"Let's not talk about anything else. Your current state makes me worried that you may die at any time." Zheng Shu looked at Wang Ye and shook his head.

Although there is not much difference in appearance, Zheng Shu can feel that the Qi activity in Wang Ye's body has become quite low, which means that he is now in a state of deep fatigue.

"It's okay, it's just that I haven't slept for a few days." Wang Ye rubbed his eyes, trying to become more energetic.

"I didn't expect that you would turn things upside down outside, but you would hide here and have some leisure time by claiming to be in seclusion. Looking at you like this...are you welcoming guests?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Zheng Shu slowly arranged his Taoist robes.

Many people may not believe this when I say it. As the creator of the resurrection circle, an alien, a mobile nuclear bomb, and an aircraft carrier thrower, Zheng Shu is now standing next to the gate of Baiyun Temple to greet guests.

"Let's not talk about the messy titles you are talking about. As a disciple of Baiyunguan, after reaching a certain age, it is an obligation to help handle affairs within the pass." Zheng Shu said with an indifferent expression, "You were in Wudang back then. I should have done the same thing when I was in the mountains.”

"No, I escaped thanks to Fenghou Qimen's karma!" Wang Ye gave Zheng Shu a thumbs up.

"...boil it!"

Seeing Zheng Shu's reaction, Wang Ye smiled tiredly, then turned around and looked around again.

"Hahaha, I feel comfortable getting along with you. Those people are crazy now... But are we just standing here talking without inviting me in?"

"Tsk, come in!"

Zheng Shu said hello to the senior brother next to him, and then greeted Wang Ye and walked towards the house where he lived.

"Hey, don't tell me, I have lived in this city for so many years but have never been here. When I was a Taoist priest, I went directly to Wudang Mountain." Wang Ye looked at the surrounding scene with curiosity, "Inside Baiyun Temple But it’s much more lively than Wudang, so the incense must be much more popular.”

"Come on, you guy is so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed. Every inch of land in this world is very valuable. How can it be as big as your Wudang, which can occupy a mountain. Sometimes you have to deal with some tourists who have nothing to do here. , even if you want to be quiet, you can't get it. Some people, the more you don't let them in, the more they want to go in."

Zheng Shu couldn't help but complain when he talked about this. Unlike "big families" like Longhu Mountain or Wudang, which directly occupy several hills, Baiyun Temple occupies a quite large area, but after all, it is in the city. In the district, the place where Taoist priests live is actually quite limited.

So much so that the Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple had to arrange for someone to keep an eye on them during morning classes to prevent tourists with other ideas from breaking in and seeing things they shouldn't.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about why you came here."

After leaving a place with more tourists, Zheng Shu and Wang Ye were able to talk more deeply.

"Alas... Isn't it because I started a company with some of my playmates after I was kicked out of Wudang Mountain..." Wang Ye sighed and began to tell the story in detail.

The matter has to start with the fact that the country wants to cast a resurrection circle on its own.

Although there were no problems with materials and technology, they encountered a considerable difficulty when actually using the resurrection circle, that is, they could not eliminate all the elements inside the circle.

When Zheng Shu set up the resurrection circle, he would use flames to forge new magic metal every time. This process was not only to create the raw materials for setting up the resurrection circle, but also to exhaust the elements in the resurrection circle's display area.

But when it's the country's turn to use it, it seems a little troublesome. The elements in this world are very poor, and they are closely combined with various materials and energies. But because of this, these elements are difficult to mobilize and have nowhere to go. Not here.

When the formation was actually being set up, the researchers discovered that what seemed like an inconspicuous first step to Zheng Shu turned out to be a gap that was difficult to cross for them.

Fortunately, there was help from the state in this matter, so they came up with a very simple and crude method, which was to directly create a venue specifically for the hypothetical resurrection circle.

Use fully enclosed man-made materials to build a huge place to isolate all external light, wind, soil and other materials and energy.

But even so, it still cannot solve the hidden elements within building materials.

Finally, someone thought of letting warlocks solve this problem. Theoretically, as long as there are enough warlocks to set up the Qimen Bureau and work together, they can repel the elements in a certain area in a short period of time.

Moreover, after the warlock set up the Qimen Bureau, he also had a very good effect on controlling the subsequent magic circle.

So this matter has been decided, and since we are talking about warlocks, it is naturally inseparable from this top technique: Fenghou Qimen, and Wang Ye who has mastered Fenghou Qimen.

This was because Wang Ye was worried because the company he opened with his childhood friend had little business. After hearing about the needs of the Nadoutong Company, the two parties hit it off and started business cooperation.

Later, naturally, with the blessing of Wang Yefeng and Hou Qimen, the resurrection circle was successfully operated.

"Sounds good. It seems that the company you opened should be doing well now."

Arriving at his room, Zheng Shu opened the door first and went in, greeting Wang Ye casually.

Wang Ye was not polite and sat down on the futon, with a bitter expression on his face that was deeply tired.

"It's pretty good, or a little too good, so when the country later asked for in-depth cooperation, I had no room to refuse."


Zheng Shu rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, and roughly understood the dilemma Wang Ye was facing now.

"The problem of elemental control has never been solved, right?"

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment when he heard what Zheng Shu said, and then nodded: "Yes, it seems that I can't hide it from you, a professional."

"After all, I am the creator of the resurrection circle. I probably know all the difficulties in this circle, but I didn't expect you to be stuck at this step." Zheng Shu shrugged.

In addition to other messy things, the most important thing in the manufacturing of magic metal is actually "raw materials".

The production method of this material was created by Zheng Shu based on the metal of the gods in the moon-shaped world.

The key point of magic metal is to add elements in a certain proportion during the casting process, and to ensure that these elements maintain a certain state of motion during the casting process.

