"Fuck you!!!"

Feeling the rapidly weakening space turbulence around him, Zheng Shu exploded with power without hesitation, violently broke away from the shackles of the distorted space, and broke away from the teleportation state.

In the dark space of the universe, a dazzling brilliance suddenly erupted. The starlight projected from an unknown number of light-years away seemed to become distorted under the radiance of this brilliance.

Light flashed, the space returned to darkness, and Zheng Shu's figure appeared in the empty universe.

His physical body was suspended in the universe, feeling the rapid loss of heat from his body. Zheng Shu thought, and an energy barrier appeared around his body, helping him temporarily isolate himself from the harsh external environment.

Although his physical strength is fully capable of living physically in the universe, the large amount of thermal radiation emitted from his body is the best target in the cold universe, so it is better to be cautious without knowing the specific situation. .

"Damn it! There really is such a lunatic, and he also has the ability to control probability. If you have this ability, why don't you find someone in your class to leave it here and hurt innocent people! Blanch!"

After Zheng Shu stabilized his condition, he was so angry that he cursed. Unfortunately, there was no sound transmission in the universe, so only he could "hear" his curse.

Judging from the various intelligence gathered, the other party's ability was probably able to manipulate probability to a certain extent, so Zheng Shu felt that the other party was a madman.

With this ability, no matter how limited the ability is, any civilization can become its top national treasure.

If nothing else, even if it only slightly improves the success rate of some important experiments, the overall strength of the entire civilization can soar as quickly as a rocket.

If this person really has a personal vendetta against the Emperor of Obizud as Zheng Shu speculated, then let alone joining another civilization, even if he joins Obizud, after knowing the other party's abilities and After making the appeal, with the way the princess behaved, it was really possible to disarm the emperor and send him obediently in front of him.

That's why Zheng Shu felt that this guy was a lunatic. There were so many ways to achieve his own goals, but he still chose the most drastic way, and even killed innocent people indiscriminately!

"Damn it! Don't let me catch you!"

Zheng Shu is so irritable not because the other party chooses to retaliate against him. He never has too many emotions towards those who are his enemies. The reason why he is so angry now is because the other party has wasted his time.

"How long has it been... No way! There is no way to know the specific time, there is no reference object, and the biological clock is affected by the distortion of gravity. The time perceived cannot be referenced. The horse-riding person should have known that he would wait until he got the 'things' before coming to the alien planet, no Do you know if it’s still too late…”

It didn't help to continue to be so angry. He breathed a long sigh of relief. Zheng Shu took the initiative to use the method of observation to calm himself down again by observing the various emotions in his heart.

"It seems that life has been going so well recently, and I have become too arrogant without realizing it..."

After reviewing what he had done recently and grasping the main situation now, Zheng Shu grabbed what he needed from the mess.

"The top priority is to find a way to return to Earth to determine the situation first, and we will talk about revenge later. If I meet a guy who manipulates probability without the weapons of God, if he doesn't want to meet me, I won't be able to find him even if I try my best. Fortunately, I'm in advance. I left coordinates on the earth..."

After living on the earth for so long, Zheng Shu certainly didn't make any preparations. After he was strong enough, he made a bone bottle for himself.

Although what Zheng Shu strengthened was not a pure dragon blood, but a hybrid, there was no problem in using his dragon blood concentration and mental strength to create a bone bottle.

However, due to the gap in world rules, the bone bottle no longer has the ability to resurrect Zheng Shu, so Zheng Shu did not continue making one after tentatively completing one.

But that kind of connection based on blood can now be used as a coordinate.

"This distance... is too far! Where did the space turbulence send me? It seems that I can't get through it simply by relying on energy to construct a spell."

After feeling it for a while, Zheng Shu's eyebrows almost twisted. Fortunately, he quickly relaxed his eyebrows.

"Fortunately, there are enough materials here. Hurry up and set up the magic circle to teleport back to Earth!"

Opening his eyes, Zheng Shu looked behind him. As soon as he was teleported, Zheng Shu had already discovered that the place where he was seemed to be a "cemetery".

There is no trace of any planet in the deep space of the universe where Zheng Shu is located. According to Zheng Shu's observations of electromagnetic waves and radiation, even the nearest planet is two to three light years away.

But the area where Zheng Shu was located was not empty. Instead, it was composed of many spacecraft wreckage, forming something similar to a cosmic cemetery.

"Maybe it can also be called a planet..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Zheng Shu couldn't help but sigh.

In the deep space of the universe in front of Zheng Shu, there is a material area composed of various shipwrecks.

In the center of these wreckage is a steel planet composed of various spacecraft wreckage gathered together. Most of the large spacecraft wreckage were attracted to it. The wreckage of spaceships of various types and styles were densely arranged on this small planet like tombstones, forming a huge spaceship cemetery.

Other more severely damaged spacecraft wreckage had only bare frames left, and some simply turned into scattered parts, floating silently in the dark space.

There was a heavy and melancholy atmosphere throughout the cemetery. The surrounding stars are bright, the light of other galaxies, shining through the endless void on this silent cemetery.

The smaller spacecraft parts are suspended in space, following the gravitational influence of the central metallic planet, forming something similar to a nebula around the planet.

"It seems that most of them are civilian spaceships, and the models are also old and new. They don't look like they are organized by an organization. These are probably transported together by the space turbulence..."

While flying at high speed towards the metal planet, Zheng Shu took a look at the wreckage of various spacecraft passing by.

The damage to all the wreckage is very consistent. Most of them are due to metal distortion and damage caused by violent external forces, and only a small part is due to damage caused by high-energy impact.

