Sky War God

Chapter 2537: Ye Zhen shot

The major organizations in Ye Potian's body have already received an extremely strong blow, and at this moment he looked at Ye Feng with a look of fear.

There was even an impulse to admit defeat immediately, but Ye Potian had to suppress this impulse when he thought of the presence of so many strong men watching.

Even if he was suppressed by Ye Feng, he could not voluntarily admit defeat. In that case, it would be ridiculed by the powerhouse above the Nine Heavens.

In the next period of time, the terrorist attacking power released by Ye Feng became more and more violent, which made Ye Potian, who was already deeply injured, even more difficult to resist.

Under Ye Feng's repeated attacks, Ye Potian's decline became more and more obvious, and his entire body trembled more severely.

Finally at a certain moment, Ye Feng released another attack, and Ye Potian's body really staggered back again.

Wow, a mouthful of blood was spit out, Ye Potian's complexion was pale, and his body kept shaking, as if he might fall to the ground at any time.


Seeing this scene, an indifferent voice came from the main seat, and the person who spoke was indeed Ye Potian's father, Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen's face was extremely ugly at this moment. When looking at Ye Feng, a cold murderous intent appeared in his pupils.

Can't wait to step forward to kill Ye Feng now.

Ye Feng was not releasing an attack on Ye Potian. The ending of this battle was quite obvious, and everyone present could not help but tremble.

Before that, they thought that Ye Feng's challenge to Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian's two brothers was really too arrogant and would be completely suppressed by the two.

But he didn't expect that under Ye Feng's strong offensive mechanism, Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian would not be able to hold on at all.

Not long after the battle started, they were suppressed by Ye Feng one after another. Such a scene would not have been believed by anyone who had seen it with his own eyes.

"This is the so-called top talent of your Ye family. Two people and me are not my opponents. If Mingyue marries into such a family, his future will definitely be limited."

Ye Feng didn't look at Ye Potian again, his gaze proudly looked towards Ye Zhen's position above the main position, and said coldly.

Ye Zhen was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Above the Nine Heavens, he had never seen anyone daring to be so aggressive in front of him.

"Thief, did you come here deliberately to destroy the good deeds of my Ye family?"

Ye Zhen said indifferently to Ye Feng, gnashing his teeth while speaking. When he said the words, Ye Zhen's body was faintly released with a terrible aura, trying to completely oppress Ye Feng's body.

"If you from the Ye family are really qualified to marry Mingyue, then who would question you? Or your strength is not up to the standard, so you will be stepped on by me one after another. Then again, if you Ye family now If I can pick out a middle-ranked Martial Emperor who can defeat me, then I will recognize you as Ye Family. If not, your Ye Family must follow the previous agreement and cancel the proposal of Xuanyuan Family!"

Ye Feng looked at Ye Zhen and said coldly, even under Ye Zhen's oppression, the whole person still seemed calm and relaxed, as if he hadn't been affected by verification at all.

After his words were spoken, many people in the Ye family immediately turned pale. Before that, they thought that Ye Feng was a high-ranking emperor, and Ye family could easily crush Ye Feng by walking out of a martial emperor realm powerhouse.

That's why they didn't care about what Ye Feng said before, but at this moment, Ye Feng successively crushed the many Tianjiao figures in his Ye Family.

Even if the two brothers Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian joined forces, they were not Ye Feng's opponents, and this made Ye Family completely passive.

Ye Zhen's face was ugly, and his eyes could not help but looked towards the Ye Family camp, trying to find someone who could deal with Ye Feng.

But Ye Zhen searched around, only to find that no one in the entire Ye family camp was Ye Feng's opponent.

Most of those who can deal with Ye Feng are people above the middle Wudi realm.

This made Ye Zhen suddenly understand why Ye Summit emphasized that people below the middle emperor Wu fought against him. It turned out that he had long understood his own strength.

The reason why he said this is that he came prepared, which made Ye Zhen suddenly feel that their family had fallen into Ye Feng's trap from the beginning.

Not only did he lose face in front of all the powerful forces in the Nine Heavens, but now, he has to cancel this time in advance, which is simply a shame for their family.

Moreover, if the proposal fails this time, Ye Zhen doesn't even know how he should explain to the old man.

You know, the old man really likes that girl Xuanyuan Mingyue, if he can't marry her, he will be punished by the old man.

"Unexpectedly, you junior came here prepared, you can come to frame my Ye family! You are so unpredictable, regardless of whether the proposal continues this time, you must take the lead in rectifying the Fa right there!"

