Sky War God

Chapter 2284: Ancient Demon Character

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the eyes of many Tianhuo Palace powerhouses present slightly solidified, and a somewhat unexpected color appeared on their faces. It seemed that Ye Feng was actually fighting for Zhongchen Peak.

However, how dare they disobey Ye Feng's words, they just kept nodding their heads in agreement.

The two great martial emperors both chose to surrender, and whoever dares to resist the rest of the Tianhuo Palace, all the strong in Tianhuo Palace bowed to Ye Feng and expressed their absolute respect to Zhongchen Peak.

This scene caused those Qingyou city powerhouses who followed and watched to tremble involuntarily. From now on, Tianhuo Palace will become history, all under the jurisdiction of Zhongchen Peak.

And this former site of the Heavenly Fire Palace Zongmen has also become a branch of Zhongchen Peak here.

"Ye Shao, the old man dare to ask where Ye Shao wants to go next?"

After doing all this, a martial emperor realm expert in Tianhuo Palace couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

"The closest to the Heavenly Fire Palace is the Troll Sect. I am going to visit the Troll Sect."

Ye Feng said without evasiveness that these two martial emperor realm powerhouses were so smart, Ye Feng believed that they would not dare to play tricks with him.

"The old man wants to explain something to Ye Shao, and he knows that it is inappropriate to talk about it."

The Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse seemed to have guessed the next itinerary of the two Ye Fengs and couldn't help but speak.


Ye Feng said.

"According to the old man's understanding, apart from my Heavenly Fire Palace, the other four martial emperor-level forces all have their own backers. Those backers have already learned about Ye Shaozhu's killing of their subordinates, and have secretly sent strong men to station , Maybe just waiting for Ye Shao and two of them to join the trap."

That Heavenly Fire Palace Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse said to Ye Fengyu earnestly that he knew a lot about this matter, in the entire Qingyou City, it seemed that few people really understood it.

"That's it."

Ye Feng's eyes were shining sharply, and those behind the forces seemed very clever. After arriving, they did not rush to alarm him, but waited in secret, seeming to have calculated that he was about to visit these forces.

The Heavenly Fire Palace martial emperor realm expert looked at Ye Feng and seemed to be waiting for Ye Feng to make a statement.

"I really want to meet them!"

After a brief thought, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with sharp edges, and he said coldly.

After he said his words, he immediately let the Heavenly Fire Palace martial emperor realm powerhouse look stunned, as if he didn't expect that Ye Feng would rise up against the wind.

Knowing that the opponent has already arrived, he still has no fear. This courage is truly commendable.

It's just that those strong foreign powers are not as simple as Ye Feng imagined. Those super powers are not comparable to those powerful martial emperors in their Qingyou realm.

Once Ye Feng goes there, it is very likely to be trapped by them.

"Ye Shao, in the eyes of the old man, this matter should be discussed in the long term. After all, the strength of those powerful forces is not that simple."

The Heavenly Fire Palace Martial Emperor Realm expert kindly reminded him.

But Ye Feng waved his hand at him and said, "Since we are going to meet each other sooner or later, why bother to delay it so late?"

After speaking, they saw that Ye Feng's body had already been turned, and then flew away from here with Fang Chen.


Seeing that Ye Feng didn't seem to have the intention to listen to his advice, the strong man of the Heavenly Fire Palace Wuwang realm could not help but shook his head slightly and sighed.

This time, Ye Feng and the two did not listen to him, and they would suffer a loss in the hands of those outside powerhouses.

"You don't need to worry about these useless hearts. How they love to fight has nothing to do with us. Which side is injured, for my Tianhuo Palace, it will not change anything."

Another martial arts expert patted his companion on the shoulder and said.

Immediately, the two returned to the Heavenly Fire Palace together.

After Ye Feng and Fang Chen left the Heavenly Fire Palace, they flew all the way toward the location of the Troll Sect.

The Troll Sect, in the Troll Valley of Qingyou City, this 100,000-mile canyon runs through the entire Qingyou City.

In the center of the canyon, there is a strong magical energy all year round, the clouds above the sky are dark and black, and purple thunder is often shining.

In the canyon is the place where the Troll Sect is located. The Troll Sect is naturally the same as the Heavenly Fire Palace, and the building community is extremely vast.

The air in the entire space is occupied by magic energy, and even the animals and plants that survive in this canyon are mutated by the magic energy.

In the Troll Sect, there is a vast and endless palace. The interior decoration of the palace is very gorgeous. There are three figures sitting at the table drinking tea and chatting.

These three figures are all powerhouses of the Demon Sovereign level, and two of them have just entered the emperor realm.

