(367) Be vigilant, Su Chen is not human!

No matter what happens next and how it happens.

Since the dark lords have already made such a choice.

This is enough to illustrate a problem.

That is on this matter, the dark lord has his own considerations.

Moreover, his own considerations are also very comprehensive.

Therefore, under so many situations and thinking, the next time is inside.

Everyone has no extra thoughts and considerations.

Since the dark lords have already shown such meaning.

For everyone, everyone at this moment has no more thoughts and thoughts at all.

To live, to save one’s own life, this is, so far, the thoughts and ideas that have been unified in everyone’s heart.

However, as for their ability to be able to make confrontation and make-comparison with the dark lord.

This is a more difficult thing to do.

But no matter what, there is one thing that everyone can generally know clearly in their hearts.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so many ideas.

It showed a very dignified and very serious look directly, and looked directly at the figure of the dark lord.

And, when facing the dark lord.

It is not difficult to find a thing and a problem through the eyes that emerge from Su Chen’s expression.

That is, Su Chen may have been completely prepared.

So that when facing the dark lord, the whole person’s state is extremely relaxed and extremely calm.

It was as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

However, the more Su Chen showed such a look and state, after being seen in the eyes of the dark lord.

The more nervous and frightened the dark lord is.

After all, the Dark Lord can’t see Su Chen’s strength at all now.

Moreover, when facing Su Chen, the whole person couldn’t help feeling more powerful and complicated.

To be honest, since entering this secret realm to the present, more and more people have begun to focus on the situation in front of them, feeling unreasonable.

…… ask for flowers ……

The same is true for the dark lords.

Because now, many things can not be handled through their own thoughts and imagination.

There is another question, what is Su Chen’s origin, and why is his strength so terrifying to such an astonishing level.


In fact, according to normal principles, the dark lord has guarded this secret realm for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation.

But now, with the appearance of Su Chen, many things have gone beyond his imagination.

It’s like saying now, whenever I think of these conflicts and conflicts between myself and Su Chen.

In the heart of the dark lord, there will be a very nervous emotion.

Moreover, when facing Su Chen, the thoughts in the dark lord’s heart have begun to become heavier and more serious.

When facing Su Chen, the dark lord always maintained absolute vigilance in his heart,

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