After Ye Zhen thought about it for a while, the coldness in his heart suddenly burst out, and Yejia was already embarrassed enough today.

Don't care about this anymore.

Therefore, Ye Zhen wanted to pull off his face and get rid of Ye Feng to prevent future troubles!

After saying these words, the crowd saw an astonishing breath burst out of Ye Zhen's body, and then his body quickly rose into the sky.

In a short period of time, his body descended above Ye Feng's body, and an astonishing big palm print shook the mountain down from the sky.

The power of destruction integrated in this palm print has exceeded the imagination of everyone present, as the top powerful expert in the famous town of Jiuzhong.

The energy that Ye Zhen can release is naturally not what Ye Feng can resist today.

His palm prints descended, and the entire sky seemed to be completely collapsed. The destructive power made everyone on the entire giant square feel heart palpitations.

Ye Feng was in the same place, watching Ye Zhen's terrifying attack, his body couldn't move any more, even if he wanted to dodge, it was impossible.

Today, although his strength is strong enough, he is still a thousand miles away from a top powerhouse like Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen could easily punish Ye Feng when he shot at will.

Many people couldn't help but tremble fiercely when they saw this sudden change. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was so powerful that he would die here so soon.

"Before Ye Feng was too arrogant, he finally angered the Ye family members. At this moment, even if he is killed by Ye Zhen, he can only blame himself for taking the blame and blame others!"

Someone saw Ye Zhen attack Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng with a sarcasm.

Although Ye Feng had shown good strength before, his arrogant and arrogant character made many people present jealous.

A look of tension flashed in Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes above the main position, desperately wanting to help Ye Feng.

But at such a long distance, Xuanyuan Mingyue was also helpless, and could only helplessly watch Ye Zhen's long seal smashed towards Ye Feng's body.

A sneer appeared on Ye Potian, Ye Cangtian, Xuanyuan Hongjian, Qin Xuan and others not far away.

Extremely eager to see the scene where Ye Feng was killed by Ye Zhenzhu.

"Ye Zhen, as a senior, you openly attacked a junior. Is this the quality of your powerful Ye family?"

Just when Ye Zhen's palm print was about to land on Ye Feng's body, a certain prescription in the void, there was such a cynical voice.

Immediately let the eyes of everyone present solidify for a while, and then they saw that there was an extremely bright stream of destruction in that prescription position, penetrating with lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Zhen's palm print was intercepted, releasing a shocking sound.

Ye Zhen's expression was ugly for a while. Under the effect of this ruining streamer, his body was shaken back, and his breath floated slightly.

This caused Ye Zhen's eyes to flash with a cold light, and when he looked towards the prescription position, he saw that a door of space opened up in the emptiness.

The space attribute power is extremely tyrannical, and a white-haired figure walked out of the door of the space, and this white-haired figure showed a bit of fairy-style bones.

His breath is ethereal, and he can give people a very profound feeling if he floats in the void at will.

It's just that, with a somewhat cynical expression on top of such a look, it seems incompatible with this immortal style.

Many people's eyes flashed, and a bit of suspiciousness appeared on their faces, and they didn't even know the old man in front of them.

Ye Zhen looked at this celestial old man, his brows could not help but frowned slightly, and it was a long time before he spoke: "You are...Dugujiang!"

Ye Zhen said such a name, and immediately caused the hearts of everyone present to tremble, especially those powerful and powerful men who are extremely famous in the Nine Heavens.

Dugujiang, the name has not been heard for a long time for them, but when the name appeared in their ears again, it still made their hearts tremble involuntarily.

The Dugu River, where the Dugu River had been scoured by the big waves, came here, which made them feel a strong sense of shock.

And some people also understand that the once big waves scouring the sand is no longer the top powerhouse who famously shook the entire Nine Heavens. He now belongs to the Saint Emperor College, which is an old man of the inner gate in the Holy Land College.

"I didn't expect that the old man hadn't appeared on the Nine Heavens for a long time, and it was indeed an honor for someone to recognize the old man."

Dugujiang wisped the beard in front of him, couldn't help but smile faintly.

Immediately, his body came down, stood in front of Ye Feng, and patted Ye Feng's shoulder, a look of approval flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, good job!"

Dugujiang smiled at Ye Feng, still wearing that cynical smile when he spoke.

Ye Feng watched the unrelenting Dugu appear at this moment, and several black lines could not help appearing on his forehead.

The old guy had disappeared without a trace, and left him all the mess. Now he is still very conscientious. When he was about to be killed by Ye Zhen, the old guy appeared in time.

