After giving the solution, Zheng Shu paid off Wang Ye's favor and stopped caring about the rest. He said goodbye to the two of them very simply and prepared to leave.

He knew that the rest of the matter could be easily solved with national power, including the seemingly difficult matter of deleting memories.

Zheng Shu estimated that Qu Tong of Yaoxing Society would be the most uncomfortable person in what happened next.

The plan proposed by Zheng Shu will make the country pay more attention to the ability to control memory. At this stage, the more famous one in the circle is the Lu family's Minghun Technique, but the country will definitely not allow such an important thing to be passed down to only one family. In his bloodline, the search for both hands will definitely be put on the agenda.

Qu Tong seemed to be hiding well before, but that was actually because the country was not really determined to find her.

But that's not something Zheng Shu needs to worry about.

After settling the two people's request to see each other off, Zheng Shu unexpectedly ran into Zhang Chulan who was walking towards the bunker on the way out of the bunker.

"Zheng Shu? Why are you here?"

"Hey, Lao Zhang, I didn't expect that I could enter the bunker even after not seeing you for a few days. You're doing well."

Although Zheng Shu could easily enter and leave the bunker as if he were at home, the secret level of the bunker was actually extremely high.

Especially now, the confidentiality level of the bunker has been raised again due to the resurrection circle. Even Liao Zhong, who was originally in charge of the bunker, has been transferred and is now under the personal control of Zhao Fangxu. Ordinary directors are now not even qualified to obtain information about the bunker.

"Hey, don't mention it. It's all thanks to you." Zhang Chulan smiled awkwardly.

"Looking at you like this... you are a little depressed. This is quite rare. If you tell me anything you are unhappy about, it makes me happy." Zheng Shu looked Zhang Chulan up and down.

We haven’t seen each other for nearly a year. This kid has changed a lot, but more importantly, he has a sense of vicissitudes of life.

When Zheng Shu saw him, in addition to this sense of vicissitudes of life, he was also filled with a full of tangled emotions.

"You guy... I always feel like you are getting worse and worse." The corner of Zhang Chulan's mouth twitched.

"No, no, no, that's what I call my true intention." Zheng Shu smiled and shook his finger.

The two exchanged greetings for a while, and then Zhang Chulan sighed and slowly told the reason for his entanglement.

"Actually, I may have found the culprit who reported the thirty-six thieves. But..."

"Mei Jinfeng, right?"

"F*ck! How did you know that?!" Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu as if he had seen a ghost.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he immediately covered his head and quickly backed away:

"You guys can't read my mind again, can you?!"

"No, I really didn't read minds this time." Zheng Shu said very seriously.

"So you still admitted that you can read minds!"

After a while, Zhang Chulan felt that there was no point in being so vigilant, so he sighed helplessly again.

"Forget it, let's forget about your ability. Anyway, I probably won't be surprised by what you do now. If you didn't read minds, how did you know that the person who reported you was Mei Jinfeng? "

"It's just a simple elimination method."

Zheng Shu didn't lie. The reason why he felt that Mei Jinfeng was the one who reported the Thirty-Six Thieves was because he simply used the elimination method.

According to Lu Jin in the original book, the list of the thirty-six thieves who gathered together was spread to various forces by a stranger, and the report list appeared quite suddenly. Even the thirty-six thieves themselves did not think of it at first. matter.

First of all, there are very few people who know about the sworn alliance of the Thirty-Six Thieves. Apart from the Thirty-Six Thieves themselves, the only ones who may theoretically know about the existence of the Thirty-Six Thieves are probably a few followers around Wu Gensheng.

At that time, there were actually only two people left who were still alive and who were not the rootless followers of the Thirty-six Thieves. One was Mei Jinfeng, and the other was her licking dog Xia Liuqing.

Basically, it is impossible for the betrayer to be someone within the Thirty-six Thieves. Apart from the name Feng Yao who has no roots, a very important reason is that those "report letters" were sent to all the forces. Again.

