and with that terrifying devilish energy, the whole body of Langya seems to have become taller.

Immediately, the crowd saw Langya's footsteps stepping forward, and the body seemed to turn into a magical stream at this moment, causing the earth to tremble crazily.

In a short time, he descended in front of Ye Feng's body, and at the same time, Langya blasted out with a terrorist fist.

The destructive power that merged above the fist light could not be described in words, and it came to Ye Feng's body in a short time.

That destructive fist covered the sky and the sun, and it did not give Ye Feng any chance to dodge, as if to completely suppress Ye Feng's body.

Many people felt the power contained in this fist of Langya, and they were slightly shocked.

This punch of Langya is not only powerful, but also very direct, without any muddle. This punch is simply earth-shattering, and it is shockingly powerful.

"Langya deserves to be a warrior fighting on the battlefield. This attack is far beyond his cultivation level. In my opinion, Ye Feng should be very difficult to resist!"

Someone saw that Langya released such a terrifying fist, and they couldn't help but speak in shock.

The others nodded one after another, expressing their shock at the attacking power released by Spike.

Langya's fist light can be said to have come in a short time, however, just when his fist light is about to descend on Ye Feng's body.

A terrifying space attribute power burst out of Ye Feng's body, and the space attribute power lingered around him, making his whole body as if isolated from this space.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng's body became illusory, and everything in this space could not harm his body.

Including the fist light released by Langya, it actually blasted past where his body was, but Ye Feng's body still stood calmly in place, looking at Langya as if nothing happened.

This scene solidified the expressions of all the people present, and no one thought it would be such a result. The power of the fist that Langya just blasted was terrifying enough, even far beyond his own cultivation realm.

However, even so, this attack from Langya didn't hurt Ye Feng's body. What was even more frightening was that Ye Feng didn't even dodge, and the opponent's attack could not hurt him at all.

"What kind of martial arts does this guy use? How can he dodge the attack of Spike so calmly? Why does his body become illusory? Could it be that he couldn't achieve it with the help of some powerful magic weapon?"

When someone saw such a scene, they couldn't help but start to speak in shock.

The same is true for the rest of the people. What is happening in front of them is simply incredible.

"Space attribute power, this Ye Feng's body contains a powerful space attribute power, which completely isolates his body from this space. Therefore, the attack of the wolf can't hurt him. Could it be that he really has Is it some kind of magic weapon that can release the power of spatial attributes?"

Someone spoke like this, with a strong shock on his face.

Although he could feel the space attribute power released from Ye Feng, he couldn't believe that this power originated from Ye Feng himself.

Just because Ye Feng's cultivation realm was too weak in their eyes.

Langya's gaze was also slightly frozen, and his fist had clearly hit Ye Feng's body, as if it had hit the air.

This made him extremely surprised, and the look on his face didn't look good.

Almost at the same time, the crowd saw Ye Feng sarcastically smile at Langya. Immediately one of his arms was raised, and he blasted a punch directly at Langya's body.

This punch looks simple and unpretentious, without any martial arts or martial arts, but it is such a punch, the power contained in it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Even at a distance, Langya could still feel the power contained in Ye Feng's fist. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect, and the same punch was released to try to contend with Ye Feng's fist.

In the next moment, the host present only heard the rumbling sound of terror, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

When the two fists collided in the void, an astonishing might of destruction spread in all directions.

Many people trembled, and they were shocked by the danger of counter-shock when the two fists collided.

Langya has sharp eyes, trying to use this fist to completely suppress Ye Feng.

However, the moment the two fists collided, the wolf tooth felt something wrong, and there was an irresistible force in Ye Feng's fist, which poured into his body in a short time.

As a result, the bones of his arm were numb, and a wave of rhythmic shock invaded his body along his arm.

As a result, Langya's body was shocked, and his footsteps were shocked at this moment, and his body was very floating.

The blood inside the concrete rolled over, as if to squirt out wildly at this moment, and was swallowed deeply by the wolf's teeth.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and immediately made their eyes slightly solidified, and then a somewhat unbelievable look appeared on their faces.

Only one person said in surprise: "How could Ye Feng's attack power be so strong that he even shook Langya's body back? I really doubt what kind of powerful magical equipment he has on his body? Unleash such power!"

The rest of the people also had similar thoughts in their hearts, and they looked at Ye Feng one by one with unbelievable eyes.