"I do not allow outsiders to intervene in my Ye family affairs. This son has repeatedly violated my Ye Family's majesty and disturbed my Ye Family's major events. At this moment, I am trying to kill him. It is also a matter of reason. I hope your Excellency will not participate!"

Ye Zhen was also very shocked by the appearance of Dugujiang, but he quickly suppressed the shock in his heart and said indifferently to Dugujiang.

A faint smile appeared on Dugujiang’s face. He stood with his hand held down, and then said to Ye Zhen: "This is a bad word. This kid is a disciple of my Saint Emperor Academy. This time also represents me in front of the Saint Emperor Academy. Coming to participate in this marriage proposal banquet that shouldn't have happened, naturally you have to be protected by my Holy Land Academy. As a senior expert, you recklessly attack a junior, and the old man can't let you do whatever you want!"

Although Dugujiang's words were plain, but the content was quite sharp, even in the face of Ye Family's uncle Ye Zhen, he did not have the slightest intention of giving in.

Everyone present was still shocked, and no one thought that this incident would have evolved to this point. When Ye Feng was about to be killed by Ye Zhen, Dugujiang unexpectedly appeared.

"Your Excellency, do you have to interfere with my Ye Family's affairs?"

Obviously, Ye Zhen is not easy to provoke. Although he was shocked by the arrival of Dugujiang, he intercepted his attack, which made Ye Zhen feel a bit cold towards Dugujiang involuntarily.

"The old man said before that when he came on behalf of my Saint Emperor Academy, he would be protected by my Saint Emperor Academy. Whoever shots at my Saint Emperor Academy would be an enemy of my Saint Emperor Academy!"

Dugu will reiterate his position to Ye Zhen. Ye Feng is a disciple of the Holy Land Academy, and no one else is allowed to be disadvantageous to him.

Everyone present smelled an unusual smell one after another, and the entire space seemed extremely depressed.

The two legendary powerhouses confront each other, and naturally they will produce different sparks.

"Your Excellency came from a long way, my Xuanyuan family has missed a long way to welcome it, so why not have such a big fight?"

The Xuanyuan family got up from their seats, couldn't help but smiled at Dugujiang, and naturally heard a little about Dugujiang Xuanyuan's Patriarch.

As soon as I saw it now, it was as horrible as the rumors.

Dugujiang looked at the Xuanyuan Patriarch, and said with a faint smile: "No, it's the old man who came to Xuanyuan's house, and he wanted to make Xuanyuan's family abandon the secrets and cast light."

Dugujiang's words seemed to contain profound meaning, which made everyone present involuntarily fall into deep thought.

Abandoning the secret to the Ming, can it be said that Dugujiang also insisted on Ye Feng's previous position of making a banquet for marriage proposal?

Can their position represent the entire Shengdi Academy?

After thinking about this series of questions in their minds, everyone present suddenly discovered that this matter seemed not as simple as they had imagined before.

Patriarch Xuanyuan's eyes were slightly frozen, he was a wise man, and he could naturally hear the overtones in Dugujiang's dialect.

This made Patriarch Xuanyuan unable to speak for a while.

"Your Excellency is determined to protect this son, that is, you can't get through with my Ye Family. If that's the case, then I'm not a talented person, but I want to learn about your brilliant tricks!"

Ye Zhen spoke coldly to the Dugu River. As the top family power in the Nine Heavens, his Ye family would naturally not be threatened by Dugu River.

The opponent is strong, he is even stronger than Dugujiang, not to mention, although Dugujiang is strong, but at this moment he is alone, and his family has many powerful martial arts powers present.

After saying this, Ye Zhen actually waved his hand to the Ye Family camp position, and those who were powerful in the Ye Family Martial Emperor Realm would naturally understand.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and his body flickered quickly in place at this moment, turning into a stream of light, and directly enveloping the bodies of Dugujiang and Ye Feng.

The breath of the body was released one by one, making the entire space become depressed, and a faint murderous intent emerged.

This caused the pupils of everyone present to suddenly shrink. Unexpectedly, the Ye Family would be so strong when facing the old man of the Holy Land Academy, Dugujiang.

If he said something inconsistent, he wanted to collectively attack Dugujiang and encircle the opponent directly.

An extremely cold sheen flashed in the vicissitudes of Dugu River's eyes, and he glanced at these Ye Family Powerful Martial Emperor Realm experts, then his eyes fell on Ye Zhen and asked: "Your Excellency is bullying the old man. Are there few people?"

