Sky War God

Chapter 2558: Ye Hufa

An astonishing scream sounded in the mouth of the magic dragon guardian, and there was a sense of despair in the voice.

And his body has disappeared from the restriction of the pigman present, which makes everyone feel incredible.

The body was stunned like a wooden chicken, and some people even felt that they had hallucinations.

Demon Kun Law Protector, a powerful middle-ranked Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, died in this way, and was killed by a young figure who had only the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm cultivation.

The entire battle lasted for a stick of incense, and only at the moment when the Magic Wheel Universe Palm was released by the Magic Wheel Protector, did he slightly gain the upper hand.

But his advantage this time was quickly restored by Ye Feng. When Ye Feng released his dragon and war spirit, the situation was completely reversed.

Ye Feng's dragon war spirit seemed to be able to swallow all existence, everything in the space could only be regarded as its delicious meal.

Even a Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse tried to rescue Mo Kun Protector, but failed to do so, and the body was also completely swallowed.

This scene shocked everyone present, and couldn't really react from the shock in a short time.

Looking at all of this with dull eyes, the shock in his heart can no longer be described in words.

There was silence in the space, without the sound of the rapid heartbeat still being transmitted.

"Dead, Mo Kun's guardian is dead, how is this possible, am I not dreaming?"

After a long time, a voice came out. After this voice came out, it immediately attracted the eyes of many people present.

This voice also made them walk out of the shock, one by one, their eyes fell on the platform, and their hearts trembled involuntarily.

The magic dragon guardian, as well as the few demon emperor realm powerhouses who came here with the magic dragon guardian of the magic kun, all looked ugly at this moment.

Looking at all this with an unbelievable look, the shock in my heart can no longer be described in words.

Ye Feng retracted the Shenlong Fighting Spirit, and his eyes fell directly on a prescription position below the ring. Many people followed his gaze and saw Ye Feng looking at one person.

This person was amazingly the magic dragon guardian, and the magic dragon guardian felt Ye Feng's gaze, and his body trembled involuntarily, and his heart suddenly retreated.

His gaze was a little dodging, he didn't dare to look at Ye Feng.

"Go ahead and fight!"

However, just as the Devil Dragon Protector's heart was trembling, he heard the cold voice of Ye Feng above the ring.

This sound resounded like a thunder in the eardrums of the magic dragon protector, and immediately made the body of the magic dragon protector tremble involuntarily.

Looking at Ye Feng's gaze, there was a strong sense of fear. His eldest brother Mo Kun protector, the strength is unknown how many times stronger than him.

But just now, Mo Kun’s guardian was easily killed by Ye Feng. Now, Ye Feng openly invited him to fight, so how dare he fight Ye Feng?

Even though his hatred for Ye Feng had risen to the point where it could not be added, the sense of fear in his heart made him dare not really contend with Ye Feng.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

After a long time, there was no reply from the magic dragon guardian, and Ye Feng heard a cold voice.

These few words immediately caused the body of the magic dragon protector to be shocked, trying to leave the place.

However, he did not wait for his body to truly leave.

However, there was a burst of spatial light shining in front of him, and immediately, Ye Feng's body appeared in front of him silently.

Stepping out of the door of space, the whole person's movements are so cool, so that the magic dragon guardian immediately stopped his steps, and his face became more pale.

"What are you going to do?"

The magic dragon guardian asked Ye Feng tremblingly. At this moment, her body trembled like sifting chaff, and she was scared to death.

"Go, fight with me in the ring!"

Ye Feng didn't care about the expressions and words of the magic dragon guardian at the moment. After saying these words, he was watching the crowd.

A big hand of Ye Feng actually buckled an arm of the magic dragon guardian, which made the magic dragon guardian feel the power of Ye Feng's big hand in a short time.

He didn't feel any sense of breaking free at all, the next moment, under the stunned eyes of the crowd.

Ye Feng forcibly dragged the magic dragon guardian into the ring, which made the magic dragon guardian look very ugly. He didn't know what Ye Feng wanted to do.

"Since I have already entered the ring, then I will assume that when you promise to fight with me, look at the move!"

Next, just as the Demon Dragon Protector was a little puzzled about Ye Feng's actions, he heard a voice like Ye Feng coming over.

Almost at the same time, there was an air-breaking sound in front of him, a gust of wind passed, and Ye Feng's body came again.

