Sky War God

Chapter 2498: Battle Huangquan Nether

"You, what do you want to do?"

Leng Chunqiu asked Ye Feng with a look of horror. She used to be so arrogant in front of Ye Feng, with a high look.

Perhaps at that time, he might not have dreamed that one day he would be held in the palm of Ye Feng's empty hand in such a posture, and he might be easily pinched to death by the opponent at any time.

"What do you say I want to do?"

Ye Feng sneered and asked Leng Chunqiu.

The fear in Leng Chunqiu's heart became more and more flaming, especially when he looked at Ye Feng, he felt his body trembling involuntarily.

"I, I am willing to be loyal to both of you, and please forgive me."

Finally, under the influence of fear, Leng Chunqiu gave up his dignity and begged Ye Feng for mercy.

Ye Feng looked at Leng Chunqiu and said sarcastically, "Don't you think it's too late to tell me this?"

While speaking, the crowd saw that Ye Feng's big empty hand tightened at this moment, and under the action of strong force, the bones inside Leng Chunqiu's body made a strong dislocation noise.

There was a desperate scream from his mouth, and he looked at Ye Feng dullly, and his pupils were enveloped by a gas of death.

The whole person's body was crushed by Ye Feng's empty hand at this moment, and he died immediately!

This scene fell in the eyes of the Illusory Demon Sect powerhouses who had just decided to return to the Red Sky Demon Emperor Ye Feng, and immediately made them tremble.

If they had some other thoughts in their hearts at the beginning, then they all have to dispel their own thoughts. Once they are unable to power Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor, Leng Chunqiu will be their fate!

The people onlookers were also shocked, with strong shocked expressions on their faces.

Ye Feng Chi Tian Demon Emperor two powerfully descended to Illusory Demon Sect, powerfully punish the powerful and powerful people of Illusive Demon Sect, and everyone in the Illusive Demon Sect surrendered. Feng Zhu killed.

What is even more frightening is that when Ye Feng killed Leng Chunqiu, he was so relaxed, a random Void hand was released, Leng Chunqiu could not resist, and was directly pinched to death by Ye Feng's Void hand.

All this seems to be so shocking, no matter what, Leng Chunqiu still has a certain reputation in the entire Nine Heavens.

Although he can't compare with the top talents of Tianjiao, his talent is also well known.

The shock that died in Ye Feng's hands in this way, gave everyone present, it was naturally beyond words.

"Have you heard? After Ye Feng returned strongly, he rescued the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor in the giant square. The two clashed with the four powerful forces. Then, the strength of Ye Feng and Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor changed. The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor has advanced to the realm of the Devil Emperor, defeating the four powers in one fell swoop, slaying the two powerful emperors, and the people of the Supreme Martial Emperor have countless deaths and injuries. I managed to save my life by escaping. I really don’t know how far the strength of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor have reached?"

The sensation that Ye Feng and Chitian Demon Emperor made in the Saint Emperor Academy recently has been spread in the core area of ​​the Saint Emperor Academy, shocking everyone.

In Shengdi Academy, as long as there are many people, there will be people discussing this matter.

"I didn't expect that Ye Feng was not killed more than three years ago, and he will return after more than three years, which will cause a storm in the entire Saint Emperor Academy."

Another strong man said, his eyes gleaming sharply.

"I have to say that Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor are both very talented. They are top geniuses rare in the Nine Heavens for thousands or even thousands of years, but their style of behavior is too high-profile, you know , They are facing the top four powerful forces on the Nine Heavens. Although this is the Saint Emperor Academy, there are also many terrifying existences among the four powerful forces. This time they killed the four forces. With so many people, the top figures in the Quartet will certainly not stand idly by. By then, it will most likely be the end of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor!"

Some strong people said so and analyzed.

Hearing what this strong man said, the eyes of everyone present flickered, and they couldn't help nodding.

Just as this strong man said, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor are indeed a bit too crazy, doing things regardless of the consequences, the opponents they face are people of the four major forces.

If the other party is really serious, no matter how strong the two of them are, I am afraid they will not be able to escape the ending of being punishable.

In the Nether Ghost Mansion camp, a black whirlwind passed by and turned into a figure in a short time. It was Shura Nether who had been defeated and escaped before returning.

At this moment, Shura Youming still had a bit of panic on his face. Before that, he almost lost his life in that battle.

