Sky War God

Chapter 2325: The prince kneels down!

However, the moment the two attacked and collided, Prince Furukawa's face instantly froze there, simply because Ye Feng's palm print was too powerful.

Let his whole body tremble constantly, as if his body will be shaken to pieces under the might of destruction!

He only heard the muffled hum from Prince Furukawa's mouth. Under that powerful inertia, all the monsters under his body were taken back by him.

Prince Furukawa's face flushed, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood, which he swallowed alive.

Many people trembled involuntarily when they saw this scene, and their eyes were filled with horror.

Ye Feng's strength has completely exceeded their imagination, making them feel a little unreal.


Almost at the same time, the crowd saw Ye Feng's footsteps step forward directly, and another terrifying palm print came out, and the power integrated on the palm print seemed even more terrifying than it was before.

This made Prince Furukawa feel desperate in his heart, and his frightened complexion turned pale.

Just as Ye Feng's palm print was about to come, a figure took the lead in blocking the front of Prince Furukawa, releasing an astonishing attack trying to intercept Ye Feng's attack.

This person is surprisingly another middle emperor in the Furukawa realm. Prince Furukawa is facing a crisis. As a strong Furukawa, he naturally wants to protect the prince and comfort him.

However, when his attack collided with Ye Feng's attack, the whole body trembled crazily.

That terrifying destructive power made his whole person extremely uncomfortable, using the power of shock to cling to his body along his arm.

This caused the middle emperor of the Furukawa realm to make a dull sound, and his body quickly retreated, and it hit the Prince Furukawa severely.

As a result, Prince Furukawa and his monster beast almost fell to the ground, and their faces were extremely pale.

Seeing this scene, many people were involuntarily shocked, and Ye Feng's strength had completely exceeded their expectations.

It is simply an unstoppable existence, whether it is the emperor of the ancient river realm, or their prince, it is easily crushed by Ye Feng.

Prince Furukawa looked ugly, looked towards the direction where Ye Feng was, and said coldly, "You are very kind. If you have the ability, you can report your name. One day, this prince will wash away today's shame."

Prince Furukawa had already retired at this moment. Facing Ye Feng, he had no chance of winning and had no choice but to leave.

Many people kept their eyes flashing, and they were shocked by the performance of Prince Furukawa. Such a powerful Prince Furukawa was forced to this point by a young man of the Supreme Martial King realm. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would dare to believe this. Everything will be true!

"A person like you is not qualified to know my name."

Ye Feng said coldly to Prince Furukawa, how could his name be mentioned by ordinary people?

"Well, goodbye!"

What Prince Furukawa really wanted was not to learn Ye Feng's name. Instead, take the opportunity to leave here.

After saying this, Prince Furukawa wanted to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

However, as soon as his words fell, he heard Ye Feng's voice coming over again, making Prince Furukawa's expression condensed, and then his face looked a little ugly.

"What's the matter?"

Prince Furukawa turned around and asked Ye Feng, his words showing a little impatience.

"You waited to treat my friend like this. Now you can't fight me, and you want to leave here. Do you think this is possible?"

Ye Feng sneered and said indifferently to Prince Furukawa.

An edge flashed in Prince Furukawa's eyes, and he couldn't help but ask, "Then what do you want?"

Many people couldn't help but look at Ye Feng. Prince Furukawa wanted to leave, but this person refused, so domineering!

"Kneel down and apologize to my 4 friends. If not, the battle is not over!"

Ye Feng said sarcastically, his eyes flashed with extremely cold luster.

After his words were spoken, everyone present was stunned, and then they all became extremely shocked.

Even though Prince Furukawa could not stand against Ye Feng, the status of the other party was still there. Now, Ye Feng dare to ask the other party to kneel down and apologize to his friend.

In their opinion, this request is really excessive.

"What kind of identity is this prince? Do you think this is possible?"

Prince Furukawa said coldly to Ye Feng, with a look of indignation at Ye Feng's request.

In the Furukawa realm, he is the noble prince, who should not treat him politely when he sees him? Even a word of him can determine the life and death of others.

However, now, when Prince Furukawa came to Lingtian Holy City, he was threatened by a person of the Supreme Martial King Realm and asked him to kneel and apologize to a group of unknown people.

"If it is not possible, then the battle will continue!"

Looking at Prince Furukawa, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and his words were even more indisputable.

