Sky War God

Chapter 1171: Landing!

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"This wave is so big!"

Someone immediately spoke, watching the huge wave slamming down towards Ye Feng's body, and his heart trembled severely.

"Now I see how he can avoid it? He should be overwhelmed by this huge wave in the lake, and then be swallowed into bones by that strange fish!"

Some strong looked at Ye Feng ironically and spoke.

Before, under the beating of this terrifying huge wave, few people seemed to be able to survive successfully. In the end, the huge wave turned into the lake first and then became bones. How can Ye Feng be an exception?

Above the lake, Ye Feng's eyes were extremely sharp, looking at the terrifying waves that were constantly shooting towards his body. His heart trembled too.

He hurriedly released all the power of the stars he had comprehended in the previous time, and the meteor butterfly step was used to the extreme, and he quickly dodged toward a prescription position!

That kind of speed has more than doubled in an instant, the whole person seems to have transcended the distance of space, and the afterimage held up behind has become more and more gorgeous!


The huge waves slapped down, extremely swift and violent, carrying extremely strong oppressive power. Although Ye Feng dodged very quickly, he still did not completely escape the envelope of the outgoing waves.

His body was affected by the aftermath of the huge wave, and was almost not swallowed in. Ye Feng struggled desperately before breaking free in the huge wave, and the whole person looked a little embarrassed.

"Squeak, squeak!"

In the huge wave, there were naturally countless strange fishes. At the moment when the huge wave was about to engulf Ye Feng's body, those strange fishes also madly attacked Ye Feng's body.

They are very sensitive to human blood, skin and flesh. They are naturally bloodthirsty and violent, and they don't care about their lives when attacking.

Rush up abruptly!

While escaping, Ye Feng waved his spear and madly attacked the weird fishes. His spear light was fierce and domineering, and when he swept, the bodies of many fishes were chopped in two, and blood bloomed.

However, those weird fishes seemed endless. Just as Ye Feng killed a wave, another wave rushed forward, making Ye Feng messy and unavoidable some injuries.

And Ye Feng found that after he was injured, the blood merged with the lake water, and the weird fish seemed to smell the blood, and they became even more violent when they attacked him!

Relying on the mystery of the Meteor Butterfly Step, Ye Feng was able to endure endless terrorist attacks, but he finally saved his life, successfully begging this wave of strange fish attacks.

"This guy's life is really big. Such a fierce offensive didn't even cost him his life!"

On the shore, a group of strong men said, they thought that Ye Feng was dead and escaped the disaster.

But the big waves in the lake are irregular. After the big waves are set off on Ye Feng's side, there are also huge waves in the direction where the other strong people are.

They will not be so lucky when they are under the attack of huge waves. In this cruel environment, they are competing for resilience and personal strength.

A huge wave came down, and many powerful men were rejected and beaten into the lake. The bloodthirsty and violent weird fishes were like headless flies, rushing towards them frantically!

The screams are endless, once your body enters the lake, don't think about the chance to break free!

Their bodies were quickly eaten by the weird fish, and the blood merged with the lake water, staining the entire lake water red, looking quite tragic!

Qingyunmu and Qilinyan had suffered serious injuries, and they were also struggling in the fierce lake.

The flying weapon they were riding in was their only barrier. With his own tyrannical strength, constantly contending with those weird fishes, it was able to support it in a short time.

After Ye Feng escaped from a huge wave, he was attacked by written huge waves one after another, each time extremely dangerous, hovering on the edge of life and death.

Besieged by countless weird fishes, Ye Feng could only resist desperately with the spear in his hand.

While resisting, the steps under his feet did not stop, and he kept stepping forward, and gradually began to escape from the dangerous lake.

In about a stick of incense, the lake in front of Ye Feng was almost calm, and he quickly used the meteor butterfly step to reach the calm lake.

The whole person couldn't help but exhaled a long suffocating breath. The body was wrapped in lake water and blood, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Finally broke free!"

Ye Feng secretly said in his heart, his eyes looked forward, at this moment, he is not far from the island. Victory is ahead.

Ye Feng stepped forward, and the other shore was his motivation. Seeing that Ye Feng had broken free from the dangerous place of the lake, the Qingyunmu and Qilinyan behind them looked ugly. There was a lot of cold light in the eyes.

I can't wait to step forward and kill Ye Feng, but the lake is so dangerous that their bodies are bound to it. As long as they are not paying attention, they may be swallowed by the terrible lake.

The front of Ye Feng was already calm, there seemed to be no danger, the other shore was just ahead.

The Meteor Butterfly stepped out, and it didn't take long before Ye Feng's footsteps had already set foot on the island!

"I didn't expect that this person would be the first to board the island!"

This scene all fell in the eyes of a group of strong men on the shore of the lake, and an unbelievable color appeared on their faces one after another.

Before that, they had thought about Qilinyan and Qingyunmu, but no one had thought that Ye Feng would be the first to land on the island.

In their eyes, Ye Feng was an unknown little pawn, a little nameless pawn, UU reading But at this moment, it was this little **** who left everyone behind, broke through the dangerous lake and landed on the other shore!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

In the back, Qilin Yan and Qing Yunmu made this voice at the same time, how proud they are, the top tianjiao figures in Qingyou eight realms.

When it arrived in this assessment space, both of them were extremely dazzling and became a one-winged angel. During this time, their cultivation base broke through to the condensed triple peak state. Lead the crowd.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was given the opportunity to be an unknown person.

"Play slowly!"

Ye Feng turned around and sneered at Qilinyan and Qingyunmu, and then quickly walked towards the huge boulder in the center of the island.

On the boulder, the golden leaf lotus still releases a bright luster and looks extremely dazzling.

Ye Feng's body was enveloped by that golden light, he jumped, his body directly descended on the huge boulder, his arm directly held the torso of Jinyelianhua!

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