If Ye Feng was not chasing the Hidden Dragon Valley Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, but him, then it is very likely that he will die.

This made Shura Youming's heart cold, but he was also extremely unwilling. He couldn't imagine that Ye Feng would have grown to this level after more than three years.

Moreover, in the previous battle, he could clearly feel that Ye Feng's strength had taken another qualitative leap compared to a few days ago.

This completely opened the gap between him and Ye Feng.

"Senior Xiuluo, you are back, has Ye Feng been killed?"

Seeing Shura Nether appearing here, a strong man in the Nether Ghost Mansion immediately stepped forward and asked Shura Nether looking expectantly.

For Ye Feng, the people of their Nether Ghost Mansion had extremely strong resentment in their hearts.


Hearing the question from the expert in the Nether Ghost Mansion, Shura Nether said with an ugly face, and his heart was extremely cold. After being asked so by the other party, Shura Youming didn't even know how to answer the other party.

"What's wrong with that? Could it be that Ye Feng could not escape?"

The strong man in the Nether Ghost Mansion asked Shura, another name, that the news of the previous battle has not been passed to the Nether Ghost Mansion camp.

"Go in and talk!"

Shura Nether had an ugly face, and there were many powerful experts in the Nether Ghost Mansion in the courtyard. Asura Nether loved face, naturally he was embarrassed to tell the result of the battle.

The eyes of the strong man in the Netherworld Ghost Mansion flickered, and he followed Shura Nether into a gorgeous room.

Here, there is a training room. In the training room, a figure sits cross-legged, surrounded by terrifying magic power, and the whole person looks so violent.

It was Huang Quan Youming, the leader of the Nether Ghost Mansion in the Saint Emperor Academy. Huang Quan Youming had returned to the Nether Ghost Mansion camp a few days ago and was in a state of retreat.

Huang Quan Youming had also heard about Ye Feng's return, but he was only slightly shocked in his heart, and didn't care too much.

After all, in his opinion, just like Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, they can only be regarded as clowns.

"Brother Huang Quan."

Shura Nether came to the door of the cultivation room and screamed tentatively.

"what's up?"

Unexpectedly, he quickly got Huang Quan Youming's reply.

"Little brother has something to report to Brother Huang Quan."

Shura Nether said with an ugly face.

"come in."

Huang Quan Youming spoke faintly, and the next moment, just listening to the vibrating sounds, the stone door of the training room slowly opened.

Asura Nether and the strong man in the Netherworld Ghost Mansion stepped into it, they saw that Huangquan Nether had just finished his cultivation, and the aura on his body seemed to become more intense.

"Didn't you go to encircle Ye Feng, why did you come back so soon? Has Ye Feng been killed?"

Seeing the appearance of Shura Youming, Huang Quan Youming couldn't help asking him, and the words seemed indifferent, as if it was normal for Shura Youming to go and kill Ye Feng.

"We, failed!"

Shura Youming said with an ugly face, he knew that even if he didn't say it, others would know it sooner or later.


Hearing Shura Youming’s words, Huang Quan Youming immediately became shocked. He looked at Shura Youming with an incredulous expression on his face and said: "How come this is happening, your martial arts realm's cultivation base, go together with the other three forces, is it still Can't you kill a Ye Feng?"

Shura Youming looked gloomy, and said to Huang Quan Youming: "That Ye Feng has advanced to the Martial Emperor Realm, and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor has also become the Martial Emperor. The strength of the two is extremely abnormal. Two of our four great Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses have suffered losses. There, the Supreme Martial Emperor lost as many as dozens of them, and I also escaped from the chaos. Otherwise, it is very likely that I would die in the hands of those two."

Shura Youming was a little unwilling, but he also understood that with his current strength, he was no longer the opponent of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

If you want to completely eradicate these two people, you must ask Huang Quan Youming to go out.

"Trash! Even Ye Feng of the Martial Emperor Realm can't deal with it. In vain, you are still the top tianjiao figure in my Nether Ghost Mansion!"

Huang Quan Youming was furious and said coldly.

While speaking, his body actually stood up directly from the seat, and a terrifying might erupted from his body, and it was shocked that cracks appeared on the walls of this training room.

Immediately, Huang Quan Nether stepped out, and his body disappeared at this moment. Seeing this scene, Shura Nether felt a bit of resentment in his heart.

