Sky War God

Chapter 2307: Sir don't kill me

"I don't know what chance I encountered, and the strength has become so terrible. I am not his opponent. I should withdraw and wait for the palace lord to come and kill him!"

An Ancient Demon Palace powerhouse said with a look of astonishment, and the other Ancient Demon Palace powerhouses nodded.

At this moment, they truly felt the strength of Ye Feng. If they did not leave, they would only face death.

The same is true for all the strong people in Kun Palace, they dare not stay here, and now only a stick of incense time, the strong ones they came have lost more than half.

That Ye Feng's killing of the powerful Demon Emperor Realm is like cutting melons and vegetables, how dare they stay here?

Therefore, these people all retreated, and escaped with their bodies to one side.

The scene of Liu Heng, Huang Ying, and Huang Yi, who were not far away, immediately made their hearts tremble involuntarily.

Before, they thought that with Ye Feng's strength, they would be killed by these two powerful forces in a short time.

But never thought that Ye Feng's strength had reached such a terrifying state, and killing the powerful emperor was like cutting melons and vegetables.

"I want to go now, don't you think it's too late"

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, and he spoke indifferently to those who fled, and his body stepped out as he spoke.

The figure quickly chased the bodies of these powerful men, and at the same time, several sword lights slashed out.

Each sword light was not only powerful, but the attack speed was also incredible, killing the bodies of the two powerhouses in a very short time.

Blood was released, and the two powerhouses screamed, causing those who were still escaping to shake involuntarily.

A strong astonishment appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but look back at Ye Feng gradually approaching them. After completing the fourth reincarnation and reshaping his body, Ye Feng not only attacked powerfully, but also his body speed was faster than before. How many.

This also allowed him to chase these high-ranking emperors more easily, and another sword light pierced out. This sword was equally fast, and its power was also appallingly powerful.

Only heard a muffled sound, under the action of Ye Feng's sword light, the body of an escaped Kun Palace expert was pierced, and his body fell directly from the void, extremely miserable!

Many people looked astonished, and their souls were frightened by Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't give them any chance at all.

In the next period of time, Ye Feng cut out the brilliant sword light one after another, and his body appeared light and elegant under the action of the two forces of space attribute power and butterfly step.

The speed is unimaginable, many people can't really do it if they want to escape. Ye Feng's figure speed is too fast, and his attacking power is not something these people can resist.

Finally, when another sword light fell on Ye Feng, a strong man's head was chopped off alive, and the blood line shot out, looking shocking.

After this powerful man was decapitated, all the powerful people from the two sides of the ancient magic palace Kun Palace that came on the scene were all killed.

The whole space was completely occupied by that **** air. The aura in the space was frozen there.

Seeing all this, Liu Heng, Huang Ying, and Huang Yi were not far away completely petrified in place, staring at Ye Feng blankly, as if they had seen the most incredible things in the world.

Ye Feng, a young man who seemed to only have the cultivation level of the Supreme Martial King realm, killed dozens of powers at the upper emperor level of the two forces in the ancient magic palace Kun Palace with his own power.

The visual shock caused by this scene to Liu Heng and the others cannot be described in words. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it would be true.

At this moment, Ye Feng turned around, wiped the blood on the sword, step by step towards the direction where Liu Heng and the others were.

This made Liu Heng's body tremble uncontrollably, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with indescribable amazement.

His footsteps followed Ye Feng's body backward, and he couldn't help but tremble and said: "You, what do you want to do"

Obviously, Liu Heng was scared. He was scared of what he had done before.

Ye Feng looked at Liu Heng and said indifferently: "I just want to ask you, I'm lucky for the three of you, why did you frame me?"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I hope you can forgive me once, and I will never dare to again!"

Liu Heng couldn't help shaking his head, the expression on his face completely collapsed, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with a strong light of astonishment.

"If my strength is not good, and I have already died in the hands of these people, do you think that one sentence of your own will be able to solve the problem?"

Ye Feng looked at Liu Heng sarcastically, and said coldly.

Liu Heng's body trembled like sifting chaff, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. At this moment, he deeply felt this sense of suffocation.

"What's the right thing for your lord? If you want something, I have it here. You can do anything, as long as you are willing to forgive me!"

Liu Heng said with a trembling body, with a panic on his face.

Seeing that Ye Feng hadn't spoken, Liu Heng's heart beat even more, thinking that Ye Feng would not forgive him.

