Sky War God

Chapter 2534: Ye Jun's end!

These few palm prints completely wrapped Ye Feng's body, as if not giving Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

Many people couldn’t help showing a bit of irony in their eyes when they looked at Ye Feng. They only heard one person say: “I don’t know where Ye Feng learned the martial arts and martial arts. The speed of dodge is very fast, but at the moment Ye The attack that Jun released is no longer something Ye Feng can contend. I want to see how he died!"

After saying this sentence, it immediately attracted the approval of many people present, and they all thought that Ye Feng could not hold on to this attack by Ye Jun.

"I see, my attack power is so powerful, no matter how strong your body and martial skills are, there is no room for dodge at all!"

Ye Jun looked at Ye Feng proudly, and said indifferently, his words were extremely arrogant.

As if under his attack like this, Ye Feng would definitely be killed by him.

"Do you think that your attack like this is really worth evading me?"

However, just when everyone on the scene thought that Ye Summit could no longer hold on under Ye Jun's attack and would be killed by the opponent.

Ye Feng unexpectedly spit out such an extremely indifferent voice, which made everyone present look stunned. It seemed that Ye Feng would dare to be so arrogant in this situation.

Then, before everyone present could react, Ye Feng actually slammed a punch, his fists looked unpretentious, as if there was no power to speak of.

But it was just such a fist, cutting through the space and coming, changing the palm prints of Yu Ye Jun and colliding together in a very short time.

In the next moment, the crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Ye Jun sneered and looked at Ye Feng with strong contempt, thinking that Ye Feng was looking for death if he dared to fight him.

However, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, Ye Jun's expression changed and became extremely ugly.

His body shook crazily at this moment, and he only felt an irresistible power of destruction descending his arm into his body.

This caused Ye Jun's palm prints to burst out at this moment, but Ye Feng's fist was undiminished, and it directly impacted Ye Jun's body.

Ye Jun made a muffled wind sound in his mouth, and his footsteps were stunned at this moment. He couldn't stabilize his figure, and was directly slammed by Ye Feng with a punch.

This was also the result of Ye Feng's intention to withdraw most of his strength when the two attacks were approaching.

If he hadn't recovered the strength above his fist in time, Ye Jun would have been completely killed under Ye Feng's attack.

There was silence in the space, and everyone was stunned by the results of this collision, including the Xuanyuan Family Patriarch who was above the main seat, and the powerful elders of the Xuanyuan Family.

All of them looked at all of this with a dull expression, and their hearts were quite restless.

Everyone present was the same. Before that, they thought that Ye Feng dared to be arrogant in front of Ye Jun, and he would be crushed by Ye Jun.

Ye Jun's random attack was not something Ye Feng could resist, but the facts were different from what everyone had imagined.

After the two collided only once, Ye Jun's body was turned over by Ye Feng's random fist. He looked very embarrassed, and it was enough to imagine the difference in strength between the two.

A group of Ye Family powerhouses looked ugly, especially those who spoke contemptuous words to Ye Feng before the battle between Ye Feng and Ye Jun.

At this moment, I feel that my face is a bit uncontrollable, and what they said before is more like hitting their own face.

Ye Jun's body fell on the ground, his face pale for a while, and blood appeared at the corners of his mouth.

He looked at Ye Feng with bitter eyes, and his heart was also quite restless. He never dreamed that Ye Feng, a person of the upper emperor realm, would have such terrible strength.

But in his heart, he was quite dissatisfied with Ye Feng. He gritted his teeth and stood up. Ye Jun looked at Ye Feng indifferently and said, "I don't know what kind of evil way you used to make your strength instantly rise to this level. , However, none of this will be the basis for your victory. Next, I will truly release my strength. Wait for you to die!"

Even if Ye Feng slammed people back and forth, Ye Jun still didn't have the slightest sense of enlightenment, and the words he said seemed more arrogant than before.

While speaking, the crowd saw Ye Jun's footsteps step forward quickly, his body seemed to turn into a stream of destruction, and he reached Ye Feng's body in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a stronger power erupted from him, and three palm prints in a row desperately blasted towards Ye Feng's body. The destructive power contained in each palm print was enough to be easily punishable. Killing a martial emperor realm powerhouse is many times more powerful than before.

