Sky War God

Chapter 2281: No. 1 in Qingyou Realm,

Qingyou Shenhuang's words made Ye Feng slightly surprised, but he didn't expect this person to recognize Ling Tianyang.

It seems that the reason why the Qingyou Divine Emperor was able to sit on the position of the number one powerhouse in the Qingyou realm, there are many stories in it.

Seeing Ye Feng hesitated after hearing the name of the three princes, Qingyou Shenhuang couldn't help showing a somewhat triumphant smile on his face, and then said: "His Royal Highness has a very good relationship with me, if you Dare to move, let alone you, even the entire Zhongchen Peak will only be destroyed overnight!"

The words of Qingyou Divine Emperor gradually regained a sense of confidence, and the threat was extremely strong.

Many people at the scene flickered. Although they didn't know who the three princes were mentioned by the other party, they could hear from the other party's tone that that person must be a super terrifying existence.

At least, it might not be Ye Feng and Zhong Chenfeng who could offend.

"Did you finish?"

However, just as everyone present was speculating about the identity of the three princes, they heard such an indifferent voice from Ye Feng's mouth.

After the voice came out, Qingyou Divine Sovereign couldn't help but stared for a moment, and then asked Ye Feng: "How about, you know my identity, don't you tell me to let go quickly, if not, your consequences will be unimaginable! "

Qingyou Shenhuang seemed to think that Ye Feng was a little jealous of his identity, and his performance became more arrogant.

Many people's eyes flickered, one after another looking towards Ye Feng, wanting to see if after Qingyou Divine Emperor said the mysterious three princes, Ye Feng would let him go.

"When you are done, then you can go to death!"

However, just when everyone at the scene thought that Ye Fengfeng had let him go because he was afraid of the three princes mentioned by Qingyou God Emperor.

However, he heard such a sound from Ye Feng's mouth, which sounded icy and bitter, which immediately stunned everyone present.

Qingyou Shenhuang looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, and didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to say such words.


However, before the Qingyou Divine Sovereign could speak, the big empty hand released by Ye Feng had already been squeezed firmly, and a powerful force bloomed in his palm.

It made Qingyou Shenhuang's body tremble involuntarily, his face was flushed, and he felt that the pressure had penetrated his bones, making him very uncomfortable.

A powerful death air enveloped his body, as if to completely strip his life away at this moment.


There was a sound of bone fracture. Under the action of Ye Feng's big hand, the bones above Qingyou Divine Emperor's body were pinched and broken, and the whole person's body gradually twisted and deformed.

Blood was constantly pouring out of the fingertips of the big hand, and the screams of Qingyou God Emperor's mouth were screaming. Under the shocking gaze of the crowd, the body of Qingyou God Emperor was crushed by Ye Feng's big hand. Come, turn into a pool of meat!

The crowd looked astonished, Qingyou Shenhuang, known as the number one strong in the entire Qingyou realm, his strength was overwhelming, and his cultivation reached the realm of the middle emperor.

But now, he just died here, and Ye Feng used a big empty hand to crush his body directly, which was extremely miserable!

In front of Ye Feng, the powerful Qingyou Divine Emperor was so unbearable, he was killed at will. This kind of visual impact really made everyone present unacceptable in a short time.


Almost at the same time, on the other side, there was another concussion sound, which immediately attracted the attention of many people, and saw that Fang Chen's fist hit the body of the Qitian Emperor. Above.

The powerful destructive power spread throughout the Qitian God Emperor's body, causing the Qitian God Emperor to scream. That destructive power penetrated into the bone marrow, and in a short time, it shattered all the bone organs and tissue cells in the body!

The body of the Emperor Qitian was shocked and flew upside down, hitting a mountain wall, his gaze was dull, as if there was a death force enveloping him.

There was a vague voice in his mouth. Although no one knew what he was talking about, he could tell from his desperate eyes how unwilling Qi Tian Divine Emperor died.

As a generation of **** emperor, he ruled such a powerful sect force of Qi Tianzong and occupies a pivotal position in Qingyou City.

It was a figure in the entire Qingyou Realm above the clouds, but at this moment, the life of the Qitian Divine Emperor was terminated.

He was directly bombarded and killed by Fang Chen's horrible fist, and before he died, his heart was still full of unwillingness and regret.

I regretted that I was opposed to Zhongchenfeng at the beginning. If he could have this consciousness and always stand on the side of Zhongchenfeng, he would not suffer such results now.

However, now it is too late to regret, his life has been exposed to glass, and his whole body is completely limp.

At this point, the six powerhouses who came to besiege the Four Gods Dynasty, including the Daoists of the upper emperor's cultivation realm, and the five martial arts powerhouses in Qingyou City, all died here.

