Sky War God

Chapter 2334: Ye Feng's arrogance

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Soon, Ye Feng and the others stepped onto the top of the stairs to the sky, and the vast and endless huge palace in front of them.

Standing below this huge palace, you can feel the majesty of this palace even more.

This is especially true of the four Yan Donglai who came here for the first time. They live in Lingtian Continent, and have unlimited yearning for a super power like Lingtian Sacred Palace.

To truly arrive here at this moment, the excitement in my heart is naturally not something ordinary people can experience.

As for Ye Feng, there is not much shock. He returned from the sky, what kind of top power hasn't seen him?

But the three top powers in the eastern part of the universe are not comparable to Lingtian Holy City Lingtian Holy Palace.

Entering the palace, there is an extremely open area, where you can't see the edge at a glance, and it is roughly estimated to be tens of thousands of meters away, which can accommodate many powerful people gathering here.

Before this, many tables and chairs have been arranged, and the tables are full of wine and delicacies, which are the top delicacies of mountains and seas.

Ordinary people only need a bite to prolong their life.

In these positions, many strong people have already taken their seats, including those who are familiar with Ye Feng.

It's just that, as the most powerful and powerful in the entire Lingtian Holy City, they are very advanced in position. Looking at it, they have already built a high platform in a very remote place in advance.

This high platform is extremely majestic, with an extremely luxurious seat above it. The seat is made of precious gems and looks so luxurious.

Needless to say, this seat, everyone present can already guess where he belongs, naturally it is the ruler of the entire Lingtian Continent, owned by the Holy Emperor Lingtian.

Mention of the name Lingtian Saint Emperor, as a person of Lingtian Continent, it is inevitable that infinite reverence will be born in his heart.

After the arrival of the five people, Ye Feng and others were placed in an inconspicuous position by the elder in the palace. This position is very back, opposite to the entire Lingtian Continent. A more ordinary existence.

It seems that they are all powerful people who have arrived in relatively remote places, and some even have a cultivation base of only the first emperor, and they are already at the helm of a party.

These people are also invited here, but their treatment is far from those of the top ones.

When Ye Feng came here, he was mistaken for Yan Donglai's entourage by the old man in charge, so he naturally sat with Yan Donglai and the others.

Many strong men looked forward to their faces one after another, all looking towards the supreme position on that high platform. They wanted to know when Ling Tian Saint Emperor would arrive.

Before long, at the gate of this palace, a commotion came over, and it immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

They saw that there were several figures stepping forward at the door of the palace, and the three headed by them were extremely dazzling.

Except for the youngest young figure who is the cultivation base of the middle emperor, the other two have all reached the high emperor state.

"The three princes of His Majesty the Holy Emperor are here!"

At this moment, such a voice came from the crowd, which immediately made many people's eyes solidified.

The three princes of His Majesty the Holy Emperor are naturally very clear. They are the first prince Ling Tianjun, the second prince Ling Tianjie, and the third prince Ling Tianyang.

As the three princes of the Holy Emperor Ling Tian, ​​these three are naturally extremely good. Everyone has a strong talent and combat effectiveness.

Especially the great prince Ling Tianjun, the strength has reached the point of being alone, even the nine palace masters under the Lingtian Sacred Palace, are not necessarily Lin Tianjun's opponent.

You know, Ling Tianjun's age is much younger than those of the Nine Great Palace Masters, and being able to have this level of strength is really very defiant.

The second prince Ling Tianjie, although he was slightly inferior to Ling Tianjun and the other outstanding in strength, he could also exist on his own.

It is admired by many people.

The third prince Ling Tianyang was the youngest and had the lowest cultivation level, but he was Ling Tianshenghuang's most beloved son.

Just because Ling Tianyang's talent is much higher than Ling Tianjun and Ling Tianjie, even though he only has the cultivation base of the emperor, many people understand.

One day, Ling Tianyang will inevitably surpass his two brothers.

The three princes were surrounded by a group of Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses, moving forward all the way, many powerful people in Lingtian Saint Palace fell on these three princes, and a touch of reverence appeared on their faces.

The three princes are all full of spirits, and when they step forward, they seem to have a special rhythm, giving people a very profound feeling.

At a certain moment, Ling Tianyang's gaze turned, and it fell directly on Ye Feng who was sitting not far away, and his expression immediately became cold.

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was an icy murderous intent on his body.

"Third brother, what's wrong with you?"

