Sky War God

Chapter 1158: The youngest Supreme King Wu...

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Seeing that Ye Feng had no fear of him, Liu Yinglong was a little angry, and no one of the ordinary Wu Wang first heavy people was respectful in front of him.

Today, Ye Feng offended his Liu family so much, he was ready to teach Ye Feng some lessons.

He stepped forward in an instant, and the power of King Wu's five-fold peak realm was released. There seemed to be an extremely strong whirlpool in the void, and the entire space was flying sand and rocks.

In an instant, Liu Yinglong waved his palms and wanted to shoot a horrible palm print at Ye Feng, but at this moment, a glowing glow appeared above the sky.

In the next moment, at a certain prescription position above the sky, a strong man walked over the clouds. This person seemed to be only in his early thirties, but his body was extremely powerful.

His facial features are correct, his face is fortified, and his whole body seems to be surrounded by righteousness, giving people a feeling of fullness.

Many people's eyes turned towards the young man and forgot to pass, a strange sheen flashed in their eyes.

"Private fighting is forbidden under Zhongchen Mountain, so let's stop the two brothers!"

After the arrival of this young man, there was a gleam of light on his body, and then, with a wave of his big hand, an extremely bright light flashed in his palm.

That Guanghua flew towards the bottom in an instant, as if covering the entire space. Under that force, Liu Yinglong's attack on Ye Feng was instantly solidified, unable to advance for half a minute.

Liu Yinglong's expression changed in an instant, and he only felt that his body had been imprisoned at this moment. He couldn't help but raise his head to stare at the figure in the sky, and his heart was quite restless.

With just a brilliance, he knew that he could no longer release an attack. It can be seen how powerful the young man who came at this moment should be.

Many people on the scene are also trembling, and this is the real super power. There are many high-ranking martial kings who have come from large sect forces. They are all extremely terrifying existences.

Naturally, I can see what this young man just displayed.

The wave of the hand formed a domain, and it was still such a terrifying domain power, the strength of this young man was unfathomable.

"This person is in the sky!"

A voice rang from the crowd, and many people trembled fiercely. They were both familiar and unfamiliar with this name.

Yun Dangtian is a legend in Qingyou City, with extraordinary talent and extraordinary strength.

In Qingyou City, Yun Dangtian has already become famous and is a legendary Tianjiao figure.

A lot of cultivation miracles have been created. Now, Yun Dangtian, who has just turned 30, has reached the Supreme Martial King realm.

This point disregards the crowd in the entire Qingyou Eight Realm, and is the youngest Supreme Martial King Realm powerhouse among the Qingyou Eight Realms in history.

Moreover, Yun Dangtian is not only abnormal in his cultivation speed, but his combat effectiveness is also extremely terrifying. Legend has it that when Yun Dangtian was still in the Ninth Martial Realm, he shot and killed a supreme Martial King realm.

Just because the existence of that Supreme Martial King Realm provokes Yun Dangtian, and Yun Dangtian fought against that Supreme Martial King Realm in the void under his fury, and slashed behind the opponent.

Yun Dangtian even razed the other side's sect force to the ground, killing one sect by one person. At that time, it caused a huge wave in the entire Qingyou Eight Realm, and everyone was shocked by this incident.

There is a saying that it is difficult to find Yundangtian through the ages, which is a sentence describing Yundangtian's power.

However, Yun Dangtian has always been alone and has no school. Many schools wanted to recruit him, but all of them were rejected by him.

Among them, there are many superpowers of Emperor Wu who are interested in Yun Dangtian. With Yun Dangtian's talent, it is very likely that he will be another Wuhuang strong in the future.

If he can successfully recruit him into the sect, it will turn out to be an immeasurable benefit for the sect.

"Yun Dangtian, this person turned out to be Yun Dangtian, and I was able to meet the legendary genius in the eight quiet realms. I am really lucky for Sansheng!"

Seeing Yun Dangtian coming over the clouds in the void, a voice suddenly came out among the crowd.

A touch of excitement appeared on many people's faces, and it was indeed a fortunate thing for them to see the entire Qingyou Eight Realm legendary genius.