Immediately, the horrible fist rushed towards the body of the magic dragon guardian madly, and the power contained in this fist had greatly exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

The face of the Devil Dragon Guardian was also an ugly face, and he did not expect Ye Feng to attack him at such a fast speed.

This made him really unprepared in a short time, and he could not help but release an attack to try to resist.

However, everyone on the scene understood that Ye Feng would attack the Devil Dragon Guardian, and the Devil Dragon Guardian would not have any counterattack ability.

The next moment, a shocking sound was heard, and the two attacks collided together instantly.

The Magic Dragon Guardian only felt his body trembling constantly, and under the power of Ye Feng's punch, his arm kept numb.

An irresistible force of destruction followed his arm into his body, causing his whole body to stagger back like an electric shock.

The body's breath floated extremely fiercely, and the whole body's internal organs seemed to have been devastated, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his complexion was extremely pale.

After seeing this scene, everyone on the scene couldn't help being shocked. No one thought that Ye Feng would forcibly start a battle with the magic dragon guardian so powerfully.

And at this moment, the attack he released was beyond the imagination of the people present, and the power was too powerful.

The look of the magic dragon guardian was so ugly, it seemed that Ye Feng would not even let him go.

However, the Magic Dragon Guardian hadn't reacted yet, and he saw Ye Feng once again patted his body with a palm print. This palm print was much stronger than he thought.

Enveloping his body directly, the destructive power made the Dragon Guardian feel palpitation, and he even lost much interest in resistance.

The power of Ye Feng's palm print is too strong, he can't resist it at all.

This made the magic dragon protector had to take out the defensive magic weapon in his storage ring, trying to use this magic weapon to resist Ye Feng's attack.

But Ye Feng didn't care at all, the five elements were released, and the endless power of the five elements surged around his body, and an amazing five-element palm print was eliminated at this moment.

After the five-element elders he released, the power of the five-element attributes has been improved, and the power is no longer what it used to be.

How could the magic dragon protector be able to resist.

Along with a shocking sound, the power of destruction spread in the void, and the body of the magic dragon protector uttered a screaming sound.

Under the effect of Ye Feng's palm print, his body was directly shaken out, and when he landed, he vomited blood.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and they immediately trembled involuntarily, and Ye Feng was too strong and domineering.

Dealing with such people as the Devil Dragon Guardian was as simple as pinching an ant to death.

The magic dragon guardian fell on the ground with an ugly look, and vomited blood from time to time. However, Ye Feng's body came to him in a short time.

Looking down at the misty guardian, the arrogance in his eyes had never been before Ye Feng.

"Don't kill me!"

Seeing Ye Feng's arrival, the Magic Dragon Guardian directly made a request to him. At this moment, she doesn't ask for others, but only for life.

"Isn't it a bit late to say these now?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but said with a satirical smile at the magic dragon guardian.

The other party had repeatedly confronted him before, and this time it brought in a top powerhouse such as Mo Kun Protector, just to take his life.

Therefore, Ye Feng felt that there shouldn't be any sympathy for people like the Devil Dragon Guardian, and if there is a chance, he must be killed.

Therefore, under the shocking gaze of the crowd, the light of destruction flashed in the palm of Ye Feng, carrying an extremely terrifying might of destruction towards the body of the magic dragon guardian.

The face of the magic dragon protector was desperate. He could only watch Ye Feng's big palm print blast down towards his body. He was unable to return to heaven.

In the next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

This palm print of Ye Feng landed fiercely on the body of the magic dragon protector, and the destructive power it released could no longer be described in words.

The body of the Devil Dragon Protector completely exploded in despair, turning into debris and pieces of meat, making this space become extremely bloody.

Everyone present could not react to what was happening in front of them in a short time. In any case, the magic dragon guardian is also a powerful force.

But he was so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng, and a few random attacks completely killed him!

Many people trembled and looked at Ye Feng’s gaze, revealing an amazing unbelievable. These two battles of Ye Feng can be described as a powerful visual feast for everyone present.


But Ye Feng didn't even look at the magic dragon guardian he killed. Before that, he had always wanted to keep a low profile in the emperor's mansion and not fight with others.

But never thought that the two brothers, the magic dragon guardian and the demon kun guardian, were so arrogant and domineering.

The Magic Dragon Guardian lost to Ye Feng in the battle, and the Magic Dragon Guardian wanted to use his strong strength to suppress Ye Feng.

