Sky War God

Chapter 2522: Prisoners in the Ye Family Prison

The eyes of the powerhouses in Xuanyuan Jiayi also flickered. For the first time, their eldest son chose to give in in front of Ye Feng for the first time.

Next, a group of powerful Xuanyuan family left here with Xuanyuan Hongjian. After seeing this scene, everyone present flashed involuntarily, and a little relief flashed in their eyes.

Today, Ye Feng successfully defeated Ye Potian and became the first person in the entire Shengdi Academy, which directly led to a change in Xuanyuan Hongjian's attitude towards Ye Feng.

This also proves the cruelty of this world. The strong is respected, and those with absolute strength can control everything.

Even if other people are dissatisfied with you, they dare not argue with you and can only choose to give in.

Today, Ye Feng has become the first person in the entire Shengdi Academy, and naturally has the capital to surpass others.

"Brother Ye, congratulations!"

Two figures stepped forward, surrounded by waves of ice and snow attribute power, which made this space freeze.

They are the two top arrogant figures of the Snow Clan, Xueying and Qingxue.

Since learning about the world in Shengdi Academy, Xueyingbian has been paying close attention to Ye Feng, which can be said to have witnessed Ye Feng's growth.

At the beginning, although Xueying and Qingxue knew that Ye Feng was a manufacturable material, they did not expect Ye Feng to reach this point.

Now he defeated Ye Potian even more strongly, and he became the first person in Shengdi Academy, which shocked both Xueying and Qingxue.

When they entered Shengdi Academy, they were far above Ye Feng, but now, a few years have passed.

The two of them had been completely crushed by Ye Feng, and Xue Ying and Qingxue couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, it was really Feng Shui turning around.

Compared with Ye Feng, they two are still some top talents, they are simply too far apart.

"Thank you."

Ye Feng's gaze fell on Xue Ying, and he couldn't help but ask him with a gentle face.

For these two people, Ye Feng's impression has always been very good. They are one of the few people in the entire Saint Emperor Academy who did not oppose him.

"It's nothing. Brother Ye can grow up to this point. Ascending to the first day of teaching at the Holy Land Academy, my junior sister and I are really happy for you."

Xue Ying smiled at Ye Feng, and now he truly admires Ye Feng.

If it was said that he was still dissatisfied with Ye Feng, but now, that trace of dissatisfaction has already been thrown out of the sky by Xue Ying.

The person who was able to defeat Ye Potian strong, presumably no one in the entire Saint Emperor Academy felt any disrespectful thoughts towards Ye Feng.

"Brother Xue is not bad, both of them are now powerful in the Emperor Martial Realm, and they will become powerful in the future!"

Ye Feng smiled at Xue Ying again.

Next, a sound of chanting Buddha came out, and immediately attracted the eyes of everyone present, and they saw that the monk Benchen and those Bodhi were monks stepping towards Ye Feng.

The monk Benchen folded his hands together, the treasure-xiang was solemn, and he couldn't help recite the Buddha's name again, and then said to Ye Feng: "Ye donors are truly outstanding, and the little monk is polite."

Ye Feng looked at the monk Benchen, this monk was not a few years older than him, but the other party had always been one of the few people Ye Feng could not see through.

Facing such a monk, Ye Feng always had an indescribable feeling in his heart, not knowing how to evaluate him.

Monk Benchen took the initiative to greet him, and Ye Feng would naturally not be rude. After also exchanging greetings with the other party, the monk Benchen led many Bodhi who are strong and did not leave here.

None of these top Tianjiao figures have not sent blessings to Ye Feng, this person is the Xuankongzi of the White Crane Immortal Sect.

Xuan Kongzi didn't wait for the people of the Ye Family to leave, as if leading many White Crane Immortal Sect powerhouses flying away from here.

It seemed so silent, that even many people present did not notice it.

"Mingyue, where are you going next?"

After everyone's greetings left one after another, Ye Feng couldn't help but asked Xuanyuan Mingyue.

"Naturally follow you."

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Xuanyuan Mingyue's pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but say to Ye Feng that Ye Feng had driven his eldest brother away from here.

Now that this guy asked her where she wanted to go, it was shameless.

"Follow me, aren't you afraid that your brother will blame you?"

Ye Feng asked Xuanyuan Mingyue.

Xuanyuan Mingyue glared at Ye Feng fiercely, and then said: "I believe my brother will not say anything."

"That's good."