This shocked the hearts of everyone present. Only one person said: "It seems that Ye Jun is really irritated. The power of these three palm prints is obviously stronger than all his previous attacks. In my opinion, with the help of some kind of The external force Ye Feng should be unable to hold on to it!"

What this person said has some truth in the hearts of most people. After all, in their opinion, a high-ranking emperor can't compare with a powerful person in the Martial Emperor realm.

Not to mention crushing the invincible as easily as from Ye Feng.

However, in the face of such arrogant words from Ye Jun, Ye Feng still stood calmly on the spot, with a somewhat ironic gleam in his eyes.

His body stood with his hands in that way, and he didn't mean to evade at all, just like **** completely giving up resistance.

This made Ye Jun sneer in his heart, and he was bound to kill Ye Feng completely under such an attack.

This also made Ye Jun's attack even more powerful, and it could be said that it came in an instant.

However, when the three palm prints of Ye Jun were about to descend on Ye Feng's body, the crowd saw that Ye Feng's arm was raised again at this moment.

Immediately, in the same way as before, a horror fist light was blasted out. This fist light was exactly the same as before. It looked light and fluttering, as if there was no power at all.

But just such a fist, the power contained in it was beyond the imagination of everyone present, and it collided with Ye Jun's attack again in the blink of an eye.

This also allowed everyone present to instantly hear a terrifying concussion sound, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Ye Jun himself is full of self-confidence, thinking that he can definitely regain his advantage under such three palm prints.

But after the two attacked and collided, Ye Jun was shocked to discover that the power contained in Ye Feng's punch seemed to be stronger than the straight forward punch.

It was so powerful that he lost the ability to resist. Under Ye Feng's punch, Ye Jun only felt that he was so small, so small that it was worthless.

This punch of Ye Feng directly engulfed the three palm prints he released, and his whole body shook like an electric shock.

And the power of destruction contained in the fist light also completely descended on Ye Jun's body at this moment.

Suddenly, Ye Jun uttered a screaming scream, and he could no longer hold on to it. At this moment, his body was directly shaken out, and when he landed, he vomited blood!

Quiet, there is silence in the space, only the rapid breathing and the sound of heartbeat are passing vaguely.

Everyone's eyes stared at all this blankly, and the shock in their hearts seemed to have reached the point where it could not be added.

None of them thought that under Ye Jun's release of a stronger attack, they would still be directly shocked by Ye Feng's fist. The repair was almost not abolished.

This is not as simple as simply relying on external forces. There are many powerful players in the field. They can obviously perceive that the power contained in the fist that Ye Feng released is entirely from him, and The so-called external force has nothing to do with it.

Ye Jun's mouth spit out blood, and he only felt that his body was going to fall apart after suffering a fist from Ye Feng.

The whole person's body was still trembling, and his face was pale.

Ye Feng glanced at Ye Jun, and said sarcastically, "This is the strength of your Ye family. If it doesn't work, don't come up and be embarrassed, lest you be laughed at by the heroes of the world!"

Ye Feng's sarcasm was quite venomous, and it didn't give Ye Jun any face, and even directly said the whole Ye Family.

Ye Zhen's face was green and white. Like Ye Potian, he knew that Ye Feng's strength completely surpassed Ye Jun, but when Ye Jun took the initiative to provoke Ye Feng, he could no longer stop the battle. Up.

Once the excesses are prevented, the matter of his son Ye Potian's defeat in Ye Feng's hands will most likely be made public.

This is a situation that Ye Zhen would never want to see. Therefore, Ye Zhen, Ye Potian, father and son, knew that Ye Jun was not Ye Feng's opponent, so they could only grit their teeth and watch.

"You deliberately made trouble, if that is the case, then my people from the Ye family will once again rectify you on the spot!"

Ye Potian retracted his thoughts and couldn't help but say coldly to Ye Feng, with a cold tone in his words.

His words had already tied all the powerful Ye Family together, as if he was no longer alone in targeting Ye Feng.

This can be described as extremely clever, dealing with Ye Feng as a family, not Ye Potian himself.

"Ha ha."

As soon as Ye Potian's words fell, a sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. He looked at Ye Potian and said, "Why, I am not an opponent, do you want the power of everyone in the family to deal with me, the upper emperor?"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of everyone present solidified again, and then they also figured it out. According to Ye Potian's temper, Ye Feng is so arrogant that he should directly crush the opponent.

