Sky War God

Chapter 2287: Kun Palace

This scene immediately made everyone present look stunned, not knowing what happened.

Their gazes stared at the ancient demon powerhouse, and they found that the face of the other party had gradually changed from the solidification just now to the extreme astonishment it is now.


Next, everyone present saw that a line of blood shot out from the throat of this ancient demon powerhouse, turning into a rain of blood and falling down.

"This, how is this possible..."

This horrible scene immediately fell in the eyes of everyone present, making their hearts tremble involuntarily, how powerful that ancient demon figure is, and the upper demon emperor is a strong person in the realm of cultivation.

It is a powerful demonic cultivator from an extremely ancient period, whose strength is not comparable to that of ordinary high-ranking emperors.

In this battle, he has always taken the initiative, even vaguely trying to punish the young man in front of him.

This young man was obviously lost to each other, and there was a big gap between the strength of the two sides. However, in this extremely short period of time, everything changed.

A powerful ancient demon character, a powerful person in the upper demon emperor's cultivation realm, unexpectedly sealed his throat with a sword on his back!


The ancient demon character stared at Fang Chen with a look of disbelief. His throat squirmed, blood gushing out of his mouth, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't do it.

With his throat cut off, he missed the chance of surviving, and his body fell straight and turned into a dead body!

All this was because of his carelessness to underestimate the enemy. At the beginning, he thought he could easily kill Fang Chen, so he did not fight with all his strength.

After Fang Chen found his weakness, he also blindly thought that Fang Chen would continue to attack his weakness, but he didn't realize that Fang Chen changed the trajectory of his sword light in a short time and sealed him with a sword!


A dull voice sounded, breaking the deposition on the scene, and at the same time let the powerful people present who were in shock reflected one after another.

They saw that the body of the ancient demon expert fell straight down, blood still pouring from his throat, and his pupils were filled with ashes.

"Dead, Lord Ancient Demon is dead!"

A voice rang out among the crowd, immediately causing the hearts of everyone present to tremble involuntarily, and the powerful upper Demon Sovereign powerhouse was really killed in this way.

After seeing this scene, they confirmed that all this is not a dream, but that it really happened.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smiled and nodded in satisfaction. He had just taught Fang Chen's martial arts and martial arts during the battle, which made the opponent out of the predicament.

And the last sword was cut by Fang Chen with his own performance, changing the speed of the sword light flow in an instant, killing all the strong ancient demon.

From this point, we can see how strong Fang Chen should be at the critical moment of the battle.

After this ancient demon expert was sealed by Fang Chen with a sword, the expressions of the people of the Troll Sect were not very attractive.

Especially the two Troll Sect Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses, their eyes flashed for a while, and they were a little at a loss for a while.

They had always wanted to use the strength of this ancient demon character to kill the two Ye Feng. But never thought that such a thing would happen.

Now, feeling Fang Chen's gaze towards them, the two Demon Sovereign powerhouses couldn't help but tremble slightly, their expressions showing a bit of panic.

"You, are you willing to surrender to Zhongchen Peak?"

Fang Chen asked these two martial emperor realm powerhouses, with a bit of strength in his words.

The bodies of the two Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses couldn't help but tremble. Their troll sect belonged to the Ancient Demon Palace. If they were to submit to Zhongchen Peak in this way, the Ancient Demon Palace didn't know how to explain.

And if they refuse to submit at this moment, the result they will face seems to be very tragic.

"We are willing."

After thinking about it, these two Demon Sovereign figures could only agree temporarily with imperfections. By then, if the Ancient Demon Palace soldiers send out Youcheng, it will not be too late for them to show their loyalty to the Ancient Demon Palace.

"In this case, from now on, the troll sect will be under the control of Zhongchenfeng. If there is a double heart, I will punish it!"

Fang Chen spoke to the two Demon Sovereign figures, with a touch of indifference in his words.

Many powerful Troll Sects trembled involuntarily. Unexpectedly, their Troll Sect would suffer this kind of ending and be swallowed by Zhongchen Peak, the weakest one in Qingyou City.

After leaving these words, Ye Feng and Fang Chen left the place. Fang Chen asked Ye Feng, "Master, I don't think the two of them are sincere, so why don't they plant a ban? "

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I just want them to invite people from the ancient magic palace here. This battle is inevitable. Wouldn't it be better to make a quick fight?"

While speaking, Ye Feng's eyes couldn't help but flashed a sharp light. The two of them killed the ancient magic power in the ancient magic palace, and the other party should get news soon and send the strong to Qingyou City.

By then, Ye Feng would have to meet these so-called ancient magic palace people for a while.

After the two left the Troll Sect, they flew all the way towards the direction where the Sky Demon Valley was located, which was also a canyon in a clear and secluded state.

It is somewhat similar to the canyon where the Troll Sect is located, but the orientation between the two is different.

