Sky War God

Chapter 2295: Gumo Brothers

"This station, Ye Feng may be more fortunate!"

Seeing that the opponent's second attack once again gained the upper hand, another strong man said, thinking that Ye Feng might really not be the opponent's opponent.

The gazes of those ancient demon palace experts who looked at Ye Feng showed a bit of irony, and only one person said: "A junior of the Supreme Martial King realm, dare to offend my ancient demon palace. At this moment, he was killed by the strong of my ancient magic palace, and he can only be blamed for himself!"


Almost at the same time, the crowd heard a shocking sound, and the ancient magic powerhouse in the ancient magic palace stepped forward, and the whole land shook wildly.

His eyes were also extremely sharp, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with a bit of irony. While speaking, he once again released a terrorist attack on Ye Feng.

When his attack was released, the phantom of the Demon King that evolved in front of him also raised the huge mace in his hand at this moment, and smashed it madly towards Ye Feng's body.

Wherever I went, the whole space trembled fiercely, as if to be shattered by everything!

Many people trembled. The strength of this ancient demon powerhouse was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people. The ordinary high-ranking emperor powerhouse could only be crushed in front of him.

Two attacks descended across the space, to completely destroy Ye Feng's body here!

However, there was a burst of spatial attribute power released on Ye Feng's body. Under the reflection of this power, his body gradually became illusory, as if isolated from this space.

At the same time, when he stretched out his hand, a silver long sword suddenly appeared in his palm, and the body of the silver long sword shone with endless brilliance.

A dazzling sword light burst out in front of him, and bursts of star attribute power merged into it, making the power of this sword extremely terrifying.

Coming like thunder!

The strong eyes of the ancient demon were sharp, and immediately drove the ghost of the demon king to attack Ye Feng's sword.


The sound of an astonishing metal collision sounded, and at the moment the two weapons collided, this space seemed to be shaken and destroyed.

The ancient demon expert was proud, as if he could still have the upper hand under this collision.


However, at the moment when the two weapons touched, there was a sound of metal breaking, which made the ancient demon strong look stunned.

Then he couldn't help but looked towards the place where the two weapons were in contact, and saw that under the slash of the sword light of Ye Feng, the magic knife mace in the hands of the Demon King Void was cut off by the waist. !

But that dazzling sword light penetrated everything and came, beheading the head of that demon king ghost shadow in a very short time!


After the head was cut off, the body of that Demon King Void also exploded directly at this moment.

This made the look of the ancient demon powerhouse not very good-looking. Under the impact of the shock wave that the demon king attracted and burst, his body was shocked backwards, and his breath was slightly floating.

"That is, the sword power in the late stage of entering the state of mind is wrong. In my opinion, the level of the sword strength that this child has just cut out has exceeded the level of entering the state of mind. You must know that he has just cultivated the Supreme Martial King state. Because the comprehension of the sword has reached this level, it is really rare!"

Seeing Ye Feng's sword, he cut off the head of that Demon King phantom, clean and neat, a strong man couldn't help but said with a shocked expression.

You know, even many high-ranking emperors want to promote the power of their comprehension to the realm of soul, it is quite difficult.

It can be said that there are not many high-ranking emperors who can comprehend the power of entering the soul realm, and this Ye Feng just achieved this in the cultivation of the Supreme Martial King realm, which is really shocking.


Almost at the same time, the master heard a loud roar, and Ye Feng's footsteps stepped out again at this moment.

The long sword in his hand trembled, and the bright sword light descended from the sky. When this sword fell, it made this space tremble, and the sword light descended like thunder.

Let that ancient demon powerhouse look ugly again, and quickly released his body and martial arts. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and a magic square painted halberd appeared in his hand.

The power of the fusion of Fang Tian's painted halberd could not be described in words. There was a purple and black thunder shining. Facing Ye Feng's sword light, the ancient demon strong Fang Tian painted the halberd madly released.

In a short time, he collided with Ye Feng's sword light, and the sound of an astonishing metal impact sounded.

Under this collision, the power of destruction produced was so powerful that it was indescribable. Almost at the same time, the crowd only heard a cracking sound.

Under the action of Ye Feng's sword light, the Fang Tian painted halberd of the ancient demon expert was directly smashed by his sword light.