Ye Potian's eyes condensed, and his face instantly became unsightly. He had been defeated by Ye Feng before, so the words spoken at this moment did not dare to be so stiff.

Now that Ye Feng was so clamoring, Ye Potian didn't know what to say for a while.

"If you want to fight, you members of the Ye family will fight alone. There is one under the middle emperor Wu, so you can go forward and fight with me. If one person can defeat me, leave it to your Ye family. , Then it proves that your Ye family is not qualified to marry the Xuanyuan family. This marriage will be abandoned. I just ask you, do you dare to make this bet?"

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Ye Potian's body, and he spoke coldly. There was confidence in his eyes.

But in front of everyone, Ye Feng's words were arrogant enough.

He, a junior in the upper emperor realm, dared to provoke all the people below the middle martial emperor realm in the Ye family. Isn't this looking for death?

"Crazy, this guy must be crazy, how can he be so arrogant? Challenge everyone below the mid-ranking martial emperor realm, does he really think he has that kind of strength?"

Immediately after Ye Feng said these words, a strong man said sarcastically, and the others could not help but nod their heads, agreeing with what the strong man said.

After all, Ye Feng is still just a high-ranking emperor in their eyes, and he is not qualified to say such arrogant words.

You know, as the top family power in the entire Nine Heavens, the Ye Family naturally has a deep background, and the strong power in their family is not comparable to ordinary power.

Sending out a martial emperor realm powerhouse at will, may easily crush Ye Feng, it is not good, Ye Potian is still here, where can Ye Feng be arrogant?

However, after Ye Feng said these words, the look on Ye Potian's face turned slightly ugly, and he did not dare to agree to Ye Feng immediately.

This made many people at the scene look stunned, not knowing what Ye Potian was worrying about at the moment.

"Brother Potian, this is arrogant, since he wants to take the initiative to find death, then I will naturally want to perfect him!"

Seeing that Ye Potian hadn't spoken in a short time, a strong Ye family got up and couldn't help but speak strongly to Ye Potian.

While speaking, this strong man didn't care about anything, he got up from his seat and quickly came to Ye Feng's side.

This made Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian both look unsightly, and Ye Cangtian officially prepared to stop each other.

In the field, only he and Ye Potian truly knew Ye Feng's strength. Among the people his family had stolen now, those under the middle rank of Emperor Wu, it seemed that it was really difficult to find someone who could match Ye Feng.

Under this circumstance, if their family really set this rule with Ye Feng, they would have to suffer passively.

Ye Potian gave Ye Cang angel a wink, and his heart was naturally considering his reputation. I don't want Ye Cangtian to expose all this.

However, if Ye Cangtian didn't come forward and speak, then this marriage will probably not go on.

Therefore, after trading around, Ye Cangtian finally decided to stop the action of the strong Ye Family.

His gaze fell directly on the strong Ye Family, and he immediately said indifferently: "Don't be involved, you really may not be his opponent!"

Ye Cangtian's behavior suddenly made everyone present look stunned. Especially those who are strong in the Ye family, are even more incomprehensible.

Why would Ye Cangtian take the initiative to speak to Ye Feng, and he also added morale.

The eyes of the strong Ye Family flickered, and a somewhat ugly color flashed in his eyes looking at Ye Cangtian, and then he spoke to Ye Cangtian: "Heaven, you don’t want to be the same as others. May your family members It’s a matter of resigning him. Even if he has some strength, how could he be my opponent. I will defeat him now and cut off his life. Only then can you successfully and Xuanyuan The girl is married!"

While speaking, this strong man actually ignored what Ye Potian said, his eyes fell directly on Ye Feng, and he said to Ye Feng with a sarcasm: "I will take the charge of the Ye family on this matter. If I defeat you, then you leave it to the people of my Ye family, right?"

This strong Ye Family thinks that he cannot lose to Ye Feng, his strength is stronger than Ye Jun, and his cultivation time is longer.

In his opinion, this battle would not have any suspense, he could easily crush Ye Feng.


Ye Feng nodded to this Ye Family person, appearing extremely free and easy, as if he didn't put the Ye Family person in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhen's face above the main position became more and more ugly. He had already known the abnormality of Ye Feng's strength before.

Even his heir, Ye Potian, had been defeated by this Ye Feng. In the Ye family, indeed, few people under the middle emperor of Wu could defeat him.

Therefore, Ye Zhen's face became more and more gloomy, and he wanted to stop the fight.

