(321) Give yourself an account

Just when the dark lord’s eyes were still staring at his figure.

At the same time, seeing the look in Su Chen’s eyes, he couldn’t help but start to produce some very subtle changes at this moment.

And, when addressing these situations and problems.

One thing that Su Chen’s strength can also know very clearly is.

No matter how the next thing should be done, or what kind of trend the next thing will develop.

All in all, in a word, Su Chen’s heart has always been able to understand, and is also very sure and very sure of one thing.

The existence of the dark lord is a problem that he must solve.

On this point, there is no room for hesitation and discussion.

Su Chen knew more clearly that if he didn’t kill the dark lord.

From the perspective of the dark lord, he will not easily let go of his 550.

Therefore, when these situations and problems have all been noticed in their hearts.

In the following time, I saw that the expression in Su Chen’s eyes that was floating towards the outside at the moment had undergone a very huge change and a very complicated transformation.

Especially when facing the Dark Lord.

A situation that is not difficult to find through the performance of Su Chen’s expression is.

These problems in front of me have far exceeded my imagination and expectations.

Although the dark lord also explained it to himself very clearly.

That is, no matter how the next thing happens and develops, as long as Su Chen is willing to truce.

In exchange, Su Chen and the personal safety of Su Chen’s team.

Moreover, the dark lord also guarantees that it will not have any effect on them.


There is one more precondition here.

That is, the life and death of others have nothing to do with Su Chen.

After all, after such a long struggle, many problems are beyond his control.

In particular, the appearance of Su Chen, to a great extent and problems, also brought great pressure and oppression to the dark lord.

So now, there are not so many complicated thoughts and complicated considerations in the dark lord’s heart.

In his opinion, the one thing he needs to do most so far is to solve all these problems and get rid of them.

This is the clearest and clearest thought and consideration in my heart.

The atmosphere started to become a little tense and a little heavier at this moment.

As more and more situations and problems are placed (cged) in front of them.

The heart of the dark lord is actually very complicated.

What he never expected was that Su Chen’s appearance broke his original plan.

Originally, the dark lord thought about how to take some effective actions against Su Chen next.

But it was only later that I discovered that it was based on my own strength and realm.

So far, it is impossible for him to cause substantial harm to Su Chen.

That being the case, since the battle has come to the end, he has never seen Su Chen’s opponent.

Then you might as well stop fighting with Su Chen and put all your goals on others.

In this case, the dark lord can be considered to be able to give himself an explanation.

However, such a thought is just the dark lord’s own inner thoughts.

As for whether Su Chen can agree, whether he can recognize this matter, this is something that cannot be determined at all in everyone’s heart.

So, when these follow-up questions and ideas are placed in front of you.

The dark lord’s heart was actually muttering.

After all, if Su Chen doesn’t agree, then there is no benefit for him.

An idea that has always existed in the heart of the dark lord even at this moment is.

The occurrence and development of subsequent events is a problem that must be dealt with and solved by oneself.

even now.

The dark lord still had the same idea in his heart.

After solving Su Chen, most of the problems have been solved,

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