Sky War God

Chapter 2494: The Demon Emperor Breaks Through the Realm of the Demon Emperor

The terrifying lightning attribute power penetrated the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, making the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor occupied by that lightning attribute power, and every cell in his body was extremely severely hit.

But his body insisted on it all the time, the magic magic exploded from the body, and the power of the magic magic surging around his body.

The power of the Demon Dao attribute contained in the void is also much stronger than that on the ground, and it is constantly converging towards his body.

The Demon Sovereign used the magical magic that he had comprehended before, constantly refining those magical powers into his body.

And the aura of his whole person was also rapidly changing at this moment, and it was improving little by little.

The lightning attribute power runs through the body, enabling the bones, meridians and tissue cells of the major organs in the Chitian Demon Emperor's body to be extremely tempered.

Although suffering unimaginable pain, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor still persisted, and his entire body seemed to shine like that under the envelope of the lightning attribute power.

The entire sky is covered by the terrifying magical energy and the purple-black lightning attribute power, as if this space has become the source of these two powers.

The eyes of the Scarlet Demon Emperor were extremely sharp and shiny. At this moment, he thought of many things in his mind. There were scenes where he died of hatred in his previous life, and scenes of being insulted by the two magical emperor Mo Ji in this life.

All of this caused the anger in the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's heart to burst out, filling the body.

There was a loud roar from his mouth. This roar shook the world, as if making the entire space buzzed endlessly.

A stronger suction force burst into the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and the power of the Demon Dao attribute in the space, the power of the lightning attribute, poured into his body at a more intense speed.

He ran the magic magic to the extreme, and there was a hurricane of magic power in the space rising up, as if it could swallow everything.

The body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was at the center of this hurricane, bearing the impact of various attribute forces.

In this extremely violent mode, the aura of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor climbed to the apex of the Supreme Demon Emperor Realm. At this moment, he only felt his body swelled crazily.

As if to explode like this, his eyes flashed with tough light, and the blood in the meridians around his body flowed more quickly, carrying the lightning attribute power and magic power attributed from the space, and nourishing his physical body. .

Finally at a certain moment, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor only felt that his cultivation realm had finally passed that critical point and reached a brand new level.

"Om, hum..."

At this moment, the two attribute powers contained in the entire space reached a tyrannical extreme, surging crazily in the space, and the huge hurricane seemed to be able to swallow everything and connect the world.

The entire body of the Scarlet Demon Emperor flickered with endless magic light, and an astonishing emperor's might exploded on his body, making this space extremely depressing.

Everything on the ground was crushed and destroyed by the mighty suppression released by him, and the entire space seemed to be turned into a scene of doomsday.

"I finally made it!"

The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor made an astonishing roar, and this sound seemed to contain all the grievances in his heart for many years!

That's right, just now, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor finally raised his cultivation base to the realm of the Devil Emperor through unremitting efforts and more radical methods.

At this moment, he is a true Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, possessing the stronger power contained in a Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse.

After the cultivation base reached the Devil Emperor Realm, the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor only felt that his entire body had become even more different, and all the attributes and powers in his body had undergone a qualitative change.

His voice seemed to be able to shatter the void, and the rolling pressure released from his body could wipe out all this space!

The endless demon attribute power, lightning attribute power still crazily poured into the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

His entire human body seems to have become the master of this space, and all the power in the space must be used by him.

I don't know how long it has passed, but in the same dilapidated wooden house, the eyes of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor suddenly opened, and the magical power of the pupils flashed out.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's face appeared a little dazed. Was everything he experienced just now just a dream?

If it was really just a dream, then how could he feel so real?

Thinking of this, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor involuntarily quickly used the method of introspection, and surprisingly discovered that his dantian Qihai was many times larger than he did not know before, and his energy was transformed from the previous Demon Emperor state to the current Demon Emperor. Realm!

In other words, he has indeed broken through, broke through the Demon Emperor Realm, and became a true Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse!

This made the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor overjoyed, and at the same time he was extremely shocked. Why did the scene just disappear like this?

And he, who has been practicing in this small wooden house, suddenly came to that scene and broke through the realm of cultivation.