Ye Feng smiled slightly at Xuanyuan Mingyue. Immediately, the two flew away together.

Almost at the same time, everything that happened in this direction before spread out in all directions at an extremely terrifying speed.

The entire Saint Emperor Academy was shocked. They had heard about the battle between Ye Feng and Ye Potian before, but none of them thought that the outcome of the battle would be like this.

Ye Potian was strongly defeated by Ye Feng, and Ye Potian, a powerful legendary powerhouse of the Ye Family, appeared, and Ye Potian was killed.

And Ye Zhen led a group of young Ye Family figures and left Shengdi Academy. It shocked many people.

From now on, there will be no Ye Family powerhouse in the Saint Emperor Academy. Ye Feng's strong defeat of Ye Potian indicates that he will be the first seat of the Saint Emperor Academy. No one dares to compete with him. .

Also because of the departure of Ye Potian and the strong Ye Family, the layout of Holy Land Academy will change.

Many people were shocked, and no one thought that such a change would happen in this day.

Ye Feng's deeds are constantly being passed on in the Holy Land Academy, shocking everyone.

Some young Tianjiao figures in the Holy Land Academy took Ye Feng as an example, and regarded Ye Feng as their idol, to catch up and learn.

Ye Feng took Xuanyuan Mingyue and left the place where he and Ye Potian duel, and came to a place with green mountains and green waters. The two stayed here, practicing and exchanging their cultivation experience here, and they had a very comfortable life.

And outside, after the Ye Family's powerful people walked out of the Saint Emperor Academy, they rushed back to the base camp of the Ye Family on the Nine Heavens.

The Ye Family, as the top family power in the Nine Heavens, prospered for a while, and countless top powerhouses in the family.

In a vast and endless palace, a middle-aged strong man wearing a golden robe looks extremely ethereal.

The breath released from the body gives people a feeling of not anger and prestige, as if standing there casually, it makes people feel looking up.

At this moment, two young figures stepped into this palace and bowed directly to this middle-aged strong man.

He said in unison: "Father, uncle!"

These two people were indeed Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian, the two top talents who had walked out of the Saint Emperor Academy before.

After they returned, they came to this palace for the first time. This was the bedroom of Ye Potian's father, Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen had appeared in the form of divine mind before, and his deity had not been out of the Ye family.

Seeing the arrival of the two reserve figures, Ye Zhen's body slowly turned, and when he looked at the two, his expression was somewhat ugly.

"You are back."

Ye Zhen spoke coldly, looking at the two juniors in front of him, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly, seeming to have a bit of helplessness towards these two people.

"Father, why are we so anxious to let the two of us walk out of the Saint Emperor Academy?"

Ye Potian seemed to be a little bit ignorant of Ye Zhen's approach, and couldn't help asking him.

"It doesn't belong to our Ye family anymore. You can only be bullied there, so naturally you have to return to the family."

Ye Zhen said sharply, with a bit of unwillingness in his words.

This caused Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian to look at each other, and they could see the sharp sharpness in each other's pupils.

Once, how beautiful his Ye family members were in the Holy Land Academy, and Ye Potian was recognized as the first person in the Holy Land Academy.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years in the enrollment assessment of Shengdi Academy, his Ye Family's dominant position in Shengdi Academy was shaken.

Ye Potian was even more strongly defeated by Ye Feng, almost losing his life, which made Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian very unwilling.

"Why did my father beat his Ye Feng's name before?"

Ye Cangtian had always been a little confused about this detail in his heart, and he couldn't help asking him when he just came to Ye Zhen's body.

"Don't you find that Ye Feng is very similar to a person?"

After Ye Zhen heard Ye Potian's question, he suddenly remembered Ye Feng's face, and a cold light flashed in his vicissitudes of life.

Hearing his father's words, Ye Potian's eyes flickered. Before that, when he saw Ye Feng for the first time, he also had this idea in his heart.

It was just that he couldn't remember why Ye Feng gave her that familiar feeling anyway.

"I had this feeling before, but I can't remember it for a while."

Ye Potian spoke to Ye Zhen. As for Ye Cangtian, he may have some doubts about Ye Feng's appearance in his heart, but he never paid attention.

"The man in the jail."

Ye Zhen's eyes opened sharply, and the words were a bit cold.

After he said his words, Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian were taken aback for a moment, and then their complexions became slightly ugly.

Ye Potian said, "The person in the prison is just a traitor from my Ye family. Why should my father mention him?"