This method of handling does not seem like a planned attempt to exterminate some thieves, but more like a hysterical attempt to destroy this group of people for some unknown reason.

As for why Zheng Shu felt that Mei Jinfeng was more suspicious between Mei Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing, it was because Mei Jinfeng had enough motivation to do so.

It can be seen from the original work that the reason why Mei Jinfeng is willing to follow Wu Gensheng is to pursue the sense of "purity" around Wu Gensheng.

Moreover, her will to pursue this tranquility is quite firm. For this reason, she is even willing to follow Wu Gensheng's footsteps and accompany him through various dangerous things.

But precisely because of this, Mei Jinfeng should be the first person to notice the changes in Wugensheng.

Not long after that, Wu Gensheng became a sworn brother of thirty-six thieves, and they were sworn brothers without Mei Jinfeng.

Then Mei Jinfeng's thoughts are actually obvious. In her opinion, it may be because of these people that the tranquility she pursues disappears.

In this case, as long as these thirty or so people are killed, maybe the peace she pursues can return again.

Wu Gensheng's evaluation of Mei Jinfeng is actually quite correct. She is indeed the second type of person: skilled but not wise.

He has some ability, but cannot find his own goal or meaning in life, so after seizing a possible goal, he can burst out with quite terrifying desire and action.

Many people have been deceived by Mei Jinfeng's performance in the original work. It is completely different from Li Muxuan who joined Quan Xing because of a temporary conflict of temperament, or Lu Liang who joined Quan Xing because he was desperate. Mei Jinfeng It’s the real deal!

She really chose to join the Quanxing people because of her own desires and will. In a sense, apart from the difference in strength, Mei Jinfeng is actually the same as Bai Owl Liang Ting, or the Four Crazy people, who are the top of the Quanxing people. There is no distinction between evildoers.

Therefore, it is quite possible for her to "betray" Wugensheng for a so-called sense of tranquility.

After listening to Zheng Shu's explanation, Zhang Chulan fell silent.

"...Did you know these things from the beginning?"

"Absolutely." Zheng Shu glanced at Zhang Chulan, "Tell me why you feel confused."

"Do you still need to ask? In a sense, that person is the culprit who made my grandfather hide and hide his whole life, and even affected my whole life."

"So, just kill her, why are you so confused?" Zheng Shu asked again.

Zhang Chulan did not answer immediately this time, but stood there and thought for a long time.

Zheng Shu did not stand here waiting for Zhang Chulan to get the answer, but waved his hand towards him and left.

"Just think about it yourself, I can't help you with this matter anyway."

Seeing that there was no fun, Zheng Shu left the bunker with some regrets and returned to Baiyun Temple to continue his daily life.

It is still very difficult to analyze the thinking-matter conversion technology, but as time goes by, at least Zheng Shu is no longer as clueless as before, but gradually grasps certain contexts.

Not long after, Zheng Shu received news from Zhang Chulan: Qu Tong, the president of Yaoxing Club, was arrested.

The charges are of course ready-made. After all, she has not yet settled the matter of sending people to kill Zhang Chulan, attacking the company's convoy escorting Ma Xianhong, and sending people to the island to arrest Ruan Feng, one of the thirty-six thieves.

In a sense, by arresting her, the company saved Qu Tong's life. Otherwise, she would have been slaughtered by someone accidentally one day after her identity was exposed. .

According to the information obtained by Zhang Chulan, Qu Tong is actually the daughter of Duan Muying and Wang Zizhong, which means that she is actually about the same age as Ma Xianhong's grandfather.

However, in order to avoid disaster after giving birth to her, Duanmuying froze her body with both hands, and it took a long time for her to wake up.

For Qu Tong's safety, the company secretly detained her after arresting her. Now no one knows where she is.

However, judging from how quickly the company came up with the training method of using both hands, Qu Tong probably made some kind of deal with the company.

In short, with both hands as a guarantee, the company not only made rapid progress in treatment research, but also finally found some talents suitable for cultivating Fenghou Qimen.

Things gradually got on track, and with the passage of time, the vortex pulled up by Zheng Shu slowly subsided.