However, Jianguang's power has not diminished in the slightest, and a deep blood mark has been drawn directly on the side of this ancient demon strong body.

If it weren't for this ancient demon powerhouse to dodge with all his strength, his body is likely to be cut in half by the opponent's sword!

Many people's hearts trembled, and they didn't seem to expect that the sword that Ye Feng took out at this moment actually possessed such a powerful power.

The eyes of that ancient demon expert froze slightly, looking at the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword in Ye Feng's hand, his heart trembled involuntarily.


But Ye Feng didn't give this person a chance at all. The long sword in his hand slashed out a sword light crazily at this moment. The power of this sword was terrifying.

The brilliant sword light descended from above the sky, and the power it carried was beyond words.

The ancient demon strong body retreated madly, and at the same time, the crowd saw that he was muttering words, and his body was divided into three in this one, and three identical figures appeared.

Each of these three figures had a terrifying aura, and the terrifying magic power hovered around their bodies, quickly pounced toward the direction where Ye Feng was located, and simultaneously released several attacks in succession.

These attacks were all aimed at Ye Feng's body, completely covering the space in front of Ye Feng, without giving Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

However, there was a burst of space attribute power released from Ye Feng's body, and the meteor butterfly step fused the space attribute power to release together.

It made his entire body become illusory, as if isolated from this space.

When those attacks came, the ground in this area collapsed and destroyed, but it failed to hit Ye Feng's body.


Almost at the same time, in a certain prescription in the space, there was a sound of breaking through the air at this moment, and the bright sword light descended from the sky.

Let the ancient demon expert instantly feel the sense of crisis coming from one side of his body, and his body also dodges towards one side at this moment.

But it seemed to be a little late, Ye Feng's sword speed was too fast, and the sword light did not flash, which made the ancient demon strong feel a sharp pain on one side of his body.

This made him scream badly in his heart. He suddenly turned his body and saw that one of his arms was cut off by the opponent. The blood was released and turned into a rain of blood in the void. That's so tragic!

The hearts of everyone present trembled, and no one thought that Ye Feng's figure speed was so strange, and his attack speed was far beyond the imagination of everyone present.

An attack came, and under the arms of this strong man, the three elements of fast, accurate and ruthless were perfectly integrated, and such a strong effect was produced.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, and blood dripped down from the long sword in his hand. At the same time, he wanted to cleave a sword light at that ancient demon character again.

However, I saw that a figure in the ancient demon sect turned into a black magic cloud. Before Ye Feng had yet to make a move, he descended in front of the strong man, looked at Ye Feng indifferently and said: Be forgiving and forgiving, he has already lost an arm, why bother to kill him!"

This ancient demon expert looked coldly, as if the ancient demon figure who had lost his arm was somewhat similar. It can be vaguely guessed from their age that they should have a certain blood relationship.

"Why do you want to play for him?"

Ye Feng is unmoved. Facing the enemy, he will not keep any hands. If he is injured, he believes that the other party will be the same as him. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself. Ye Feng has a profound truth. Experience.

"If you dare to fight with me, I will naturally accompany you!"

The ancient demon expert spoke coldly to Ye Feng.

"Brother, help me get revenge!"

From the position of the **** rear, there was the unwilling voice of the ancient demon powerhouse whose arm was just cut off by Ye Feng.

He thought that he could easily crush Ye Feng and take his life down, but he didn't think that he would end up like this, and he naturally hated Ye Feng extremely.

"Don't worry, I will compensate you with his life!"

The two brothers made such an agreement Immediately, the ancient demon expert turned his head and looked at Ye Feng and said: "I can't let you live in this world anymore!"

As he spoke, the ancient demon figure released his breath, and a strong magic pressure came from above the sky, making the airflow in the space seem to stop flowing.

At the same time, this ancient demon expert stepped out, and his demon pupils were extremely terrifying, and there were two killing rays released at this moment.

The light penetrates through the space, not only at a very fast speed, but also makes people unable to figure out its trajectory.

Ye Feng quickly dodged towards one side, but his body was still affected by the two rays of light, and he felt a sting almost every time on his body.

While evading, Ye Feng didn't forget to cut a sword light towards the opponent's body. His sword light seemed unpretentious, whether it was speed or attack power, this was a top-notch existence. (https://) "Ling Tian Zhan Shen" only represents the author Wan Mu Zhengrong's views. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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