Sky War God

Chapter 2291: Fight against Elder Fan

As soon as these words came out, Yinlong's face became even more ugly, and his expression became even colder. His chest was ups and downs, and he involuntarily spit out blood again.

Ye Feng moved his gaze away from Yinlong, no longer looked at the other party at all, completely ignoring the other party.

This scene caused the eyes of many Qingyou Temple powerhouses present to flicker. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was not only powerful, but also so arrogant.

Leng Shuang's complexion was not very good-looking, before that, he had a vague idea of ​​fighting against Ye Feng.

He did not appear in the battle of Zhongchenfeng that day, so he didn't believe how strong Ye Feng was.

But now it seems that Leng Shuang immediately dispelled the idea of ​​fighting with Ye Feng. It was as powerful as a hidden dragon. In front of Ye Feng, you were easily blown out by a fist. If you change to him, you may directly Killed by Ye Feng's punch!

Elder Fan's expression is not very good-looking. Yinlong is a figure in Lingtian Sacred Palace. The pride of the young generation of Lingtian Sacred Palace. Except for the three princes, Lin Tianyang, in the entire Lingtian Sacred Palace, few people seem to be able to defeat Yinlong. .

But now, the hidden dragon was blasted away by Ye Feng with a random punch, and it seemed that he had no resistance, which really made Elder Fan feel extremely surprised in his heart.

At the same time, a cold light flashed in Elder Fan’s pupils, his eyes fell on Ye Feng's body involuntarily, and some coldly questioned: "You, how dare you be so arrogant? It was committed by killing Qingyou God Emperor before. The crime has not yet been redeemed. Now that I dare to hurt my Lingtian Saint Palace generals, do you really want to live?"

After Elder Fan’s words were spoken, the eyes of many people at the scene flickered. Unexpectedly, this hidden dragon turned out to be a character in the Holy Palace of Spiritual Heaven. Such a person’s strength is naturally super terrifying, but now, Ye The peak is crushed.

"The blame can only be blamed on his lack of strength, what to do with me?"

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Elder Fan, he had already noticed the existence of the other party. At the same time, Ye Feng also understood that this elder Fan was his real opponent.

But since the opponent has arrived, he naturally wouldn't avoid anything.

"It's not good for one strength. If that's the case, then this seat will replace those who have died, and take a good look at what level your strength has reached!"

This elder Fan gave a sneer, his pupils flickered, and as he spoke, a frightening aura was released from his body.

The body was enveloped by a burst of silver light, making this space extremely depressing.

In the next moment, the crowd saw Elder Fan's footsteps stepping out, and the radiance on his body became brighter and brighter.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived in front of Ye Feng. Because of the speed, when Elder Fan came down, he even held up a strong wind, and the clothes on Ye Feng danced with the wind.

With such a terrifying figure speed, Elder Fan desperately blasted a terrifying fist toward Ye Feng's body.

The power contained in this fist is simply beyond words to describe, it came to Ye Feng in a very short time, and he wanted to kill Ye Feng's body completely!

However, Ye Feng still looked like facing the hidden dragon, his face was calm and calm, without any panic.

When the opponent's fist was about to come, Ye Feng also had a burst of light on his body, and the power of the five elements wrapped his arm.

The five elements surging quickly around the body, and then directly greeted him with a punch. This punch was exactly the same as the previous fight against the hidden dragon, except that it instilled the power of the five elements.

A fist that looked light and fluttering, but actually contained amazing power, and it collided with Elder Fan's attack in the blink of an eye.


The sound of horrible concussions spread throughout the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void. The moment the two attacks collided, there was an astonishing shock wave spreading in all directions anyway.

Elder Fan looked confident, as if his attack could crush Ye Feng. However, when the two attacked the real contact, the confidence on his face was frozen there.

I only felt the power of destruction from Ye Feng's fist, causing his body to tremble constantly, causing his steps to be shaken back.

This scene fell in the eyes of the people present, and suddenly made them look stunned in a short time, as if they had seen a very incredible thing.

As powerful as Elder Fan, a powerful and powerful person with the upper emperor's cultivation realm, he should be able to easily crush Ye Feng under normal circumstances.