But when he completely regained consciousness, he found that he had been sitting cross-legged in this small wooden house, but such a dream-like scene improved his cultivation level.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was extremely shocked, and he repeatedly confirmed that his cultivation realm had indeed stepped into the realm of the Devil Emperor. There was no doubt about this.

Simply no longer care about him, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor immediately entered the cultivation state again. He just broke through the Devil Emperor's realm, his cultivation realm is not yet stable, and he must use a period of time to stabilize his realm.

But at this moment, Ye Feng's body is still constantly absorbing the star attribute power transmitted from the void. His star attribute power has been greatly improved.

He believed that if he used the meteor butterfly step to dodge the attack at this moment, his speed would definitely be faster than before.

And unconsciously, Ye Feng's cultivation realm was also quietly changing, even he could not even notice it.

But his cultivation level is indeed slowly improving, and now he has reached the peak of the first emperor, and he can set foot in the middle emperor in just one step.

This was a miracle for Ye Feng, who had just completed the ninth reincarnation and reinvented his body to achieve the position of Emperor Wu not long ago.

After all, the speed of this cultivation level is so fast, it is so fast that ordinary people can't imagine it.

You know, after an ordinary person has advanced to the realm of Emperor Wu, if he wants to improve his cultivation realm, it will be possible for a few years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Some people with mediocre cultivation levels, after setting foot in the martial emperor's realm, will not be able to get a chance to be promoted even when his life is near.

It was extremely difficult for Wuhuang's realm to raise a realm cultivation level, and Ye Feng unexpectedly raised his cultivation realm again in less than a month.

Although there is no real stepping into the realm of the middle emperor, the difference is not far away.

It took a long time for Ye Feng to realize this. He was inevitably happy, but he also knew that it was obviously impossible for him to set foot in the middle emperor in a short time.

Maybe after a while, everything will be done naturally. This time, the cultivation feeling is important to enhance the star attribute power of his body, and the increase of the star attribute power has a direct impact on her figure speed.

Ye Feng slowly recovered his power, then stepped back to the cabin, and suddenly discovered that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was still in a state of cultivation, and the aura released from him also completely shocked Ye Feng's expression on the spot.

"Old guy, has he broken through the repair base?"

Ye Feng said with a dull gaze. At this moment, he can clearly feel the power of the powerful Demon Emperor Realm released from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

There can be nothing wrong with this!

Prior to this, the cultivation of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor had reached the apex of the Supreme Demon Emperor Realm, and it was possible to set foot in the Demon Emperor Realm at any time.

However, Ye Feng did know that when Wu Xiu set foot in the realm of the emperor, he would not be as calm as before.

Although Ye Feng is outside the wooden house, if someone in the wooden house breaks through the Wudi realm cultivation base, the heaven and earth anomaly produced will naturally attract Ye Feng's attention.

And he had just been cultivating the power of the stars outside the wooden house, and he hadn't noticed any movement inside the wooden house. In other words, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor broke through the realm in silence.

This made Ye Feng inevitably shocked.

At the same time, he was also happy for the Scarlet Heaven Demon Sovereign in his heart. After all, after hearing the Scarlet Heaven Demon Sovereign report, he had tried countless times to break through the realm, and each time ended in failure.

This has a direct relationship with the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's stripping of the devil bone.

At this moment, even if he lost the devil bone, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor still stepped into the realm of the devil emperor, and it was enough to see how strong his whole person's cultivation talent should be.

It took a long time before the eyes of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor slowly opened, and his power was collected. After he set foot in the Demon Emperor Realm, the bone tissue cells of all major meridians on his body had undergone a perfect transformation.

Therefore, the injuries he suffered before also fully recovered. Seeing Ye Feng waiting in the wooden house, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor slowly got up.

"Old guy, you actually broke through the realm of cultivation, why is there no movement?"

Seeing the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor wake up, Ye Feng couldn't help asking in surprise.

"You can actually understand what happened to the emperor? Mixing with the emperor is your advantage!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's face showed his iconic triumph again, and his name has changed from "this emperor" to "this emperor" now. And he said it was as shameless as ever.

Ye Feng looked at the Scarlet Demon Emperor with contempt, but he was extremely happy. The old guy he knew was finally back.