The terrain in the Sky Demon Valley is intricate, and it is the area where many monsters live. Various types of big monsters appear here, forming a vast and endless world of monsters.

But this area is firmly dominated by the Kunpeng clan, and the Kunpeng clan is the king of the Kunpeng clan. The supreme existence of Sky Demon Valley.

But now, Emperor Kun was slain in the battle of Zhongchen Peak a few days ago. In a short period of time, there was no leader in the Sky Demon Valley, and many monsters were in danger.

The entire Sky Demon Valley was also in chaos, and many monster beast races fell apart under this chaotic situation, and each established their own faction.

The most important resources are still in the hands of the Kunpeng clan. The Kunpeng clan in Lingtian Continent originates from the "Kun Palace", one of the nine temples surrounding Tiansheng City.

There are many ancient existences of the Kunpeng clan in Kun Palace, where they practice and control this realm and possess supreme authority.

The Sky Demon Valley is just a branch of the Kun Palace set in the Qingyou Realm, and the Kun Emperor naturally came from the Kun Palace, but its status in the Kun Palace is not very high, belonging to some ancient Kunpeng The descendants of a strong family.

On this day, the sky over the Sky Demon Valley was densely covered with dark clouds, and the dark black clouds continued to roll on the sky, and the power of thunder faintly appeared.

Many Heavenly Demon Valley experts couldn't help but raised their heads and stared at the sky, and their hearts trembled fiercely. The pressure that descended in the void made them feel an indescribable pressure.

"That is…"

A strong man said with his eyes flashing, his face was full of horror, and among the dark clouds, a huge figure flashed in it.

The figure's body is hundreds of feet long, and between the flight, it covers the sky and the sun, holding up a strong air current, and the wind is blowing in the void, as if there are waves rolling.

That was a Kunpeng, an extremely huge Kunpeng, at this moment, this Kunpeng unexpectedly descended on the power of the sky demon valley.

Many experts in the Sky Demon Valley trembled. Among them, there were also many great monsters of the Kunpeng clan, but compared to the Kunpeng above the sky, they were indeed far behind.

Even the Kunhuang of their Sky Demon Valley can't seem to compare with this Kunpeng, which shocked many Sky Demon Valley powerhouses at the same time, they also began to guess the origin of this Kunpeng.

"Senior came to my Heavenly Demon Valley, and the younger generation missed a long way to welcome him. I don't know where the senior came from?"

Within the Sky Demon Valley, a powerful Kunpeng clan who had recently advanced to the Demon Emperor's realm stepped out. After the death of the Kun Peng, he became the person who temporarily held the Sky Demon Valley.

That Kunpeng's huge eyes flickered, and his gaze slowly descended on the demon emperor's body, and he uttered a voice: "Kun Palace."

This sound is not too loud, but it seems to have a very strong penetrating power, and it quickly spread through the entire space, allowing many people present to hear it clearly.

"Kun Palace!"

This vocabulary is both unfamiliar and familiar to many experts in the Sky Demon Valley. What's unfamiliar is that the Kun Palace is too far away from them. This kind of distance is not only in distance, but based on their cultivation. Not qualified to come into contact with forces at the Kun Palace level.

But now, this huge Kunpeng behemoth appeared above the sky, unexpectedly from the legendary Kunpung Palace, which shocked many experts in the Sky Demon Valley.

Then one after another bowed and bowed to the Kunpeng behemoth, showing absolute respect. Kun Palace is the superior power of the Sky Demon Valley, and the Kun Emperor of the Sky Demon Valley comes from Kun Palace.

This matter is not a secret in the entire Sky Demon Valley, many people know it.

In the eyes of the people of the Sky Demon Valley, the powerful Kun Palace is even more sacred, and even the Emperor Kun cannot be compared with his status and status.

These ordinary members of the Sky Demon Valley were extremely humble in the eyes of the other party.

"Get up all!"

The Kunpeng giant beast made a sound, and there was a bit of majesty in the sound.

"Who killed Emperor Kun?"

Kunpeng Giant Beast asked with a bit of indifference in the words, and sure enough, it was because of King Kun's death that the other party appeared here.

"Zhongchen Peak, Ye Feng!"

The pupil of the strong Demon Emperor in the Sky Demon Valley was shining with cold light, and he spoke to the Kunpeng behemoth.

The eyes of the Kunpeng Giant Beast were extremely sharp. In any case, the Emperor Kun was also the strong man who came out of their Kun Palace, and was now being killed by others outside.

Naturally, their Kun Palace must seek justice for them!

"Zhongchenfeng, Ye Feng, very good, dare to kill my Kun Palace powerhouse, this seat will crush you corpses today!"

The Kunpeng giant beast uttered a cold voice again, and as he spoke, the huge body turned around in the void, trying to fly towards the direction where Zhongchen Peak was located. (https://) "Ling Tian Zhan Shen" only represents the author Wan Mu Zhengrong's views. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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