Sky War God

Chapter 2303: 4th rebirth and reshaping meat

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Under the burning of the flame attribute power, the reincarnation spar gradually turned into a group of translucent liquid, surging in the palm of Ye Feng.

Next, Ye Feng released the Nine Turns Hunyuan Sutra he had understood, and the power of Sisi Hunyuan flowed in his blood.

Constantly doing the big week cycle in his body. Ye Feng was meticulous and didn't dare to be slack in the slightest.

At the same time, he also began to use the special abilities contained in the Rank Nine Mixed Element Crystal to melt away the flesh and blood of his entire body little by little.

This process is also extremely important. If you are a little careless, it is very likely that your soul will suffer a certain blow.

Ye Feng naturally didn't want this kind of thing to happen, so he had been meticulous and didn't dare to be negligent.

Under the effect of the special ability of the Nine Turns Hun Yuan Jing, the flesh of Ye Feng's body was melting away continuously.

This allowed Ye Feng to see the flesh and blood meridians and bones under his skin with his own eyes, and everything was so clearly visible.

But this kind of process was uncomfortable, Ye Feng had to endure pain that very people could bear, but he still clenched his teeth.

With the experience of the first three times, when Ye Feng melted his body, he became more proficient than before. Not only was the speed improved, but the quality of the melt was not comparable to the previous few times.

In this way, the Nine-turn Hunyuan Jing kept surging around Ye Feng, causing Ye Feng's body to melt a little bit.

Three days later, Ye Feng's body completely melted away. At this moment, his entire body was translucent, which was the existence of the soul body.

At this moment, if he can't normally reshape his body through the process of turning around, then it is very likely that he will never be able to retrieve his body.

Ye Feng used his divine sense to control the reincarnation spar liquid floating in the void, fusing with his soul little by little.

Using the Nine Turns Hunyuan Jing to keep trying, at the beginning, Ye Feng was extremely careful, for fear of a slight difference.

And through the previous two experiences, Ye Feng already has a lot of experience in fusing reincarnating spar liquid, therefore, as long as there is no accident in this fusion, he can achieve the most perfect.

As time passed by, the reincarnated spar liquid was continuously fused with his soul under the assistance of Ye Feng's Ninth Turn Hunyuan Jing. Although the whole process was slow, it was successfully completed.

After fusing the reincarnation spar liquid, Ye Feng's soul has the conditions to reshape his body, and then passes through the special abilities contained in the Nine Turns Mixed Yuan Jing.

Ye Feng tried to reshape his body, first with an extremely small heart embryo, with capillaries visible to the naked eye, and constantly growing and expanding, forming a perfect heart.

It then continues to extend through the blood vessels above the heart, and then to the body tissues, the major meridian networks, and the skeletal muscles. The whole process is familiar.

For Ye Feng, it is not difficult anymore, and the internal muscles, meridians and bones of the body he reshaped now are much more perfect than before.

This also allowed Ye Feng to foresee the actual changes that this body would bring to him after completely reshaping his body.

Ye Feng was looking forward to such a change in his heart. Therefore, he did not dare to slack off. The Nine Turns Hunyuan Sutra was constantly released, and the power of Hunyuan surged in the newly reshaped bloodline and merged with the bloodline .

The muscle tissue gradually completed the remodeling, followed by the skin on the body surface. The remodeling process of the body surface skin was relatively fast. It took only a few hours to complete the remodeling of the body surface skin.

The last is the hair. The hair grows out little by little, and each hair is extremely shiny and smooth.

It took about a few days in total, and Ye Feng's melted flesh was once again perfectly presented in this cave.

Today's brand-new physical body has given Ye Feng a reborn change. The specific internal meridian bones have become tougher, and their internal fusion attributes are stronger.

The Dantian Qihai has been expanded again. After the expansion, it can be equipped with a greater amount of vitality, and with more vitality, can it have a stronger influence.

After the physical body remodeling was completed, Ye Feng did not end the practice for the first time, but used a period of time to let his soul merge with this physical body more.

At the same time, you can also surging the power above your body in this fleshy body to achieve the effect of dredging the meridians.

It took another three days before Ye Feng withdrew from the state of cultivation. At this moment, he truly reached a perfect state.

Standing there casually, the breath on his body has undergone earth-shaking changes from the original. Not only does the whole person look more handsome and unrestrained, but the breath on his body also seems to become more pure and rich.

