Sky War God

Chapter 2290: Elder Yin Long Fan

In this sentence, many Qi Tianzong experts thought that this elder was too realistic. After the Qi Tian Divine Emperor was killed, he immediately changed his attitude and prepared to join Zhongchen Peak.

And directly take down those who have hatred with Ye Feng, but in this case, what dare they say?

Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun looked ugly. Before that, they didn't expect that they would have today.

It might be said that in their hearts, they never regarded Ye Feng as a threat to them. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng's return for a few days would completely change the pattern of the entire Qingyou City.

And their destiny also changed accordingly.

"Ye Shao, we know that we were wrong, and we hope that Ye Shao will be generous and let me go!"

Feng Tianqian looked remorseful and couldn't help kneeling down to Ye Feng, begging directly.

Under these circumstances, life seems to be more important than dignity. Feng Tianqian doesn't want to lose his life. Even if there is a chance, he wants to fight for it.

Qi Tianlong's face appeared a little struggling, it seemed that he was reluctant to bow his head to Ye Feng, but the fear of death in his heart finally defeated his dignity.

Next, under the gaze of the crowd, Qi Tianlong also knelt directly in front of Ye Feng, showing a bit of regret.

Ye Feng just glanced lightly at the two of them, then looked away, then looked at the Qitian middle-aged elder and said: "I don't want to see them, you can handle it at will!"

With this sentence, Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun's expressions immediately collapsed, and they just felt that the sky had collapsed.

Although Ye Feng didn't say it directly, everyone could tell from Ye Feng's attitude that the old man of Qi Tianzong was also a wise man, and he couldn't help nodding to Ye Feng.

Immediately he turned around, and couldn't help but wave his hand at those Qi Tianzong powerhouses, the meaning was quite obvious.

Seeing the fate of Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun now, many Qi Tianzong experts couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

It is precisely because of the wrong decision of the two people and their arrogance that they killed them, and it is considered to be self-defeating.

Ye Feng is not a saint, unable to throw all the hatred out of his mind. What these two people did to him not only caused him strong harm, but also deeply affected the friends around Ye Feng.

Many powerful people in Dengxianlou died in the hands of these two people, and Ye Feng still had a certain emotion for Dengxianlou.

Those people had fought side by side with him, and they had a very deep friendship with each other. Ye Feng wanted to avenge these dead friends because of his feelings and reason.

At this point, Qi Tianzong has completely submitted to Zhongchen Peak, becoming a subordinate and power of Zhongchen Peak.

This news quickly spread throughout Qingyou City, shocking many Qingyou City powerhouses.

Some time ago, Zhongchenfeng was still in a state of being attacked by enemies, and was collectively suppressed by the five great Wuhuang-level forces in Qingyou City.

In less than half a month, Zhongchenfeng completed a magnificent transformation. The five great martial emperors of Qingyou City fell one after another, and the entire Qingyou City's pattern had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Zhongchen Peak also officially announced its rise and will become the newest eighth level and power in the entire Qingyou Eight Realm.

Moreover, compared to the previous five martial emperor forces, Zhongchenfeng is the only king in the entire Qingyou Eight Realms, and no one can replace her.

This also made those forces in the Qingyou City area who chose to return to Zhongchen Peak in advance felt extremely lucky.

If he waited until Zhongchenfeng completely controlled Qingyou City. Then if they want to show their loyalty to Zhongchenfeng again, it may not be particularly useful then.

"Junior Brother Ye is really amazing, four of the five great martial emperor-level forces in Qingyou City have already expressed their stance to submit to me Zhongchenfeng!"

Inside Zhongchenfeng, a group of Zhongchenfeng disciples were also talking about this matter, and they got this news the first time.

I admire Ye Feng extremely.

The same goes for Yun Dangtian, Huayuewu, Ouyang Qing'er, Han Tiankui and others. Before that, they were a little worried about Ye Feng's safety.

Now that they heard this news, they gradually realized that their worries were unnecessary.

In the Sky Demon Valley, the Troll Sect had two powerful outsiders in succession, and none of them could stop the footsteps of Ye Feng and Fang Chen. How domineering they were to be killed by them.

"Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun finally got their due retribution, which is great!"

Ouyang Qing'er's beautiful eyes flashed, and a bit of excitement appeared on her pretty face. Back then, she was still vividly remembering the battle in Dengxianlou. Many powerful people in Dengxianlou died in that battle.

As the eldest lady of Dengxianlou, Ouyang Qinger's feelings for Dengxianlou are naturally not comparable to others.

Han Tiankui also had a look of excitement. He was also the main participant in the battle of Climbing the Immortal Tower. In addition to him, all the powerhouses of their Han family also joined it. Including his grandfather and father.

Han Tiankui witnessed the tragic battle with his own eyes, and countless strong men died in unfavorable circumstances. All this was directly related to the provocation of Qi Tianlong and Feng Tiankun.

