Sky War God

Chapter 2300: Come to Kun Palace

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With an astonishing sound of concussion, Ye Feng collided with the attack of a strong Kun Palace, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Under this collision, the Kun Palace powerhouse instantly felt an astonishing rhythmic shock in his body instantly spread.

It made his body tremble, his steps were shaken back and forth, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

Many experts in Kun Palace saw this scene, and their expressions showed some sharpness involuntarily. They only heard one person say: "Don't let him run, stop him for me!"

While talking, two Kun Palace experts took the lead in blocking Ye Feng's body, and two terrifying attacking forces were released, trying to intercept Ye Feng's body.

And Ye Feng seemed to be prepared long ago. His Divine Fortune Sword Art had been released from his body, and the power of endless fortune was concentrated on his sword.

The dazzling sword light slashed down at this moment, and the sword fell, and there were endless terrifying sword powers in the void, converging into a powerful sword energy of hundreds of years, and descending madly.

Under the action of this powerful sword aura, the two Kun Palace powerhouses suddenly felt a burst of pressure on their bodies, and their attacks were also shattered under Ye Feng's sword, and the terrifying sword aura went crazy toward them. Their bodies were suppressed.

In this way, the two Kun Palace powerhouses no longer dared to stay here, and dodge to one side at their fastest speed.

But when this sword light descended, the terrifying aura surrounding them still affected the bodies of the two of them.

As a result, the clothing on the surface of their bodies was chopped off, and the flesh on one side was chopped off, which was extremely miserable.

Although it is not fatal, the painful feeling of pain also caused constant screams from the two populations.

Ye Feng knew that in the face of the collective siege of so many high-ranking emperors, he could not be passively attacked like this, and he needed to find a more appropriate solution.

Therefore, he quickly released his space attribute power, the butterfly step, and his body rushed out in this gap, and then he flew towards one side.

At the same time, Ye Feng's mouth also made a provocative voice: "It's just a bunch of waste, I want to see how you killed me!"

This voice immediately angered the experts in the entire Kun Palace, and even those in the Ancient Demon Palace couldn't help but cast icy cold lights on Ye Feng's back.

"If I let my nephew run away like this, will I wait for the two forces to become the laughing stock of the entire Lingtian Continent in the future?"

A strong man in Kun Palace said with a look of resentment.

"Chasing, I want to see where he can escape!"

An ancient demon palace master demon powerhouse gritted his teeth and said that before they thought that Ye Summit had been killed by the Kun Palace powerhouse, but they let Ye Feng run away, so naturally they would not stand idly by.

While they were speaking, nearly a hundred powerful men swiftly pursued the direction where Ye Feng had fled, and wherever they went, they held up a burst of strong air currents in the space, and pressure enveloped the world.

"Luck you guys!"

The two Kun Palace powerhouses who were fighting with the loyal emperor Yundang Tian Fangchen's three also stopped their attacks at this time, and swiftly pursued the direction where Ye Feng fled.

This scene made the complexion of the three of Zhonghuang Yundangtian Fang Chen not very pretty. The two of Zhonghuang Yundangtian wanted to follow them, but they heard Fang Chen say to them: "Senior Zhonghuang, Your Majesty God Emperor If you have me over there, it is better for you to stay at Zhongchen Peak, lest others take the opportunity to do things that are not good for Zhongchen Peak."

"Okay, then you have to be more careful!"

After Zhonghuang Yun Dangtian thought briefly for a while, they nodded at Fang Chen with some embarrassment.

They were really worried about Ye Feng, but as the leaders of the entire Zhongchenfeng, the two of them had to take the overall situation into consideration accordingly.

Immediately, Fang Chen's body quickly leaped towards the place where Ye Feng and others had left.

Zhonghuang Yun Dangtian and the two people still have a worried look. They know that the reason why Ye Feng rushed out of the siege and escaped here was also to draw the other person away in this way and preserve Zhong Chenfeng's comfort.

"Father, Junior Brother Ye will be fine, right?"

Huayuewu's beautiful eyes flashed, and the three of them came to Zhonghuang Yundangtian with Ouyang Qinger and Han Tiankui and asked.

"That kid has a big life, and, with his current strength, ordinary high-ranking emperors are not his opponents, it is not so easy for these people to kill him!"

The emperor Zhong's eyes were sharp and he analyzed rationally.

Ye Feng's strength is far stronger than the ordinary high-ranking emperor, and the opponent only has an advantage in number.

In this case, it is really not so easy for the other party to marry Ye Feng's life.