Warlocks in this world can indeed use elements to a certain extent by adding strange bureaus, but this method of use is like ordinary people stirring water in a pool with their hands.

People who are good at this can indeed play various tricks with water through various gestures and strength, but in essence this is just taking advantage of the situation and cannot be called "manipulation".

The difficulty of manipulating elements in the process of making magic metal is probably equivalent to asking ordinary people to suspend a ball of water in mid-air and arrange it into various shapes.

"But... with your knowledge of Fenghou Qimen, you should be able to do it, right?"

Zheng Shu looked at Wang Ye with both eyes. Although he did not use any special techniques, Wang Ye still felt uneasy, as if he had been completely seen through.

"Can you even see this kind of thing now?" Wang Ye moved his body uncomfortably, as if he wanted to get away from Zheng Shu's sight.

"It's not bad. I've gained a lot recently, so I can see more things." Zheng Shu smiled and withdrew his gaze from Wang Ye.

Wang Ye breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief when he felt that the glaring sight disappeared. Then he recalled his current predicament and continued to show a helpless expression.

"Ah... Thanks to your magic metal, the country has given me a lot of support, so my attainments in Fenghou Qimen have become more and more proficient. Last month, my manipulation skills of elements have already improved." It has reached the level where magic metal can be cast."

"Isn't that great? Why do you still come to me?"

Zheng Shu simply changed from sitting cross-legged to lying on his side. He took out some snacks from his pocket and chewed them: "Do you want to eat?"

"Well, here's one." Wang Ye took a bag of instant noodles from Zheng Shu and was silent for a moment, "I don't dare to expose the fact that I can cast magic metal..."


"Isn't this obvious?!" Wang Ye glanced at Zheng Shu angrily, "You really think everyone can be like you! Even though my family still has some wealth and status, but at this level The thing is, once my current ability is exposed, the only possibility in my life is to become a slave who makes magic metal."

Then his expression became extremely depressed: "No, it might be worse than that. The amount of elements that I can completely control is really too small. According to my estimation, if I want to make magic metal by myself, I'm afraid it will be too much. I will never be able to save enough to set up a resurrection circle in my lifetime."

"That's it, then you are really in trouble now." Zheng Shu still had that leisurely look, "Since it's so troublesome, then you might as well let Fenghou Qimen out."

"You think I don't want to? Then you should also know the troubles of Fenghou Qimen. Think about it, with the support of such huge interests, how many lives this thing will damage, and how big the cause and effect is! "

Wang Ye sighed deeply and fell back to the ground. Feeling the coldness of the ground, he looked at the ancient beams above and muttered in a low tone:

"The reason why I got involved in this troublesome water in the first place was to cut off the cause and effect? ​​If I do this now, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?"

"It will indeed be very troublesome..." Zheng Shu thought carefully.

If we search for them nationwide, we will definitely be able to find a lot of talents suitable for cultivating Fenghou Qimen, but the number will definitely not be too many.

After all, the requirements for those who can practice Fenghou Qimen are too demanding. The most important thing is to have the qualifications to refine Qi. This alone can stop 99% of people.

Secondly, if you want to understand Fenghou Qimen, this person should at least be a warlock.

People who practice warlocks are in the minority among the alchemists. A very important reason is that it is very difficult to become a warlock.

At least he is a smart person. Although he is not necessarily like Wang Ye who can easily get admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, he should be one among ordinary people.

Coupled with this, the mentality of having no desires and no demands is necessary to practice Fenghou Qimen...

With so many requirements put together, even with China's population, the number of people who can be found suitable for cultivation is probably less than three digits.

And in this process, the number of people lost due to the tentative practice of Fenghou Qimen is probably an astronomical number.

"I see...I probably understand."

Zheng Shu straightened up and looked at Wang Ye: "What are you going to come to me for? Do you want me to give you shelter, or do you want me to give you a solution?"

Wang Ye sat up from the ground and looked at Zheng Shu seriously, without any hesitation: "I choose the second one."

"I generally understand your concerns, okay, let's go." Zheng Shu nodded and planned to get up and leave the room.

"where to?"

"Of course I will go to the company and show you how to use the correct method to screen the practitioners of Fenghou Qimen."

Zheng Shu glanced at Wang Ye's state, thought for a moment, then shrugged and sat back on the futon.

"Forget it, it looks like you haven't slept peacefully for a long time, right? Then you can rest here first. Don't worry, no one from my side will dare to disturb you."


Before he finished speaking, Zheng Shu heard the snoring coming from Wang Ye.

Looking at Wang Ye who was sitting cross-legged on the futon with his head down and asleep, Zheng Shu shook his head. With a wave of his finger, Wang Ye's body automatically floated up and lay down on the bed next to him.

"Hey, Chairman Zhao, from the look of you, you don't seem to be having a very happy life lately."

In the bunker, Zheng Shu looked slightly surprised at Zhao Fangxu in front of him.

Compared with ten months ago, Zhao Fangxu's condition looked much worse. He seemed to be several years older. Although his body was more powerful, it was obvious that his mental state was even lower than before.

"Taoist Priest Zheng... I haven't seen you for a long time. I just experienced some twists and turns." Zhao Fangxu still looked cheerful, but Zheng Shu could see the fatigue hidden deep in his eyes.

Zheng Shu can almost understand the reason. The vortex and power stirred by the resurrection circle have far exceeded the limit that the company can bear. Even if the country takes action, the pressure that Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of the company, must bear far beyond Imagine.

"It seems that my resurrection circle has caused you a lot of trouble."

"No! Don't say that, little Taoist priest. This is of course not your fault. To put it bluntly, many things are due to the greed of some people." Zhao Fangxu quickly denied it.

(Additional update today, there will be another chapter later.)

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