Sky War God

Chapter 2342: Challenge each other

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He would never dream that Ye Feng would have realized the same power as him, and from the long clock of Ye Feng, he could see that the curse of death that Ye Feng comprehend was less powerful than its curse. Know how powerful it is.

Facing the palm print of Ye Feng, the body of the old man in the ancient river realm quickly dodged to one side, and bursts of cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, before he could move again, he saw that Ye Feng's body had descended towards the direction where he was.

At the same time, an astonishing curse power was released from the center of Ye Feng's eyebrows, turned into a cursed beam, and quickly submerged into the body of this ancient river realm old man.

This made this ancient river realm old man's body tremble, and his gaze at Ye Feng revealed a bit of amazement.

The first reaction was to use his own power to expel Ye Feng's curse from his body.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do this at all. Ye Feng's curse power was much stronger than the power level in her body.

It quickly spread within his body, making this old man look desperate, looking at Ye Feng in disbelief and saying, "Why, why do you understand the power of curse, and it is such a high-level curse power? , I don’t believe it, I don’t believe you are just a person of the Supreme Martial King realm!"

The old man made an unwilling voice, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with a strong sense of fear.

At this moment, he only felt that his body had been occupied by the curse force, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use.

The power of the curse had completely invaded his body and continued to spread in his body.

This made the old man's eyes extremely desperate, and the power of the curse completely occupied his body. At this moment, he felt that he was so close to death that it was too late.

Ye Feng looked at this old man so calmly, the power of the curse he had understood had already reached the point of killing.

The more a person possesses the power of a curse, the easier it is to be cursed by other people. This old man is a typical one.

"Now you know these are useless, die!"

Ye Feng didn't give the old man any chance at all, he spit out an icy chill, and at the same time, he used his divine consciousness to control the power of the curse to spread completely in the old man's body.

The old man uttered a voice of despair, his body trembled fiercely again, his body stiffened completely at this moment, and his life was stripped away little by little.

Many people looked shocked. Like you old man, they also didn't expect Ye Feng to realize such a strong curse power.

The power of the curse was released, and the old man's body completely fell on the ground, becoming a dead body!

For a while, everyone present was stunned, staring at all this blankly.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful upper emperor, an old man in the ancient river realm who understood the power of the poisonous water attribute and the power of cursing, would die like this and was killed by Ye Feng's eyes.

The same is true for those strong in the ancient river realm. They thought that Ye Feng is indeed very strong, but he can only defeat the strong in the middle emperor's cultivation realm. If he faced the upper emperor, Ye Feng would have only been punish Killing.

It seems that they are thinking wrong, the upper emperor is going to die in front of Ye Feng!

"You actually killed him!"

Prince Furukawa opened his mouth to Ye Feng indifferently.

This time they died here like this, which was a great loss for them Gu Hejing.

"It was he who challenged me on the initiative. He agreed with me when I proposed a life and death battle. Shouldn't I kill him?"

Ye Feng said coldly to Prince Furukawa, with strong words in his words. After saying this, many people there nodded.

There is nothing wrong with Yu Qing and Li Ye Feng's words. The life and death battle has been agreed before, and the battle must be terminated until one person is killed.

Either you die or I die, Ye Feng is not wrong to kill him.

Prince Furukawa looked ugly, speechless.

Many people were completely shocked by the strength that Ye Feng showed, even the Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue and Lin Rou who came with Ye Feng.

Especially the cursing power that Ye Feng just showed, it made them feel involuntarily shaking in their hearts.

This method of killing is simply terrible. It only takes a glance to completely fall into it and lose your life since then. It is really terrifying!

"Interesting, I like it."

The beautiful eyes of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple flashed, and when she saw Ye Feng's supreme martial king realm's cultivation base, she powerfully killed the upper emperor, and she became more interested in Ye Feng.

Many people's eyes fell on the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, and they couldn't help but envy Ye Feng.

Saint Emperor Ling Tian was also a little shocked in his heart. He hadn't put Ye Feng in his eyes before, thinking that Ye Feng was just a junior, and he couldn't get over the waves.

This time the group of heroes only tested his strength and took this opportunity to kill him.

But never thought that Ye Feng actually used the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King to punish the upper emperor.

And it's so easy, just stripping away the opponent's life at a glance, which is really scary.

