In the police station.

After it was discovered that Zheng Shu's consciousness was normal and he had no additional violent tendencies, he was invited here.

Zheng Shu, who was entering the game for the first time in his two lives, showed full curiosity and no feeling of nervousness at all.

The leading police officer looked at Zheng Shu and felt a little strange. Last night, a major bad incident occurred in the city.

A hybrid turned into a Deadpool for unknown reasons and crazily attacked passersby in an alley. When he was discovered, more than three people had died.

When the people from the police station arranged for special incident handling units to go to suppress the incident, they found that the deadpool had been killed.

And the death was extremely miserable. According to the investigation results, it seemed that someone kept stuffing various instant noodles into Deadpool's stomach, and finally strangled him to death.

The nature of this case involving a dead person was already very bad, but the murderer was killed in such a cruel way, and the entire police station was in a state of emergency.

Although there was no surveillance in the alley, the police quickly identified Zheng Shu's presence by judging the time of people entering and exiting the alley from the surrounding surveillance.

It was originally due to the extremely tragic murder scene and the behavior of Deadpool being stuffed with a large amount of instant noodles without any resistance. According to the speculation of the criminal investigation team, Zheng Shu is likely to be a high-risk hybrid whose bloodline is on the verge of getting out of control.

Therefore, after locking down Zheng Shu's whereabouts, the police station urgently arranged various strategies to ensure that he would not hurt ordinary people during the arrest.

But in actual action, the process went incredibly smoothly, and Zheng Shu himself did not show any intention of resisting.

In this case, Zheng Shu's performance made the team leader a little unsure. If the other person is a mixed race on the verge of losing control, he should not be so submissive, and if he is a victim, he should not be so peaceful.

Arriving at the inquiry room, after asking some basic identity questions, the conversation between Zheng Shu and the team leader got down to business.

"Mr. Zheng Shu, did you meet Deadpool in that alley last night?"

Zheng Shu did not answer the question directly, but still put on an expression of sudden realization.

"I see, that monster's name is Deadpool, right? If the Deadpool you're talking about is the monster that has a human form but has scales on its body and claws on its hands, then I have indeed met it."

"You don't know Deadpool?"

"Why do you have such an illusion? Yesterday was the first time I saw that monster in my life."

Hearing Zheng Shu's words, the team leader couldn't help but frown.

"In other words, you don't know anything about hybrids, so why didn't you call the police after you encountered the incident?"

Zheng Shu raised his hand and asked his question.

"Before this, can you explain to me what a hybrid is?"

The team leader and his assistant looked at each other, and after careful consideration, he nodded towards Zheng Shu.

"Yes, but please explain in advance that due to certain principles, we will ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement later."

"No problem, that's what it should be."

Zheng Shu promised happily, but he knew in his heart that the so-called confidentiality agreement was actually memory erasure and modification through hypnosis.

In the original work, a certain classmate Zhao Menghua, who did not want to be named, had his memory modified by someone from Kassel College after accidentally entering the Nibelungen and being rescued.

Although the style of the government is different from that of Kassel Academy, the methods used should be similar. After all, this method of memory erasure does not seem to have any special sequelae at present.

Next, the team leader explained to Zheng Shu the history of dragons and hybrids in the simplest terms.

Although the story is relatively simple, Zheng Shu also found that this world is not much different from the original novel.

As a result, Zheng Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. For him, this meant that his intelligence advantage still existed.

After deliberately sullen and listening to the team leader's explanation with a nervous expression, Zheng Shu controlled the blood in his body to become active.

"I roughly understand, that is to say, hybrids have existed since ancient times and are not the product of some company's biochemical experiments."

Hearing Zheng Shu's answer, the team leader felt that he seemed to have grasped the reason for his strange behavior.

"The existence of hybrids is the result of experiments by ancient alchemists and dragons, and has nothing to do with modern people. Of course, in some cases, there will be people who deliberately manipulate the birth of hybrids, like the Deadpool you met yesterday. There is a high probability that it is man-made.”

"Great. My body has undergone many changes since yesterday. I thought I was infected by some biochemical virus."

With that said, Zheng Shu opened his eyes. Due to lack of blood, his pupils are darker, so the original eye color is retained, and it looks more like there is a golden light source at the bottom of the eyes.

But even so, it is enough to show his mixed-race identity.

Seeing the change in Zheng Shu's eyes, the team leader and assistants became obviously nervous. However, they slowly relaxed after discovering that Zheng Shu did not make any aggressive gestures.

After carefully observing Zheng Shu's eye color, the team leader winked at his assistant, while he himself explained to Zheng Shu.

"Please don't worry, it often happens that you awaken your bloodline due to major stimulation. As I said before, everyone can actually be regarded as a mixed race, but most people will not be able to do so in their lifetime. Just awakening.”

After saying that, the leader closed his eyes and pondered for a while. When he opened his eyes again, his pupils turned golden.

"The condition of your eyes is what we call golden eyes, which is one of the characteristics of mixed breeds. Generally speaking, the higher the blood level of mixed breeds, the stronger the color of the golden eyes."

Having said this, the team leader looked at the weak golden color in Zheng Shu's eyes, and his doubts about him had been greatly reduced.

"That's good."

Zheng Shu looked relieved.

"After being attacked by Deadpool yesterday, I discovered that something was wrong with my body. Not only did my physical fitness improve significantly, but my eyes also became like this, which made me think that I was infected."

The team leader accurately captured the information from Zheng Shu.

"You mean you met Deadpool head-on yesterday, and were even attacked by him? So how did you escape?"

After a short pause, he seemed to realize that his attitude was a little too intense, so the team leader explained again.

"Don't get me wrong, Deadpool is generally extremely powerful in combat, and very violent and bloodthirsty. Even trained hybrids like us would find it difficult to survive suddenly facing Deadpool."

"This...actually, I don't know the specific situation very well."

Zheng Shu rubbed his forehead and looked distressed.

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