It seemed that they felt Ling Tianyang's abnormality, Ling Tianjun and Ling Tianjie turned their heads one after another, and asked Ling Tianyang.

Ling Tianyang waved his hands to his two older brothers, and then his eyes fell on Ye Feng and said: "I regret that I didn't slap you to death with a palm and let you grow to the point where you are now. It is the biggest I have been in these years. It’s a mistake, but it’s nothing, this time you come here, and you won’t be able to get out of here alive!"

Ling Tianyang's words were unceremonious. When he said the words, his expression revealed an astonishing cold light, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

And his words immediately attracted the attention of many people present. It seemed that they did not expect that the third prince Ling Tianyang actually recognized Ye Feng, and seeing Ling Tianyang's appearance, he seemed to be very angry with Ye Feng.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Ling Tianyang, Ye Feng couldn't help but sneered, with a look of contempt on his face, and then said: "You really want to kill me, but you don't have that ability!"

Facing the future master of Lingtian Sacred Palace, the third prince Ling Tianyang, Ye Feng still didn't have the slightest fear, and his words became extremely cold.

This also made the expressions of all the people present solidify for a while, only to hear one person said in disbelief: "Is this young man crazy? He dare to talk to His Royal Highness the Three Princes like this? Doesn't he want to live anymore?"

After this sentence was said, many people in the room couldn't help but nod their heads. In their eyes, how noble is the status of His Highness the Third Prince, in fact, like Ye Feng, a junior of the Supreme Martial King realm can compare?

After Ye Feng said these words, the first prince Ling Tianjun and the second prince Ling Tianjie also gave Ye Feng a cold look.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, you will still be so arrogant!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Ling Tianyang raised his brows slightly, and then said coldly: "However, what you have to know is that your life will also end in your arrogance!"

After Ling Tianyang left these words, he left the place directly with his two elder brothers.

And this small episode also caused some people present who hadn't noticed Ye Feng's existence to start paying attention to Ye Feng at this moment.

The eyes that looked at Ye Feng showed a bit of irony, after all, that was the supreme Three Princes, the performance of this young man was simply looking for death.

"Ye Feng, really interesting!"

At a certain prescription, a graceful, graceful and luxurious woman smiled in her brows and couldn't help but said softly.

Her voice sounded so sweet, just like Huang Ying's screaming.

It was the Lord of Jingyue Temple, who had been paying attention to Ye Feng's performance before, seeing Ye Feng still behaved so calmly when facing the three princes Ling Tianyang, and did not give the other party any face.

In this way, the Lord of the Moon God Temple became more interested in Ye Feng.

"This guy is really too arrogant. If I were the 3rd prince, I would kill him on the spot!"

Seeing Ye Feng's performance just now, the palace lord of Tianlei Palace couldn't help but jumped into thunder, and had the urge to go directly to the court and punish Ye Feng.

In addition to him, those strong men who have hatred with Ye Feng are also the same. It seems that he did not expect that Ye Feng would have such a contradiction with His Highness the Three Princes.

After the three princes of Saint Emperor Ling Tian arrived, a strange sound came from a prescription in the main hall.

A burst of radiant light shone in the void, and immediately attracted the eyes of many people present, and saw that the radiant rays of light were continuously converging toward the high platform in the ultimate direction of the hall.

Then a strong figure formed on the high platform.

The figure of this strong person is surrounded by the standard aura, just sitting there casually, it makes people feel like looking Many people look towards the direction of this strong person. , My heart trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, they all got up from their seats one after another, and then bowed down to this strong man, when the Lingtian Saint Emperor arrived, everyone present surrendered, there is no doubt about this.

The faint gaze of Saint Emperor Ling Tian glanced at the passerby, and a somewhat satisfied look appeared on his face.

It seems that their Lingtian Saint Palace's appeal is still very strong, and holding this group of heroes will almost gather all the best experts on the entire Lingtian Continent.

"Get up all!"

The Holy Emperor Ling Tian waved his hands to everyone present, and then he said: "I have not been able to come to this gathering of heroes hosted by my Ling Tian Palace. This Holy Emperor is very pleased. There are no restrictions on the gathering of heroes this time. You can freely talk about drinking and chatting, you can also show off your talents and martial arts on the stage, exchange your training experience with those present, or you can directly learn martial arts with others."

Ling Tian Shenghuang's words immediately made the eyes of everyone present freeze for a while.

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