He had only seen the person in the jail once or twice, and he couldn't remember the other person's appearance.

"That Ye Feng is so similar to the life in the Sky Prison, it's simply carved out of the same mold, and her surname is Ye. Is this just a coincidence?"

Ye Zhen said coldly, with a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart.

"Under the Nine Heavens, there are many lower realms, and countless creatures exist. It is normal to have people with the same appearance. I think my father is too worried."

Ye Potian spoke to Ye Zhen.

After Ye Potian said these words, Ye Cangtian couldn't help but nodded, and then said: "But I know that this Ye Feng comes from a lower realm called Lingtian Continent. I don't know the person in the sky prison. Where did you hide after the defected family, if it matches the lower realm that Ye Feng walked out of, then things may become strange."

Hearing Ye Cangtian's words, Ye Potian and Ye Zhen's eyes flickered. They only heard Ye Zhen mutter to himself: "Lingtian Continent, it seems that I need to go to Tianlao to ask that person! "

After speaking, Ye Zhen took the lead to step forward and walked straight out of his bedroom.

Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian followed all the way.

The Ye Family, as one of the top family powers in the Nine Heavens, has a sky prison in the family.

The prisoners in this jail were all repeat offenders in the endless years of the Ye family, and many of them were extremely ancient existences, because they disobeyed the wishes of the Ye family and were imprisoned in the jail for life. There is no day.

In addition to these members of the Ye Family, there are also many powerful outsiders among them. These people are also those who have angered the dignity of the Ye Family. After they are thrown into the sky prison, they are subjected to capital punishment every day.

Yejia Tianlao

Tianlao is a huge building community excavated underground. Its interior is quite wide. It is dark and humid, without any light entering it, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

Inside the prison, there were very sad howls from time to time. Some prisoners are being tortured, their bodies are bruised and bruised, their hair is extremely messy, and their faces are extremely pale.

A pair of eyes flashed with empty desperate light, and in this prison, they could not see hope.

More people have endured the mental and physical torture in this jail, and they are already like a walking dead.

In the most central position of this jail, there is an extremely wide open space, where there is an extremely tall Xingjia.

This frame is made of gilt gold and looks very heavy. There are many patterns of ancient beasts carved on the frame, giving people a very fierce feeling.

Above this torture frame, a figure was bound by a thick chain of tree roots. This figure was lifted high by the chain, his head drooped and his hair extremely messy.

The prison uniform on his body was covered with blood, and it looked very miserable.

Obviously, this figure has been tortured here, and is dying.

At this moment, three figures stepped forward. After entering the sky prison, the guards who guarded the sky prison saw these three people and bowed down and bowed, showing absolute respect.

The three of them were Ye Zhen, Ye Potian, and Ye Cangtian. They walked all the way, and it didn't take long before they came to the underside of the Xingjia in the center of the sky.

It seemed that he felt someone coming, and the prisoner above the evaluation could not help but raise his head slightly, opened his dull eyes, and looked at the direction where the three of them were.

"long time no see."

Ye Zhen looked at the prisoner on the torture frame and spoke lightly.

"What are you doing?"

The prisoner said weakly, obviously he had been tortured under the harsh environment in the celestial cell.

"I came to ask you a few questions. If you answer truthfully, you will be spared the pain of skin and flesh."

Ye Zhen said indifferently, with a sense of supremacy, as if he could kill a prisoner in a word.

"what's up."

The prisoner continued to ask weakly. At this moment, he didn't seem to care. Even if the opponent killed him, he would not have any fear.

And the reason why he has persisted is because the worry in his heart has not been let go.

"When you defected from your family before, where did you live in the Netherworld? Do you have children in this world?"

Ye Zhen asked the prisoner, with a bit of coldness in his words.

Hearing Ye Zhen's questioning, an edge flashed across the prisoner's vicissitudes of life, and there was a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart.

"I have no children in this world, and the lower world I live in is not worth mentioning, or I have forgotten it!"

The prisoner answered directly without any hesitation, and the words spoken were crisp and clear.

After his words were spoken, a sharp flash of light flashed in Ye Zhen's eyes, and a chill was released from his body, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "You'd better be honest for me, if not, I will definitely let you good looking!"

Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian also glanced at each other. Although the prisoner had covered up well before, they could still see a slight change in each other's face.

"My father's question to you is regarded as a high praise for you, and you are so uninterested. As a prisoner, everything must be arranged by me. Only in this way can you live better, understand?"