The youngest Supreme Martial King realm powerhouse in Qingyou Eight Realms, this kind of halo is indeed dazzling enough.

The clouded sky descended under the Zhongchen Mountain Range, which seemed very abrupt. Until this moment, many people who had walked out of shock were plunged into deep thought.

This is the place where Emperor Zhong Huang recruited the disciples of Emperor Wu, why did Yun Dangtian appear here?

He and Emperor Zhong seem to be from two worlds. The crowd had never heard of Yun Dangtian and Emperor Zhong before.

Hearing the voice of the crowd, Liu Yinglong felt relieved, Yun Dangtian was the youngest Supreme Martial King realm powerhouse in Qingyou Eight Realms, and it was normal to be able to dissolve his attack so easily just now.

"This person is not easy."

Ye Feng couldn't help but raised his head to stare at the white figure above the sky, and said inwardly.

Just from the breath released from Yun Dangtian's body, he could see that this person was extraordinary, and that breath seemed to be innate. A born king.

"Since Senior Yun said so, I, Liu Yinglong, let him go!"

After the attack was intercepted, Liu Yinglong immediately arched his hand to Yun Dangtian in the void and said with a respectful expression on his face.

The other party's reputation is too loud, even his Liu Family Patriarch has to treat Yun Dangtian with courtesy, not to mention his Liu Yinglong.


Yun Dangtian nodded slightly to Liu Yinglong, and didn't say anything, his eyes fell directly on Ye Feng's body. After noticing Ye Feng's cultivation level, Yun Dangtian's eyes could not help but freeze slightly. It seems a bit unexpected.

"Young Master Yun, this is the place where Emperor Zhong Huang recruited the disciples of Emperor Wu, why did you appear here?"

At this moment, a certain elder of the big sect force stepped out of his camp, arched his hands and asked Yun Dangtian in the void.

He is a high-ranking Martial King Realm. He has lived for hundreds or even thousands of years at least. Yun Dangtian’s cultivation base is higher than him, but at his age, he doesn’t know how to call him, he can only say The other party called Master Yun.

But when he speaks, he also has to appear respectful. This is the world of the strong. Whoever is strong must be respected by others.

"Emperor Loyalty, my master!"

Yun Dangtian's gaze fell on that person, and a figure came out from his mouth.

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the crowd at the scene were all frozen there. An unbelievable look suddenly appeared on his face.

Yun Dangtian just said that Emperor Zhong is his master!

This sentence was like thunder, and instantly spread to everyone's ears under the Zhongchen Mountain Range. Many people trembled, and some even couldn't believe their ears.

Before that, they all knew that Yun Dangtian had no school or faction, and did not belong to any power. At the same time, Yun Dangtian's identity had always been very mysterious, and no one knew where he came from.

It was only a few years before his rise, and he broke out a piece of heaven and earth in Qingyou City and created many miracles.

Today, under the Zhongchen Mountain Range, Yun Dangtian announced to everyone present that Zhonghuang was his master.

This news is indeed shocking enough that there is such a relationship between two people in completely different worlds.

I am afraid that everyone present would never dream of this.

In Qingyou City, the all-powerful Yundangtian, turned out to be a disciple of the new Jin Wuhuang loyal emperor who rarely walks in front of people.

It's no wonder that many sect forces in Qingyou Eight Realm wanted to win over this legendary genius, and no one succeeded.

Yun Dangtian already had his own master, so naturally he would not defect to other sect forces.

"What Young Master Yun said is true? Zhong Huang, his elder is really your master?"

The old man of the big sect force was a little unbelievable, and asked.

"How can there be fakes? Don't I even recognize Master Yun Dangtian indiscriminately? I am taught by Master. Now, Master and his elders have decided to recruit Wuhuang disciples, and I will preside over!"

Yun Dangtian's eyes flickered, glanced at the body of the old man of the big sect force, and said lightly.

His words completely confirmed the heavy news to everyone present. Yun Dangtian is a disciple of the loyal emperor.

From now on, this news will spread throughout the Qingyou Eight Realms, but I don’t know, what will the other five martial emperor forces feel when they learn about this news?

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