Now, the two brothers have all been damaged by Ye Feng, and it can be said that they have taken the blame.

"The magic dragon guardian is also dead, this Ye Feng is simply too arrogant!"

Some strong people said so, no one thought that Ye Feng was so strong, and the magic dragon guardian who was standing below would not let it go.

How arrogant and overbearing to drag the opponent directly into the ring and fight with the opponent!

This scene caused the bodies of the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses who came together with the two brothers of the Mokun Law Guardian and the Demon Dragon Guardian to tremble involuntarily, and the eyes of Ye Feng flickered with fear.

As if he was afraid that Ye Feng would attack them at this moment and kill them.

"See, see Master Protector!"

At this moment, I saw a strong Demon Emperor Realm who actually took the lead to kneel to the ground before Ye Feng, showing absolute respect.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the people present couldn't help but tremble, and then they reacted. According to the rules of the Emperor's Mansion, Ye Feng defeated the Mokun Protector, and he had to take over the position of the other party and became one of the six guardians of the Emperor's Mansion. .

Although many people understand this truth, their hearts are still involuntarily shocked after such a thing has really happened.

You know, the position of the six great law protectors in the emperor's residence is not comparable to ordinary people.

Therefore, even if the emperor’s mansion has such a rule, as the supreme six law protectors, few people dare to challenge their majesty.

Those who try to ascend to the top 6 positions and gain the supreme authority, come forward to challenge, and basically get very miserable endings.

Over time, the six guardians of the emperor's mansion have become a taboo in the emperor's mansion, and no one dares to really provoke them.

However, at this moment, a person only has a youth of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, but he has defeated the Mokun Guardian, one of the six major guardians of the killing, and killed the Mokun Guardian's younger brother, the Devil Dragon Guardian.

As a result, this young figure had the qualifications to take over from Mo Kun's protector. Such a scene was really too shocking for everyone present.

Even quite a few people can't believe that all this will be true.

Ye Feng's expression couldn't help but was taken aback, and was shocked by the actions of the demon emperor realm powerhouses below, but after thinking about it carefully, according to the rules of the emperor's mansion, he killed the guardian of Mo Kun, and he should indeed take the place of the other party.

But he is already Miss Mengqi's personal bodyguard, how can he be the six guardians of the law?

"Everyone, please, I can't take over this protector of the law. The Emperor's Mansion should choose someone else."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but waved his hand to the group of Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses who bowed down and bowed.

Those strong in the Demon Emperor Realm did not stand up, and looked at each other. Then, only one of the strong in the Demon Emperor Realm stood up and said to Ye Feng: "The capable one lives in the Emperor's Mansion. According to the rules of the Emperor's Mansion, you should be the guardian. Come to take over, no one can change this."

Many people at the scene nodded one after another. This Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse was right. Since Ye Feng had defeated Demon Kun's Protector on the ring, he must take his place.

"I am now Miss Mengqi's personal bodyguard. I can't sit on this guardian."

Ye Feng politely refused again. After all, Miss Mengqi had helped him before, and Ye Feng couldn't just accept other positions like this.

"You can do it. From now on, you will be the sixth largest law protector in my emperor's mansion!"

At this moment, not far from the prescription, there was such a clear and pleasant voice. The voice sounded extremely good, but it could reveal a certain indisputable feeling.

Many people's gazes couldn't help but looked towards that side, and they saw a beautiful figure, surrounded by many waitresses, came here gently.

The face of this woman surprised everyone present. Many people just look at it and it is difficult to look away.

"It's Miss Mengqi, Miss Mengqi came here!"

At this moment, only one person spoke, with some surprise in the words.

A little light flashed in the eyes of the rest of them involuntarily. As the daughter of the emperor, Miss Mengqi will be the one that attracts the most attention no matter where she goes.

Now Miss Mengqi actually came to this arena.

Ye Feng's eyes also flashed, looking towards Miss Mengqi's location, and seeing this woman appear, Ye Feng was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this battle between him and Mokun's protector would shock Miss Mengqi.

Ye Feng flew down from the ring and came to Miss Mengqi. Miss Mengqi smiled at Ye Feng, her beautiful eyes flashed through the aisles and she couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect that your strength has improved again. Now, Mokun Law Protector is not your opponent, you deserve the six great law protectors!"

Miss Mengqi's words made everyone present flashed, and Ye Feng was so recognized by Ms. Mengqi.