Being killed by Ye Feng and Fang Chen, the whole battle was complicated, but in fact it only lasted less than half an hour.

Looking at Ye Feng Fangchen, everyone's face was extremely calm, the aura was as usual, there was no hint of floating, as if they had never experienced a battle.

Many people trembled. Before that, they might not have dreamed of the young figure who had taken the first place in the assessment of the Zhong Dynasty’s disciples.

Once disappeared in the entire Qingyou realm, and when Zhongchenfeng was besieged by the six powerful men, this young figure returned strongly.

With extremely strong strength, together with his comrades, these six powerhouses were killed here. The whole battle was a one-sided situation. Ye Feng and the two won the victory with a strong posture, and declared to the entire Qingyou Eight Realm. The rise of Zhongchenfeng!

Everyone present was immersed in the shock, and the eyes of the two Ye Feng showed a strong sense of reverence.

The Zhongchenfeng experts all cheered, and smiles filled their faces. Before they Zhongchenfeng almost suffered a devastating blow, and even made them all feel desperate.

Thinking that Zhongchenfeng should be inevitable this time, but unexpectedly, after Ye Feng returned, everything changed.

Ye Feng and Fang Chen were like gods descending, powerfully slaying the six martial emperor realm powerhouses, and saving Zhong Chenfeng from the deep waters.

In particular, Ye Feng, on the surface, seemed to have only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King, but in the midst of the battle, he strongly crushed the dark tree demon of the upper emperor cultivation.

The last big empty hand also really shocked everyone present, Qingyou Divine Emperor, the number one strong in Qingyou Realm, turned out to be so small in front of Ye Feng.

He was clasped by Ye Feng's large hand at random, ending his life!

"Junior Brother Ye, you have worked hard!"

At this moment, not far away, Yun Dangtian, Huayuewu, Ouyang Qing'er, Han Tiankui, and many Zhongchen Peak powerhouses gathered around where Ye Feng was.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng with a deep sense of gratitude.

"Why, as a disciple of Zhongchenfeng, these are all things I should do."

Ye Feng waved his hand to Yun Dangtian and said.

Yun Dangtian’s gaze fell on Fang Chen again, and with a deep gratitude, he asked Ye Feng, “Who is this brother? I, Zhong Chenfeng, can get rid of today’s predicament, thanks also to him. ."

"You don't have to thank me, I'm just a personal guard next to the Emperor God."

Seeing Yun Dangtian say this, Fang Chen immediately said to Yun Dangtian.

After this sentence was said, it shocked the hearts of many Zhongchenfeng powerhouses present, and fought against the five martial emperor realm powerhouses alone, and suppressed the opponent.

Such a terrible existence was only Ye Feng's personal guard. They had never dreamed that their Junior Brother Ye would have achieved this after only a few years away.

What happened to the battle here was also quickly spread throughout the Qingyou City area, which shocked many Qingyou become strong.

All the five great martial arts powerhouses in Qingyou City died ~ This news is definitely a blockbuster for Qingyou Realm.

The five great martial arts realm powerhouses are in control of the forces they control, and these forces have divided up almost all the resources of the entire Qingyou City.

After the death of the five great martial emperors, the pattern in Qingyou City will naturally undergo a tremendous change.

And the deaths of the five of them made many strong people in Qingyou City very happy. You know, not long ago, they helped the evil spirits to abuse the people, helping the dark tree demons to destroy the people.

Now, only an hour's time has passed, these five people have died in Huangquan, and even the dark tree demon has been punishable.

It can only be said that karma, good retribution, good retribution, evil retribution, everything they are carrying now is the cause they planted themselves!

For Zhongchenfeng this time, the loss was also quite heavy, not only did many disciples survive the battle.

The building inside Zhongchen Peak was also severely damaged and looked messy.

Therefore, after this battle, Zhongchenfeng immediately entered a state of rest.

"By the way, how is Shizun's old man? Why didn't he see him?"

Ye Feng asked Yun Dangtian, Ye Feng had always missed Emperor Zhong.

"His old man is in retreat and it should be not long before he broke the border. Therefore, we did not disturb his old man."

Yun Dangtian said to Ye Feng.

"That's great."

There was a smile on Ye Feng's face. It was a happy event that the Emperor of Loyalty broke the realm. For the Bank of China, who had just been about 100 years ago, it was already very fast to break through the realm again.

From this point, we can see that Emperor Zhong Huang's excellent cultivation talent.

The news of the killing of the five great martial emperor realm powerhouses continued to ferment throughout Qingyou City.

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