In their opinion, Ye Feng's Supreme Five Emperor Realm's cultivation base would never be a wolf-fang opponent in the Devil Emperor Realm.

But now it seems that Ye Feng's strength seems to be much stronger than they thought.

Langya was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He had just retreated by Ye Feng, which was a shame for him.

How can a top-notch Tianjiao like him allow a supreme martial emperor like Ye Feng to be arrogant?

The next moment, I saw Langya roar, and the aura released from her body became even more terrifying at this moment.

The entire sky was enveloped by a wave of destruction, and the wolf's teeth stepped out, and the violent power on his body was also released to the extreme.

In a short period of time, he madly shot a terrifying big palm print towards Ye Feng. The tacit understanding in this chapter seemed to evolve a ghost wolf phantom in the void.

With a bloodthirsty wildness, the magic wolf phantom roared towards Ye Feng's body and swallowed it. The power contained in it could no longer be described in words.

In a short time, Ye Feng's body was completely wrapped in it, making this space become extremely violent.

However, Ye Feng's body still stood calmly on the spot, facing such a terrifying attack from Spike, his whole person seemed so unhurried.

When the opponent's attack was about to fall, Ye Feng blasted out with a fist, and the destructive power flowing above the fist was beyond words.

In a very short period of time, this fist of Ye Feng collided with this attack of Langya.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

The power of Ye Feng's fist far surpassed Langya's imagination, and in the blink of an eye he shattered the magic wolf phantom that was evolved by the wolf's attack.

But Ye Feng's fist light was not diminished in the slightest, frantically swallowing towards Langya's body.

This made Langya's expression a little bit astonished, and in a short time he felt the power contained in Ye Feng's punch.

In such a short period of time, Langya was already unable to resist, and could only try to avoid it by releasing his body and martial arts as much as he could.

His body and martial arts were fast enough, his body seemed to turn into a stream of light, quickly retreating towards the back.

But the coverage area of ​​Ye Feng's fist was unimaginable, and Langya suddenly felt that his body was bound by a force.

No matter how he dodges, he can't break away from this terrifying restraint, which makes his heart tremble again.

In this case, he had to use attack resistance to release his strongest potential, trying to completely intercept Ye Feng's attack.

There was an astonishing sound of impact again. Under this collision, because Spike was not ready in time, and his attack power was really not as good as Ye Feng.

This time after bearing Ye Feng's fist, the retreat of Spike's body became more intense, and the whole person staggered back at the same time, almost fell to the ground.

The aura floating on his body became more and more fierce, his complexion was suffocated for a while, blood rolled in his chest, and he swallowed back with all his might.

But there was still a trace of blood that couldn't hold back, seeping from the corner of his mouth.

Many people have discovered the decline of Langya, naturally very shocked in their hearts, and are shocked by Ye Feng's strength.

"You are not my opponent, this battle will end here!"

Ye Feng looked at Langya lightly and spoke calmly.

After hearing what Ye Feng said, many people's eyes froze slightly, and they didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to say these words so confidently.

And his words seemed so ironic in Langya's ears. How could Langya, who has always been arrogant, able to withstand such a strong ridicule?

"Thief, you'd better not be arrogant and see how I can deal with you!"

Langya couldn't bear the provocation and ridicule of Ye Feng at all. During the speech, his body violent again, and a stronger force burst out from his body.

The sound of crashing continued, and the blood in the wolf's teeth seemed to be burning, burning the essence and blood, and gaining stronger attack power.

If it weren't for being pressed, ordinary people would not be able to use these methods, which shows the level of Langya's hatred towards Ye Feng.

Before speaking, Langya's body had already descended in front of Ye Feng's body, and the terrifying fists rushed towards Ye Feng's body madly.

The power contained in this fist was beyond words, and it reached Ye Feng's body in a short time.

After burning the essence and blood of this attack, the power climbed straightly. Even though they were far away, Ye Feng still felt the terrifying power contained in the opponent's punch.

However, he still didn't seem to care about anything. At the moment when the opponent's fist was about to arrive, Ye Feng slammed out.

His punch still looked plain and unpretentious, as if there was no release of any vitality, let alone the use of martial arts.

But the power of this punch was not imaginable by everyone present. In the blink of an eye, everyone present heard an astonishing sound of concussion throughout the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Under this collision, Langya looked full of confidence, his face was full of madness, thinking that his attack could completely crush Ye Feng.

But never thought that the power contained in Ye Feng's punch was not what he could imagine.

