Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 77 A wise man thinks a lot

It was pitch black in the underground subway passage.

Suddenly there was a bright light in the distance, followed by a subway speeding past.

With the development of science and technology, various advertisements can be seen even outside the window of the speeding subway.

Liu Ling stood at the edge of the subway door and stared at the advertisements outside the window in a daze. He was lucky enough to squeeze into the subway at the last second. But the overcrowded space prevents him from playing with his mobile phone, so he can only use this method to kill the boredom of commuting to work.

It has to be said that the competition for advertising in the subway is still very fierce. Basically, there will be a major update every few days. Although many advertisements are the same, there are occasionally ones that are eye-catching.

What Liu Ling saw now was a relatively interesting advertisement. Although it became a bit boring after watching it for a while, it was enough to pass the time.

In order to pass the time, he kept reciting the content that the advertisement wanted to recommend in his mind.

"Electric toothbrush, and Xixi, there is actually an advertisement for the game, naked man...huh!?"

The sudden accident made Liu Ling wake up immediately. Unfortunately, the naked man just appeared briefly and never appeared again.

Zheng Shu lay on the roof of the subway train, feeling numb.

His current image is very indecent. Except for a backpack on his crotch to cover his butt, he is completely naked.

There was no other way, and he didn't expect that he would forget to prepare a spare set of clothes. Fortunately, the backpack he brought was big enough. After punching a big hole in the bottom of the backpack, he put it directly on his buttocks to cover his shame.

But with such an image, you don’t have to think about taking the subway normally. As soon as you get on the platform, you will probably be called to the police and put in a police station.

Forced to have no choice but to use this method, Zheng Shu had to let the subway take him to his destination.

Fortunately, just in case, he asked Kassel College to help him prepare an emergency passage in advance, so that he could sneak into the airport quietly from a specific platform. When the time comes, he only needs to ask the reception staff at the airport to help him bring an extra set of clothes. Solve the problem.

The plan was implemented smoothly. Zheng Shu quietly sneaked into the airport toilet through various exhaust pipes or dark alleys.

Then he encountered a new problem - he didn't have a mobile phone.

It's not that he really doesn't have a mobile phone, it's mainly because the mobile phone was originally placed in his pants and was scratched by dragon scales when he transformed. Now it has probably turned into dust in the Nepal dragon root.

Zheng Shu was silent for a moment, squatting on the toilet and lost in thought.

At this moment, his ears moved and he heard someone entering the private room next to him. Knocking lightly on the door panel with his hand, Zheng Shu discovered through the vibration feedback that the person next door was actually related to him. He was the person who discovered him while speeding on the subway.

After unfolding his senses and sensing carefully, Zheng Shu indeed felt the very thin dragon blood in his body. Although he may not even be able to open the Golden Eyes in this life, it is already quite strong compared to the state of ordinary people who are close to nothing. .

Moreover, he is most likely a descendant of the King of Sky and Wind, so he has relatively strong conditioned reflexes and dynamic vision.

Listening to the faint sound of the video next door, Zheng Shu knew that this kid was most likely here to poop with pay. He touched his chin and found that the other person was related to him, and since he was pooping with pay, he probably had to poop in the toilet. It wouldn't attract anyone's attention if he stayed there for a long time, so Zheng Shu decided to "borrow" something from the other party.

Zheng Shu gently ground his back teeth and judged from the vibration of the sound that there was no one else in the toilet except the two of them.

Looking up at the gap above the partition, Zheng Shu jumped onto the partition silently with a slight leap. Looking at the completely unconscious person below, Zheng Shu jumped down without hesitation.

Liu Ling felt something move on his head. Just when he was about to look up, he found a hand covering his eyes. Then he felt someone pressing on his neck, and then his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Easily knocking out the fishing guy below, Zheng Shu fished it out and caught the phone that was about to fall to the ground.

Looking at the beautiful woman posing on the screen, Zheng Shu criticized his taste and quit the software. Turning on the phone, Zheng Shu skillfully entered a series of numbers with symbols on it.

After waiting quietly for a while, the screenshot on the phone suddenly changed to the logo of Kassel College, and Norma's voice also came from the phone.

"Zheng Shu, do you need any help?"

"Norma, help me contact my receptionist, tell them my location, and ask them to bring me a set of clothes."

"Understood, the response staff has been contacted. Please stay where you are and do not move. They will arrive soon. Also, as a reminder, as a star student of Cassel College, although the school is very tolerant of students' personal hobbies, please also pay attention to Your own image. If you have related needs, I recommend you to join the student union. Their initiation ceremony can allow you to release yourself reasonably."

Zheng Shu listened to Norma's words with doubts in his head. Although he knew the other party's true situation, he still couldn't accept being teased like this by an artificial intelligence.

"Stop, thank you for your suggestion. I am doing this for a special reason, so I won't bother you. How long will it take for the receptionist to arrive?"

"We are approaching your location and are expected to arrive in two minutes. In addition, just now, the mixed-race families headed by the Chen family jointly issued a wanted order for you. Your life is now worth 500 million US dollars on the dark web. It is expected that a large number of bounty hunters will take over the mission. And they seem to have issued orders to search for you in their own families, but due to signal blocking, I cannot obtain more information."

When Zheng Shu heard the news, not only did he not feel scared, but he raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a smile that showed his plan had succeeded. However, this expression passed in a flash, and he quickly turned back to expressionless.

"Are you so anxious? It seems that my life is more valuable than I thought, but even the Chen family would have to break their muscles to pay such a large amount of cash flow. Norma, thank you for the information. In my heart Countless."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. The principal just sent you a message after learning about you. Do you want to play the audio?"

"Huh? Play."

"Understood, the audio is playing: Zheng Shu, it's almost time to come back from playing. In addition, although this time is a bit impulsive, I personally like the activity of young people very much, so keep this energy."

Listening to Ange's voice on the phone, Zheng Shu was thoughtful. He had to say that Ange's attitude really made him very fond of him. If he was really an ordinary mixed race, he would probably be moved. Cry and cry.

Thanks to Supernova185 readers for the tip, thank you for your support

There is also a reader named Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Warrior. Because the comments on the backend show that it is always prone to problems, I only saw it today. Thank you for your red envelope support.

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