[302] The disparity of strength

When facing Su Chen, I don’t know why.

There are always a lot of complicated thoughts in the heart of the dark lord.

It seems that as long as he is facing Su Chen, there will be a lot of complicated thoughts in his heart.

On the one hand, the dark lord so far has not had a clear understanding and clear perception of Su Chen’s true strength.

So now, after all these problems were noticed in his heart, the dark lord’s heart of course had a very complicated idea about Su Chen’s strength at the beginning.

After all, Su Chen has been fighting with himself since the very beginning, but he has never shown his most direct strength – strength.

Moreover, such a situation has been in a stage of hidden strength from the very beginning to the present.

So now, when many such situations and problems are placed in front of me.

In the next time, I saw the eyes and expressions in the eyes of the dark lord, and it was already full of fear.

Because I don’t know what’s going on, it’s invisible.

The dark lord’s heart has already produced an unprecedented feeling of shock and shock.

The atmosphere has become a little tense and a little serious at this moment.

And, no matter how the follow-up things happen and how to develop.

For the dark lord, there is one thing that he can already know very clearly in his heart.

If he is based on the current situation and strength, he will definitely not become Hua Su Chen’s opponent.

Therefore, when a lot of concealed things and problems have all been placed in front of him.

At this moment, the thoughts and thoughts in the dark lord’s heart have already begun to produce a huge difference and a huge change at this moment.

And, with the occurrence and development of these things, the dark lord’s heart has also begun to form an idea and thought invisibly.

That is, when an invisible force has been flooded in front of him.

What to do next and what to do next.

What kind of way to do it, all of this is unpredictable.

Although it is said that the current dark lord already has some fearful thoughts and thoughts about Su Chen in his heart.

However, when these problems are placed in front of themselves.

Of course, the dark lord thought about it at the first time.

In the next time, what method should I use to face Su Chen’s struggle, this has become a very questionable question in the heart of the dark lord at this moment.

At this moment, the atmosphere began to undergo very great changes and changes.

And, as these questions have appeared in front of themselves.

And they all need to make an explanation and result for these problems by themselves.

…..for flowers…

At this moment, I saw the look floating out in Su Chen’s eyes and began to become a little serious immediately.

No matter how powerful and powerful the dark lord is.

At least in the face of Su Chen’s pressure, the dark lord’s heart has begun to have a very panic and a very confused feeling.

Because Su Chen brought too much pressure on himself.

For a time, I couldn’t bear it anymore.

So, when these problems are placed in front of you.

How to do and how to deal with subsequent events and situations.

These problems have also become the most important things that the Dark Lord Dao needs to pay attention to so far.

At this moment, the atmosphere began to become solemn.

And, as the dark lord’s eyes have turned towards Su Chen’s body, he has faced the past.

Then it can be clearly seen that the change in Su Chen’s expression at this moment has also become a lot more serious.

When facing the dark lord, it seems that there are many thoughts in my heart.

Although it is said that the dark lord at the moment is not completely sure that he can kill Su Chen.

However, there was a lot of pressure in his heart at the moment.

When facing Su Chen, he was not sure that he would be able to defeat Su Chen.

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