However, he was happy in his heart. With the presence of Senior Brother Huang Quan, then Ye Feng and the Scarlet Devil Emperor would not have any way to survive!

After Ye Feng and the Chitian Demon Emperor had subdued the magical demon sect powerhouse, they were stationed in the phantom demon sect camp.

From this moment on, the Phantom Demon Sect camp has also become the focus of attention of the experts in Saint Emperor Academy.

And those strong in the magic sect are still unable to let go, very panicked.

They knew that the people of their own power had been surrendered to Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor. They had taken a great risk. After all, they had killed the other three top powers before.

Now, they have just surrendered to Ye Feng. When these three powerful forces descend on Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor, they are likely to suffer.

But because Ye Feng and Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor are too powerful, even though they are worried, they dare not really say anything.

However, the strong people who came to watch have been staying outside the magical demon sect camp, seeming to have expected a stronger storm to come next.

Their guess was indeed accurate enough. Not long after Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor stayed in the Illusory Demon camp, an endless ghost aura swept across the sky.

Resentful spirits appeared in the sky, turning the entire space into a scene of hell. Many people looked up at the sky, and found that a figure wearing a black death robe appeared there.

The aura of this person is extremely strong, and if he floats in the air at will, he can give people a very strong sense of oppression, making the hearts of many people present involuntarily tremble.

"It's Huangquan Youming, Huangquan Youming has arrived!"

Almost at the same time, a voice came from the crowd, and immediately attracted the eyes of many people present.

Making their hearts tremble involuntarily, they found that the figure floating in the void was indeed Huangquan Youming, the legendary figure of the entire Nether Ghost Mansion.

He unexpectedly landed in the sky above the Illusion Demon Sect at this moment, and immediately caused many powerhouses guarding outside the Illusion Demon Sect camp to tremble.

Huang Quan Youming's eyes were sharp, and an astonishing anger was released from his body. After hearing the words of Shura Youming Dao, the resentment in Huang Quan Youming's heart was overwhelming.

"Ye Feng, the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor will come out and die!"

Huang Quan Youming roared at the Illusory Demon Sect camp below, his voice was filled with endless cold, as if in a short time it turned into a supreme sound wave, floating in the entire space.

Many people present trembles involuntarily, their bodies involuntarily retreat, and their complexions don't look good.

"Boy, someone is asking for trouble again, let's go out and have a look."

Hearing Huangquan Youming's yelling words in the void, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor who was in a cultivation state opened his eyes and couldn't help but say to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng returned his hands to the Dantian land, and also ended his cultivation, and there was a sharp light flashing in his pupils, which he had expected before.

However, the matter was over, Ye Feng knew that this battle was inevitable.

No hesitation, Ye Feng and Chi Tian Demon Emperor slowly walked out of the room, their expressions were as usual, and there was no tension due to the arrival of Huang Quan Nether.

This Huangquan Youming had tried to kill Ye Feng when Ye Feng was fighting Shura Youming before.

Then, not long after Ye Feng was destroyed by Long Aoshuang's body, he attacked the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor again and tied the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor to the stone tablet on the giant square, causing the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor to endure endless pain and humiliation.

Ye Feng has all this in mind, and he will surely let the other party repay it twice.

Seeing Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor walk out of the room without hesitation, the expressions of all the people present were stunned. They didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to be so bold. Faced with Huang Quan's call, they actually paid back Dare to be so calm and calm.

Huang Quan Youming looked down and saw Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor. His eyes immediately flashed with an extremely cold luster, and said indifferently: "Unexpectedly, you two really dare to come out and die. !"

This sentence also carried a strong indifference, humming all the space in this area.

Ye Feng looked up, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Don't talk nonsense. If you want to fight, we two will accompany you at any time."

After his words were spoken, the hearts of everyone present couldn't help but tremble, as if they didn't expect Ye Feng to dare to be so arrogant in the face of Huang Quan Youming.

"Ye Feng seems to be a little swollen. How much does Huangquan Nether exist? He who has been in the realm of Emperor Wu for many years, his strength is not comparable to those who have just achieved the realm of Emperor Wu in Shura Nether Road. Together, Ye Feng and the two are definitely not It will be Huang Quan Nether's opponent."

Some strong people immediately analyzed it like this, thinking that Ye Feng had just made a little achievement, and he was a little bloated.

