Sky War God

Chapter 2297: Kun tribe monster

This scene couldn't help but solidify the expressions of all the people present, especially the people in the ancient magic palace, with a look of shock.

"This guy, how could he also comprehend the power of the magic way, is he also a magic repair?"

An ancient demon attack powerhouse opened the mouth with a shocked expression, his expression was unbelievable.

Many people also had similar thoughts in their hearts, and they saw that under the magic power released from Ye Feng, Ye Feng's entire temperament had undergone a complete change.

At this moment, he is like a real demon, standing there casually, it can give people a strong sense of oppression.

On the surface of his body, endless magical energy enveloped him, as if a pair of attached armor was attached to his body, reflecting Ye Feng's whole person more majestic and domineering.

The terrifying magic power in the Ancient Demon Realm continuously swept towards Ye Feng's body, but Ye Feng also released an amazing magic energy.

The magical magic Dafa was released at this moment, making his whole body seem to be illusory, seemingly imaginary and real, but it exists in this space.

Those terrifying magic attacks could not hurt his body unexpectedly. Ye Feng's body just stepped forward casually like this. The earth seemed to tremble with every step.

"How could you understand such a powerful magic power"

Qin Mo asked Ye Feng with an incredulous expression on his face, and what shocked him even more was that even if Ye Feng understood the powerful Demon Dao attribute power, the opponent should not be able to resist the demon energy attack he released.

But now, that demon energy attacked in front of Ye Feng's body, but it completely lost its effect. Ye Feng's body walked in the ancient magic domain he released at will. The ancient magic domain released extremely terrifying power, He couldn't hurt Ye Feng's body at all.

An amazing magical power was released in Ye Feng's body, and the magical palm print was photographed at this moment.

That palmprint evolves madly in the void, with endless magic power enveloped in it, reflecting the power of this palmprint to the extreme!

Qin Mo looked ugly, and he could clearly feel the terrifying power of the magical magic released by Ye Feng at the moment, even he had never touched this kind of magical energy.

The magical demon's big palm print came, Qin Mo raised his hand to resist, and his horrible magic fist came through the space.

In a short period of time, it collided with the Great Palm Print of the Illusion Demon, and the two demonic energy crazily intertwined in the void.

And under the action of Ye Feng's magical power, the magical attribute power released by Qin Mo was swallowed up in a short time.

Ye Feng's palm prints destroyed everything and arrived, slapped fiercely on Qin Mo's body, and the crowd only heard the terrifying sound of rumbling.

At the moment when Ye Feng's phantom demon palm print arrived, Qin Mo only felt that the bones in his body seemed to be shattered.

The strong pressure made him breathless, his body was directly shaken to the ground at this moment, blood was spit out from his mouth!

This scene fell in the eyes of the people present, and suddenly made their hearts tremble involuntarily. No one thought that in the face of adversity, Ye Feng seemed to have changed in a short time.

The power of that terrifying magical magic is so powerful that the ancient magic characters feel their hearts trembling. Compared with Ye Feng's magical power, the magical energy they released is useless, and there is no comparison at all.

Qin Mo's face was extremely pale, and Ye Feng's palm print had severely injured him, causing him to lose the ability to resist.

"You, don't you want to kill me, get up!"

Ye Feng looked at Qin Mo with cold eyes, the magic power on his body became more and more terrifying, that kind of eyes seemed to be capable of killing people.

Qin Mo looked at Ye Feng with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe I can't kill you!"

While speaking, Mo Qin mobilized all the potential in his body, and his body suddenly stood up at this moment, and a terrifying big palm print of the magic way slapped Ye Feng's body frantically.

Qin Mo's strongest potential was integrated into this palm print, and he reached Ye Feng's body in the blink of an eye.

The cold light in Ye Feng's pupils flickered, without any hesitation, a big phantom demon palm print was photographed again, and the power of the phantom demon lingered on it, making the power of this palm print instantly rise to the extreme.

The next moment, the crowd only listened to the terrible rumbling sound, and the two attacks collided together at this moment.

Qin Mo felt the irresistible destructive power coming in a very short period of time, causing his whole body to vibrate wildly, and a strong destructive shock wave descended on his body.

A scream was made in his mouth, and his body was directly blasted away at this moment, and then slammed into a cliff, causing the cliff to collapse and destroy, turning it into rubble.

Qin Mo's body was weakly limp on the ground, and blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth. Under the effect of Ye Feng's magic palm print, his Dantian Qihai burst directly, and the bones in his body did not know how much he had exercised. Festival, from now on, I can only be a waste person!

"Big Brother!"

