(347) The power of sacrifice is so terrifying!

Although everyone has a lot of complicated thoughts and thoughts about the current situation in their hearts.

However, if you come back to your senses and think about the problem carefully.

You will also find a problem.

That is, although the question is raised.

But, everyone here, can anyone solve this problem?

This question may have become a very clear and very clear thing for everyone present.

The atmosphere has become a little tense and a little serious at this moment.

After all, these issues are really a very worthwhile consideration for everyone at present.

On the one hand, the strength of the dark lords is not something they can touch now.

This is the first and most serious problem.

The second is when everyone has clearly understood the strength of the dark lord.

What kind of strength is the dark lord, and what kind of powerful means will be used by the dark lord.

Such a question does not need any words for me, and everyone must be very clear and understandable in their hearts.

Therefore, in the following time, the direction of everyone’s discussion began to change.

That is, to conduct a serious reflection and thinking about the situation that may arise next.

“If the dark lord really wants to sacrifice, don’t think about it, we must all die. 99

“Yes, the strength of the dark lord is really too powerful, and everyone knows that the strength of the dark lord is a powerful one! 59

Really “I didn’t expect that the dark lord would also use such an extreme way to deal with the problem.”

“If you think about it, you can see that Su Chen’s strength is too strong. If you fight for a long time, the dark lord will not gain any benefits. It is better to fight with Su Chen!”

At this moment, everyone expressed their inner thoughts one after another.

Of course, everyone agreed that their idea was very correct.

After all, no matter how the follow-up things happen and develop.

For everyone, in fact, the one thing they are most concerned about now is not how powerful the dark lord is.

But the strength of the dark lord has reached a terrifying level.

This is the most worthy of consideration and serious thought in the heart of the dark lord.

And, everyone does not want to die, this must be a very certain issue.

After all, everyone finally came to this secret realm.

Originally, everyone’s heart was thinking of getting a little harvest out of it.

But what I never expected was that the benefits were not obtained, and such a situation was encountered.

If you also put your own life into it, such a situation will undoubtedly be a great loss for you.


So now, the only thought in everyone’s heart is.

Don’t let the sacrificial power of the dark lord affect him. This is also a very clear and very certain issue in the hearts of everyone present.

As for how the follow-up will be carried out and how to develop.

These are not issues that they can think about now.


The atmosphere has become a little tense and a little serious at this moment.

And, with the follow-up, more and more things and problems have been placed in front of him.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen also didn’t have so many ideas and so many considerations.

He directly showed a very serious look and state with a heavy face.

Then, with a very serious look, he gathered towards Su Chen’s figure.

Time has undergone a very subtle change at this moment.

With the follow-up questions have been placed in front of him.

Then for the follow-up things and problems, there is no need to think and question too much.

Everyone must be very nervous and cautious.

Especially for these follow-up problems and results, what kind of complicated consequences have been caused, this has become a very clear thing in everyone’s hearts.

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