Hearing the words of the Emperor Zhong, the three talents of Huayuewu Ouyang Qinger and Han Tiankui were slightly relieved, and could not help but pray secretly for Ye Feng in their hearts.

Ye Feng walked all the way, without any pause, completely releasing the strongest martial art of his body.

After the Meteor Butterfly Step passed his improvement, the figure speed itself was fast enough, and the integration of the space attribute power made Ye Feng's body dodge in the void.

The whole person's body is wrapped by bursts of space attribute power, as if the whole person has detached from this space, and can walk across the space in one step.

The two powerful forces in the Kun Palace behind the ancient magic palace kept pursuing them, but they felt that the distance between them and Ye Feng was getting farther and farther.

"Damn it, why is this guy so fast?"

A Kunpeng expert said with a cold face, Ye Feng's figure speed really shocked him, you know, their Kunpeng clan is good at flying.

Although their bodies are huge, their flying speed is not slow, but at this moment, facing a person like Ye Feng of the Supreme Martial King realm, they are actually thrown away far away.

"Release the flying magic weapon, I don't believe I can't catch him!"

An ancient demon palace expert said indifferently, and while speaking, he took out his flying magic weapon. This flying magic weapon was fused with rolling magic energy, which looked very domineering.

Many Ancient Demon Palace powerhouses boarded the flying magic weapon one after another, and quickly chased towards Ye Feng's location.

But Ye Feng didn't take these into account at all, and continued to move forward with his two forces, his figure speed was incredible.

For several days, Ye Feng never stopped, and now he has come to a place beyond the 8th realm of Qingyou.

Crossing this area, you will reach the land under the jurisdiction of the holy city tomorrow, while the holy city of Lingtian has over ninety-nine and eighty-one realms, which can be described as vast and endless.

For the former Ye Feng, this distance is almost like covering the entire world in his heart.

But when he arrived in Tianyu, he gradually understood that this area was so small and pitiful in front of Tianyu.

"Since you have been chasing me, then I will go to where your sect is located!"

Ye Feng glanced at the strong people behind him who were chasing after him, and said indifferently. As he spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

In this way, a group of strong men kept chasing in the rear. And Ye Feng's speed has never slowed down.

About half a month later, Ye Feng had already arrived in an area closer to Lingtian Holy City. It was called the Sky Demon Domain, and it was a paradise of monsters.

The terrain is also obviously different from the places where humans live, mostly mountain jungles.

When Ye Feng came here, the Kun Palace powerhouse behind him had already been thrown away by him, and the ancient Demon Palace was closer to him than the Kun Palace powerhouse by virtue of its powerful flying instruments.

After entering the Sky Demon Region, Ye Feng still did not stop. Three days later, a vast and endless building community appeared in Ye Feng's line of sight.

This building complex is extremely vast, and every building inside it is so grand, giving people a strong visual impact.

From a distance, there seems to be a burst of demonic energy in the sky above the building complex, and endless demonic power emerges from the void, giving people a very strong sense of This should be Kun Palace. Up! "

Ye Feng's eyes flashed with icy cold light. After about 20 days of flying, he finally found this place. Ye Feng was inevitably a little excited.

In the sky above this complex of buildings, there are also several Kunpeng monsters wandering slowly in the void.

The bodies of these Kunpeng monster beasts are extremely large, with billowing monster power emerging, covering a sky.

When Ye Feng appeared in this place above the sky, the Kunpeng Monster Beast's eyes could not help but looked towards Ye Feng, and there was a cold light flashing in the huge pupils.

"Who are you, dare to trespass into the land of my Kun Palace, you are limited to three breaths, and leave this place as soon as possible. If not, you will be at your own risk!"

There was a cold voice from the Kunpeng monster beast's mouth, and this voice could give people a very strong sense of oppression, making people's eardrums numb involuntarily.


Facing the intimidation of a Kunpeng demon beast, Ye Feng didn't pay any attention at all. At this moment, his body quickly flew toward the sky above the Kun Palace, his body speed was like a blast.

This made the Kunpeng monster's eyes instantly become extremely sharp, and said coldly: "Want to die?"

However, Ye Feng still didn't care about the other party. When his body descended on the place where Kun Palace was, an astonishing breath burst out from his body.

The endless power of destruction surged in his palm. At the same time, as soon as the big palm print burst out from Ye Feng's body, the terrifying palm print came from the sky in a very short time. It fell on the place where Kun Palace is!

The sound of the rumbling horror and shock was heard, and under the action of Ye Feng's palmprint, several building communities in the Kun Palace were instantly smashed and destroyed, turning into ruins!

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