Sky War God

Chapter 1130: Defeated

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At this moment, Ye Feng seemed to no longer be the young man who could only be bullied. He really grew up and became stronger. He has become a powerful existence at the Wuwang level. From now on, no one can despise him and bully him. If not, he will definitely make the other party pay the most painful price!

While speaking, Ye Feng had several magic tricks in his palm again. When each magic trick came, it could make the defensive **** pattern on the ground even more tyrannical.

The power of killing and cutting was continuously released from the defensive **** pattern array, wrapping the bodies of the powers of the supreme martial king level, causing several people to release all the power they had realized. . Resist the invasion of the endless killing power.


Seeing this scene, the old man Tiancheng naturally refused to miss this opportunity. He controlled the large formation of gods originally engraved in the Dengxianlou, and also used strong killing methods to make the few supreme martial king-level powerhouses a while. He was in a hurry and suffered some injuries from time to time. Looks very embarrassed.

And the young man in the golden Kowloon robe saw that things were not good. With a panic face, he slipped away secretly towards the stairs in the space.

He was so arrogant before, and wanted Ye Feng's life with all his heart. When the dragon guarding the light group appeared, the young man in the golden Kowloon robes thought that Guang Chuan appeared for him, and he even made the move to welcome the light group. .

But things were counterproductive. The light group had nothing to do with him. It directly descended on Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng continued to gain the fortune of the Shenlong. He also integrated the ghost of the Shenlong that evolved from the fortune into the body, allowing his cultivation to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop. Arrived in the realm of King Wu.

Even when the young man in the golden nine dragon robes tried to attack him, he used the spirit of the dragon around him to blast him out and was seriously injured.

The young man in the golden Kowloon robe began to think that he was the biggest winner of this game, but he never thought he was wrong. The wrong was so outrageous. The final winner of this game was neither Fenglan City’s City Lord’s Mansion nor either. Dengxianlou, not even him.

It was Ye Feng, the young man of Shenwu who was previously unknown and regarded as trash!

Today, Ye Feng’s cultivation level has continued to advance to the realm of King Wu, and he has even displayed a superb divine attainments. Baili Jiangshan, who is known as the first person in the Eight Realms of Divine Pattern, has even suffered from Ye Feng’s hands. .

At this moment, Ye Feng used the large array of gods he had previously portrayed to firmly trap the twilight old man, Feng Lanqiong, Wanli Jiangshan, and Fenglan City's four supreme martial king-level existences. It all seemed to be It's all so incredible.

What happened today on the 9th, 980th floor of Dengxian Building, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that all of this would be true, and the whole situation would eventually be cultivated here as the youngest and youngest Ye Fengsho. control.

"Old man, don't be too proud of you too soon!"

Seeing the old man Tiancheng take the opportunity to attack him, Feng Lanqiong looked unwilling, and his body burst out, and he wanted to attack the old man Tiancheng, but the terrible killing power that surrounded him made He is powerless.

This large array of defensive **** patterns arranged by Ye Feng fits this space to a high degree. You can use the power of this space to fight and occupy the right time and place to have a chance to achieve this effect.

In fact, even if Ye Feng had advanced to the realm of King Wu at this moment, he still didn't look enough in front of these four supreme King Wu level experts.

If it is a head-to-head confrontation, Ye Feng doesn't think he can withstand three moves in front of any of these people.

"Stop talking nonsense, the winners and losers, you waited for a few people to be wrong, and coveted my destiny altar at the immortal building. Now, you are waiting for the blame for this end!"

The old man Tiancheng had sharp eyes and responded indifferently to Feng Lanqiong, but the tactics in his hand still didn't mean to stop. It is constantly released, and each magic formula contains the ability to communicate with the large array of gods engraved in this space.

With several large formations of **** patterns blooming together, the entire space seemed extremely turbulent. The two elderly Ye Feng Tiancheng took advantage of the space brought to them. Firmly control the existence of the four supreme martial kings.

The host of Dengxianlou had already retreated to the side with Ouyang Qing'er. Seeing Ye Feng who was surrounded by the light of endless divine patterns at this moment, the hearts of both father and daughter trembled.

At this moment, Ye Feng looked too outstanding, and the whole person was full of the majestic aura that he decided to stop to have.

"Unexpectedly, the divine pattern attainment that this son comprehend has reached this level. He knows how to fit into this space, and the power of the divine pattern formation he portrays is multiplied. The most important thing is that this kind of **** pattern formation has never I haven't been in contact, and I can't find a way to crack it for a while. I'm waiting for the four to find a way to break through!