At a certain moment, Liu Heng had an idea, and in an instant he took a step towards the back, and directly pushed Huang Ying and Huang Yi out, and said to Ye Feng: "My cousin and cousin They are pretty pretty. If your Excellency is willing to let me go, they will be yours."

Liu Heng's behavior immediately made Huang Ying and Huang Yi look cold for a while. They couldn't help but look towards Liu Heng, and said with a flushed face: "Liu Heng, how can you be so shameless!"

Liu Heng's eyes flickered, and he said coldly: "You two have been practicing in my Liu family, and you are the woman whom Liu Heng has appointed. Now, I, Liu Heng, let you two be yours. What's wrong? "

When Liu Heng said this, he was still confident, thinking that what he said was very reasonable.

This made Huang Ying and Huang Yi's two daughters completely disappointed in Liu Heng. They kept shaking their heads, and even mist appeared in their beautiful eyes.

Seeing all this, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh. Two such kind-hearted girls actually met someone like Liu Heng. Ye Feng really felt unfair for the two women.

"Your Excellency, do you promise me that the two of them are the most beautiful women in the area? I believe you will be satisfied."

Seeing Ye Feng's delay in speaking, Liu Heng took the initiative to sell Ye Feng again. In order to save his life, he even took the initiative to push his cousin to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp and he looked at Liu Heng and said, "Whether they are your women or not, you, as their closest relatives, shamelessly gave them to me for your temporary comfort. I really feel sad for them! "

As he spoke, a cold breath was released from Ye Feng's body, and an astonishing pressure fell on Liu Heng's body, which immediately made Liu Heng's face pale for a while, and there was a strong sense of fear in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

"Sir, don't kill me!"

Liu Heng was so scared that he was trembling all over, and he couldn't help but kowtow to Ye Feng, making Ye Feng dumbfounded.

He didn't understand why there was such a person in the world.

"Kill you, I'm afraid I will dirty my hands, get out, get out of me immediately, and immediately disappear in front of me!"

Ye Feng looked at Liu Heng who kept knocking his head at him on the ground, and said coldly, still showing disgust when he spoke.

After Liu Heng heard what Ye Feng said, he was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng agreed to let him go.

After continuing to say some disgusting words of gratitude to Ye Feng, Liu Heng came to Huang Ying and Huang Yi and said: "Go, your Excellency has agreed to let me go. Let's go back to the family."

"Go back by yourself. From now on, Huang Yi and I are not from your Liu family, nor will they return to your Liu family to practice!"

Huang Ying looked at Liu Heng indifferently and said that before that, Huang Ying had always thought that her cousin was only usually spoiled and a bit bossy.

But never thought that the other party was so nasty, using her two sisters as goods to trade with others.

Such a person is not worthy of her two sisters to cherish each other again, even if his Huang family fails, it is better than guarding such a person.

While speaking, Huang Ying took Huang Yi's hand, stepped to Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng: "Young Master Ye, thank you for saving your life, and thank you for letting my two sisters see this clearly. A person!"

Ye Feng smiled at Huang Ying and said faintly: "It's okay, I wish you two good luck."

With that said, Ye Feng turned around and left, then his body slowly vacated and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

Seeing Ye Feng's disappearing back, the two sisters Huang Ying and Huang Yi felt reluctant.

The appearance of Ye Feng may be just a passer-by in their lives, but it changed their life trajectory.

Without this episode, they might have stayed at Liu's house and married Liu Heng together in the future.

Liu Heng is such a nasty person. After her two sisters marry each other, they will not get the happiness they Huang Ying really feels this. Therefore, Huang Ying is also grateful to Ye Feng. It's not just a life-saving grace.

After Ye Feng left this place, he flew towards the quiet place for the first time. During the month he came out, he didn't know what happened to Zhongchen Peak.

In about 7 days, Ye Feng had already returned to Zhongchen Peak.

Watching Ye Feng return safely, Zhonghuang, Yun Dangtian, Huayuewu, Ouyang Qing'er, Han Tiankui, Fang Chen and others all stepped forward to greet them with a smile on their faces.

Before that, they were still worried about Ye Feng, but unexpectedly, Ye Feng returned unscathed.

"Junior Brother Ye, you have worked hard!"

Yun Dangtian said to Ye Feng, looking at Ye Feng with strong appreciation. (https://) "Ling Tian Zhan Shen" only represents the author Wan Mu Zhengrong's views. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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