When Qin Mo's younger brother saw this scene, his face paled for a while, and his eldest brother was actually abolished by Ye Feng for his cultivation.

Adding to the fact that his arm was cut off by Ye Feng with a sword light before, the combination of the two brothers is really miserable enough.

Qin Mo's body was trembling constantly, and there was a hint of indescribable regret in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

Before that, he might never dream that he would one day be ruined in the hands of a supreme martial king realm.

The powerhouses in the Ancient Demon Palace looked towards Ye Feng with cold expressions. Qin Mo's abolished cultivation base was a very serious loss to their Ancient Demon Palace.

Many Ancient Demon Palace experts were very angry, and they wished to punish Ye Feng now.

Ye Feng stopped looking at Qin Mo, his gaze swept over these Bone Demon Palace powerhouses, and then coldly said, "Does anyone in the Ancient Demon Palace dare to fight?"

This sentence immediately made a group of ancient magic palace experts look at each other. After seeing the terrible strength of Ye Feng, the people who came to the ancient magic palace were not as arrogant as before.

Even these ancient magic palace powerhouses couldn't help but feel a little jealous in their hearts facing Ye Feng.

"Is there no one? If there is no one, you don’t need to get in the way here. You should go back to your lair. If you come next time, it’s best to let your palace owner come in person, others. , Really a little vulnerable!"

Seeing that there was no answer from the Ancient Demon Palace for a long time, Ye Feng couldn't help but smiled sarcastically at the Ancient Demon Palace powerhouse, and said coldly.

"The Ancient Demon Palace is really a group of cowards, and it was actually frightened by a junior in the Supreme Martial King realm. It really subverted my cognition!"

At this moment, not far from the Kun Palace location, there was a voice like this, which immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

I saw a Kunpeng monster who was not coming out of the camp, looking at the direction of the ancient demon's attack with a look of irony, and said yin and yang strangely.

This sentence made the faces of the powerful people in the Ancient Demon Palace look very ugly, and they could not wait to step forward and punish Ye Feng now, so as to slap this Kun Palace person in the face.

However, thinking about the strength Ye Feng had shown before, they couldn't help but dispel this idea.

Just because, facing such a powerful Ye Feng, they didn't have any courage to contend with each other.

"If you don't dare to come forward to fight with the opponent, you should take the initiative to admit your coward!"

The Kun Palace powerhouse said indifferently. The words spoken were extremely ironic.

"There is nothing to be gloating about. If your Kun Palace has the ability, you will send a strong man to fight this person. I want to see what kind of skills your Kun Palace people have to boast about in Haikou!"

An ancient magic palace expert couldn't bear this kind of cynicism and took the initiative to speak to the people in Kun Palace.

This caused the Kungong population to sneer, and then said: "This person, I will naturally take it down, and you don't need to worry about it!"

When speaking, the Kun Palace powerhouse stepped out and looked at Ye Feng sarcastically, "Boy, did you have to pay the due price for killing my Kun Palace people before?"

Ye Feng looked at the Kun Palace powerhouse and said indifferently: "Say these useless ones have no nutrition. If you want to avenge your companions, then fighting with me is the most direct way~www.mtlnovel. com~ I'm afraid you can't beat me!"

Ye Feng's words were full of strength, and at the same time they sounded extremely arrogant and domineering.

Let this powerful Kun Palace stare slightly, and then said: "I have watched all your battles before. The reason why those people in the Ancient Demon Palace cannot defeat you is that their personal strength is too weak. Now, if you fight with me, I promise to take you down in minutes!"

Before the battle started, this Kun Palace powerhouse continued to praise Haikou, as if Ye Feng was really as useless in front of him as he said.

"Since you are so confident in your own strength, then go ahead."

Ye Feng shook his head slightly, and didn't care what the Kun Palace powerhouse said.

"Hugh is crazy, see this seat catch you!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, this Kun Palace expert immediately became a little angry, and released his strongest power to launch a terrorist attack on Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. This person seemed to be a Kun clan monster known for its strength. Once the opponent grasped the weakness, the opponent's attack could cause a devastating blow to his opponent.

Therefore, Ye Feng did not take the initiative at the beginning of the battle, but constantly observed the attack characteristics and movement trajectory of this Kun clan monster beast between dodges.

This caused the Kun clan monster's gaze to flicker, and then he spoke to the lunatic Ye Feng: "If you can only hide, then I will kill you sooner or later!" (Education 123 Literature Network https://) " "Ling Tian War God" only represents the views of the author Wan Mu Zhengrong. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please contact us for deletion. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the \"Special Action to Combat Internet Obscene and Pornographic Information\", please report it actively!] Thank you all!

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