Sky War God

Chapter 2323: Arrogant?

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Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, Lin Rong and the others were slightly surprised and relieved.

When Ye Feng left Guang'an City, he had the strength to defeat the Emperor Wu, which is not surprising.

The real threat to Ye Feng was the two middle-ranked emperors and Prince Furukawa. As long as one of them attacked Ye Feng, Ye Feng might not be able to hold on.

"Trash, how dare you hurt me!"

The Furukawa realm expert was furious, and grinned and said to Ye Feng that the blow from Ye Feng just now shattered the bones in his arm.

This also made his resentment towards Ye Feng rise to the extreme.

The same is true for him and the Furukawa realm powerhouse, each of them looked at Ye Feng with strong resentment.

At this moment, two Furukawa realm powerhouses stepped out separately. The cultivation realm of these two people reached the peak realm of the first emperor, and their strength was unknown how many times stronger than the young man just now.

There was an icy breath released from their bodies, and their eyes fell on Ye Feng and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to have some strength in this waste, but Prince Furukawa is here. You dare to hurt my people in the Furukawa realm. It is unforgivable. !"

While speaking, the crowd saw one of the ancient river realm experts stepping out, and directly patted Ye Feng's body with a palm print.

This palm print incorporates the mighty power of destruction, and a palm seems to cut off Ye Feng's life!

This also caused many people present to close their eyes and couldn't bear to see the next scene!

Even if Ye Feng had some leapfrog challenge abilities, the person in front of him was a powerful person in the first emperor pinnacle stage. The difference in strength between the two was too big to be the same.

In other words, under the opponent's attack, Ye Feng is bound to be crushed!

However, Ye Feng still stood calmly on the spot, looking towards the first emperor of the ancient river realm at the peak realm.

Immediately, the crowd saw him shoot out the same palm print, still the same as the previous attack, looking light and light, as if there was no power at all.

But just such a palm print, when it collides with the opponent's attack, it releases an astonishing power of destruction.

The sound of horrible concussion resounded madly, and a strong destructive power bloomed in Ye Feng's palm prints, and in a very short period of time, it attacked this ancient river realm first emperor peak realm strong The power contained in it was swallowed up.

However, the power of destruction remained undiminished, directly descending on this Furukawa realm first emperor peak realm powerhouse, causing his body to tremble crazily.

There was a devastating blow on his body, and he couldn't hold on anymore. Under the effect of Ye Feng's palm print, his body was directly shocked and flew out like a cannonball.

It smashed **** the bodies of the two Furukawa realm experts, causing the two Furukawa realm experts to scream, their bodies falling to the ground and struggling constantly.

The first emperor of the Furukawa realm, the strong peak realm, hurt even more. Ye Feng's palm print power shattered the bones in his body, and the whole body was broken, completely becoming a waste person. !

Many people's eyes fell on this Furukawa realm first emperor peak realm expert, and their expressions immediately became shocked.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Ye Feng would shoot a palm print at will, and even possess such power, directly abolishing the cultivation base of a first-time Emperor Peak Realm expert.

"court death!"

The eyes of another Gu Hejing first emperor peak realm powerhouse flashed with cold light. When she spoke, the crowd saw her step forward, and the terrifying might burst out of her body.

An astonishing palm print slammed out, and the power of destruction integrated on the palm print could not be described in words, and it came to Ye Feng's body in a very short time.

This caused Ye Feng's eyes to suddenly flash with cold light, and at the same time a palm print was shot at this moment. It was still that light palm, but the power contained in it could not be described in words, and it came in a short time.

It collided with the palm prints of the Furukawa realm experts at the peak realm, and once again there was a terrifying shock.

At the moment when the two palm prints collided, this Furukawa Realm First Emperor Peak Realm powerhouse's expression completely changed. Before he thought that when he launched an attack at this time, Ye Feng would definitely suffer a big loss because of his surprise.

But he never thought that Ye Feng's reaction speed was much faster than he had imagined. After this attack came, his entire body suffered a devastating blow.

This made this strong man utter a scream, which was stronger than the attack that the first emperor peak realm strong man suffered before, and his body slammed into a building on the side of the street. on.

As a result, the walls of that building were all collapsed and destroyed. The body of the first emperor peak realm was half-covered by rubble, and blood poured out from his mouth, looking quite miserable.

