Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 55 Covering and Awakening

Zheng Shu was lying on the bed in the dormitory, thinking about what Ange taught in class today.

It's not that that kind of philosophy can inspire him much. After all, the king of earth and mountains is born to control the flow of "force". According to a more fairy-like saying, that is, the king of the earth and mountains is born with the "Tao" of power, and what he shows to the outside world is the "skill" that reaches the ultimate level of transcendence and sainthood.

Although Angers' technology is good, it is only in the good category and is far from reaching the extreme. If you really want to count it out, even the Bajiquan coach who was knocked down by Zheng Shu's punch has gone further on the road of "skills" than Ange.

And even that coach is only at the level of "skill", not "Tao". But Zheng Shu has truly mastered the "Way of Power". Although it is incomplete, it technically exceeds everyone's imagination.

In fact, Zheng Shu had already realized after Angers finished teaching this lesson that this lesson was not only for the students, but also for the school board and even the entire secret party.

In fact, there is only one purpose - to use his own identity to endorse Zheng Shu's ability to face the pure-blood dragon clan.

In fact, in the day after being discharged from the hospital today, in addition to all kinds of admiration and praise, Zheng Shu has heard a lot of rumors about himself. Most of them are about how Zheng Shu, a D-level hybrid, can do other A-level things. Something that no super hybrid can do.

Of course, many of them are completely unrealistic, such as saying that he is actually a humanoid dragon king. Even if this kind of rumor reaches the ears of the school board of directors, they will just laugh it off if they know Zheng Shu's life experience.

However, there are also many rumors that are spreading in good shape. Although they all have certain logical errors, for the people on the school board, if they can gain some unknown gains by studying Zheng Shu, it will be a sure profit. of trading.

But Ange told that group of people through this class that theoretically everyone can do what Zheng Shu did, but most people have limited talents and cannot reach that level even if they have practiced since they were young. .

In this way, the reason why Zheng Shu was able to face the pure-blood dragon clan was from an unknown special ability to a gifted fighting genius. Possessing unknown abilities may become material that people want to study, but possessing a certain talent is a talent that needs to be attracted.

The most important thing is that secret parties, including the school board, are particularly fond of this.

As for the issue of blood level, it was not within the scope of the secret party's thinking from the beginning.

Kassel Academy's bloodline rating is actually an evaluation based on each person's dragon blood concentration and dragon blood level.

Needless to say, dragon blood concentration refers to the percentage of dragon blood in the human body. Generally speaking, as long as the dragon blood in a person exceeds 50%, the balance will be lost. The dragon blood will quickly erode the remaining human blood and continue to increase. Its own concentration helps individuals evolve towards dragons. In the end, due to the residue of human blood, the individual will irreparably become a deadpool.

The dragon blood level is actually easy to understand. It refers to the dragon level from which the hybrid bloodline originates. Theoretically speaking, a hybrid derived from the blood of the first generation of dragons would definitely be stronger than a hybrid derived from the blood of the third generation of dragons at the same concentration of dragon blood.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the evaluation is mainly affected by the dragon's blood level, and the dragon's blood concentration generally does not affect the evaluation level.

After all, even the original work mentioned several times that dragon blood is very predatory, and most hybrids are essentially bombs that may explode at any time. Sometimes even just the mental fluctuations of a hybrid can lead to the uncontrollable strengthening of dragon blood.

Therefore, in most cases, what hybrids need to do is not to enhance their bloodline, but to learn to stabilize the dragon's blood and prevent it from being strengthened.

Even the Lion Heart Society's own violent blood technique is famous, in addition to being able to refine bloodline, mainly because it allows the user to "control" the enhancement of his own bloodline.

As a child born from a branch of the Chen family, Zheng Shu's dragon bloodline level is definitely not low. His bloodline evaluation is low, mainly due to the concentration of his dragon bloodline. After all, his father was just an ordinary person, and his mother couldn't even open the Golden Eyes. Being able to open the Golden Eyes and gain the Spirit of Speech in his generation was already considered a very rare atavism.

Many people speculate that his initial dragon blood concentration may even be below 5%. Of course, after experiencing a battle with the pure-blood dragon clan, it is unknown how high his bloodline concentration is now. After all, Anger has blocked all of Zheng Shu's blood samples.

Anyway, as long as Zheng Shu can maintain consciousness, others will pretend that his dragon blood concentration is still below 50%. After all, not to mention the Beowulf family who will feed the child the essence of dragon blood as soon as he is born, Angers, an old guy whose speech spirit can even influence the Dragon King, really wants to draw a tube of blood for comparison, maybe Zheng Shu 's blood sample is more human than he is.

However, because of Ange's lecture, Zheng Shu also discovered that the Dragon King's power had a greater impact on his personality than he expected.

If it were him in the past, when faced with the third-generation species, he would either kill the third-generation species directly before others noticed, or he would not take any action at all and just sit back and watch the team being destroyed and pretend that he is a survivor. In short, it is completely unacceptable. It will expose your weirdness.

But in fact, after he was sure that Angers would not attack him because of these little secrets, he chose the most flamboyant approach and completely regarded the families of the secret party as ants.

Thinking about it now, Zheng Shu was also frightened for a while. Fortunately, his natural personality allowed him to choose a more cautious approach after regaining his sense.

Otherwise, even if those people in the secret party can't defeat him in a head-on battle, if they really want to become hostile, let alone him, who is only three-tenths of an incomplete Dragon King, there have been many real Dragon Kings in history who have been manipulated by them. Move down.

However, Zheng Shu completely ignored the possibility that the other party might use small tricks. It was not until Ange told the class today that Attila was knocked down with poison by someone around him that he suddenly woke up.

What a piece of shit he is!

Compared with Attila, the king of the earth and mountains, the opponent completely crushed him in terms of strength and power. Even so, he still fell to the assassination. He obviously knew this history. Why on earth did he Dare to ignore the threat of the secret party.

After thinking about it, Zheng Shu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He was sure that he was affected by the Dragon King's bloodline, and he began to involuntarily treat other enemies as ants.

Fortunately, he discovered it early and still had a chance to make mistakes.

Regarding the bloodline issue, in fact, it was mentioned many times in the original book that the dragon bloodline is very aggressive. Unless the content of dragon blood is very low, otherwise the blood in the body will be out of control if not careful.

Thanks to Qian Luo Zi, book friend 2022100315446922, Aoty/Ai Dian and other readers for their rewards. Thank you for your support.

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