In a short time, his fist was completely swallowed down, but the power contained in Ye Feng's fist fell on Langya's body without any reduction.

This time, Langya couldn't hold on anymore, he uttered a scream, and his body was directly blasted out by Ye Feng at this moment. When he landed, he vomited blood and his face was pale.

While this scene condensed the eyes of everyone present, the sense of shock in their hearts also reached the point where they could not be added. They looked at all of this dullly, their bodies stunned in place like wooden stakes.

"How is it possible, how is this possible? Isn't the wolf's fangs already burning the essence and blood? His attack power has increased exponentially while burning the essence and blood, how can he still be shaken by this Ye Feng's punch? Then this Ye How terrible is Feng's strength?"

After a long time, all the people present reacted from shock, and only heard a strong man speak with an incredulous expression.

The rest of the people did the same, with similar thoughts in their hearts.

The strength that Ye Feng just demonstrated has completely stunned them.

Langya’s eyes flashed with sorrow and anger, and when he looked at Ye Feng, his face was full of resentment. He didn’t expect that even when he burned his blood, he would still be so powerful by Ye Feng. Zhenfei went out.

He took the initiative to challenge Ye Feng, uttering those arrogant big words before the battle, and now being defeated by Ye Feng in this way, this is almost an irreversible humiliation for Langya.

The Lone Wolf Guardian, Luo Kui Guardian, Death Guardian, and the complexions of many powerful emperors' residences really didn't look good.

It seemed that Ye Feng would be able to defeat Langya so easily, especially the Lone Wolf Guardian. Langya, his subordinate, was defeated by Ye Feng in this way, and his face was also embarrassing.

The gaze that looked at Ye Feng revealed the ultimate indifference.

As for the Red Devil Guardian's insensitivity, on the one hand he also hates Ye Feng, on the other hand, Ye Feng's defeat of Langfang is tantamount to slap the Lone Wolf Guardian in the face in disguise.

Thinking of this, the Red Devil Protector felt a little refreshed.

As for the Heavenly Guardian above the main position, his eyes light up slightly. This sixth guardian seems to be much better than he thought.

A smile appeared on Miss Mengqi's beautiful face, and the strength that Ye Feng showed made Ms. Mengqi's eyes shine brightly.

"I said before that you are not my opponent, but you just didn't listen. Now that you end up like this, it's just that you take the blame and blame others!"

Ye Feng glanced at Langya's body, and said with a sarcasm that he didn't want to hurt the opponent before that.

If the opponent voluntarily surrenders, then he will definitely not embarrass the opponent, but he never thought that this wolffang was reluctant to forgive, and the last attack was clearly aimed at his life.

After this sentence was said, the Lone Wolf Guardian, including his many subordinates, became angry What Ye Feng said was not just a satire of Wolfya alone.

It's more like a satire of the lone wolf army who protects the law.

"Thief, you are ashamed to be arrogant here in a cultivation realm like yours? See how I can deal with you!"

Just as Ye Feng's words fell, the crowd saw that behind the Lone Wolf Guardian, a figure quickly flew out.

His body contained an astonishing power of destruction, wherever he went, the space trembled, and he reached Ye Feng's body in a short time.

This made the eyes of many people at the scene slightly condensed, and then only listened to one person with a face and then only one person with a shocked expression: "It is the wolf soul, the wolf soul guardian is about to take action!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, the wolf soul guardian, who was the deputy guardian of the lone wolf guardian.

The strength is against the sky, and he is even more fierce and cruel. What's more powerful is that the cultivation base of the wolf soul guardian has not only reached the realm of the middle demon emperor, but his combat power is not comparable to ordinary people.

At least in the same realm, it is almost difficult to find an opponent.

Seeing Ye Feng defeating Langya in such a posture, the Lone Wolf Guardian couldn't help it with limited protection, so he wanted to face Fu Yefeng.

"The strength of the Wolf Soul Guardian is not comparable to Langya, this time I will see how Ye Feng can resist!"

Someone exclaimed, looking forward to the next battle.

Ye Feng glanced at the Wolf Soul Protector, and then said coldly: "Are you here to seek defeat?"

Although this sentence sounds plain, it is undoubtedly not with strong self-confidence and arrogance, so that after Ye Feng's sentence came out, the people present could not believe their ears.

Many people looked at each other at this moment and asked if what they heard was true.

Ling Tian Ares

Ling Tian Ares

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