Sky War God

Chapter 2319: Leave in embarrassment

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Many people's eyes flickered, believing that Ye Feng's active confrontation with the elder Chen Tangzong was looking for death. Mobile terminal

However, at the moment when the two palm prints touched, the body of this old man of Chen Tang shook with a tremor, and the power of endless destruction released from the palm print of Ye Feng swept across the sky.

In a very short period of time, the power of the fusion of his palm prints was suppressed.

While the body of the elder Chen Tangzong was shaking, his footsteps were shaken back and forth at this moment, his body aura was very floating. A bit of blood reached his throat, and he swallowed it back.


Seeing this horrible scene, everyone present couldn't help but trembled crazily. No one thought that something would happen in front of them.

That is a powerful existence in the realm of an emperor's cultivation level. In fact, it can be simulated by ordinary supreme martial king realm?

However, at this moment, such a powerful emperor was shaken back under Ye Feng's palm print, and his appearance seemed very uncomfortable.

"With this strength, I am ashamed to be arrogant in front of me?"

Ye Feng glanced at the elder Chen Tangzong emperor's body, and spoke ironically.

After hearing his words, this old man Chen Tang's elder sect immediately showed a bit of resentment, and he didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng's random palm print would have such power.

"You better not be arrogant!"

The elder Chen Tang's emperor said indifferently, he admitted that he had slighted Ye Feng's strength before.

Now, he has mobilized all his strongest strength, and his whole body aura has become extremely violent.

Under the action of that violent might, the restaurant's houses trembled crazily, and from time to time rubbles rolled down the walls, as if they could collapse and destroy at any time.

The elder Chen Tang's emperor stepped out, his body turned into a stream of light, and quickly descended in front of Ye Feng.

Immediately, he saw the light of destruction in his palm surging, and directly shot an astonishing big palm print towards Ye Feng's body.

This palm is integrated with the mighty power of destruction, and ordinary emperors may be unable to resist.

The crowd trembled, and it seemed that the elder Chen Tangzong was really angry and was completely irritated by Ye Feng.

"Such a terrifying palm print, this young man may be going to suffer!"

At this moment, a powerful onlooker couldn't help but opened his mouth in shock, and the others nodded one after another, all shocked by the palm prints of the elder Chen Tangzong.

"Go away!"

Facing the palm print of the other party, Ye Feng spit out an icy chill, and then, the crowd saw him throw a punch, and the horrible fist came through everything, carrying power beyond people's imagination.

At the next moment, there was another shocking sound, and the two attacks collided together.

The destructive power was madly released, causing this restaurant to collapse and destroy, and the bodies of everyone present vacated one after another, and then fell on the ground in the smoke and dust.

Their eyes have been staring at the location of the two Ye Feng, but at this moment, due to the collapse of the restaurant and the smoke and dust affected their sight, they could not really observe the two Ye Feng for a while.

This also made many people's eyes flicker, waiting for the smoke to disperse to watch the result of the battle.

"The young man angered the old man. In my opinion, he should have been suppressed by the old man!"

Someone said so, the words were very affirmative, after all, the difference between Ye Feng and Ye Feng's cultivation level was too great.

A breeze blew over, blowing away the smoke and dust. At the center of the scene, there was only one figure standing there, and it was Ye Feng.

But the old man was gone, and he didn't know where he was now.

This caused many people in the audience to stare, searching for the trace of the old man here.


However, at this time, in a corner not far away, the crowd heard a violent coughing sound.

Attracting their eyes one after another, they saw that the old man was weakly limp there at the moment.

He was vomiting blood and his face was even paler.

This shocked many people's hearts, staring blankly at what was happening in front of them, and their hearts trembled constantly.

Just now, the elders of the emperor cultivation realm have released their strongest power.

But even so, he was still suppressed by Ye Feng, and he was fisted by Ye Feng.

"How is it possible, how is this possible? How could he, a person of the Supreme Martial King realm, have such a powerful strength? Am I wrong!"

A strong man said with a trembling voice, unbelievable at all. In his opinion, this may be the most incredible thing he has ever seen.