This makes them extremely envious. In the mansion of the emperor, many young Tianjiao figures regard them as their dream lovers, just like Miss Mengqi.

But few people can really get close to Miss Mengqi, the magic dragon protector who was killed by Ye Feng before is one of them.

But the magic dragon guardian has been working hard for so many years, but it is difficult to win Miss Mengqi's smile, and even Miss Mengqi has hardly seen him.

"What about the post of personal guard?"

Ye Feng asked Ms. Mengqi and asked him to take the initiative to step down from this position. He always felt a little sorry for the other party.

"Who said that if you are a law protector, you can't be my lady's personal guard? You can have two roles!"

Miss Mengqi pursed her lips, her smile is so touching.

This sentence made everyone present look stunned, personal bodyguards, plus 6 major law protectors, such a combination of positions seems to rarely appear in the emperor's mansion.

"Then it's better to be respectful than fate."

Ye Feng said to Miss Mengqi. The environment of the Emperor's Mansion was more cruel than he had imagined. No matter what, the magic dragon protector was also an important role in the Emperor's Mansion.

But now that he was killed on the ring like this, the Emperor's Mansion didn't even mean to complain about him.

Their philosophy is that the strong are in the top position, and the weak are destined to be eliminated. The two brothers of the Mokun Protector and the Dragon Protector are now killed by Ye Feng. They can only blame them for not being good at learning and their own strength.

Even if this matter was known to His Majesty, Ye Feng would not be blamed, but he would appreciate Ye Feng even more.

Next, surrounded by a group of powerful Demon Emperor Realm, Ye Feng returned to the mansion of Demon Kun Protector.

This mansion was built as well as the Emperor's Mansion, which was many times larger than the courtyard where Ye Feng originally stayed. It was magnificent, with all kinds of facilities inside.

There are dozens of rooms alone, and there are countless servants and women.

The six guardians of the law held high positions in the emperor's mansion. As one of them, Mo Kun protector naturally deserves such treatment.

But now, Ye Feng powerfully killed the guardian of Demon Kun, instead, the former residence of the guardian of Demon Kun became his own.

Surrounded by a group of powerful demon emperors, Ye Feng entered this magnificent mansion for protecting the law.

Many of the descendants of the guardian's mansion were stunned. They were very unfamiliar with young people like Ye Feng. They hardly put Ye Feng in their eyes, and were still busy with things in their hands.

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, one of the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses glanced at these servant maids and said loudly.

This sentence had a somewhat majestic meaning, making the servant goddess look stunned immediately, listening respectfully to the demon emperor realm powerhouse's words.

"You all listen to me, this is the newest person who recognizes the law protector, don't hesitate to bow to the law protector!"

The power of the Demon Emperor Realm glanced at these servants, and said loudly.

There was a bit of majesty in the voice, as if beyond doubt.

His words made the expressions of those servants who were serving women immediately frozen there, and their bodies trembled involuntarily, looking at Ye Feng blankly, their expressions full of incredible.

Although the female servants are all magic repairs, they are all very watery, with delicate features and fair skin.

At this moment, after hearing the words of that Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, they all stayed in a daze, and an incredible sheen flashed in their beautiful eyes.

They couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, seeing Ye Feng so young and handsome, they couldn't believe that all this would be true anyway.

How does Mokun protector exist and how can it be replaced? Could it be said that Mo Kun's guardian was promoted or not?

"My lord, where did Master Mokun Protector go? Is he promoted?"

There was infinite incomprehension in my heart. I saw a maid biting her red lips with her teeth, and couldn’t help but ask the powerful demon The demon-kun guardian is over. Starting today, Ye Hufa is the new master here. You have to take care of it. If anything goes wrong, your luck will not be guaranteed! "

The power of the Demon Emperor Realm flickered his eyes and said, his words were beyond doubt.

Although his words were extremely obscure, and he didn't directly say where the Demon Kun protector was going, but these servants were not stupid, and they also read a bit of deep meaning from his words.

"Subordinates and others pay homage to Ye Hufa!"

Almost at the same time, I saw a servant girl bowing directly to Ye Feng, and the others followed after seeing this scene.

They uttered similar voices in unison. At this moment, everyone in the guardian's mansion came here to pay homage to Ye Feng.

This also indicates that from now on, this protector mansion will officially change ownership, Mokun protector will become a thing of the past, and the new protector, Ye Feng, will open a new chapter!


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