Ye Potian couldn't help but speak to the prisoner, with a pretentious look, as if he had restored the confidence of the top Tianjiao figure in the Ye family.

"I said, I don't know what you are talking about, everything I experienced before has been forgotten!"

The prisoner spoke with a resolute face, and his heart kept sinking. What he didn't want to see was really going to happen?

"You are limited to three days. If I don't get the answer I want after three days, then I can't guarantee Mu Caiying's comfort!"

Ye Zhen coldly spoke to the prisoner. After saying this, he turned and left without turning his head. Ye Potian and Ye Cangtian also followed.

Seeing the three people leaving behind, Qiutu's eyes flashed with an extremely cold luster, and his heart seemed to be pierced by some kind of sharp weapon, and it hurt in his bones.


A painful look appeared on the prisoner's face, and he was struggling constantly in his heart. At this moment, he received the strongest threat of entering this sky prison.

No matter how much he suffered, he wouldn't have any surrender, let alone such pain.

"Caiying, Xiaofeng is our only child. I believe you shouldn't want him to do anything, and I hope you don't blame me..."

The prisoner secretly said in his heart, making this decision very difficult, and he also made a good intention of death.

In a blink of an eye, the time for three days has come. Since these three days, the prisoners have been suffering endless struggles in their hearts every day.

He doesn't know whether his choice is correct, but he understands that Caiying shouldn't want their children to have trouble.

The morning sun faintly sprinkled on the ground through the gaps in the dungeon, giving this dark and damp place nourishment for a long time.

Ye Zhen, Ye Cangtian, and Ye Potian, who had arrived here three days ago, returned, and once again came under the Xingjia where the prisoner was.

Only this time, there were several figures behind them, and these people were naturally strong in the Ye Family.

These powerful Ye family still held a beautiful woman in custody. This beautiful woman seemed to be only in her early thirties, but she was born extremely beautiful and moving.

She has delicate features, fair skin, and a sense of grace and luxury.

It's just that, at this moment, this beautiful woman was restrained by the mobile Ye family powerhouse, and her beautiful face was a little frightened.

When he saw the figure of a prisoner **** on the Xingjia at this moment, a layer of mist immediately appeared in his beautiful eyes, and his delicate body was trembling constantly.


The beautiful woman said in a trembling voice, she could no longer hold back the sadness in her heart, and tears kept falling in her eyes.

The prisoner naturally noticed this scene, his expression of resentment, these beasts, actually brought his wife here.

"Caiying, I'm fine, don't worry."

The prisoner pretended to be calm, and forced a smile on her face, but the beautiful woman could see the light of grief and indignation in the prisoner's eyes.

"Three days are up, can you think about it?"

Ye Zhen couldn't help but threatened the prisoner, and the words spoken were still extremely proud.

"I said before that everything has been forgotten, and I don't know which part of the lower world I once came from, let alone leave no children."

The prisoner resolutely said that he has made a decision, and I believe Caiying will not blame him.

After hearing the prisoner's words, the beautiful woman guessed the ins and outs of the matter for the first time, and suddenly a certain color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The decision nearby is correct, to protect their only child in this world. Even if they lose their lives, naturally they will not hesitate.

"Very well, you are very kind, if this is the case, then he doesn't need to live in this world anymore!"

Ye Zhen spoke strongly, a sneer appeared on his face, and as he spoke, an astonishing aura burst out from his body, and the terrifying coercion enveloped the world, and he tried to attack the beautiful woman.


However, at this moment, an urgent voice sounded from the prescription seat not far away, immediately making Ye Zhen's expression stunned, and then the palm of his hand was suspended in the air without falling.

A bit of cold light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound, and he saw a figure walking quickly, and it was an elderly person from his Ye family.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Zhen couldn't help but asked indifferently to the elderly The other party obviously disturbed his Yaxing.

"The old man ordered that you are not allowed to move the couple!"

The old man Ye's parents said slowly, leaning slightly toward Ye Zhen while speaking.

As the uncle of the Ye family, Ye Zhen's identity and status in the Ye family naturally need not be said.

"Their husband and wife deserved their sins, and how can this woman, such an ordinary person, be worthy of my Ye family figure, should be killed!"

Ye Zhen said coldly, trying to attack the beautiful woman again while speaking.

"The uncle puts down his anger. I hope that the uncle's order will be obeyed. If not, it will be difficult for the subordinates to deal with him!

The old man Ye's parents stepped forward and directly intercepted Ye Zhen's attack.


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