The one sitting in the middle is extremely dignified, and the whole person is somewhat domineering, and sitting there casually can give people a strong sense of oppression.

The two Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses who had just advanced recently appeared incomparably respectful in front of each other, and served them quite thoughtfully.

"My lord, we don't take any precautions, are we really all right?"

A Demon Emperor Realm expert asked the leader of the Demon Emperor, and from the breath released from the opponent's body, it could be seen that the opponent's cultivation realm seemed to have reached the realm of the upper Demon Emperor.

The upper Demon Sovereign, there is no such existence in the entire Qingyou Eight Realm, even the former master of the Troll Sect, the Troll Sovereign, is only the cultivation level of the Middle Demon Sovereign Realm.

Compared with the person in front of him, there is a big gap.

"This seat is here, why do you need to take precautions? Bring Ye Feng here, this seat will definitely punish him!"

The powerful demon emperor waved his hand and looked very arrogant. Not only did he possess the cultivation base of the upper emperor, but his status and status were not comparable to those of ordinary martial emperor realm powerhouses.

Lingtian Sacred Palace sat down to dominate the ninety-nine and eighty-one realms, each of which was vast and endless.

However, different types of temples were built in the nine realms closest to Lingtian Holy City. These nine different types of temples are the hegemonic powers of these nine realms.

At the same time, they are also directly under the jurisdiction of Lingtian Sacred Palace, and this powerful Demon Emperor comes from the "Ancient Demon Palace", one of the nine great magic arts.

In the Ancient Demon Palace, there are many ancient demon powerhouses, each of them possesses monstrous strength, placed on the entire Lingtian Continent, they are like a giant like the Sect Master Chen Tang.

Ancient demon powerhouses actually represent demon cultivators who have cultivated for endless years. These people are extremely old, and there are even some powerful ancient demon, like their names, from the ancient times.

So far, he has already cultivated his strength to the extreme, but he has never had the opportunity to break through that artistic conception.

The high-ranking Demon Emperor powerhouse in front of him came from the Ancient Demon Palace and was also an extremely ancient figure of the Demon Emperor.

Perhaps due to his own talent, this ancient demon figure still has only the cultivation base of the upper emperor.

But the precipitation in time gave this ancient demon figure a powerful strength far surpassing the martial arts of the same realm.

Therefore, he was sent here by the Ancient Demon Palace, and he was very confident, and even felt like he was overkill.

I think that an existence like myself should not come to this small place.

In other words, the troll sect is actually just a branch of the ancient devil palace, and the master of the troll sect also has this master in the ancient devil palace.

His master has a strong position in the ancient devil palace. The troll sect master is slain, and the ancient devil palace will naturally not let it go.

Immediately send the strong to suppress!

Hearing this ancient demon expert said so, the two trolls, the demon king, couldn't help but looked at each other and stopped talking.

The two of them also knew that the ancient demons were powerful and should not be something Ye Feng could deal with.

At this moment, outside the gate of this palace, a demon cultivator ran in with a panic expression on his face, and then bowed to the three of them and said, "My lord, the big thing is not good, then Ye Feng led his personal guard to my Troll Sect!"

Hearing the words of this demon cultivator, the two Demon Emperor Realm experts of the Troll Sect couldn't help but glance at each other, and saw a sneer appearing on the corner of the ancient model character’s mouth, and said: "It’s just here. Go and take a look."

While talking, the ancient demon figure got up from his seat, and walked out of this palace under the leadership of the two troll sect masters.

At this moment, Ye Feng and Fang Chen had arrived above the sky above the Troll Sect. Looking at the vast and endless Troll Sect below, their complexion was calm and they did not speak. It seemed that they had expected that the Troll Sect would soon be. Will walk out.

Just as they imagined, shortly after Ye Feng and the two arrived, they saw the ancient demon figure appearing in their sight along with the two powerful martial emperors of the Troll Sect.

Ye Feng saw this ancient demon figure at a glance, and the breath released from the opponent, Ye Feng could see this person seemed unusual.

"Are you two here to die?"

The ancient demon figure looked at the two of Ye Feng Fangchen, and said indifferently, with a strong arrogance in his words.

Although Lingtian Continent is only the lower realm world, it has also existed for endless years, and it also had a glorious history in the ancient times.

Therefore, there are really many strong people living in this area, especially in the area where Lingtian Holy City is, there are many unknown existences living there.

The Ancient Demon Sect powerhouse is definitely one of the super powerful existences among these not too well-known forces.

"The Troll Sovereign is dead, it is better for the Troll Sect to return to Zhongchenfeng as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng ignored that ancient demon character's words, and said directly indifferently.

After his words were spoken, the ancient demon character actually laughed, laughing so arrogantly, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

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