(124) People’s appeals, turn a blind eye

Therefore, there is absolutely no fear in the eyes of the dark octopus for these actions of the human beings in front of them.

It can even be said that the dark octopus completely ignored them.

After all, this is his territory.

As long as you come here, you have entered your own territory.

For so many years, the dark octopus has never caused any loss to anyone’s own territory.

It wasn’t there before, and it’s impossible to have it now.

As long as it is a human being that appears here, it will definitely use its most powerful strength to prove to the “Three Twenty” class how powerful its own strength is.


Just when everyone’s attention was on the dark octopus.

At this moment, the dark octopus suddenly made a sound.


I saw that the originally dark space had begun to compress!

That is to say, this space is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, everyone panicked.

Everyone has never seen such a posture.

So, when such a situation arises.

No one knows what to do next.

“Ice Soul Thunder!

“Death Blast!



One skill after another was released in the scene.


The spells they unleashed seem to be for the dark octopus.

It doesn’t work at all.

Even if it hits the dark space.

But it had no effect at all.


When such a situation is placed in front of everyone.

For a time, a very fearful thought and state emerged in everyone’s heart.

That is, if it develops in this way, it won’t take long for them all to die here.

There is a more serious problem.

This dark space cannot be broken with their abilities!

In such a situation, how to deal with the immediate problem.

For them, it has become a very complicated and embarrassing problem.

The atmosphere started to become more and more depressed at this moment.

Whenever I think that I am about to be tortured to death.

These powerhouses have long lost their original strength, and they have become very frightened.

“What to do! What the hell are we going to do!”

“We can’t just wait to die like this!

“Father Su! Hurry up and save us!”

“Yes! And Su Chen, he can save us!”

For a time, everyone’s hope has been transferred to Su Chen.

However, what will Su Chen do and how to choose.

These questions have become very clear in their minds.

Moreover, as long as it is what Su Chen wants to do, he can choose it no matter what.

Or how to choose..

When these questions are placed in front of you.

Of course, Su Chen knew very clearly in his heart what he should do next.

after all.

What follows is only what follows.

However, Su Chen has his own ideas in mind for what will happen next.

No need for anyone’s instructions.

Su Chen’s ideas have always been very firm.

Face these people’s reactions and actions to themselves.

Although Su Chen said that there were no waves and changes.

But after being noticed by Zeng Yao, Dana and others in the eyes.

Their views on this matter are still very touching.

After all, these people really look a little too pitiful.

So that when these pictures appeared in front of them.

They will have a little soft-hearted feeling in their hearts.

But, even so, they didn’t say much about 4.3 to Su Chen.

Because their hearts are also very clear.

What kind of things should be solved in what way.

For Su Chen, these questions do not require any words at all.

Su Chen’s heart must be very clear.

up to now.

when faced with an immediate crisis.

Dana and others have always maintained a very serious attitude, ready to deal with the next troubles.

Moreover, Su Chen has already made all preparations for a duel with the dark octopus!

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