A sneer appeared on Ye Zhen's face, and he said coldly: "Naturally not dare to be here, but if your Excellency wants to help this child, then my Ye family will not deliberately be so-called quackery!"

Ye Zhen's words are quite euphemistic, but the meaning in his words is also very obvious. If Dugujiang continues to protect Ye Feng, then his Ye family will collectively slay him!

A flash of sharpness flashed in Dugujiang's eyes, a sneer was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and immediately, under everyone's attention.

Dugujiang's hands actually patted vigorously, making a few clear sounds.

Next, there were three doors of space flashing out of the space, and endless space light emerged.

Among the three doors of space, three figures came out separately.

The breath of these three figures was extremely misty, and when they appeared, this space became extremely depressive. Some people with low cultivation bases trembled involuntarily.

There are three figures, two men and one woman, and the one on the far left is tall and burly, with extremely strong muscles. His back and waist are sturdy, and his eyes like bells are shining fiercely.

The person in the middle is a woman wearing a fire-red phoenix-tailed robe. This woman has a fiery figure and a bit of coquettish appearance, giving people a very strong visual impact, as if it is difficult to move from this woman. opened.

The person on the far right is wearing a white robe and holding a folding fan, releasing bursts of scholarly air, giving a gentle and elegant feeling.

Many people saw the appearance of these three figures, the expression on their faces was the same as when Dugujiang just appeared, with a little dazed and suspicious.

Obviously, they are not familiar with these three figures, or even said they don't know them at all.

After these three figures appeared, the uncle Ye Zhen of the Ye Family, the powerful and powerful among the top forces of the Xuanyuan Family and the Nine Heavens of the Ye Family Xuanyuan Family, their eyes were completely frozen there.

Those juniors don't know, how can they not know these three people as powerful and powerful people, they are the other three inner elders of Saint Emperor Academy.

When the three of them did not enter the Saint Emperor Academy, they were all shocking figures on the Nine Heavens.

Today, their stories have gradually been forgotten over time, but their reappearance at this moment still shocked the hearts of many powerful players present.

"Who wants to bully my brother? The little girl disagrees!"

Sun Meiniang said with a flattering face, her willow brows frowned slightly, and she flew directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

That alluring posture had a sense of airiness, and when it arrived in front of Ye Feng, he leaned toward Ye Feng's body without any scruples, and there was a fragrant breeze blowing, refreshing.

Yang Tianba and Liu Renjie also flew over and stood with Dugujiang Yefeng.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhen's face turned green not far away. Before, they wanted to take advantage of the Ye family's number of people to attack Dugujiang.

But Ye Zhen didn't expect that in addition to Ye Zhen, Yang Tianba, Liu Renjie, and Sun Meiniang would all appear on the stage.

With the addition of the inner gate elders of the three Holy Land Academy, the lineup of strong people present at the Saint Emperor Academy this time can be said to be very abnormal.

The inner door elders of the four Holy Land Colleges gathered together, and even if they reached any prescription on the Nine Heavens, it would be impressive.

The obvious advantage that Ye Family was in before disappeared at this moment.

"Ye Zhen, I heard that you want to take action against the old guy? Have you asked if the three of me agreed?"

Yang Tianba's voice was like thunder, and his words shook the eardrums of everyone present, and the copper bell-like eyes flashed with extremely cold luster.

After his words were spoken, the complexions of the strong Ye Family also became very unsightly. Many of them were ancient existences who had cultivated for many years.

For Yang Meiniang, Liu Renjie's three people have naturally heard of the legends left over the entire Nine Heavens.

Once, each of them was a powerful existence on the Nine Heavens. After so many years, the three of them would naturally not waste time, and their strength would have long been unfathomable.

Ye Zhen's face was green and white, and he glanced at Yang Tianba, Sun Meiniang and Liu Renjie. Then he said unwillingly: "Unexpectedly, your Saint Emperor Academy has made such sufficient preparations. I underestimated the ambition of Shengdi Academy!"

When Ye Zhen said these words, the expression on his face was extremely unwilling. He did not expect that the Saint Emperor Academy would send such a powerful lineup to attend their Ye Family's marriage promotion banquet.

These four people are still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of number, but the strength of each of them is unfathomable, and it is not comparable to powerful powerhouses like the Wudi realm like the Ye Family.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered. It seems that these four guys did not leave his right and left, but kept watching him in secret. When Ye Feng was in danger, these four people appeared here one after another. .


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