(342) Seeing death as home, the fish is dead and the net is broken

Therefore, when the dark lord already has such thoughts and ideas in his heart.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord faced Su Chen’s expression and eyes, and then became a little nervous and a little serious.

And, while facing Su Chen.

It is also what can be seen more clearly.

At this moment, the look floating in the eyes of the dark lord towards the outside has begun to produce a very huge-change.

After all, no matter how the follow-up things are done, and no matter what kind of way the follow-up things will happen.

All in all, this is what everyone knows very clearly in their hearts.

When these problems are noticed in front of their own time.

In fact, the activities in the hearts of everyone are almost exactly the same as that of the dark lord at the moment.

For the dark lord, one of the questions he is most worried about now is what kind of means Su Chen will use to deal with himself next.

For everyone, one of the issues they are most worried about now is what means the dark lord will use to deal with them next.

All in all, such a thought and thought is a very worthy of attention and attention for the two of them.

And no matter what, no matter what happens next.

For Su Chen, his attitude has always been a very flat state.

That is, no matter how the next thing develops, after all, he will not have any pressure.

Because the dark lord is not his opponent at all.

Even the dark lord is like a flamingo boss, sacrificing all his energy.

In the eyes of vulgar dust, he is not enough to become his opponent.

So, when many such problems are placed in front of you.

Of course Su Chen won’t have any worries and greatness.

Even in Su Chen’s view, if the dark lord forcibly fights with him, it will only have a very serious impact and very serious consequences on him.

But it won’t have any effect on itself.

The thoughts in my heart came here.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so much consideration and hesitation.

Then he wore a pair of very heavy and very serious eyes, and stared directly at the figure of the dark lord.

Moreover, when looking at the dark lord, the eyes in the eyes are full of sharp murderous aura!

“Su Chen, I know that your strength is very strong, but if I exchange it with you, I will not lose!

The dark lord who had been silent for a long time finally spoke again at this moment.

However, the voice and tone of his speech this time were more serious and sharper.

Even when placed in front of him.

What to do and how to do it for subsequent situations and problems.

…. ask for flowers…..

These, it seems that the dark lord has already considered it clearly.

In the eyes of the dark lord, he must surely die.

As long as he fights with Su Chen, he will surely die at his hands.

However, since he cannot escape the fate of death after all, then he will fight!

As long as he can exchange with Su Chen, he is not a loss.

So, after taking into account so many circumstances.

The dark lord now has a very clear idea and a very clear goal in his heart.

That is, no matter what, I have to fight Su Chen with Su Chen.

So, when you already have such an idea in your mind.

In the next time, I saw that the expressions in the eyes of the dark lord became a little nervous.

And, with more and more complex problems and are placed in front of themselves.

On the face of the dark lord, there is already a feeling of death.

Since he will die sooner or later, and he cannot escape the result of death.

Then even if you die, you must have a meaning to die.

Even if he couldn’t kill Su Chen, there was one thing he knew very clearly in his heart.

Su Chen will also have a very strong influence and will be hit hard.

Therefore, in the dark lord’s heart now, there is no longer any thought or intention to continue to live.

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