[331] Can’t account for a little benefit

After all, if things go on like this.

To be honest, this is undoubtedly a very huge blow to the dark lord.

Because after this fierce battle.

The dark lord also seemed to be able to perceive Su Chen’s strength.

I have to say that Su Chen’s strength is really strong, and it is also really strong.

So much so when you let yourself face it.

This is what your dark lord never imagined in his heart.

In fact, Su Chen’s strength has long exceeded his imagination.

Even when he was fighting Su Chen just now.

What the dark and flexible group thought about was how to make themselves beat Su Chen.

But, after so long with reactions and thoughts.

The dark lord suddenly discovered a situation.

That is, Su Chen’s strength and situation have long exceeded his imagination and his attention.

After all, there are too many uncertain factors that are bothering me now.

Moreover, whenever these things happen, it will bring great pressure to the dark lord.

So, when so many things and thoughts are aware of their hearts.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

Wearing a pair of very serious and serious eyes, he looked towards Su Chen’s figure.

When I looked at Su Chen, it was as if I never thought that things would develop in this direction.

The atmosphere became a little tense and cautious at this moment.

With more and more problems and problems have appeared in front of themselves.

For the dark lord at this moment, the most important thing at the moment is that he must not let his guard down.

Just now, the dark lord also needs to admit that he is indeed a little relaxed.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t let such a thing happen to me.

Therefore, in the next time, the dark lord will not have so many thoughts and considerations.

He gathered directly towards Su Chen’s figure with a dignified face.

Moreover, when facing Su Chen, the eyes in the dark lord’s eyes have begun to change very seriously.

After all, one thing to say, Su Chen’s strength is really beyond his imagination.

Especially when so many follow-up problems have appeared in front of me.

For the next things and problems how to do, how to develop.

These are all things that can only be seen step by step (cged).

Because in the current situation, no one can guarantee that they can really defeat the opponent.

Neither Su Chen nor the Dark Lord can guarantee 100% that they can easily defeat the opponent.

After all, the strength of the two has reached a very strong strength and level.

Moreover, everyone has a very clear understanding and understanding of the strength of the two sides.

So now, when Su Chen is facing the dark lord, the look and state shown is such a powerful state.

The same is true for the dark lord. When facing Su Chen, he can see it very clearly.

The look floating in Su Chen’s eyes towards the outside has also reached an extremely serious level.

Although it is said that in the battle just now, Su Chen occupied a little advantage.

However, what Su Chen knew very clearly in his heart was that.

This kind of benefit is only the general idea of ​​the dark lord.

It is not that he is really the result of absolute suppression of strength.

So now, no matter how the follow-up things happen and how they develop.

For Su Chen, he himself knows very well how to do and how to deal with his next things.

The atmosphere became a little serious and a little tense at this moment.

Especially when faced with so many problems, the attitudes of Su Chen and the Dark Lord have reached a very cautious and serious level,

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