Sky War God

Chapter 2504: Feng Jianlong was scrapped

This young girl is naturally Xuanyuan Mingyue, the eldest of the Xuanyuan family, who has been well-known in the history of Nine Heavens.

After Xuanyuan Mingyue arrived, her beautiful eyes scanned the people present from time to time, as if searching for something.

Xuanyuan Mingyue’s actions naturally fell in Xuanyuan Hongjian’s eyes for the first time, which made Xuanyuan Hongjian’s eyes a little cold, and then said to Xuanyuan Mingyue: “Mingyue, don’t look for it anymore, then Ye Feng should have been caught by Long Ao. Shuangzhu is killed and will never appear here again!"

Obviously, Xuanyuan Hongjian had learned the news that Long Aoshuang was chasing and killing Ye Feng, but he didn't know that Ye Feng had returned safely now, and his cultivation level has also been improved.

"No, no, Ye Feng won't die!"

Hearing what Xuanyuan Hongjian said, Xuanyuan Mingyue's face showed a bit of stubbornness, and she shook her head vigorously.

Xuanyuan Hongjian's words obviously affected Xuanyuan Mingyue's mood, causing Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes to become a little red.

Since the last time Xuanyuan Mingyue and Ye Feng returned together, Xuanyuan Hongjian has kept Xuanyuan Mingyue in the family.

Unexpectedly, after so long, this girl would still be obsessed with Ye Feng, which made Xuanyuan Hongjian's hatred for Ye Feng increased again.

If there was no Ye Feng, how could their Xuanyuan family quarrel with Ye family so stiff.

In the Bodhi Temple camp, only a few Buddhist monks were present. They were dressed in robes and looked solemn and uncontested.

The head of the man was indeed the monk of Benchen who had appeared in that magical castle before.

Now the monk Benchen has returned to the Bodhi Temple. This time the altar lectures, the monk Benchen will follow the powerful men in the Bodhi Temple.

The monk Benchen at the moment, still looks kind, standing there calmly, as if inconspicuous.

But when everyone saw Monk Benchen, no one would underestimate him, even the top princes on the Nine Heavens.

There is some respect for the people of Bodhi Temple. The power of this Buddhism and Taoism sect has always been low-key, but in the eyes of the entire Nine Heavens, the foundation of the Bodhi Temple is unfathomable and no one dares to provoke it easily.

Standing not far from the Bodhi Temple is the White Crane Fairy Trail. The White Crane Fairy Sect is a Taoist power in which all people in the door are practicing Taoism.

The White Crane Immortal Sect powerhouse is also detached from the world. Everyone is surrounded by immortal auras. The young figure headed by him has an ethereal aura and looks like a heavenly man, so outstanding.

This person is the direct disciple of the White Crane Sect Master, Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Kongzi has been practicing in the Saint Emperor Academy, and rarely interacts with other people.

Like the previous monk Benchen, Xuan Kongzi also belongs to the low-key type, so low-key that even the entire Victory Academy will almost forget him.

Now that Xuan Kongzi appeared in the place where the altar was teaching the Fa, it naturally attracted the attention of many people present. When they saw Xuan Kongzi's current cultivation level, they couldn't help but feel slightly shocked.

Although Xuan Kongzi is a low-key person, his talent is still first-class. Quietly, Xuan Kongzi raised his cultivation level to the realm of Emperor Wu.

It was equal to the top talents who had entered Saint Emperor Academy, and even many people didn't know what level of Xuan Kongzi's true strength had reached.

Behind Xuan Kongzi, there are also several martial emperor realm powerhouses in the White Crane Immortal. As the top big sect force on the Nine Heavens, the White Crane Fairy Trace has never stopped developing the sect. .

There are many powerful people in the White Crane Sect Sect, and the White Crane Sect Sect master is a giant in the Nine Heavens.

"The opening ceremony held once every five years is indeed a major gathering of many powerful people in Shengdi Academy. These top talents, who are usually rare, are all present!"

Seeing these Tianjiao figures gathered here, there was a strong man in the scene immediately opening his mouth with excitement.

The rest of the people nodded one after another. Such scenes are usually rare. If it weren't for the opening of the altar every five years, there would be very few opportunities in Shengdi Academy to gather so many top talents together.

It may be due to the large number of top figures present. After Ye Feng's arrival, it only attracted the attention of a small group of people, and many people ignored him.

After all, before the enrollment assessment of Shengdi Academy, Ye Feng's name was not well known by the Nine Heavens powerhouses, and the most outstanding Tianjiao figures on the Nine Heavens were already deeply ingrained in everyone's eyes.

"I don't know whether Ye Potian will appear here this time when we start the lecture. I really want to meet him and see if it is as good as the legend!"

