【376】Sacrifice Magic!

So, when such a situation and problems have been placed in front of you.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen’s expression on the dark lord’s figure staring at the past has become more serious.

After all, no matter how the follow-up things happen and how they develop.

In fact, in Su Chen’s heart, there is one thing that he can always know very clearly.

The situation in front of him was enough to bring himself a huge shock and a huge surprise.

Especially now, but so much energy has already emerged.

As for the current state, Su Chen’s heart has already been able to figure it out.

Even the dark lord was really defeated in his own hands.

However, the dark lord must be very unconvinced in his heart.

After all, although it is said that he lost in the battle with Su Chen.

But one thing that cannot be changed is that he will always be the master of this field.

Moreover, he is also a big boss in a secret realm.

At this point, the thoughts in my heart, in the next time, I saw that the look in the eyes of the dark lord has begun to have a very serious and very subtle change (cged).

When looking at Su Chen, through the eyes of the dark lord, it has already started at this moment, and a very huge change has taken place.

Especially when facing Su Chen, I don’t know why.

The dark lord already has a very complicated and very certain feeling in his heart.

According to the current situation, the gap between myself and Su Chen is still huge.

This is enough to see through a lot of things and situations.

In fact, in the heart of the dark lord, what he knew very clearly in his heart was.

Except for Su Chen, I have never felt so nervous and fearful.

So far, when these thoughts and problems are placed in front of me.

No matter how the follow-up thing develops, what kind of result it is.

Needless to say, the Dark Lord is considered complete.

Encountering such a formidable opponent was obviously something that he had never imagined.

However, this seems to be a very pleasant surprise for the dark lord.

“Sacrifice magic!”

With a very serious voice broke out in the mouth of the dark lord.

At the same time, I saw a black aura, as if it was out of control, and it spread out in a frenzied explosion in an instant.

And, after such a situation was noticed in the eyes of everyone.

In the next time, the dark lord did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, he directly stared at everyone in a very extreme state.

Especially when facing Su Chen, what can be seen more clearly.

In the eyes of the dark lord, the expression revealed has already undergone even greater changes.

The dark lord also seemed to know that Su Chen hadn’t used the most powerful energy yet.

Therefore, while sacrificing energy, the dark lord may still have some reservations,

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