Hundreds of miles of rivers and mountains surrounded the light of the gods, constantly resisting the attacks of the destruction of the gods on the surface of the body. The whole person seemed to be in a hurry, even if he was the No. 1 Divine Mark master of the quiet eight realms, he didn't have the majesty he had before. Looks a little embarrassed.

After listening to Baili Jiangshan's words, the face of the three great kings such as the twilight old man, Feng Lanqiong, and the city master of Fenglan City became even more ugly.

Under the envelope of the power of killing and cutting by the gods, they only have the power to parry, and they have no power to fight back. They also hope that Baili Jiangshan can lead them to fight through the siege.

Unexpectedly, even Baili Jiangshan, who is known as the first person of Qingyou Eight Realm Divine Mark, could not do anything, which made them feel a little despair in their hearts.

"It won't work like this, let's rush out together!"

An edge flashed in the eyes of the late old man, gritted his teeth and said that he was unwilling to accept such a result.

The other two were aware of it, and released the horror aura together, releasing all the most powerful offensive gains they had previously understood.

In the next moment, just listen to the terrifying sound of rumbling, the aura on the bodies of a few people is extremely tyrannical, as the Supreme Martial King level, it is really not so easy for them to completely trap them.

The terrifying power of the killing and cutting of the gods continued to invade, colliding with the breath released from the four of them, and the four of them struggled hard.

The body receded little by little, and the power of the sofa descended on the body from time to time, causing wounds to appear on their bodies from time to time, grinning with pain.

However, the strength of the four of them is extraordinary, and Ye Feng did not expect his **** pattern formation to completely keep them behind.

These four people wanted to leave, and each of them released their strongest power. No matter how terrifying the killing might be around them, they were all going forward.

Everyone has suffered different blows, blood is constantly oozing out, and the clothes on his body are also embarrassed.

Soon, the bodies of these four Supreme Martial Kings retreated to a prescription position one after another, and everyone's eyes looked at Ye Feng with an extremely cold luster.

The old man Tiancheng wanted to chase, but was stopped by Ye Feng. Ye Feng knew that the best result was for these four people to leave, and they couldn't keep it if they wanted to stay.

The four of them fled all the way downward along the ninth, ninth, 810th floor of Dengxian Tower. The look on everyone's face was extremely unwilling. But in this case, even if they stay, it seems that they will not do much.

And the young man in the golden Kowloon robe had already secretly left before that. At this point, the five powerhouses who had broken into Dengxian Building's ninth, ninety-eighth floor all fled in embarrassment, and the crisis of the altar of destiny was temporarily resolved.

And the solution of this crisis, Ye Feng has become a vital existence. Without Ye Feng, no matter how strong the old man Tiancheng was, he would still be hard to beat with four hands.

Therefore, after Feng Lanqiong, the late old man and the other five left, the eyes of the old man Tiancheng, the host of Dengxianlou, and Ouyang Qinger looked towards Ye Feng one after another, their eyes flickering continuously.

There is gratitude in the eyes, but more surprises.

"Boy, thanks to you this time!"

The old man Tiancheng stepped forward and said to Ye Feng, arching his hand, his eyes filled with appreciation.

"Senior, you are welcome, UU reading is all I should do!"

Ye Feng said to the old man Tiancheng. This time, with the help of the dragon fortune generated by the destiny compass, he broke his cultivation base to the realm of the king of war in one fell swoop. It was quite lucky. It was impossible for him to watch Dengxianlou suffer this crisis.

"These five people should be on the first floor of Dengxianlou soon. Seniors should tell the people who climbed the Xianlou below to look for An to avoid them in all directions!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he ordered the old man Tiancheng.

Before, because these five people were eager to climb to the top of Dengxianlou. There is no mood to care about the others in Dengxianlou. But now these five people fled in embarrassment, holding a stomach of fire in their hearts, if they were to meet the others in Dengxianlou, they would definitely not give up.

Elder Tiancheng naturally understood this, and he immediately contacted a powerful elder in Dengxianlou through sound transmission, and asked him to notify the others in Dengxianlou to avoid it temporarily.

"Ye Feng, congratulations!"

A fragrant wind blew by, and Ye Feng's eyes turned, and he saw Ouyang Qing'er's beautiful shadow appear in front of him, and said with bright eyes and white teeth.

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