A strong man suddenly thought of the legendary figure of the Ye family, and said with a look of yearning.

The rest of the people are the same. They also admire and yearn for the many miracles that Ye Potian created, and they are more eager to see the charm of this legendary Tianjiao figure in this opening lecture.

At the same time, everyone present kept converging towards the bottom of this data talk, trying to occupy a better listening position for themselves.

In this way, it is natural that some conflicts cannot be avoided. After all, there are more monks and less meat, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Then it depends on who is strong and who has such qualifications.

Ye Feng stepped forward, bypassing the silhouettes of many powerful men, and walked towards the bottom of the altar, trying to find a place to sit.

Everyone in Shengdi Academy understands that the powerful and powerful in Shengdi Academy open the altar to teach the law, which contains Daowei, if you want to truly understand the true meaning of the law, you must find an excellent position.

Every position of this altar has its own mystery, and the higher the position, the greater the chance of comprehending Daowei.

Therefore, many people want to sit in an excellent position so that they can better understand the power of the powerful and powerful.

One prescription is that there are several figures walking along, these figures are surrounded by terrible ghosts, and the breath of the whole person is extremely violent, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

They are really the people of the Nether Ghost Mansion. To be precise, they should be the martial emperor realm powerhouse in the Nether Ghost Mansion. Others in the Nether Ghost Mansion who have no advanced martial emperor realm will automatically and consciously look for a lower position to sit in.

Among these 4 martial emperor realm powerhouses are Huangquan Youming and Shura Youming.

People like them went all the way up, unimpeded, and no one dared to stop them when they walked, just because the Nether Ghost Mansion camp was too strong.

If anyone dares to step forward and stop, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

"Go away!"

Shura Youming first stepped forward, roaring at the person who stood in the way, with the ultimate arrogance in his words, giving people a sense of oppression.

Many people see that Shura Youming is so arrogant, so naturally they dare not speak. With Shura Youming's cultivation level and brutal character, who dares to provoke?

Therefore, in the next period of time, Shura Nether Huangquan Nether and the other two Nether Ghost Mansion powerhouses went all the way up, and the lower seat naturally could not satisfy them.

Seeing Nether Ghost Mansion powerhouses stepping forward, Long Aoshuang was naturally unwilling to be left behind. He gave orders to the hidden Dragon Valley powerhouses beside him, and the powerhouses in Yinlong Valley followed Long Aoshuang quickly towards the top of the altar. And OK.

The strength of the people of Hidden Dragon Valley should not be underestimated, and even from the perspective of personal strength alone, Long Aoshuang is even more powerful than Huang Quan Youming.

This naturally also made the powerful people in the hidden dragon valley seem to have a pass, and no one dared to step forward to intercept wherever they went.

Many people's eyes flickered, envious of these powerful people living in the big sect forces, they can often get more generous resources under the aura of the big sects.

For example, some Nether Ghost Mansion and Hidden Dragon Valley powerhouses, their personal strength is likely to be inferior to ordinary people.

However, due to the identity of the other's top power, these people also had to take the initiative to avoid them, so as not to be crushed by top forces like the Hidden Dragon Valley Nether Ghost Mansion.

"Junior Sister, let's take a look!"

Xue Ying's eyes fell on Qingxue's beautiful face and said softly.

Qingxue nodded to Xueying, and they also imitated the people of the Hidden Dragon Valley Nether Ghost Mansion, leaving the people of the Supreme Martial Emperor to find their own location.

The Wudi realm powerhouse among the Xuezu went all the way up, striving to find the best position for himself.

In the Ye Family camp, Ye Cangtian's eyes flickered, and he walked directly towards the Xuanyuan Family camp, and came to the Xuanyuan Family camp. He stopped his eyes on Xuanyuan Mingyue and said to him, "Mingyue, Follow me and I will find a suitable location for you."

As Xuanyuan Mingyue's fiancé, Ye Cangtian's request was not excessive, and he said so obviously to help Xuanyuan Mingyue.

But Xuanyuan Mingyue shook his head without hesitation and said, "No, thank you, I can find a suitable location by myself."

After saying this, Ye Cangtian's brows suddenly frowned, with an embarrassment on his face.

Not far away, Xuanyuan Hongjian forced a smile on his face and said to Ye Cangtian: "Brother Ye, Mingyue means she is saying that he doesn't want others to think that she is all dependent on you. Don't mind! "

When Xuanyuan Hongjian spoke, he seemed extremely polite. Ye Cangtian is now a strong man in the Martial Emperor realm, and his personal strength is no longer what he used to be. In terms of identity, Xuanyuan Hongjian is not as good as Ye Cangtian.

Ye Cangtian's eyes flashed, and his heart was still a little cold. He knew that the reason why Xuanyuan Mingyue was so indifferent to him was entirely because of that **** Ye Feng.