"Huh? Your kid's cultivation level seems to have improved. It seems that the emperor's teaching is good!"

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor glanced at Ye Feng and said lightly.

Hearing the words of the Scarlet Demon Emperor, Ye Feng couldn't help but show a few black lines on his forehead. This old guy is really shameless enough, he always loves to put gold on his face.

But Ye Feng didn't refute the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor. He was used to this old guy's bragging personality.


At this moment, there was a sound of a light cough coming from the doorway, immediately causing both Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor Ye Feng to raise their brows.

Immediately after hearing a squeak, the door of the cabin was pushed open, and a staggering figure appeared in the sight of the two. It was the strange old man who had left the cabin before.

The weird old man at this moment is the same as in the previous days, wearing coarse linen, even patched in many places, wearing a shabby hat on his head, with a look of vicissitudes of life.

When Ye Feng and the Scarlet Devil Emperor saw this strange old man appear, their bodies shuddered involuntarily.

They already knew that this old man was not an ordinary person, and this cabin was different from what they had seen normally, so mysterious that the other two even felt they were dreaming.


Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor greeted this old man with their hands over, with respectful expressions on their faces.

The old man coughed again and slowly raised his head to reveal his yin and yang face, which also gave people a creepy feeling.

"Yes, the injury has recovered. The old man didn't disturb the two of you when he came back?"

The weird old man smiled and asked at the two Ye Feng Chitian Demon Emperor.

"No, no, thank you Senior for providing a place for both of me and disturbing Senior."

Ye Feng waved his hand and hurriedly said.

Such a powerful existence in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"That's good, the old man has no place to rest and eat and sleep. Now that you two have recovered from your injuries, you can return the cabin to the old man."

The old man said with a smile. After speaking, he walked straight to the dilapidated wooden bed and slowly hung the hat by the bed.

Upon seeing this scene, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor looked at each other. Before that, they might not have dreamed that a powerful existence like this old man would actually live in this simple place. place.

Although this small wooden house has other mysteries, the environment on the surface is really not very good.

"Senior and junior are courageous and want to ask senior Gao's name to repay senior's kindness in the future."

Ye Feng bowed his hand to this old man, and he was very curious about the identity of this old man.

"The old man is just a fisherman. The name is not enough. You two should go quickly and stop disturbing the old man to rest."

Just when Ye Feng's words fell, this old man spoke like this.

A somewhat disappointed expression appeared on Ye Feng's face. Since the old man did not want to reveal his identity, he couldn't bother anymore.

Facing the old man, he arched his hands and said, "The younger two have left. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely repay the senior."

After speaking, Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor stepped out of this cabin. The scene outside the cabin was exactly the place where the two of them came to the cabin before was full of primitive atmosphere. Dense forest.

This made Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor look slightly shocked. This kind of scene is so real. The cabin seems to have always been in this dense forest and has never moved.

So what are the scenes they experienced before? There was a strong incomprehension in their hearts.

Almost at the same time, a wave of strong powers of divine consciousness continued to sweep through the void, and at this moment, they arrived at the location where Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor were located.

They couldn't help but raised their heads and stared at the sky, and clicked to see that there were many figures on the sky that were patrolling back and forth in this space. They released their spiritual consciousness and seemed to have been searching for something.

Judging from the aura of these powerful men, they are indeed the people of the four forces such as Nether Ghost Mansion, Hidden Dragon Valley, Ye Family, and Illusory Demons.

When the divine sense of these powerful men descended on Ye Feng's side, they naturally discovered the existence of Ye Feng's two.

I saw a cold light flashing in the eyes of a strong man in the Netherworld Ghost Mansion, and he couldn't help but speak to the strong man beside him: "It is Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, they both appeared!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of people with extremely broad power in Fangyuan, especially those with powerful forces in the four directions, the streets in their eyes flashed with extremely cold luster.

The same is true for Shura Youming, as well as the other three great martial arts realms, and they flew towards the speaker.

Just listen to Shura Nether said: "What you said is true!"

The strong man's eyes flickered and said, "Naturally it is true, right there!"

