[308] There is light in the eyes of the dark lord

After all, in the eyes of the dark lord, Su Chen has always been his strongest opponent.

And, until now, the dark lord’s attitude and views on Su Chen are still in such a serious state.

So, no matter what happens next, no matter how it develops.

For Su Chen and the dark lord, this question will surely become a trouble in their hearts.

Therefore, when too many such problems and situations have been placed in front of me, “May 37”.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord did not have so many complicated ideas and considerations.

Instead, he directly lowered his expression in a serious and dignified manner, and in the next expression, he cast a very serious look towards Su Chen’s figure.

Moreover, such a look and state have already had a huge impact on him.

So, when so many thoughts and ideas have been placed in front of him.

In the following time, seeing the expression in Su Chen’s eyes, the expression has begun to become more serious and more nervous.

There are many problems, and so far, there may not be a solution.

Because Su Chen has shown his very powerful strength with the dark lord in the last second.

And, there is no problem at all that can bother Su Chen.

In Su Chen’s view, no matter what kind of reactions and changes Lord Heina will use next.

In his eyes, the Dark Lord is definitely not his IDE opponent.

The atmosphere has become a little tense and serious at this moment.

As the dark lord’s eyes have begun to stare at Su Chen’s figure.

At the same time, I saw that in the eyes of the dark lord at this moment, the eyes that were revealed had already undergone tremendous changes.

And, no matter how the follow-up things will happen and how to develop.

In Su Chen’s heart, Su Chen’s heart can clearly know what to do and what way to deal with it.

These questions have now become very clear questions in Su Chen’s mind.

On the other side, the picture shifts to the side of the dark lord.

With so many questions placed in front of him.

Especially when looking at Su Chen’s eyes, the dark lord couldn’t help but start to have more complicated ideas in his heart.

After all, no matter how the next thing is done, it doesn’t matter how the next thing develops.

For the dark lord, these situations have become a very complicated problem for him.

The atmosphere has become a little serious at this moment.

Moreover, every time the dark lord’s eyes are directed towards Su Chen’s figure and look at the past..

I don’t know why, in the heart of the dark lord, there will be a lot of complicated ideas inexplicably.

After all, Su Chen’s powerful ability is already very clear in his heart.

Moreover, even if he continues to fight Su Chen next.

The Dark Lord has no absolute certainty now that he can defeat Su Chen.

So, when these questions and thoughts have been placed in front of you.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, he lowered his gaze sharply and seriously, and at the same time, with a very heavy look, he stared at Su Chen’s figure.

When looking at Su Chen, in the eyes of the dark lord, it was as if there was light.

Especially in front of Su Chen, the dark lord seemed to have too many problems in his heart.

Every time the development of 4.3 arrives here, the dark lord’s heart will inexplicably have a very complicated feeling.

The atmosphere became a little tense and serious at this moment.

Moreover, every time these thoughts have been taken into account in their hearts.

in the next time. Of course the Dark Lord will not have any extra thoughts and thoughts.

Instead, he immediately lowered his expression, and then faced Su Chen’s figure.

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