Before that, when Ye Cangtian heard that Ye Feng was not dead, he was also extremely shocked, but he didn't care about anything. Now he is already a martial arts powerhouse, how can he care about a junior?

However, Xuanyuan Mingyue's performance at this moment made Ye Cangtian's heart extremely cold. He seemed to have realized that the reason why Xuanyuan Mingyue was so alienated from him was directly related to that Ye Feng.

"Well, take care of yourself!"

Ye Cangtian said coldly, even if he stepped away from here, what a proud person he was, he was already very shameless when Xuanyuan Mingyue refused, so why would he say more here.

"Mingyue, isn't it good for Ye Cangtian to take you there? Why do you refuse?"

Not long after Ye Cangtian left, Xuanyuan Hongjian yelled at Xuanyuan Mingyue, thinking that his sister was too naive.

Xuanyuan Mingyue looked at Xuanyuan Hongjian and said, "I have hands and feet, so I don't want to rely on other people!"

After saying this, Xuanyuan Mingyue didn't even bother Xuanyuan Hongjian, and stepped out directly towards the top of the altar.

This scene fell in Xuanyuan Hongjian's eyes, and immediately made Xuanyuan Hongjian's expression a little cold, his sister was too stubborn.

"Let's go up too!"

Xuanyuan Hongjian turned to the group of powerful Xuanyuan family behind him and said, in addition to the two brothers and sisters of Xuanyuan Hongjian Xuanyuan Mingyue, Xuanyuan family does indeed have these powerful emperor realms.

It's just that it's much inferior to top clan forces like the Ye Family.

Sometimes, the number of the strong often cannot decide anything, and the emphasis is on the power of the strong.

People who walked out of top clan forces like the Ye Family are usually not comparable to a lonely family like the Xuanyuan Family.

After being rejected by Xuanyuan Mingyue, Ye Cangtian naturally didn't stop at anything. Several martial emperor realm powerhouses from Yuyue's family moved forward all the way, trying to occupy a good position.

In Bodhi Temple, the top powers of the White Crane Sect and the White Crane Sect were also stepping upwards. The monk Benchen and Xuan Kongzi were naturally the focus of everyone's attention.

The two of them are low-key, but when moving upward, most people will make a way for them, and they dare not rebelliously.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong magical demon sect. After the strong magical demon sect arrived, he took the initiative to come to Ye Feng and bowed and saluted Ye Feng.

Before that, they had returned to Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor, and now they are very disciplined.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, immediately causing everyone's heart to tremble, and the expression revealed a bit of surprise.

Although the phantoms cannot be compared with the top powers in the end, the strong rise of the phantoms on the Nine Heavens in the past few hundred years has been due to the capital of the top sect forces.

Now, the powerhouses of the Illusory Demon Sect took the initiative to surrender to Ye Feng, and only Ye Feng looked forward to it, which surprised everyone present.

"Cousin, the two of us should also go up and take a look. I heard that the powerful and powerful of Shengdi Academy will have the opportunity to explore the mystery of Daowei in the lecture. This time we can't come here for nothing."

Not far from the prescription, there is a pair of young men and women coming here, and their lives are very eye-catching.

However, the cultivation base of the high-ranking emperor's peak realm seemed relatively mediocre among the many strong men.

These two people are the top talents of Fengshen Palace, Feng Jianlong and Feng Youyou.

Before that, the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor was betrayed by these two men and was captured by Huang Quan Youming and Long Aoshuang.

Ye Feng had already learned this news from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, so after seeing these two men appear, his heart was extremely cold.

I could not help temporarily giving up the idea of ​​going to the top of the altar, and stepped to the front of Feng Jian Long and Feng Youyou.

Seeing Ye Feng's arrival here, Feng Jianlong's expression was involuntarily stunned, and a bit of terror flashed in his eyes.

There is a feeling of guilty conscience.

"what do you want to do?"

Feng Jianlong asked Ye Feng. He had naturally heard about the power of Ye Feng. Last time, the two of them avenged the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor’s favor. Feng Jianlong was always at ease for fear of Ye Feng. Know this.

"Let me ask you, the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor was betrayed by you!"

Ye Feng's words were extremely cold, and between the words, a chill was released from his body, making Feng Jianlong feel that his body was shaking involuntarily.

"You misunderstood, he was not my betrayal, he has nothing to do with me."

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Feng Jianlong felt a panic in his heart and hurriedly dismissed his relationship.

Ye Feng looked at Feng Jianlong in that way, his expression showing extreme indifference, his eyes became extremely terrifying, and bursts of death light flashed out.