However, at this moment, Elder Fan made a move, but was shocked by Ye Feng's random fist. This shock was no less powerful than a punch that shook the hidden dragon.

"This is your so-called strength? The upper emperor's cultivation level is nothing but that. I am ashamed to say that arrogant remark in front of me. I really admire your courage!"

Ye Feng looked at Elder Fan ironically, and said coldly.

Today, although he seems to have only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King Realm on the surface, he has completed the third turn to reshape his body.

This makes Ye Feng's own combat power far exceed his apparent realm, even ordinary high-ranking emperors will not be his opponent!

Elder Fan was so angry that his face was blue and white. When he looked at Ye Feng, he did not hide his murderous intent.

At the same time, the crowd saw a stronger power erupting from Elder Fan's body, and his body was wrapped in waves of violent wind power.

The analysis attribute power carries the endless killing power, which not only brings extremely fast body speed to Elder Fan, but also integrates the wind attribute power on top of the attack power, enhancing the attack power to a new level.

I saw Elder Fan photographed a palm print in the air, this one bloomed in his palm, constantly evolving in the void, and blasted towards Ye Feng's body with amazing power.

When the palm prints drifted in the void, it was like a strong hurricane, involving everything in the surrounding void.

Ye Feng frowned slightly. He has experienced many battles, but there are few people who can truly integrate the wind attribute power into his attack.

This Elder Fan is one of those extremely rare people. He has perfectly integrated the wind attribute power into his attack.

This palm print arrived in front of Ye Feng's body in an instant, causing Ye Feng's body to feel a strong pressure in a short time.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, and there was also a strong wind power on his body that was released.

The force of the wind element is integrated with the power of heaven and earth, acting in the palm of Ye Feng, making the head of Ye Feng seem to have a hurricane constantly scrolling through the sky. After integrating the momentum of the heaven and earth in the early stage of entering the soul, this hurricane The power reached one in a short time.

Along with Ye Feng's palm print, this soaring hurricane broke out from his palm, quickly turning into a terrifying hurricane that could destroy everything!

This made the expressions of everyone present couldn't help but stunned, and then a strong man took the lead and said with a look of envy: "Unexpectedly, this Ye Feng actually realized such a powerful wind attribute power. Before him In the battles he participated in, many different types of attribute powers have been shown. I really don't know how many types of attribute powers he has understood in total, and they are so powerful!"

When the strong man spoke, his body trembled involuntarily. He had never seen a single person comprehend so many kinds of attribute powers alone.

In addition to him, many people present had similar thoughts in his mind, looking at Ye Feng like a monster.

In a very short period of time, the palm prints of the two powerhouses collided again, and two hurricanes of different types crisscrossed in space.

When they overlapped together, there was a constant sound of shocking shocks, and the endless power of destruction stirred in the void, and then spread in all directions.

Many people were shocked by the aftermath of the confrontation between the two, and their bodies involuntarily retreated to the back, for fear that they would suffer from the fish.

But Ye Feng always had a confident look on his face, looking at Elder Fan on the opposite side, a confident light flashed in his eyes.

But Elder Fan's expression became more and more gloomy, and Ye Feng's hurricane was obviously not as strong as the hurricane he released.

But for some reason, gradually, the hurricane he released was gradually suppressed by Ye Feng's hurricane, and even a little bit was swallowed.

After the hurricane was engulfed, Elder Fan knew that he had suffered from this collision, so his figure quickly dodged towards one side at this moment.

Trying to avoid the terrorist attack released by Ye Feng for the first However, Ye Feng's footsteps stepped forward at this moment, and there was a tyrannical light on his body.

The endless power of killing and cutting emerged in the void, and a strong domain power was released all over him.

The realm of the gun was released, as if an extremely tyrannical world of guns was formed in the void, which enveloped Elder Fan's body in the blink of an eye.

Elder Fan looked ugly, and he had never received such persecution from a junior.

After being shrouded in the realm of guns, the endless spear-many attributes in the realm were released at this moment, and guns were constantly released in the void, strangling constantly.

This made Elder Fan look ugly. These guns had no fixed position, and there was no sign of their appearance.

It was difficult for him to judge what would happen in the next second. Therefore, when Elder Fan was not paying attention, it was said that the gun king had already picked up the clothes on his body, oozing blood!


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