Now that these two people have received the punishment they deserved, it really makes people feel happy!

Now, of the five great Wuhuang-level forces, only Qingyou Temple has not yet returned to Zhongchen Peak.

At this moment, there is another scene in the Qingyou Temple. After the Qingyou God Emperor is killed, through the temple, there are Qingyou God Emperor's major disciple Leng Shuang, and another Qingyou Temple elder who has advanced to the Martial Emperor realm. In charge.

The two of them did not try to submit to Zhongchen Peak like other forces, but contacted Lingtian Sacred Palace for the first time.

At this moment, in a large hall of the Qingyou Temple, Leng Shuang and the old martial emperor of the Qingyou Temple were receiving two powerful men from afar.

These two powerful men who came from afar came from Lingtian Sacred Palace. They were old and young. The old was gray-haired, but their faces were extremely ruddy, and they gave people a feeling of fullness.

And the aura released from him is really strong enough, even far surpassing ordinary high-ranking emperors.

The other young man looked like he was twenty-six or seventeen years old. He was wearing silver armor, surrounded by fighting might, giving a very sharp feeling.

If Ye Feng were here, he would definitely recognize the identity of this young figure, and he was indeed the "Hidden Dragon", the warlord of Lingtian Sacred Palace!

Hidden Dragon once entered Fallen Dragon Cliff with Ye Feng and others to complete the task of Fallen Dragon Stone. In Fallen Dragon Cliff, Jinlong and Ye Feng had a fierce conflict.

After the quest of Falling Dragon Cliff was about to end, Yin Long even attacked Ye Feng together with Ziyang, who had come from the Heavenly Selection Immortal Gate, but Ye Feng severely injured both of them with one enemy and two.

Since then, Yinlong has been depressed for a period of time because of the blow, and he looked very decadent during that time.

But later, Yinlong got the enlightenment of a powerful and powerful man, regained his self-confidence, and cultivated even more hard.

Many years have passed, and the current cultivation base of the hidden dragon has reached the realm of the middle emperor. It can be said that among the young generation of Lingtian Sacred Palace, it is still the existence of outstanding people.

It seems that only the third prince Ling Tianyang can crush him.

Now, Yinlong has been assigned by the 3 princes Ling Tianyang to come to Qingyou City together with the "Elder Fan" of Lingtian Saint Palace, trying to clear the obstacles for Qingyou Temple, until the Qingyou God Emperor is killed.

Before coming to this place, Yin Long had learned that the person who did this was Ye Feng who had defeated him with one enemy and two years ago.

Therefore, the hidden dragon is also very much looking forward to seeing Ye Feng again, and defeating Ye Feng in the battle, to avenge the revenge a few years ago!

Today's hidden dragon has absolute self-confidence in his personal strength, and he has even defeated the upper emperor in the realm of the middle emperor.

According to the news from Qingyou Temple, Ye Feng's cultivation level now only reached the Supreme Martial King realm, which also made Yinlong more confident in defeating Ye Feng.

"The arrival of the two holy envoys, our Qingyou Temple will be saved!"

Leng Shuang said to the elder Yinlong Fan, he was very humble. His hatred of Ye Feng was also very strong.

His experience is also somewhat similar to Yin Long. In the battle, Ye Feng once defeated Leng Shuang and Qingtian Ba ​​with one enemy and two, making Leng Shuang lose his face.

Therefore, Lengshuang's hatred for Ye Feng is no worse than Yinlong.

"I came with Elder Fan, and Ye Feng and others will definitely be punished as they deserve. This matter is covered by both of me!"

Yin Long said to Leng Shuang, with strong confidence in his words. As if he could easily take down Ye Feng and others as soon as he got out.

But at this moment, an astonishing pressure descended from the sky, and instantly enveloped the entire Qingyou Temple.

As a result, the powerful people in Qingyou Temple felt the oppressive force of this coercive force in a very short time, and many powerful people even felt that their bodies would be crushed and crushed.

Some people even spit blood on the ground


Feeling this coercion coming, Yinlong's gaze couldn't help but condensed slightly. It seemed that he didn't expect that when the two of them had just arrived, someone would come to provoke.

"It may be that Ye Feng has arrived."

Leng Shuang said indifferently, mentioning Ye Feng, there was a strong sense of resentment in his words.

"Very well, just right, since he is here, let him go without return!"

Yinlong's eyes flashed with sharp sharpness, and he said coldly. Although Elder Fan beside him had not spoken, he could tell from the other person's manner that this person was also extremely arrogant.

Let him come here, his heart is full of disdain, thinking that the three princes are a bit overkill.

Next, several people walked out of this palace. I saw that Ye Feng and Fang Chen had appeared above the Qingyou Temple.

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