And Zheng Shu himself was also happy about this. After all, he had already obtained everything he should obtain. What he needed most now was to have enough time to practice and research with peace of mind.

With sufficient strength and the identity of an alien, and the main conflict of interest has disappeared, Zheng Shu stayed in Baiyun Temple quite peacefully.

In addition to dealing with some chores at Baiyun Temple every day, he recasts the weapons of God and studies and learns new knowledge.

Occasionally, people who were familiar with him, such as Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye, would come to chat with him, and Zheng Shu also received them as usual.

One day five years later, Zhang Chulan came to Baiyun Temple again after a long absence.

"You kid hasn't been here for a while. Why, are you completely relaxed?"

Zheng Shu lay on his side on the bed, supporting his head with one arm and staring sideways at Zhang Chulan. With the other hand, he kept taking out various snacks from his pocket and stuffing them into his mouth.

"I always feel like you are a completely different person than you were when you were a child. You look less and less like a Taoist priest now!" Zhang Chulan looked at Zheng Shu's image and couldn't help but complain, and then smiled sheepishly. , "Oh, thanks to you helping Sister Baoer deal with the identity problem, my pressure is reduced a lot now."

Because he was strong enough and Wenshan was pregnant, Zheng Shu also had a name in the third-type contact department in recent years.

However, in most cases it was not his turn to take action. After his wife had a child, Ersha's sense of responsibility increased sharply, and his desire to work became extremely strong. For example, he dealt with matters such as trading resurrection circles with alien civilizations. One person handled it.

So in most cases, Zheng Shu's name in the third-type contact department is just a fuse.

However, Zheng Shu's status in the Third Contact Department is not useless. At least he helped Feng Baobao deal with the issues of identity and immortality.

In fact, it is very simple. After getting angry with Wenshan Ersha, Zheng Shu used "favoritism" to install an appraisal certificate from Qingyuan Star on Feng Baobao.

Of course, this was actually just their private statement and was not actually reported to the Interstellar United.

But because all the more important matters related to the third type of contact on the earth are handled by three people, so long as three people don't talk about this matter, no one will find any problems.

In fact, even if people from Qingyuan Star really come to Earth and find Feng Baobao, they won't think there is any problem, because Feng Baobao's performance is not much different from that of Qingyuan Star people.

Qingyuan Planet is a very famous longevity planet in the universe. The people on this planet look exactly like humans, and their biggest feature is that they live extremely long.

Very long!

The average life span of Qingyuan Star people is about two thousand years, and this is the natural life span without using any external technological means.

As for the maximum lifespan, the current longest-lived Qingyuan star is probably more than 5,000 years old. Because he accidentally came into contact with the life-extension technology of alien planets when he was a child, he has lived longer than most Qingyuan stars.

And because he hasn’t died of old age yet, he still doesn’t know what the maximum life span can be through technology.

After his identity became a Qingyuan star, Feng Baobao's biggest peculiarity had a perfect reason.

Moreover, Zheng Shu also gave Zhang Chulan the identity of Feng Baobao's guardian. In this way, both of them were considered to be under the protection of the third-type contact department.

"You thought too much when you were young, that's why you aged prematurely. Look at how old you are now." Zheng Shu used his venomous tongue at Zhang Chulan without caring.

"Do you think everyone will never age like you and Sister Baoer? Also, why have you become so venomous now?!" He is clearly not thirty yet, but he looks like Zhang Chulan, who was almost forty, looked angry.

"Do you have a venomous tongue..." Zheng Shu had a recalling expression on his face, "You are lucky. After all, I respect the old and care for the young, so there are not many people who can enjoy my venomous tongue."

"Do you still want me to thank you?!" Zhang Chulan muttered a few words, and then looked at Zheng Shu seriously, "Okay, no more joking, I am here to fulfill the promise I made to you back then."

"Oh?" Zheng Shu sensed Zhang Chulan's mental fluctuations and finally sat up from the couch, "Have you finally found your father?"

"I told you that you can read minds!"

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