"I said before, let you take your people away, but you didn't listen to my good advice. Now that you end up like this, it's your own fault!"

Ye Feng glanced at the elder elders, and said with a sarcasm.

The elder Wei Huang, do not look at Ye Feng with strong resentment.

Under this fist, all the meridian bones in his body were broken, and his cultivation was abolished like everyone else!

A punch to abolish the cultivation base of a powerful emperor, this kind of strength, no need to say more.

Those Chen Tangzong strong were equally cold and shocked, especially the two brothers Chen Ming and Chen Xing, who were shocked at this moment.

Before that, the two of them thought that Ye Feng was just a useless ant man.

The two of them can suppress each other with a shot.

Until Ye Feng easily abolished his two cultivation bases, the two of them still did not realize Ye Feng's strength.

After returning to Chen Tang Zongzhi, he invited the two elders of the emperor, thinking that this time they would be foolproof, and Ye Fengshan received his due punishment.

But never thought that even an elder person with the emperor cultivation level is still not Ye Feng's opponent, and it can even be said to be a full-scale crush.

"What you did today is enough for you to die thousands of times. I don't care about you. We will be long in Japan!"

The remaining Chen Tangzong emperor said coldly, after seeing Ye Feng's strength, where else would he dare to attack Ye Feng?

The end may be the same as his companion, being easily abolished.

Many Chen Tangzong experts are the same, and each of them looks at Ye Feng with a strong sense of fear.

They really can't provoke such perverted people.

After that, the elder Chen Tangzong ordered several of his subordinates to lift the body of the abandoned elder Chen Tangzong, and then quickly left the place.

Seeing these Chen Tangzong powerhouses leave, the hearts of everyone present trembled involuntarily. What happened today has greatly exceeded people's imagination.

No one thought that Ye Feng should have such strength. Only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King realm could easily defeat a powerful emperor.

It even scared the people of Chen Tangzong and left, really terrifying!

Ye Feng didn't stop the people of Chen Tangzong from leaving here. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he couldn't help but insult Lin Rou in front of him.

Without staying here, Ye Feng stepped away from the restaurant. Many people watched Ye Feng leave, and the excitement and shock still remained.

Many people are speculating about Ye Feng's true identity.

However, the Lingtian Continent is so vast, and there are not a few powerful powerful people who can't appear in the world. This young man in front of him may be a disciple of some top powerful powerful person.

But in the street not far from the inn where Ye Feng lived, there were a few figures walking along.

In addition to a few subordinates, the group was headed by two men and two women. These two men were young and dressed in purple and gold robes.

The other is a young man in his early 20s. The two look similar in appearance and should be a father-son relationship.

And the two women are all beautiful and beautiful, at the same age in their early 20s, they all show their peerless beauty in every gesture.

Walking on the streets at will can attract the attention of many people. Even in the vast and endless giant city of Lingtian Holy City, it is quite difficult to see such otherworldly beauties as these two women.

"Who are these two women? How come they are so beautiful? In Lingtian Holy City, I don't seem to have seen such beauties."

A strong man looked at the two women intently and said, just looking at it, his eyes seemed to be unable to move away from the other's face.

Many people have similar thoughts, and they look at the two women with a strong sense of appreciation.

" You haven't returned to Lingtian Holy City for a long time, right?"

One of them, wearing a red gauze, asked a girl in a cyan dress next to her, her voice sweet.

"Yes, it has been many years since I left."

The girl in the cyan long skirt revisited her old place, constantly looking at the street of Lingtian Holy City, her expression showing a kind of cordiality.

Here, there are many memories of her, and at the same time, there are many old people in her mind.

Besides, there was a figure of a young man in white clothes emerging there, and that clean and handsome face was so clearly visible.

Thinking of the young figure in white clothes, the pretty face of the girl in the blue dress couldn't help but smile. The smile was so sweet, it made people intoxicated.

"I don't know how he is now?"

This cyan long skirt girl withdrew her thoughts and spoke lightly, and her words seemed to reveal deep feelings of longing.

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