This scene is complicated to say, but in fact it only took less than two breaths, making everyone present completely immersed in shock.

Especially Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, Lin Rou and the other four people looked shocked.

The four of them knew Ye Feng's strength best. When he was in Guang'an City, Ye Feng indeed had the power to defeat the first emperor's cultivation realm.

But once Wu Xiu advances to the Martial Emperor Realm, the gap between each realm is huge. The first emperor is not worth mentioning in front of the emperor peak realm powerhouses. If the two start a battle, they will have the same talent. Next, the former will be easily killed by the latter.

This is also the reason why the four of them are shocked. Ye Feng's cultivation level has obviously not improved at all. Why does his strength reach such a terrifying level?

Even if they knew Ye Feng very well, they were a little confused at the moment.

Prince Furukawa, as well as the two middle emperors of Furukawa Realm, looked ugly. The three of them hadn't paid much attention to the appearance of Ye Feng before.

Thinking that Ye Feng was just a beaming clown, they Gu He sent out a strong man at will to suppress Ye Feng.

But now it seems that this person is not as simple as they thought.

"Do you know what the price will be for someone who hurts my Furukawa realm like this?"

Prince Furukawa looked towards Ye Feng with his cold gaze, his words were extremely indifferent, and when he said the words, the expression on his face still looked extremely proud.

As Prince Furukawa, his status and status are so respected. Being able to talk to nameless people like Ye Feng is already Ye Feng's glory.

"The cost of hurting my friend like this is still high."

Ye Feng looked directly at Prince Furukawa and said with a sarcasm.

After his words were spoken, all the people present were taken aback. They thought that even if Ye Feng was so arrogant, he would not dare to make too much trouble when facing Prince Furukawa.

Unexpectedly, they underestimated Ye Feng's courage. Even if Prince Furukawa spoke in person, Ye Feng was still so arrogant and didn't give the other party any face at all.

"Ha ha."

Prince Furukawa sat on the green lion with a sarcasm smile at the corner of his mouth, and then his gaze fell on a middle emperor beside him, and said to him: "You go teach him how to behave."

When this sentence fell, the middle emperor could not help but nodded, then stepped to Ye Feng, glanced at Ye Feng, and said coldly: "Prince Furukawa is not something that can be provoke. , An unnamed junior like you is even more desperate."

"Now, I will give you a way of life, self-defeating cultivation, and then apologize to His Royal Highness, I can let you go, otherwise, life will not belong to you!"

This Furukawa realm middle emperor is extremely proud, even if Ye Feng easily abolished the two first emperor peak realm powers before, he still did not put Ye Feng in his eyes.

After all, the strength of the two cannot be compared with him. In front of him, the two of them are also only vulnerable to being easily killed.

Combined with Ye Feng's cultivation realm, the middle emperor is extremely confident, thinking that Ye Feng is not enough to see in front of him.

Many people's eyes flickered, all looking towards Ye Feng, wanting to see how Ye Feng would perform next.

Will he apologize to Prince Furukawa after he abolishes his cultivation as the middle emperor realm powerhouse said?

In fact, many people think so. After all, people like Ye Feng can't compete with Prince Furukawa. If they abolish their cultivation, they can save a life. Otherwise, they can only be killed.

"Are you talking about yourself? If you abolish your cultivation now and kneel down to apologize to my four friends, I can spare you a dog."

However, just when many people at the scene thought that Ye Summit did what the Furukawa loyal to the emperor Feng’s mouth actually spit out such a thing that everyone present felt Shocking sound.

"What is this guy talking about? He wanted to let this Furukawa realm middle emperor apologize to his four friends. He is crazy, really crazy, but the other party is a powerful middle emperor. In fact, what can he compare to? He even dared to speak wildly, which is really brazen!"

Similar thoughts emerged in the hearts of the crowd. After all, in their opinion, Ye Feng was just a person of the Supreme Martial King realm. Even if he had some ability to leapfrog the challenge, he could not be the opponent of the Middle King realm.


Sure enough, after Ye Feng's words fell, the powerful emperor in the Furukawa realm immediately laughed, and the laughter was so arrogant and ironic.

In his opinion, Ye Feng is just an unknown junior, how dare he be so arrogant in front of him?

"It seems that I won't let you suffer, you won't let it go."

This Furukawa realm middle emperor said coldly. (Lingtian Ares: 105105931)--(Lingtian Ares)

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