[219] Resource monopoly? Crazy? (Subscribe!)

The atmosphere has become a little silent at this moment.

What needs to be admitted is that the words of the dark lord are not unreasonable.

That’s exactly what happened.

Even Su Chen knew it very well.

Although it is said that everyone now has put their greatest expectations on themselves.

But Su Chen’s heart is very clear.

That’s because they fear death, fear death.

So, on the issue of making sure that you can survive in this way.

They really think a lot.

Although what the dark lord said is true, there are 26 people in public now who don’t have so many good opinions about Su Chen.

On the one hand, even if it is because of Su Chen’s strength if it is too strong and powerful.

It will have a huge impact on them.

After all, the existence of Su Chen can basically monopolize all resources,


This kind of thing is not what everyone wants to see.

Because in this secret realm, what everyone wants to see most is resource sharing.

You may have the resources your squad needs, and similarly, we get the resources our squad needs.

After all, everyone needs to grow up.

So when it comes to the current step, Su Chen can also know very clearly in his heart, the most real thoughts in everyone’s heart.

The atmosphere has become very serious and cautious at this moment.

And, when so many things and problems are aware of their hearts.

Su Chen certainly has his own opinion.

On the one hand, Su Chen actually viewed this sentence of the dark lord with an attitude of approval.

After all, Su Chen certainly knows what kind of bad thoughts these people have.

In this secret realm, his own strength is almost invincible.

Therefore, no matter what, they must not dare to provoke themselves easily.

However, these things they did not dare to provoke Gui dared to make Su Chenchen feel very chilled.

First of all, fighting with a dark lord on the one hand is to protect his teammates.

But what I have to admit is that Su Chen’s approach has brought great benefits to everyone.

Put them on the brink of death.

But what?

What is the end result?

Not only did these people not remember Su Chen’s goodness, but they even treated Su Chen maliciously.

What to say about Su Chen’s actions, it’s all because he considers himself.

When this sentence came out, there was actually nothing wrong with it.

And Liang Chen also felt that this sentence was very correct.

After all, that’s exactly what he does.

The members of his own team, of course, need to be protected.

As for other people’s words, to be honest, it doesn’t have much to do with themselves.

Does their life and death have anything to do with them?


Therefore, Su Chen doesn’t need to consider their so-called feelings at all.

But now, when Su Chen’s practices have gained everyone’s attention.

Then I saw Su Chen as if suddenly thought of something.

So much so when so many things and opinions have been placed in front of him.

In the next time, Su Chen also did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

What kind of views do people have on themselves?

387 In fact, such a thing is not that important to Su Chen.

Because he never cares what others think of him.

However, what Su Chen dislikes the most is when others point fingers at him.

There is a sentence that can very aptly describe the inner activities of Liangchen at this moment.

That is, you can do it, if you can’t, don’t rush.

This sentence is what Su Chen wants to say to everyone at this moment.

So, ignore the way of the dark lord’s diversion.

Then he shifted his gaze and looked at the figures of the crowd.

While looking at the crowd.

At this moment, the expression and gaze in Su Chen’s eyes began to change very seriously.

Moreover, just this look brought a very fearful feeling and aura to countless people at the scene,

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