But as the leader of the Ye family, there is a powerful and powerful person on the Nine Heavens, and he is weak and refuses.

It really hurts his Ye Family's face, just like this, the thoughts in Ye Zhen's heart became more and more complicated, he thought about it, but couldn't make up his mind.

Patriarch Xuanyuan didn't mean to refuse this battle, he was always watching.

After Ye Feng easily defeated Ye Jun, Patriarch Xuanyuan felt that Ye Feng was not so simple anymore.

In his opinion, it is impossible for Ye Feng to have this ability, and there will be no suspense in the next battle.

Ye Shengfeng was crushed by many Ye Family powerhouses, and the marriage between his Xuanyuan Family and Ye Family would continue. Therefore, Patriarch Xuanyuan had no reason to refuse this battle.

"Father, you can't let this Ye Feng do anything wrong!"

Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan Hongjian's body quickly came to the head of the Xuanyuan Family, and he reported to him.

Patriarch Xuanyuan looked at Xuanyuan Hongjian and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xuanyuan Hongjian said: "This Ye Feng is arrogant, trying to destroy the marriage between my two families, I mean my father should come forward to prevent this gambling contract from happening!"

Patriarch Xuanyuan looked at Xuanyuan Hongjian and said, "Since he has a bad heart, it's just right for the heroes of the Ye Family to teach him a lesson. Wouldn't it be better?"

From the perspective of Patriarch Xuanyuan, Ye Feng would not be the opponent of these Ye Family people, therefore, Ye Feng's arrogance can only bring unimaginable consequences for himself.

On the other side, the Ye Family person standing in front of Ye Feng had already shot Ye Feng.

His strength was stronger than Ye Jun, and the attacking power he released was also terrifying, and he tried to completely wrap Ye Feng's body in a short time.

However, although his attack was strong enough, Ye Feng's strength was not what he could imagine.

When the attack of this strong man was about to come, the master saw Ye Feng blast out with a punch, and the horrible fist came through everything.

It's just that this set of fists still seems to be ordinary, but just such a fist is not something that the Ye Family can resist.

There was a terrible rumbling sound, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

The strong Ye Family looked confident and looked down on Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart.

But at the moment when the two fists actually collided, this Ye Family powerhouse completely regretted it, and only felt that the power contained in Ye Feng's fists was not something he could contend.

Under the impact of the shock of Ye Feng's fist, the attack of this Ye Family powerhouse burst every inch.

And the power of destruction contained in this fist penetrated everything and came down. This caused the Ye Family strong man to make an astonishing scream, and he could no longer hold on to it.

This fist of Ye Feng was directly shocked and flew out. When his body fell, he was vomiting blood and his face was extremely pale.

A powerless person more powerful than Ye Jun, when facing Ye Feng, he was directly shocked by a fist that was blasted by Ye Feng.

From this point, we can see the strength gap between the two and Ye Feng's strength.

This scene completely stunned the expressions of many Ye Family members present, and no one thought that Ye Feng would be so powerful against their Ye Family strong person.

Just a fist light easily shook the body of this Ye Family powerhouse into the air. From this we can see how terrifying the difference in strength between the two is.

Even the Xuanyuan Patriarch who was above the main position, as well as many Xuanyuan Family members, were shocked by everything that happened before them.

The upper emperor can defeat the Wudi realm powerhouse with such a relaxed attitude, such a terrifying combat power can be described as unprecedented.

"This kind of powerful person is ashamed to be arrogant in front of me."

Ye Feng glanced at the strong Ye Family strong, and said with a sarcasm on his face.

The powerful Ye Family coughed again ~ ~ Ye Feng's punch was too powerful for her.

That kind of destructive force has completely occupied his body, even if he is not threatened by his life at the moment.

But after suffering this injury, it is almost very difficult to return to the peak state.

"Who else is in your Ye family? You can come up for a fight anytime!"

After saying those words, Ye Feng stopped paying attention to the powerful Ye Family who had just been defeated by him.

His gaze fell directly on the rest of the Ye Family, and he asked, this sentence is really domineering.

Before this, it seemed that no one had dared to provoke the people of the big family power on the Nine Heavens in this way.

However, at this moment, the Ye Family, who is so powerful and profound, will be yelled at by a junior who only has the upper emperor's cultivation level. It is a shame for them!


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