Especially the temperament on the body gradually transformed into a kind of majesty of a strong man, which can give people a strong oppressive power invisibly.

"It's time to go out!"

Ye Feng said lightly, it took more than ten days to practice this time. In the past ten days, the two powerful forces in the ancient magic palace Kun Palace have reached a position closer to this cave several times, but because Ye Feng was in advance Ye Feng could not be found because of the large formation of gods arranged outside the cave.

Walking out of this cave, Ye Feng's body directly rose into the air and flew towards the other end of the mountain range.

This mountain range is shrouded by demonic energy, and the beasts living in the mountains are also affected by demonic energy. Many beasts have a certain demonization ability, which makes their own power more powerful. .

During the flight, Ye Feng encountered many monsters of this type, and even some monsters that were good at flying took the initiative to attack Ye Feng.

This included a lot of the existence of the Demon Emperor Realm, if it weren't for Ye Feng's strong strength, he would have already died here.


At this moment, at a prescription position below Ye Feng, there was a burst of extremely terrifying beast roars, mixed with the sound of fighting.

Immediately attracted Ye Feng's gaze, he saw that in the place where two mountain peaks were interspersed, there was a dense forest. In the dense forest, there were three figures fighting against a monster.

These three figures are two women and one man. The body of the monster beast is as high as tens of feet, and the explosive muscles on its body are extremely visually impactful.

The fusion of billowing demon energy and demon energy, wrapped around the surface of this demon beast's body, is very unique and can give people a very violent feeling.

"Cousin, cousin, let's go together and kill this guy!"

At this time, the young man who looked like he was in his early twenties couldn't help speaking to the two girls beside him.

As he spoke, the long sword in the hand of this young figure trembled, and the bright sword light shining through the world, assassinated directly towards the body of the monster beast.

I have to say that the cultivation base of this young figure of the Supreme Martial King realm, but the sword light that pierced out was absolutely terrifying.

A sword pierced into the body of the monster beast, and blood was released, and his move instantly angered the monster beast.

The monster beast made a more violent voice, and a sharp claw smashed down the three men fiercely.

This sharp claw is so powerful that if it truly falls on these three people, it can actually shoot them directly into meatloaf.

The three of them looked terrified, their bodies quickly dodged toward one side, and there were bursts of fear flickering in their pupils.

In the next moment, only a horrible booming sound was heard. When the monster's claws smashed down, the ground in this space trembled fiercely. Under the action of that powerful force, it actually sank deeply. !

"Cousin, what should we do?"

One of them was wearing a pink dress and a sweet-looking girl couldn't help but ask a girl in a cyan dress next to her.

The girl in the cyan long skirt looked a little cold, and she was also a first-class beauty. Facing this violent monster beast, her pretty face also showed a little haze.

She bit her red lips with her teeth, and then said to the girl in the pink dress and the young figure: "This monster's cultivation base has reached the level of the demon emperor, and the three of me are not his opponents at all~www.mtlnovel .com~ Get out of here soon."

Hearing the words of the girl in the blue dress, the young figure seemed a little dissatisfied. He just wanted to speak, but saw the terrifying claws of the monster beast descending again.

The young figure didn't even react, which made the girl in the blue long skirt suddenly frightened, and desperately pulled the young figure's body over.

But the speed of the demon beast's claws was surprisingly fast, and a blood mark was directly drawn on the jade arm of the girl in the blue dress, with traces of blood oozing out, which looked very miserable.


Seeing this scene, a little ugly color flashed in the beautiful eyes of the girl in the pink dress. There is a cold light on the beautiful face.

However, this monster beast did not give them any chance to react at all, opened its huge mouth, and a burst of extremely fierce flames shot out, and the flames descended to the sky, directly burning towards the bodies of these three people. .

The expressions of these three people were incomparably shocked, and they were frightened and dodged towards one side.

"The strength of this monster beast is too strong, you two go quickly, I am here to withstand him!"

The girl in a blue dress said to his two younger siblings. A bit of decisive light flashed in the beautiful eyes.

"No, we can't throw my cousin here alone!"

The girl in the pink dress kept shaking her head, as if she didn't want to.

"Go, if you don't leave, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

This young girl in a long skirt has a resolute look. In order to save her brothers and sisters, she is willing to commit the danger alone!

The girl in the pink long skirt and the young figure looked at each other, and then the body slightly moved towards the back of the body.

Looking at their cousin, there were bursts of complicated light flashing in his eyes.

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