"Dad, you have really put a lot of effort into worrying about grandpa's affairs over the years. But because of this, your horizons have become too small."

Zhang Chulan sighed and sat on an empty chair beside him: "You have no idea what level of strength Brother Zheng possesses, nor what meaning his existence represents in this world.

Because your focus has always been on the alien world, you haven't been in contact with the outside world for too long. "

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yude gasped violently and slumped on the chair.

The reason why he behaved like this was not only because of his injuries, but also because the moment he had physical contact with Zheng Shu, the Qi in his body suddenly became extremely disordered, and it has not been sorted out until now.

"That's the literal meaning, dad. Hatred has made your vision too low."

Zhang Chulan dragged a chair to Zhang Yude, looked at his state and was silent for a moment, then pointed to Zheng Shu and described what he did on Nathan Island.

Although what Zheng Shu did on Nathan Island had a great impact, it was kept secret very well.

After all, for national-level forces, the number of people on Nathan Island is not too large, and except for a small number of unaffiliated individuals, most of the alien forces also maintain this secret in a tacit understanding.

After all, they didn't know Zheng Shu's attitude towards this matter. In order to let themselves sleep well at night, they basically chose to remain silent.

With many national-level forces taking action, various specific information about Zheng Shu has only been circulated among the top people for so many years.

That's why Zhang Chulan said that Zhang Yude's structure was too small.

Zhang Yude's strength is not bad, and the power he secretly attracts is not small, but because he is a secret power, he can only play some role in the circle of strangers.

Outside the circle of strangers, the seemingly good forces he spent his whole life recruiting were actually not worth mentioning at all.

more importantly……

"Dad, you are tempted by the secret that grandpa told you, right?!" Zhang Chulan stared into Zhang Yude's eyes.

Zhang Yude, who was breathing loudly, suddenly trembled, and then his whole body stiffened, looking like a sculpture.

After maintaining this posture for a long time, Zhang Yude came to "alive" again. He took a long breath and slumped down on the chair. His original unyielding expression became full of decadence.

"Yes... you are right, I am indeed tempted by that secret, so I don't want anyone else to know it.

But as long as anyone knows this secret, they will definitely be like me. No one can resist the temptation of this secret! "

Zhang Yude suddenly roared angrily, but he didn't see the extremely disappointed look in Zhang Chulan's eyes.

"Yeah, so it's just for this reason that you chose to attack Sister Bao'er, right?"

Zhang Chulan suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhang Yude's collar and lifted him up from the chair. Although his expression was still calm, his violently beating heart and eyes that looked like they were about to burst into flames exposed his inner feelings. anger.

"Oh, you attacked Feng Baobao? This is really a serious diplomatic incident."

Zheng Shu sat on the chair with his arms folded and looked at the father and son in front of him. Not only did he not have any idea of ​​stopping him, he even kept fanning the flames beside him, his eyes full of the look of watching a show.

"...Can you please stop making trouble? If you interrupt like this, all the emotions I had just been brewing will disappear." After a moment of silence, Zhang Chulan turned to look at Zheng Shu, his eyes full of disgust.

"What's this mess?" Zhang Yude, who was lifted up by his son's collar, was a little confused looking at the scene in front of him.

Zhang Chulan put Zhang Yude on the chair again, and the angry look disappeared from his eyes.

However, in Zhang Yude's view, Zhang Chulan's current indifferent look was even more frightening. He looked as if he were looking at a stranger, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"Like I said, dad, your situation is too small now, and you are no longer the same dad." Zhang Chulan looked at him expressionlessly and pointed at Zheng Zheng. Dawn.

"According to the official records, Sister Bao'er is from the Qingyuan planet, and this guy is from the third-type contact department. Your random attacks on alien visitors are within his jurisdiction. Fortunately, it didn't cause too much trouble. There will be serious consequences, so this matter still needs to be discussed.”

"Huh? Alien visitors?" Zhang Yude looked blank.

"Yes, let me introduce you again. This is Zheng Shu, a non-staff member of the Third Contact Department. By the way, my official race is Kitty."

Zheng Shu cooperated and took out the relevant documents from his clothes, and took off his hat, revealing a pair of animal ears on his head.

Seeing Zhang Yude's increasingly dull expression, Zheng Shu's smile became more "kind".

"Mr. Zhang Yude, the technological level of the Qingyuan people far exceeds that of the civilization on earth, and they are also a part of the interstellar alliance. They are quite famous in the interstellar alliance. What you do is really very difficult for us to do. .”

Looking at the organs on Zheng Shu's head that shouldn't exist, and listening to the almost nonsense words in his mouth, Zhang Yude felt that his whole body was going into chaos.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible. What nonsense are you talking about? That Feng Baobao...that Feng Baobao can't be an alien."

"I know." Zheng Shu nodded calmly.


"None of the things Zhang Chulan said just now lied to you. I am indeed a non-staff member of the Third Contact Department, and there are indeed aliens in this world. Of course, I also know that Baby Feng is not an alien at all."

Zhang Yude was confused when faced with Zheng Shu's calm words: "Then you..."

"After all, I personally made the proof that Feng Baobao is a Qingyuan star. To put it simply, it is representative evidence of my abuse of power! By the way, even if I kill you here, you can still use mine. Please keep your authority down." Zheng Shu showed a healthy smile on his face and gave Zhang Yude a thumbs up.

Faced with such arrogant and domineering words that used power to suppress others, Zhang Yude, who had spent half his life illegally organizing secret gatherings, fell silent. At this moment, he suddenly had an unusual desire for just laws.