However, looking at those parts, they are all located in places such as the engine or energy room. It should be the damage left by the explosion of the spacecraft engine caused by the sudden damage of the spacecraft.

And although it’s hard to track down in a vacuum. The age of an item was different, but through the comparison of various traces and elements, Zheng Shu was still able to find that these wrecks were born at different times.

At least judging from the wreckage samples captured by Zheng Shu during his flight, the furthest ones can probably be traced back thousands of years.

Considering that gravitational distortion affects the speed of time during space jumps, some of these fragments may have existed for tens of thousands of years.

So he speculated that this place should be a weak point in space, because all kinds of debris and debris that had problems with space jumps and were carried by space turbulence would gather here, which is somewhat similar to some places on the earth where all the garbage is collected due to ocean currents. Gathering at the beach.

"It's strange. Isn't it possible that no one can get out of a place like this?"

Zheng Shu was a little confused. Although his strength was good, according to Wenshan, there were many stronger guys in the universe.

Such strong men can survive with their own strength when faced with the distortion of space turbulence. If they accidentally come to this place, they should find ways to leave here.

If Zheng Shu is the leader of a certain civilization, after hearing about this kind of spaceship cemetery, he will definitely set up various monitoring systems here to see if he can obtain the remains of other advanced civilizations to improve his own technology.

However, Zheng Shu has been flying for so long but has not found any traces of being monitored. He has not been able to find any functioning machinery either intuitively or mentally. Everything he looks at is a waste product that has been broken due to space distortion.

Let alone tens of thousands of years of accumulated history, although it is still unclear how large the range of space turbulence this "beach" in space can receive, it is definitely not small, at least it is measured in thousands of light-years.

With such a large area and such a long period of time, it would be a bit outrageous to say that not a single strong person could escape without any obstacles.

"The only possibility is... there is something here that prevents them from leaving!"

Zheng Shu came to this conclusion silently in his heart, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his body shape began to gradually change.

The pair of animal ears on the head began to twist and lengthen, gradually turning into sharp dragon horns, and white scales the size of rice grains gradually appeared on the exposed skin, covering the whole body, shining softly under the distant starlight.

The hands and feet also began to gradually mutate, turning into animal claws with sharp claws.

Zheng Shu glanced at the sharp claws growing on the fingers of his hands while flying at high speed. With a thought, the physical state of the claws began to change. They looked whiter and greasier, as if they were the bones of some kind of creature. Same.

Tian Cong Yun Sword - Claw Version.

With the help of the magic of the Xingyue World and the high concentration of White King's blood in his body, Zheng Shu reluctantly used his own claws to recreate the original Yamato no Orochi sword.

After using violent blood to transform himself into a high-level dragon, Zheng Shu's strengthening of himself was far from over. Various splendid magical brilliance began to erupt from his body.

Body amplification, muscle supercharging, life energy strengthening, body transformation, cell activation, body sublimation...

Various strengthening magics were added to Zheng Shu's body, making his body look as gorgeous as a Christmas tree from a distance.

After exchanging a ball of highly compressed instant noodle balls in his stomach as a backup energy source, Zheng Shu completed all the preliminary preparations, and Zheng Shu's state finally reached its peak.

He also removed the energy barrier around his body without hesitation, allowing the energy radiation from his body to dissipate unbridled, announcing his existence and arrival.

He is now pressed for time and has no time to hide and seek with possible enemies here.

Therefore, before setting up the teleportation circle, all possible threats here should be eradicated first, so as to prevent the formation from being destroyed by unsighted people in the middle of the structure.

"Huh?! He came very quickly, he seems to be a restless guy!"

Just when he was about to approach the surface of the metal planet, Zheng Shu's eyebrows jumped and his eyes turned in a certain direction.

The power in his body exploded, and Zheng Shu rushed towards the direction where he found the enemy without hesitation.

"I'm in a hurry, come on!"


A deafening buzzing sound resounded in Zheng Shu's mind. The size of the metal planet is too small, and there is no atmosphere above the surface as a sound transmission medium, so this buzzing sound is not a real sound, but a powerful energy. A certain level of electromagnetic radiation.

"Hmph! Is the momentum so loud? Come on, let me see what you are."

Zheng Shu quickly captured the origin of the electromagnetic radiation on the planet's surface. After reaching the origin, he released the flying state without hesitation and let his body fall toward the target location in a free fall.


During Zheng Shu's landing, the surface of the planet, which was completely made of metal, suddenly erupted with earthquake-like vibrations, and then cracks continued to appear on the surface, eventually converging into a huge bottomless crack.

Due to the excessive vibration, a large amount of metal dust was ejected into the sky above the planet, and an atmosphere composed of metal dust was briefly formed in this area.

Woo...boom! ! !

A huge black shadow flashed through the crack, carrying a deafening roar and turning into a black light that accurately hit Zheng Shu in mid-air.

Zheng Shu didn't even have time to dodge, and was sent flying away as soon as he put on a defensive posture.

The body that was blown away violently rubbed against the atmosphere composed of metal dust, causing a shock wave visible to the naked eye. At the same time, due to the excessive speed of movement, the metal dust in contact with Zheng Shu instantly turned red and melted.

His whole body was like a red meteor falling diagonally from the sky, penetrating hard into the earth.


The earth, which was entirely made of metal, became as soft as water waves at this moment. Centered on the point where Zheng Shu landed, "waves" made of metal continued to spread outwards. The highest point of the metal wave could even reach hundreds of meters high. It gradually subsided after spreading for dozens of kilometers.

At the very center of Zheng Shu's landing point, the originally cold metal planet became hot again. There was even a lake with a diameter of one kilometer in the center composed of liquid metal that shone with crimson light.

(There is another chapter to be added.)

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