Everyone present nodded their heads, no one thought that Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor could compete with Huang Quan Nether.

Huang Quan Youming raised his brows slightly, and didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to say such arrogant words. He couldn't help but still look at Ye Feng's side interestingly, and said ironically: "I really don't know where your confidence comes from? Just now? You are so arrogant and arrogant in the advanced Martial Emperor Realm. Now, this seat can give you a chance. You and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor can abolish each other's cultivation base, and I can forgive you two from not dying!"

Shura Nether's words were a bit of sarcasm, and the expressions of all the people present were taken aback for a moment, and then a little pity flashed in the eyes of both Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor.

Perhaps in their opinion, Huang Quan Youming's words were already a great gift to Ye Feng Chitian Demon Emperor.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it if you have the ability!"

However, just as Huang Quan's ghostly words fell, the crowd heard Ye Feng's voice coming over, and they immediately trembled involuntarily. It seemed that Ye Feng was definitely going to die.

"Since you two take the initiative to find death, then I will fulfill you!"

Huang Quan Youming spoke to Ye Feng with an indifferent expression. As he spoke, an astonishing breath burst out from him, and endless grievances hovered around him.

Converging on the surface of his body, endless ghost energy emerged, and the entire space became abnormally violent.

While they were speaking, the crowd saw Huang Quan Youming's amazing palm print slamming down towards the direction where Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor were located.

Wherever the palm print went, the space trembled crazily, and everything seemed to be destroyed.

In this palmprint, the endless emperor's prestige was integrated, covering the bodies of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor, making their bodies feel uncomfortable for a while, and they could no longer move half a minute.

However, how could Ye Feng be like everyone else? His spatial attribute power was released and merged with the power of stars above his body.

This made Ye Feng's body seem to have detached from the shackles of this space, stepping forward at will, and the terrifying emperor's prestige of Huangquan Nether could no longer affect his body.

Ye Feng stepped out quickly to one side, his body seemed to be virtual and real, and quickly walked through this terrifying emperor's prestige, and in a very short time, he was out of the range of the opponent's attack.

The same is true for the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor. He cultivated the tactics of good fortune taught by Ye Feng, and used the power of good fortune to evolve thousands of attributes.

The magical magic Dafa itself also possesses mysterious body and martial skills, which makes the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's figure and speed not comparable to those of the realm.

His body also relied on two forces to escape the opponent's attack range in a short time.

The terrifying palm print of Shura Nether landed, causing the entire land to tremble crazily, and a terrifying five-finger print appeared on the ground. Terrifying cracks emerged on the ground, which was shocking.

This made the eyes of everyone present slightly solidified, and it seemed that they didn't expect Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor to be so fast.

Even Huangquan Youming did not expect this.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor quickly rose into the air, their stature speed was incredible, and they descended in front of Huangquan Youming's body in a short time.

An astonishing large palm print of destruction rushed towards Huang Quan Nether's body madly, which made Huang Quan Nether's expression stunned. It seemed that Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor would dared to attack him actively.

"court death!"

Huangquan Youming exhaled an icy voice, and an astonishing breath burst out from his body. Endless destructive power hovered around his body, directly facing Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, a large destruction palm print.

The power integrated on his palm prints is naturally much stronger than Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and the gap in cultivation level is irreversible.

In the next moment, just listen to the terrible rumbling sound, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

When the three attacks collided, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor felt an irresistible destructive force. They swallowed their attacks in a short time, and then poured into their bodies. Come.

This caused Ye Feng Chitian Demon Emperor two people to snorted, their body was shaken back at this moment, and their breath floated.

And that amazing shocking force still spreads over and their complexion doesn't look good.

The hearts of the crowd trembled, and their eyes flashed a bit of harm. Huang Quan Nether's strength was really terrifying, and the attack power just made them both feel involuntarily trembling.

With just one attack, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor retreated, really powerful.

"Humph! Even with the strength of the two of you, you dare to contend with this seat, you really can't help it!"

Huang Quan Youming satirically spoke to both Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor. He stepped forward again while speaking, his body seemed to turn into a bright streamer, carrying an astonishing violent breath, and descended on Ye. In front of Feng and Chi Tian Demon Emperor.

A big empty hand bloomed on his body, and the big fingers were fused with extremely strong destructive power, to completely crush Ye Feng's body!


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