After teasing Zhang Yude for a while, Zheng Shu was satisfied and prepared to leave.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You can resolve the matter between you father and son by yourselves."

Zheng Shu stretched and took out a bead from his pocket and threw it to Zhang Chulan.

"Use this thing to treat your father. You know how to use it. It's a reward for giving him the answer."

"Huh? Haven't you finished asking the question yet? You already know the answer?" Zhang Chulan carefully took the healing beads from Zheng Shu and sold them to his old father again without hesitation.

"Actually, over the years, with the in-depth research, we have already come to a conclusion. I came to see him this time just to confirm." Zheng Shu stretched his waist.

"As long as the previous things are confirmed, there is basically no need to ask about the things he concealed later."

Zhang Chulan nodded thoughtfully: "So that's it, but I'm a little curious. What is the unspoken second half of my grandfather's secret you just mentioned...?"

"Ah, it's not a big deal actually..."

"That is something that cannot be revealed casually..."

Two different voices appeared at the same time, representing completely different attitudes of Zheng Shu and Zhang Yude.

Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Yude, with an inexplicable laughter on his face, and then turned to look at Zhang Chulan: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that you can become an immortal."

"Become an immortal?"

"Yes! Become an immortal!" The person who said this was not Zheng Shu, but Zhang Yude.

"The reason why Dad and the others were willing to form a sworn relationship with Wu Gensheng was because of the idea he proposed, a future where everyone in the world could practice beyond the limits of qualifications, and eventually everyone could become an immortal! "

"People all over the world can become immortals... Is such a fantasy really possible?"

Even though he was well prepared, Zhang Chulan was still shocked by the result.

Zhang Chulan's eyes couldn't help but look at Zheng Shu, hoping that this most mysterious and knowledgeable person in his impression would refute this fantasy.

"Theoretically, yes." Zheng Shu nodded without hesitation.

"How is that possible?!" Zhang Chulan's voice changed slightly.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why his father had become so strange. That was becoming an immortal. It was the ultimate goal and wish of all cultivators, and it was just placed in front of him.

Zhang Chulan suspected that if he hadn't seen too many things with Zheng Shu, he might not be able to control himself.

"Calm down, it's just becoming an immortal, it's no big deal."

Zheng Shu patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder, and inexplicable power penetrated his body, making him finally calm down from his previous state.

"No, this shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Zhang Chulan took a deep breath. Although Zheng Shu's power calmed him down, the impact on his mind was still unavoidable.

"But it's really not a big deal to me. It's just an immortal. Without considering some messy situations, the power of an immortal can actually be calculated." Zheng Shu snapped his fingers.

Hearing this, not only Zhang Chulan, but also Zhang Yude, who had looked disdainful from the beginning, couldn't help but turn his eyes to Zheng Shu.

"Hmph! I really don't know how high the sky is." Zhang Yude sneered, trying to regain his face stubbornly.

Zheng Shu didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, but counted on Zhang Chulan's fingers.

"You see, the old Celestial Master was originally hailed as the person most likely to become an immortal. With his qualifications, if there were no restrictions on the Celestial Master's degree, the final strength that could be improved can actually be calculated using statistics.

Of course, considering that there may be a drastic change in strength after becoming an immortal, this should also be taken into consideration. I studied the secret cultivation methods of the major forces and used their descriptions and records of becoming an immortal. Make speculations.

In the end, we can draw a conclusion. If we don't take into account some unexpected circumstances, the immortal's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. "

"Hmph!" Zhang Yude sneered again, seeming to be mocking the hypocrisy of Zheng Shu's statement, which was inconsistent with the previous one.

"Can I kill him?" Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Yude.

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, Grandpa Zheng, it's my fault, my fault! Let's not be angry, just keep going, keep going." Zhang Chulan was so frightened that she rushed directly to Zheng Shu's side and hugged his thigh.

"Tsk! Forget it, for your sake, don't worry about it. All in all, the immortal's combat power is indeed very strong. In the extreme state, it should be about the same as the normal output of one of my arms. For the species of 'human', this kind of The increase has been quite terrifying.”

"Ah...that's really awesome!"

Zhang Chulan recalled the way Zheng Shu played with the aircraft carrier wantonly. Even if he only had the strength of one arm, it should be enough to walk sideways in modern times.

"It's awesome, and it's feasible to a certain extent, but who said this is really a good thing?" Zheng Shu curled his lips.

In fact, with Zheng Shu's current level of knowledge, if he wanted to, he would be able to perfectly present their plan in the Kingdom of Heaven for a few years.

After all, the basis of this plan: the self-cultivation furnace, Zheng Shu can completely copy it with his own ability. With a little improvement, it can become an artifact that can perfectly change human qualifications.

As for the whole people becoming immortals, it is not difficult for Zheng Shu who has already studied the secret techniques of various schools. It just takes a little more time.

But whether this kind of thing is a good thing or not... To be honest, Zheng Shu already has the answer in Xingyue World.

"National evolution or something like that, this kind of chaotic lunatic can cause more harm than those simple evil people..."

Zheng Shu muttered a few words and didn't say anything else. Instead, he waved his hands to Zhang Chulan and left here neatly.

With one step, Zheng Shu returned to Baiyun Temple.

After sitting on the futon in his room in a daze for a while, Zheng Shu thought for a while, then stood up and left the room instead of continuing the research.

Going straight to the library of Baiyunguan, Zheng Shu did not go to the place where the secret training books were, but walked to another bookshelf.

All the information recorded in the books above is related to the history of Baiyun Temple and Quanzhen Sect.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to see some information here."

Zheng Shu glanced at the bookshelf, casually took out an old-looking book and started reading.

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