While speaking, the fingers of this strong man also pointed towards the direction where the two Ye Feng Scarlet Devil Emperor were.

Shura Youming and other four great martial emperors also looked at the strength of Ye Feng's two people. When they saw the faces of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor, they immediately flashed an extreme coldness in their eyes. Gloss.

"It turned out to be them!"

Asura Nether gritted his teeth and said, a bit of excitement flashed in his eyes. They had been waiting here for a long time, trying every means to find Ye Feng, but they still found nothing.

Now, I didn't expect these two people to jump out.

In addition to the people of these four forces, due to the sensation caused by Ye Feng's return, there are many strong people who followed the people of the four forces to come together, but they are all hidden in other places in the square space at the moment, trying to watch Ye Feng Fight with these four powerful forces.

Now, after hearing the news of the appearance of the two Ye Feng Scarlet Demon Emperor, these people have also emerged from their secret state.

Looking around, in the void within the square circle area, many strong men are suspended there, and the black is pressed, giving people an extremely shocking visual impact.

"I really don't know where you two huddled before? But if you dare to come out and die, your enlightenment is very good!"

Shura's ghostly gaze seemed to penetrate the void, looking through everything descending on the bodies of Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor, who could scream.

Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor looked at each other, unexpectedly these people would have been waiting here early.

However, Ye Feng now has no scruples or worries. The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor has not only recovered from his injuries, but also advanced to the realm of the Devil Emperor.

Moreover, his cultivation level has also been improved, and since then, Ye Feng's combat effectiveness has made a qualitative leap.

Even in the face of so many powerful people such as Shura Youming, Ye Feng didn't have any fear at all.

"Are you sure you can kill us?"

Ye Feng's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, descending on the body of Shura Nether in the void, and asked him indifferently.

Shura looked at him for a moment, and then a sarcastic smile appeared on his face: "I'm afraid you are blind, and so many of us come together, can't we still deal with the two of you?"

While speaking, Shura Youming was able to wink at the three martial emperor realm powerhouses. The three martial emperor realm powerhouses naturally understood, and directly released the aura from their body, rolling the martial emperor realm powerhouse power from the void Coming in, trying to suppress the bodies of Ye Feng and Chi Tian Demon Emperor.

"Old guy, are you ready?"

Ye Feng didn't care about the aura released from the opponent, and asked the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor couldn't help but nodded at Ye Feng and said, "Naturally, I'm ready."

After speaking, the bodies of the two directly rose from the same place, looking at the strong like Shura Youming.

Shura, also known as his face, was taken aback, and he glanced at the Scarlet Demon Emperor involuntarily, and said in a bit of surprise: "Unexpectedly, your cultivation level will also set foot in the realm of Emperor Martial, but do you think this is useful?"

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor looked at Shura Youming, with a cynical expression on his face, and he could say, "Whether it is useful, you only know if you have tried it."

As he spoke, an astonishing demon from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor burst out, and the power of the magic demon enveloped a space. His footsteps also stepped out at this moment, and his body descended in front of Shura Nether in a short time.

This made Shura Youming's expression stunned, and it seemed that he didn't expect that the affectionate speed of eating the devil yellow would be so. Then, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor madly patted Shura Youming's body with an astonishing large palm print of destruction. The terrifying power contained in this palm print of the Scarlet Demon Emperor.

He mobilized the ghost energy from his body, gathered it in his palm, and collided with the attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

A terrible rumbling sound came out The destructive power spread in the void, and Shura Nether was extremely confident, thinking that he could easily shake the body of the Scarlet Demon Emperor back.

However, at the moment when the two attacks collided, the overbearing magic power attribute contained in the palm prints of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor crazily poured into his body.

He swallowed all the ghost energy released during his induction, causing Shura Nether's body to tremble crazily, his steps were shocked back for a while, and his breath floated. It seemed that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor had such terrible strength.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor looked at Shura Youming sarcastically, and said with a sneer: "With such a strength as you, dare to speak wild words in front of this emperor?"

These words fell in Shura Youming's ears, and an extremely cold sheen flashed in the opponent's expression, only feeling that he was very shameless.

"You have to pay for what you do!"

Shura Youming gritted his teeth at the Demon Emperor.

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