Seeing Ye Feng's determination, everyone's hearts trembled again, and then their eyes fell on Prince Furukawa, wanting to see how the other party should make a decision.

Almost at the same time, the breath of Ye Feng's body was released, and the extremely terrifying pressure surged all over him, and then fell on the Furukawa Prince and the powerful emperor in the Furukawa realm.

Suddenly, the bodies of these two people became heavy. Under the pressure released by Ye Feng, the two of them even felt a little breathless, which was really very uncomfortable.

"Let me ask you one more sentence, do you not kneel?"

Ye Feng's words were cold, and the pressure she released seemed to become more intense while she spoke, and the entire space became extremely violent.

This made Prince Furukawa and the middle emperor of Furukawa realm tremble. The two of them had already deeply realized the power of Ye Feng before.

If the two of them continue to fight Ye Feng, the ending can almost be predicted. If there is no fight, the two of them will kneel down here to apologize to Ye Feng.

This made Prince Furukawa struggle involuntarily in their hearts, and for a while they didn't know how to choose.


An astonishing force of death attribute was released in Ye Feng's body, and the twelfth-grade life and death scripture was running wildly at this moment, making the death attribute force released by his body more terrifying.

The bodies of Prince Furukawa and the powerful emperor in the Furukawa realm were shrouded in it, causing the bodies of these two people to tremble constantly.

Under the envelope of the power of death, the two felt the fear that death brought to them, as if they might be stripped of their lives at any time.

"Kneel down!"

Next, the crowd only heard a cold voice. After this voice came out, everyone present only felt that their hearts were shaken by an extremely strong force.

As if their souls had received an unspeakable blow, the fear emanating from the depths of their hearts made them unable to calm down in a short time.

And Ye Feng's voice was mainly aimed at Prince Furukawa, the middle emperor and powerful person in the Furukawa realm. In other words, the pressure on these two people under this voice was stronger than them.

This also made the two people's souls under the voice of Ye Feng seem to have been hit. At this moment, their bodies were directly directed at Yan Dong, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, Lin Rou and other four people knelt down. .

The four dull voices sounded, causing everyone present to tremble involuntarily. They would never dream that Prince Furukawa and the middle emperor of the Furukawa realm actually kneeled to Ye Feng’s four friends. Up.

When Prince Furukawa's knees touched the ground, their self-esteem was hit hardest, and they only felt that their dignity was completely trampled on.

At this moment, they even had the urge to smash their heads to death. That kind of shame can no longer be described in words.

"Sorry, I waited wrong!"

Prince Furukawa said with a reluctant expression. After speaking, he quickly got up from the ground, then turned his body without saying a word, and led many Furukawa realm experts out of this place.

This time, Ye Feng didn't stop the opponent, and seemed too lazy to waste time with the opponent.

Many people have not walked out of this shock, watching the back of Prince Furukawa and others leaving, their hearts trembling constantly.

That was the powerful Prince Furukawa, the supreme figure. Now in the Lingtian Holy City, he has suffered such treatment, and was forced to kneel and apologize in the street by a young man. It seems that no one except Ye Feng can do this.

After Prince Furukawa and the others left, none of Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, and Lin Rou could not walk in front of Ye Feng.

Each and every one of Ye Feng's gaze also revealed a fascinating color. They thought before that Ye Feng's cultivation level had not improved, and his strength should not be much different from the original one.

Even when Ye Feng clashed with Prince Furukawa and the others, they also advised Ye Feng to leave this place as soon as possible, for fear that Ye Feng would be affected by his own affairs.

He never thought that Ye Feng had grown to this point in the past few years. Although his cultivation level had not improved, his own strength had grown to such a powerful level.

It really shocked the four of them.

"Master Thank you for helping!"

Yan Donglai bowed deeply to Ye Feng, and thanked him. The young junior in front of him became more and more outstanding.

From that little-known young man, he has grown to a point where he needs to look up.

This made Yan Donglai extremely admire Ye Feng.

"We are all friends, why should City Lord Yan be polite?"

Ye Feng waved his hand at Yan Donglai, looking free and easy.

The two brothers and sisters Yan Mingxuan and Yan Mingyue also looked at Ye Feng, and their expressions were very grateful.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said, brothers, and then ask for flowers, 200 flowers are coming soon, more than 200, I will add another chapter, come on! (https://) "Ling Tian Zhan Shen" only represents the author Wan Mu Zhengrong's views. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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