At the same time, Saint Emperor Ling Tian was also considering in his heart how to take this opportunity to get rid of Ye Feng. Not only could he not lose the face of his Lingtian Saint Palace, but also to get rid of Ye Feng. It was indeed not so easy to satisfy both points.

"His Majesty, the first battle, has proved that this son has the strength to fight against the strong upper emperor. If you let the strong below the upper emperor fight again, it will be dead for nothing. In the eyes of the subordinates, the next step should be relaxed. Conditions allow the upper emperor in the field to fight with him."

Just when Lingtian Saint Emperor was in a dilemma, the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace got up from his seat and couldn't help but speak to Lingtian Saint Emperor.

His hatred for Ye Feng has also reached the point where it can't be added. If he can't get rid of Ye Feng this time, then it would be a shame.

The Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace was naturally unwilling. Taking advantage of Ye Feng's opportunity to kill the Furukawa respecter, he took the initiative to make this request.

When Ling Tian Shenghuang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Immediately, his gaze fell on Ye Feng, and he asked with some hypocrisy, "Do you have any objections to what the Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace said?"

Many people looked at Ye Feng. Most of them thought that Ye Feng would not dare to accept this request. After all, the strong Furukawa realm just now was just a weaker person in the upper emperor realm.

The upper emperor in the field has many powerful presences here. If they make a move, no matter how strong Ye Feng's leapfrog challenge ability is, they will only be killed.

"I have no objection."

However, just as the people present were imagining this, Ye Feng unexpectedly spit out such a voice. Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone present were frozen in there, and every one of them looked at Ye Feng's eyes. Confidence.

I even felt a bit of contempt for Ye Feng, thinking that Ye Feng was a bit too arrogant. He defeated a superior emperor and swelled to this point. He would pay for what he did. of!

"Very well, wait for the holy emperor to like you such a fearless young person!"

Hearing Ye Feng's promise, Ling Tian Shenghuang uttered a voice of approval at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at the Holy Emperor Ling Tian and said again: "Before I agree to this request, there is one more condition. I wonder if the Holy Emperor can agree?"

Holy Emperor Ling Tian condensed his eyes and asked, "Listen to what conditions."

"Since I have promised that the upper emperor in the field can challenge me, then this challenge should not be unilateral. If I fancy someone, I can take the initiative to challenge the other party. As long as the Holy Emperor agrees to this, I There will be no problems."

Ye Feng said to Ling Tian Shenghuang. After his words were spoken, everyone present didn't feel much. Instead, it was the palace master of the ancient magic palace, the Kun clan, the nine-finger Yinsheng, and other top powerful and powerful people whose faces became unsightly. Up.

They seem to have guessed the purpose of Ye Feng's request. But they, as top powerful people, are embarrassed to stop them.

The Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace seemed to be more intuitive about Ye Feng’s fear. Therefore, after Ye Feng’s words were just said, before the Lingtian Holy Emperor expressed his position, the Ancient Demon Palace Princess eagerly spoke to him: "Your Majesty the Holy Emperor , Such a request cannot be agreed, this child may have conspiracies!"

As soon as these words came out, many people on the scene looked at the ancient magic palace palace owner with a bit of surprise, not knowing why the other party opposed such a request.

The upper emperor mighty power, even if Ye Feng directly challenged him, he could not have any chance of winning. The move of the palace lord of the ancient magic palace seemed to be a little he had agreed to this holy emperor. The challenge should be mutual. There is nothing wrong with this. Why do you stop it? "

A cold glow flashed through Lingtian Saint Emperor's pupils, and he couldn't help but say coldly to this Demon Palace Master.

The Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace was taken aback, and no reason for the dispute was found within a short time. Anxious, sweat appeared on his forehead.

"His Majesty, this son makes good use of conspiracy, it is better not to agree to his request."

Kunzu also stood up and spoke. They both lost to Ye Feng's hands before, so naturally they don't want to lose once.

"Needless to say, that's all about it!"

Seeing Kunzu saying the same, Ling Tian Shenghuang suddenly became a little angry, facing a junior of the Supreme Martial King realm, these people are still such mother-in-laws, and sometimes they are the majesty of Ling Tian Sheng Palace.

Ye Feng looked at the two Kunzu masters of the Demon Palace, with a sneer in his heart.

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