A somewhat ugly expression appeared on Feng Youyouqiao's face. Before that, she did not agree with her cousin that he betrayed the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, but she didn't expect Ye Feng to come to her door so soon.

"I will ask you again, if the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor was betrayed by you, you had better answer me truthfully!"

Ye Feng's words contained extreme indifference, which made Feng Jianlong feel a deep chill, his body trembling more severely, and sweat involuntarily appeared on his forehead.

"No, it's not me, it's really not me, it has nothing to do with me!"

Feng Jianlong shook his head desperately, the light of astonishment in his eyes was extremely strong.

Seeing Feng Jianlong saying this, an extreme cold light appeared in Ye Feng’s pupils. This cold light contained extremely terrifying power of death, and at this moment it directly penetrated Feng Jianlong’s eyebrows. .

Feng Jianlong's body trembled involuntarily, like an electric shock!

At this moment, he only felt that his body was completely enveloped by the power of death attribute, and his whole body was not obedient. He only felt that he was about to die soon, stripped of the power of death attribute released by Ye Feng!

This scene made Feng Youyou not far away look extremely ugly. She looked at Ye Feng with a begging look. She trembled and said: "Please, please let my cousin go, he Not hesitating, really not intentional!"

Feng Youyou's words were very obvious. When Ye Feng heard it, the coldness on his body suddenly broke out to the extreme. The whole person was like a killing god, standing there casually, the breath on his body could give people a strong sense of oppression.

"The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor is not bad to you. You are the only one who lives. I didn't expect you to avenge your gratitude against him. What do you think you should be guilty of?"

Ye Feng asked Feng Jianlong coldly. Feng Jianlong's body trembled. His body was soaked in sweat and his complexion was extremely pale.

"I am confused for a while, please let me go, don't kill me, I don't want to die yet!"

Feeling the cold breath released from Ye Feng, Feng Jianlong put down his figure completely, and kept begging to Ye Feng. Trying to let Ye Feng spare his life.

Ye Feng looked at Feng Jianlong with a sneer, and said coldly: "I knew why it was in the beginning today. The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is hard to forgive!"

As he spoke, an astonishing cold breath burst out of Ye Feng's body, and a light of destruction flashed in his palm. At this moment, he madly shot a terrifying big palm print toward Feng Jianlong's body. The power of the palm is beyond people's imagination, and it came down in a short time.

Seeing this palm print fall, Feng Jianlong wanted to release the attack and resistance, but he felt that his body was completely suppressed by the breath released by Ye Feng.

It made him want to move, but he couldn't do it. This big destruction of Ye Feng's palm print penetrated everything and directly landed on Feng Jianlong's Dantian Qihai.

Just listened to the sound of horrible turbulence, and under the action of Ye Feng's big destruction palm print, Feng Jianlong's body was directly blasted out, and that destructive force kept surging around him.

As a result, the Dantian Qihai on his body was shocked and exploded, and the whole body was shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, his complexion extremely pale.

His eyes were full of despair. He was bombarded in Dantian Qihai, and his cultivation level was completely abolished. This also indicates that from now on, he can only be a useless person.

After seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but solidify slightly, and Ye Feng was really domineering, saying that the cultivation base of the waste is absolutely unambiguous.

Feng Youyou took a deep look at Ye Feng, trot to the direction where Feng Jianlong was, lifted up Feng Jianlong's body, and asked with concern: "Cousin, are you okay?"

Feng Jianlong's eyes were dull. At this moment, he was full of regrets, regretting that he shouldn't have avenged the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's favor because of the temptation of 100,000 high-grade Yuanshi.

All these reasons have planted the fruit of today. He suffered the biggest blow in his life and was abolished by Ye Feng's cultivation base. This was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"All of this is your own blame, and you don't recognize others. If I don't kill you, I'm thinking about getting acquainted in the past!"

Ye Feng glanced at Feng Jianlong's body, and spoke indifferently.

After saying this, he stopped paying attention to the other party, and walked directly towards the place of the altar, behind him a group of powerful magical sects followed.

Ye Feng’s strength has now been recognized by many Saint Emperor Academy powerhouses. Therefore, when Ye Feng and many Illusory Demon Sect powerhouses went all the way, many people also made way for Ye Feng and did not dare Ye Feng scrambled.

However, Ye Feng did not pursue a higher seat like other top powers, but looked for a suitable seat in the second row from the bottom.

This made the expressions of all the people present cold, especially the powerful magicians who followed him, and they did not expect Ye Feng to sit here.

"That Ye Feng seems to be very self-aware, looking for this seat to sit down, dare not compete with the top talents."

After seeing this scene, someone couldn't help but speak slowly, thinking that Ye Feng chose such a position because he was afraid of competing with the top talents.

The others nodded in succession, agreeing with this person.


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